

Tuesday, 14 May 2024 11:49

Mangochi Diocese launches ICT policy

By Ernest Mfunya

Mangochi, May 14, Mana. The Catholic Diocese of Mangochi launched its first ever Information Communications Technology (ICT) policy which is meant to guide flow of information within the diocese.

Speaking at the launch recently at St. Augustine Cathedral, Bishop Montfort Stima said that it was significant for the diocese to have policy to avoid confusion when people disseminate information within the diocese.

Stima added that there was a gap on the flow of information, observing that anyone could make communication without authorization.

“The policy is just a guide to make sure that there is no confusion when people have to disseminate information about development or pastoral work. The policy will guide us as to who should communicate and what because not everything is required to be publicized,” he Said.

In his remarks, Diocesan Laity Chairperson, Daniel Bwanali described the launch of the policy as a step in the right direction, saying there was no sanity in the absence of the policy on issues of information and communication in the diocese.

He expressed hope that the policy will guide the dioceses on information flow to ensure order on how people should communicate.

“The coming in of the policy is a very good development because it will help us to move together,” said Bwanali.

Priests, sisters, church representatives and journalists from Mangochi who are members of the Association of Catholic Journalists (ACJ) attended the launch.

By Pempho Nkhoma

Blantyre, May 14 Mana: Catholic Students Organization (CSO) at Kamuzu University of   Health Sciences (Kuhes) on Tuesday provided blood pressure checks and health counseling to Catholics at Limbe Cathedral to fundraise for the organization’s activities.

Speaking with Malawi News Agency (Mana), Kuhes CSO’s Fundraising and Events Coordinator, Rosaria Nyondo said the students grouping has no sponsors and this was the reason for carrying out fundraising activities among them to help the needy.

“As catholic university students, we do charity work and after every two weeks we invite a priest to hold a holy mass at the campus and for this, we need finances.” said Nyondo.

She said they came to Limbe Cathedral to take blood pressure testing, provide health talks and offer counseling services closer to the people who became aware of their health status.

“This will help church members because they will know about healthy living and get advice without traveling,” Nyondo said.

One of the participants, Limbani Mataya commended the students for taking the right step in sourcing resources other than calling for help without taking initiatives.

“They chose a right way of doing things because they are giving a service to people,” he said.

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, May 13, Mana: Phalombe District Council has constructed Migowi Conference Centre to boost local revenue collection using Government to Enable Services Delivery (GESD) funds considering that the council has no such facility to conduct its meetings.

Director of Public Works for Phalombe District Council, Charles Chikhunda said there are a number of construction works that are underway in the district through GESD to make sure that the council is able to generate funds.

“We have done road rehabilitation so that communities are able to transport their farm produce to markets in Blantyre since we are one of the districts that feed Blantyre.

“We have also constructed Mpasa Youth Resource Centre which. Apart from providing services to the youth, it will also be generating funds through hall hiring and be able to support some of the operations at the Centre,” he said. 

Chikhunda said the project cost for Migowi Conference Centre was pegged at K45, 024, 747.81, but due to devaluation and Tropical Cyclone Freddy that hit the district they failed to complete within the specified period of 120 days. Hence requested for additional funds to purchase furniture and installation of air-conditioner for it to be fully functioning.

Finance Committee Chairperson for Phalombe District Council, Bernard Komwa said since councils were required to generate funds for some of its operations there was need to have structures that would help to generate revenue.

Komwa added that the conference Centre would assist to save money for hall hiring during meetings and at the same time generate revenue as it would be hired out to organizations for their meetings.

Phalombe District Council has been one of the outstanding districts in receiving GESD funds because of its stellar performance during Local Authority Performance Appraisal.

Meanwhile, the council has plans to erect street lights at major trading Centre’s, construct market sheds and toilets to create a conducive environment for the business community at the market and also help to boost revenue collection at markets.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, May 14, Mana: As one way of promoting Art, Mzinda Lifestyle has organised a fashion event which will showcase fashion trends from different countries across the world.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) one of the organisers Chris Kunda Daka said, designers will showcase their outfits to appreciate their work and also market themselves as this is the opportunity to learn from each other.

