

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe May 18, Mana: Kasungu District Council has said the council with the support from government of Flanders through Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) is in the initial stages of implementing new land laws to prevent communities from encroaching into protected areas.

District Commissioner (DC) for Kasungu, James Kanyangalazi disclosed this Friday that the initiative would ensure communities surrounding the protected areas register their land parcels.

"Amongst the laws that we are implementing is the customary land act, 2016, as amended in 2022. One of such ambitions is the customary land registration.

"This is the initiative that will make sure that communities surrounding the protected areas such as Kasungu National Park, register their land parcels. This will make communities aware of their land parcels boundaries, hence reduction in encroachment onto the protected areas," he said.

Kanyangalazi said so far, they have already sensitized all communities residing along the boundaries of the protected areas about this initiative and consequences for law breakers.

"During the sensitization meetings, communities are also informed of the adverse consequences unlawful use or cultivation in these protected areas," he said.

The DC said the communities around the Park have been advised to grow crops along the park boundaries that don't attract elephants like tobacco, sunflower and paprika.

Park Manager for Kasungu National Park, Ndaona Kumanga said encroachment was a big challenge that has greatly affected Kasungu National Park.

"Encroachment is one of the issues that we are addressing. In both sides of Zambia and Malawi, people are extending their farms into a protected area. This is a very big challenge in the park," he pointed out.

Kumanga said Chisinga side in the northern tip of the park as greatly affected side where they managed to arrest some people two years ago.

He said community members of Chulu area protruded inside the park, the thing which caused conflict with the park department.

"Apart from Chisinga we had Chulu community. When we were trying to put up the fence that side, it happened that community members protruded inside the park, so when we tried to put the fence line people started making some noise to say the fence is taking their part," the Manager said.

Kumanga said he believes that the fence that is being constructed would assist in solving challenges of encroachment.

Director of Forestry, Titus Zulu said the challenge of encroachment was not limited to parks but forests have been greatly affected in the country.

"Several forests in the country have been affected by encroachment challenges. This includes significant area within Dzalanyama Forest Reserve, among others. The exact number of affected forests is continuously monitored through our National Monitoring Unit," he added.

According to Zulu, 88 forests in the country have been affected with encroachment challenges.

Saturday, 18 May 2024 16:04

ODL instrumental to development

By Paul Madise

Lilongwe, May 18, Mana: Nalikule College of Education has said that Open Distance Learning (ODL) remains instrumental to move the country into upper middle income. 

Deputy Principal for Nalikule College of Education, Mathias January made the remarks Saturday in Lilongwe during the celebration ceremony of ODL Day.

He said ODL could help to achieve an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant industrialized, upper-middle-income country.

The Deputy Principal added that in a bid to attain the Malawi 2063 National Education Policy (NEP), the Authorities of Nalikule College of Education have commended government for initiating and effectively spearheading the implementation of the US$ 3.3 million Skills for a Vibrant Economy (Save) project.

January disclosed that the institution plans to enroll 1000 students per academic year reaching out to 5,000 students through the whole project implementation.

He expressed satisfaction with the implementation of the project citing its relevance in addressing some education challenges which include education facilities and sophisticated educational skills.

"By implementing this project we believe that we are going to help a good number of students since Mathe Lawian Education corridor cannot accommodate every student," January added.

Senior Group Village Head, Chinoko Kawenga from the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chimutu said the coming of the project signifies the strategic approach to improving manpower skills and promotion of entrepreneurship.

The Project is coming with the construction of computer Lab, offices and Library is being financed by the World Bank and Malawi government implementing partners through the Ministry of Education.

The Celebration attracted traditional leaders from around the community, parents and secondary school students from Malikha Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), Magwero CDSS, Mseche CDSS and Nalikule Demonstrations.

Saturday, 18 May 2024 14:20

Embrace regular BP checks

By Tione Andsen

Lilongwe, May 18, Mana: Country Leader for May Measurement Month (MMM) in Malawi, Henry Ndhlovu has encouraged Malawians to be taking part in regular Blood Pressure (BP) checks as one way of preventing complications like Stroke and unwanted deaths due to raised BP.

He was speaking at Nyasa Ground in Area 49 in Lilongwe on Friday where they held some activities as part of this year’s world Hypertension Day which falls on May 17 each year.

