

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, May 10, Mana: Lilongwe City West Member of Parliament, George Zulu said the construction of new roads in his area would help to decongest the main roads,

He said this Friday during the launch of K4.7 billion road and bridge construction project in Lilongwe, Area 47 by Lilongwe City Council (LCC).

The Project is expected to create a link between Lingadzi Bridge (after Cherub) and Presidential Way (Area 18) once completed.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), Zulu hailed the project saying that among other things it would provide alternatives routes within the City.

“This road once constructed and completed definitely will decongest Kaunda road and the other one which runs from Crossroads going to Kanengo and the bridge will make the residents of Area 47 and 18 to easily cross Lingadzi River.

“Therefore, this road and bridge project will uplift the city of Lilongwe especially Area 47 as well as Area 18 and these areas will be transformed once this project is completed,” Zulu said.

Lilongwe City Mayor, Councilor, Richard Banda said that they decided to embark on the bridge and road construction project after noticing high traffic of vehicles which occurs in Area 47 and 49 main roads.

“Most of Area 49 residents have big traffic jam when they are going to the work so the new road will reduce the traffic jam once completed.

 “But will help the students who are schooling in Area 47 schools because they have difficulties to pass in the main road and the new road will be a shortcut to them, even the workers they will be rushing to go for work as they will be using this new road as a shortcut,” he said.

Banda said as City Council, they would closely monitor the construction of the bridge and road so that the two should be strong as well as long lasting.

By Rosalia Kapiri

Lilongwe, May 10, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has said business and agriculture sectors in the country would forge ahead with growing investors and new technology techniques to be used in improving soil health in agriculture productivity.

He told journalists in an interview on Friday at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) on arrival from America and Kenya where he attended the US-Africa Business Summit and Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit respectively.

Chakwera said that, “The Agriculture summit is very critical for the sector of agricultural productivity on the continent with emphasis on how we can preserve our soil. Soil health is important if we are going to be expanding big time in agricultural productivity in the country.

“We have had dealings with various stakeholders that are willing to come right away to begin to help us, as we begin to work on our soils in order for us to really deal with our pillar number one in our vision; agricultural productivity, it’s commercialisation as well as mechanisation.”

A political rally was held at the Airport premises where various Party officials spoke on the development the country has had under President Chakwera such as roads, schools and police houses just to mention a few.

Addressing the rally, President Chakwera assured people of continued road infrastructure development across the country and further development in the agriculture sector.

“Investors are bringing in tractors to assist farmers in productivity. I urge farmers to adhere to new farming techniques introduced to improve soil and increase production,” Chakwera said.

He was welcomed by the State Vice President Dr. Saluos Chilima, Cabinet Ministers, government officials, chiefs and political officials.

Friday, 10 May 2024 12:01

City Heist show at Robins Park

By Pempho Nkhoma

Blantyre, May 10, Mana: Hip-hop Star, Madalitso Kantema popularly known as Charisma has organized a City Heist Show on May 18 from 12 pm to 6 pm at Robins Park in Blantyre with the aim of bringing together urban music heavy weights.


In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), Charisma promised nothing but fireworks, saying everything that was needed for the show to take place was in order and was waiting for the day to arrive for the mushing up the place with massive and energetic performances.


“I have prepared so well since this will be the time for me to bring together different artists to share the stage and I want to give the best experience to people that will attend the show,” he said.


The Hip-hop star added that he had done everything that was needed, noting that in collaboration with his management and support from others they would make sure that the show should be successful because that would raise his bar and grow his brand grow.


One of the artists who will perform at the show, Malinga Mafia who is well known for destroying the stage with catchy music and free styles had already confirmed about his presence.


However, Charisma invited his fans and urban music lovers to meet him at the event.


“I am ready and prepared for the show and I’m inviting my fans and all music lovers to come at Robins Park,” Malinga said.


Responding to public demand, Madness Entertainment, managers of Charisma have announced that they have included the 71-year-old lady who is currently trending, artist Jetu to the list of performers.