“We want to bring talent which people have at international level, for Malawi to be a regional fashion capital it is important to be introducing such events as it paves way for the fashions to be creative in their designs”, Said Daka.

Daka further said in Malawi they are many creative people in the fashion industry only that they lack support, so with the coming in of this event it will help them to find markets in other countries.

“The fashion industry in the country is not broad enough so this will be a platform whereby talented designers will engage themselves with other designers”, he said.

He then called upon the government and corporate world to support them in their works as they are contributing to the economy and development of the country.

In his remarks one of the models in Malawi, Daniel Chikaipa said, the Fashion Show in Malawi will provide opportunities for Malawian models to showcase talent, gain exposure and network with industry professionals.

“By participating in the event, Malawian models will have the chance to collaborate with designers across Africa, potentially leading to future work opportunities both locally and internationally”, Said Chikaipa.

He further said, being part of such an event will help Malawian models build their portfolios, increase visibility and potentially attract attention from agencies looking to represent them. Overall, the fashion show shall serve as a platform to enhance their careers and establish connections.

“Let us embrace creativity, uniqueness and cultural heritage, we should use such platforms to showcase our talents and collaborate with African and western designers who can support and uplift our talents “, He said.

The Fashion event is expected to take place on June 2, 2024 at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) with participants from Nigeria, Ghana, India, USA, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Mali, Swaziland and Rwanda.

By Moses Nyirenda

Salima, May 13, Mana: Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale, says his ministry is committed to supporting cotton farmers by, among other things, providing them with affordable inputs to improve cotton production in the country.

He made the remarks Monday at Mgoza Primary School Ground, Chinguluwe Extension Planning Area (EPA) in Salima during the opening of the 2023/2024 cotton marketing season.

Kawale said there in need for increased cotton production in the country to meet both local and international market demand.

“We need to produce large quantities to satisfy both domestic and export markets. On the domestic scene, over 50,000 metric tonnes is needed annually to meet local manufacturing and value addition demand.


“The demand on the export market, on the other hand, is in excess of 200,000 metric tonnes,” Kawale said.


He said government is working tirelessly to ensure that all cotton farmers have access to affordable and high quality seed at affordable prices to increase area and production in order to achieve some pillars in the Malawi 2063. 


He said cotton has the capacity to contribute to pillar number one and two of the MW2063 which talks about agricultural productivity and commercialization and industrialization respectively.


Cotton Council of Malawi Executive Director, Cosmas Luwanda, said the Council is keen to help farmers with proper cotton farming techniques for them to reap more benefits.


Luwanda said they are lobbying government to come up with structured cotton markets to attract more investors in the sector.


“Around 2011, we had 12 ginneries supporting farmers to produce cotton. Over time, because of informalities such as; side buying and selling most ginneries closed shop. Currently, we are remaining with only four.


“Therefore, we would like to combine structures to aggregate cotton in the system to attract more investors because they will know that they have a platform to recover their money and has zero risks,” Luwanda said.

Cotton Association of Malawi Chief Executive Officer, Synoden Mbalafana, commended government for its commitment to promoting cotton farming.


He hailed cotton adjustment farm gate price from K580 to K900 per kilogram. However, he appealed for more adjustments to encourage farmers to start producing more cotton.

Monday, 13 May 2024 19:22

Ministry launches strategic plan

By Stanley Nkhondoyachapa

Lilongwe, May 13, Mana: Ministry of Transport and Public Works on Monday launched its Strategic Plan, a key guiding document for the operations and functions of the Ministry from the year 2023 to 2030.

Speaking at the launch which took place at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe, Minister of Transport and Public Works, Jacob Hara, said the Strategic Plan will provide direction the transport and building sectors are going to take for the next seven years.

He noted that the plan is an operational reference book to which all departments, agencies and sections are to be aligned to.

“We have several strategic documents such as the 20-year National Transport Master Plan (NTMP), the five-year Comprehensive Medium-Term Implementation Framework (CMTIF) with our two policies along with three overarching policies on transport, construction and building, yet the operations of the ministry must be guided by a strategic document that others can use to keep us accountable,” he said.

He described the Strategic Plan as a critical document that steers the ministry towards the achievement of the long term goals of the sector as laid out in the Malawi 2063 and the National Transport Master Plan.

He, therefore, called upon heads of departments, ministries and agencies, development partners and non-state actors to put their effort behind the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Chairperson for Transport and Public Works Committee in Parliament, Enock Phale, was excited with the launch hoping it will lead to fixing the broken public transport system and restore it to its former glory.

“We used to have a vibrant public road, rail, air and water transport systems in this country, but soon after former President, Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda things have not been good, so this strategic plan gives us hope,” he said.

The launch was attended by several high ranking officials from Central East African Railways (CEAR), National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) and National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA), among others.

By Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, May 13, Mana: Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre (MHRRC) Executive Director, Emma Kaliya, has said community journalists are key in fighting inequalities in the country.

Kaliya was speaking on Monday at Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) in Blantyre during a two-day training for community journalists from Nsanje.

She said the media has the capacity to drive people to actively participate in developments happening in their communities.

“Community journalist will be sharing with the public stories that are happening in their communities including tracking implementation of service charter by those in authority.

“Previously, when we did not have social media it was difficult to follow on what is happening the other side of the nation,” she said.

Kaliya said community journalist will also trigger implementation of developments in their communities.

She added that it is for this reason that the organization has decided to impart community journalist with skills to report effectively on various issues including fighting inequalities in society.

Nsanje District Commissioner, Dominic Mwandira, said the training is timely as a lot of developments are happening in the district but there is very little knowledge to communities on such activities.

He said the community journalists will help to amplify the voice of the communities.

“We are implementing a lot of activities that need to be publicized. We are glad that these journalists will help to report on such kind of developmental activities taking place in their localities.

“The community journalists give a platform to communities on issues affecting them since they are in all traditional leaders. I, therefore, urge them to be honest and strike the balance in their reporting,” he said.

Mwandira hailed MHRRC for the training assuring the media of the council’s support towards creating a favourable working environment for the media to thrive.

MHRRC with support from Norwegian Church Aid and Danish Church Aid - Malawi joint programme is implementing a three-year project on enhancing citizen voices and action in local governance and development processes.

The project aims at fighting inequalities through enhanced pro-poor budgeting allocation and expenditure in the sectors of health, education and social protection in Ntchisi, Dowa and Nsanje districts.

By Maston Kaiya


Ntcheu, May 13, Mana: Chairperson for Inkosi Mpando Area Development Committee (ADC) in Ntcheu, Andrew Gambatula, has expressed satisfaction with the construction of Nzama Concrete Bridge saying it will help ease mobility challenges in the area.


The K27.7 million infrastructure is being constructed with funds from the Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD).


Gambatula said the bridge, once completed, will easily connect Nzama Heath Centre to Ntcheu-Tsangano-Neno-Mwanza Road.


“Access to good road network is what communities are lacking in the area whenever they want to seek medical treatment to the facility.


“During rainy season the current temporary bridge is hardly passable for the ambulance to reach to the other side of the road,” he said.


He added that for referrals to Ntcheu District Hospital, an ambulance has to cover a distance of over five kilometers to connect to the main road, so once the bridge is completed, it will reduce the distance.


Inkosi Mpando ADC chairperson said the bridge will benefit learners at Nzama Primary and Community Day Secondary schools as the current infrastructure is very fragile and a death trap.


Group Village Head (GVH) Hoda said with the majority of his communities relying on farming, transportation of farm produce is costly now.


He hopes that the bridge will address the burden of the high cost of transport.


He expressed concern that it becomes difficult to timely reach Tsangano turn off market as heavy duty vehicles cannot use the old bridge.


Director of Planning and Development for Ntcheu District Council, Obed Mwalughali, said the council is committed to ensure the bridge is completed in the next three months.


“The World Bank has disbursed some funds for what was approved in the 2023/2024 annual investment plans. Therefore, the council has prioritized some projects like Nzama Bridge which will be completed in three months, as the contractor has already signed the contract for the same,” he said.