The Blantyre City Heist will be the first show to be organized by Charisma and there will be performances by Gwamba, Wikise, Kelly Kay, Zeze, Toast, Achina Kattah, Tuno, Malinga Mafia and Jetu and it will be hosted by Che Kalonda.

By Mary Makhiringa

Balaka, May 10, Mana: Since introduction of the Performance Based Grants, under the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD), tremendous transformation can easily be noticed in councils as valuable assets are being created with some helping to change the face of an area and others helping in revenue collection.

For other councils like Balaka whose developmental funding is not all that huge, GESD has necessitated a boost to the council’s financial muscle such that tangible assets are being created.

Apart from creating assets, the programme has helped to improve the way councils do business following the Local Authority Performance Appraisal (LAPA) assessments which are done annually to assist councils to have proper documentation, among other things.

Through GESD, Balaka has constructed three state-of-the-art revenue enhancement structures, which is helping in the collection of revenue for the smooth flow of council’s day to day operations.

Director of Planning and Development (DPD) for Balaka District Council, Christopher Nawata acknowledged that GESD has been a game-changer as most councils were struggling financially.

“It is strategic that apart from creating assets that provide social services like hospitals and resource centres, our council thought of how we can enhance our revenue, thus in consultation with different stakeholders, we agreed to consider revenue enhancement assets.

“Currently, we are still thinking of more options, so that more revenue enhancement structures are created as councils are now encouraged to make more local revenue and fully utilize it,” he said.

Nawata disclosed that Balaka District Council has constructed the state-of-the-art Rivirivi Area Planning Area office, Chimatiro Maternity Wing, Mbera Resource Centre, Kachenga Market Shelter, Chidzanja Market Abattoir and shops within Balaka Bus Depot, Nkaya Health Post and Mulunguzi Health Centre.

He added that, “If you see the list of the assets that we have created, some will go a long way in giving back to the council the much-needed revenue for day-to-day operations, as well as giving back good services to the community.”

Market Supervisor for Balaka District Council, Matiasi Nkusa disclosed that the revenue base for the council has indeed been boosted as the shops in the bus depot alone were remitting K2 million to the council.

“We only constructed a block with three shops, in which each shop is giving K 55,000 every month, what if we had constructed 10 shops, it could have been more.

“Apart from the shops, we get funds from a slaughter house we constructed at Chidzanja Market from which butcher men pay K 700.00 every goat slaughtered and K1, 050 for every cow, we are collecting market fee at Kachenga Market Shed,” he said.

GESD, a five-year programme, is a government project championed by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) and is being financed by the World Bank.

By Clarabella Chipolonga

Chiradzulu: May 10, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson for Voter and Civic Education, Francis Kasaila has urged electoral stakeholders in Chiradzulu District to disseminate reliable information regarding the September 2025 General Elections to counter misinformation in communities.

He made the call on Thursday when MEC briefed members of the Multi-Party Liaison Committee on the new electoral laws, constituency and ward boundaries and voter registration process.

Kasaila said the citizenry should not rely on rumours and speculations as these contribute to inconsistencies; hence, appealed to the committee, which comprises traditional and faith leaders, political party representatives and civil service organizations, to work with MEC in sensitizing the masses about various electoral processes.

“During elections misinformation is common, so we resolved that we should start engaging stakeholders to inform them about what we are doing so that we can move together as a team in all the processes in preparation for the general elections,” he said.

The Chairperson pointed out key changes in the 2025 General Elections including adjustments of voting time from the previous 6 am to 6 pm to 6 am to 4 pm in 2025, the voting pattern for the President shifting to 50+1 from first past the post and alignment of eligibility criteria for voters with the constitution and electoral laws.

“The other important law which has changed is the one regarding freedom of speech and expression. People are not allowed to abuse or castigate each other during political rallies as this is now punishable by law.  Penalty for any electoral offence has also been readjusted to K10 million or imprisonment for up to five years,” he added.