GESD is a five-year performance based project funded by the World Bank and is facilitated by the Ministry of Finance and the National Local Government Finance Committee.


By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, May 13, Mana: Phalombe Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) youth wing on Sunday launched the 2024 theme which encourages the youth to be strong and courageous in carrying out God’s work.

The theme has been drawn from the book of Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and of good courage. Do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

In an interview after the launch, Youth Chairperson, William Kapuwa, said they chose the theme: “The year of being strong and courageous in Christ” as a reminder for them to be strong and courageous looking at how the youth are living in their daily life as many are devoted to worldly things.

“Youthful stage is so challenging as many would want to indulge in drinking, smoking and womanizing, but this theme would help us to always be strong in God’s work as we are also encouraging others to join youth ministries,” he said.

Kapuwa advised the youth to refrain from ungodly things, but devote themselves to God while they are strong and be custodians of one another.

Phalombe District Youth Officer, Halson Bulangeti, said with the economic hardship the country is facing, youth need to be involved in all activities of the country and church.

Bulangeti said youth need to participate in all activities that are aimed at developing the country and the church because they are energetic, noting that the future of the country lies in their hands.

“The nation depends on the youth because of their numbers and also that they should grow spiritually if they are to defeat the worldly desires,” he added.

The reading and the preaching was taken from the book of Deuteronomy 31:1-8 and Ephesians 6:10-12 where the preacher emphasized that the work of God needs strong, fearless and faithful people that love and pray for one another.

By Martin Chiwanda

Machinga, May 13, Mana: Chairperson for Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources, Werani Chilenga, says the country is making tremendous progress towards achieving 50 percent electricity access for its population by 2030.

Chilenga made the sentiments in Machinga when the committee appreciated Malawi Rural Electrification Programme (MAREP) works at Lazalo in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chamba in the district.

He said, with government’s initiatives such as MAREP to connect most people to the electricity grid, the committee is convinced that by 2030, the 50 percent access to electricity will be achieved.

“The current government and its leadership has taken a bold stand in making sure that the country’s population has access to electricity. The country is doing everything possible to ensure that almost every Malawian has access to electricity.

“This is evident in how MAREP 9 is being implemented in different areas in the country, which aims at bringing electricity to remote and underserved communities. The government has also been working on expanding the national grid and promoting renewable energy sources like solar power. This is very encouraging,” said Chilenga.

Reacting to Lazalo MAREP site, Chilenga said the committee was impressed with the works and advised other contractors doing the similar work to emulate the example.

“What I have seen is very commendable. The contractor has done it 100 percent perfect. We have visited some places in Chikwawa District but what we have seen here is outstanding. Communities here are even impressed with the good works the contractor is doing,” said Chilenga.

Chilenga, therefore, called upon communities to take care of the infrastructure and guard against vandalism.

He said the recent sitting of parliament passed a bill which, if the President assents to it, will guard against all sorts of vandalism, noting that in the current law there is no fine to any person found guilty of any vandalism crime.

“The new law will allow those committing such crimes to serve jail sentence without giving them an option of paying fine. This is a great milestone in as far as curbing this malpractice is concerned,” he said.

Austin Theu, Chief Energy Officer in the Ministry of Energy said MAREP 9 is targeting 430 sites across the country, pointing out that in Machinga alone, there were 11 sites under construction.

“We expect that once completed, at least over 200,000 households will be connected and there will be a boom in economic activities as you know that electricity is the heart of economic development of any country. As of now, access to electricity is at 26 percent,” Theu said.

Group Village Head Njete, whose area is going to benefit from the Lazalo electricity infrastructure, said his subjects will be economically empowered apart from accessing milling services within their locality.

“We travel long distance to pound our maize as the area hardly has access to electricity. We are happy that we are now better off. Youths in my area will be economically empowered as they will start different businesses like barber shops and welding,” said GVH Njete.

Ministry of Energy has been implementing MAREP with an aim of increasing access to electricity for the rural and peri-urban areas in an attempt to transform rural economies and reduce poverty amongst the rural masses and contribute to government’s agenda of poverty reduction.