District Commissioner (DC) for Chiradzulu, Francis Matewere commended MEC for the efforts in civic education, recognizing its role in enhancing the capacity of stakeholders.

“I thank MEC for orienting us on the electoral laws and calendar. This will contribute to the conduct of free and fair elections,” he said.

Senior Chief Ntchema pledged the support of traditional leaders in disseminating information to their communities.

“We now understand our responsibility in shaping voter outcomes. We will organize village meetings to educate our people on the electoral process and the new laws, encouraging them to exercise their right to vote,” he added.

Malawians are scheduled to cast their votes on September 16, 2025, to elect president, members of parliament and ward councillors.

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, May 10, Mana: Wash Media Forum newly elected Chairperson, Meclina Chirwa has challenged journalists to cover more stories about Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) if the challenges affecting the country’s WASH sector are to be addressed.

She made the remarks on in her acceptance speech for the Chairpersonship role during Wash Media Forum Annual General Meeting (AGM) which held on Thursday at Cross Roads Hotel in Lilongwe with support from Water and Environmental Sanitation Network (WESNET).

Chirwa said that journalists in the country have critical role to play in exploring challenges concerning WASH in communities so that they should be addressed.

“The issue to do with WASH is a big challenge in the country and we are remaining behind in terms of monetary support or even commitment of stakeholders and government, so as journalist we have a big role to play to explore the WASH challenges that people are facing in the communities.

“We have to ensure that people in rural communities are well assisted, there are gaps between the urban and the rural areas in terms of water supply so it is our role to ensure that there is equal access to WASH services for both urban and rural areas,” Chirwa noted.

She promised to be committed to encouraging journalists especially those who are the members of Wash Media Forum to ignite their interest in covering WASH stories.

“We will ensure that all members in the forum should be committed, they should not just be members by just a name but they should be passionate about their work so that we can serve the country,” the Chairperson said.

WESNET Executive Director, Willies Mwandira, said that journalists in the country have been vital in lobbying government to make better policies aimed at enhancing the country’s WASH sector.

“In past journalists managed to advocate for key sector issues in water and sanitation and those issues managed to influence even government to change some of the policy directions.

“Even this newly instituted Ministry of Water and Sanitation, it is something to say the media did a lot of advocacy work to ensure that this ministry comes to place,” he acknowledged.

He said his organization was keen to supporting journalists with resources through Wash Media Forum in order for them to cover more stories that would help to transform the country’s WASH sector.

Wash Media Forum was established in 2009 with a mission to promote and advocate issues about WASH through the use of media.

By Majona Mnjuzi

Mchinji, May 10, Mana; Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has urged stakeholders in Mchinji to take a leading role in sensitising the communities about new electoral laws for credible 2025 tripartite elections.

Speaking on Thursday during interface meeting with political parties, religious leaders, civil society organisations and tradition leaders, MEC Electoral Service Manager, Wellington Katantha, said there are significant changes in electoral laws and constituency demarcation that people need to be aware.

“As you are aware we have started preparations for September, 2025 elections, and from 2019 to date, there have been several changes in the electoral laws and also other issues to do with elections. So, these leaders have a role to ensure their people are aware of these new changes for free and fair elections,” he pointed out.

Senior Chief Dambe hailed MEC for the engagement and warned different political parties to refrain from perpetrating violence during this electoral preparation period.

“When we are back to our villages, we will ensure that our community members are fully aware about these electoral changes,” he said.

MEC is conducting interface meetings with multiparty liaisons committees and other concerned stakeholders in various districts across the country to ensure people are well informed about changes in electoral laws and constituency demarcation.  

By Innocent Chunga

Nkhotakota, May 10, Mana: Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Danish Red Cross have disbursed K214 million to support the people that were affected by floods in Nkhotakota district.

Speaking on Thursday at Ngala Camp in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda, Malawi's Country Manager for Danish Red Cross, Eva Jordung Nicolson said they felt it was necessary to support the people to get back to their feet.

"We have provided the support from partners to support beneficiaries to assist them to rebuild in their respective communities after experiencing the devastating floods since February this year," he said.

Director of Housing in the Ministry of Lands, Martin Chimangeni encouraged the recent flood survivors to plan for recovery and rebuild their lives.

Nkhotakota District Commissioner's Representative, Godfrey Kubwense thanked various organizations and government for the help brought to these communities and asked them to continue providing resources to assist the survivors as they recover from the trauma in the district.

"The support has come at the right time and we are still appreciating the support various partners and government agencies are rendering to us as a council. Let me ask other companies and organizations to come forward and continue assisting the survivors to return to their homes," he said.

A total of K214 million was disbursed to households with K 100,000 each per household.

According to a report from the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), the recent flash floods affected over 14,000 people, displaced over 10,000, and claimed eight lives in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in the district.

By Wongani Mkandawire

Nkhotakota, May 10, Mana: Ministry of Gender and Social Welfare has said they are geared towards the social cash transfer retargeting exercise meant to graduate the current beneficiaries and introduce new beneficiaries for the next four-year cycle.

Speaking during a Consultation meeting with stakeholders at the Nkhotakota District Council, Principal Social Welfare Officer in the Ministry, Given Mkisi said according to the programme guidelines, after every four years an assessment is to be carried out to determine beneficiaries that would then graduate to pave way for another group to benefit from the programme.

“During the retargeting, some beneficiaries may continue and some graduate depending on the progress made. Currently 7,742 households are benefiting from the program but as we retarget our target is 8,742 households increasing the number of beneficiary households in Nkhotakota by 1000,” she said.

Chairperson for Nkhotakota District Council, Councilor Charles Chimzukuzuku said as a council they commend the ministry for these meetings as they ensure that all stakeholders in the implementation of this programmes are on the same page aiming for effective implementation of the said programme.

Principal Social Welfare Officer for Nkhotakota, Osward Mwale said the retargeting exercise was timely, stating that the previous beneficiaries have outlived their cycle span. Mwale also said the categorical method of retargeting which will be used in the exercise will improve inclusion and exclusion errors experienced in the last cycle.  

The Social Cash Transfer Programme is a World Bank-funded programme implemented by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) under its Social Support for Resilient Livelihood Programme (SSRLP) and targets 10 percent of ultra-poor households in the country.

By Patricia Kapulula in Nairobi

Nairobi, May 10, Mana: Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has pumped in US$45 million to help in promoting agricultural productivity, soil health, use of fertilizer and conservation in order to help the country produce enough thereby achieving food and nutrition security.

Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale, told Malawi journalists in Nairobi Kenya after President Dr Lazarus Chakwera held an audience with AGRA officials.

He said the funds, which would be made available to Malawi for a period of five years, was important as it targets value chains that would bring more money to Malawi.

“Partners have pledged support in different ways. We met International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) which we work with in irrigation. There is a US$5 million package that has already been secured to help us in soil management to increase productivity,” the Minister disclosed.

Kawale said the country was not food and nutrition secure because soil nutrition has been depleted hence the need to put in place mechanisms for soil management and the funding secured would help achieve that.

Chairperson for AGRA, Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe said Malawi was endowed with huge natural resources hence the need for the country to depart from rain fed agriculture to irrigation in order to respond to climate change shocks.

“Our work is to have a sustainable production system given the climate change calamities and vulnerabilities. We are launching a programme on sustainable farming which talks of how to improve soil, land and soil degradation as well as deforestation,” he said.

AGRA is investing in a youth programme that will create 250,000 jobs for youths in agriculture, agribusiness and food systems.

AGRA is a Pan African institution, which works on inclusive agriculture transformation in Africa and Malawi is one of the 16 African countries in its programme.

In Malawi, AGRA has trained agriculture professionals on agronomy and breeding.