Ndhlovu, who is also Managing Director for Moyowathu HealthCare Services emphasized that the MMM activities compliment government’s efforts of ensuring more people access awareness and screening services for BP.

One of the block leaders of Area 49, Fungai Piyo thanked Moyowathu Health Care Services for the BP checks and encouraged people of the area to participate so that they know their BP status.  

MMM is a global blood pressure screening awareness campaign, launched in 2017 by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and its aim is to highlight the importance of measuring BP and to raise awareness of the dangers posed by elevated BP and Hypertension.

Malawi started participating in MMM upon inception in 2017 due to membership with the ISH by Ndhlovu.

According to results of MMM22 it is estimated that in Malawi 27.3 percent have raised BP, putting them at risk of some serious long-term complications if left untreated and further to this it was identified that 72.6 percent of people with Hypertension were not aware that they had the condition.

Saturday, 18 May 2024 14:09

Portray good image of Malawi

By Evance Chisiano

Blantyre, May 18, Mana: Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu has appealed to Malawian media to portray good image of Malawi as the country would host more than 600 delegates.

The conference will attract foreign participants to the first ever population conference at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe from May 20 to 24, 2024.

He made the appeal on Saturday at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre where he addressed a press briefing alongside Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Simplex Chithyola Banda ahead of 9th Africa Population Conference.

Kunkuyu disclosed that Prime Minister of Iceland, RT, Hon, Benediktsson and many foreign delegates are expected to attend the conference.

“We believe the media will play an important role during the conference. Let us tell visitors well about Malawi. Write stories that will portray good image about Malawi,” he appealed to reporters that attended the press briefing.

The Conference is expecting closer to 100 young generations from higher learning institutions, researchers, and delegates from ministries, departments, Civil Society Organizations and agencies of top of foreign delegates to discuss issues of population and their negative impact on socio-economic development in Africa.

The Minister disclosed that President would open the conference on May 20, 2024 which would be held under the theme ‘Road to 2030; Leveraging Africa’s Human Capital to Achieve Transformation in a World of Uncertainty’.

He said this was Malawi’s opportunity to shine to the world through its warm heartedness and rich cultural diversity and natural resources.    

“Malawi will get international visibility and will benefit a lot on tourism and hospitality,” Kunkuyu added.

He appealed to all Malawians to give foreign delegates a warm welcome to Malawi so that Malawi should reflect what it is.

“If we can’t give them a hand, let’s give them a smile,” the Minister added.

Prime Minister of Iceland will visit Mangochi next week to appreciate support that his government has been rendering to Malawi especially in the health sector.    

Minister of Finance, Banda said African faces numerous challenges on issues to do with population and its impact such that the conference would discuss and provide solutions to such issues.

“The Conference will provide plat form for researchers to share knowledge on population dynamics,” he said and anticipated that the Conference shall provide collaboration among stakeholders to find lasting solution of issues of growing populations that impact on national economies.

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, May 18, Mana: Phalombe District Council has said the implementation of five funded Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) project would improve delivery of services in the district.

Director of Planning and Development (DPD) for the Council, Kelvin Harawa said this Friday when the Council handed over five construction works for commencement to contractors which will be implemented (GESD funds.

He said the Council would implement five projects namely; Migowi market, installation of streets rights at three major centers, Muthuka Police Unit, Mulapo Early Childhood Development Centre (ECD) and a classroom block at Chazinga Primary School.

Harawa added that the five projects are expected to boost local revenue collection, enhance security and improve education standards in the district.

"If we are to collect more revenue, we should be able to provide good environment for businesses which would motivate people to be paying market fees without problems. For to achieve meaningful development, we also need to look at ways of improving education standards from the tender age and this is why we want to construct ECD center among the projects,” the DPD said.

District Commissioner (DC for Phalombe, Douglas Moffati said there was need for people in the district including contractors to refrain from corruption to avoid compromising the quality of the projects.

"Corruption is evil and it drain resources away from the objectives therefore my office is not going to tolerate any element of corruption. We want each and every penny to be used on these projects so that by the end of four months’ people should start using the facilities," he said.

Members of the business community welcomed the streets lights project saying that businesses would be done till late hours and communities from Traditional Authority(TA) Namasoko had all the smiles since they had been waiting for 27 years to have a Police Unit in the area to enhance security.

The Community members at Namasoko recalled that two business people were shot dead and robbed in their homes because they had no Police facility in the area.

The Contractors; Kwende Building Construction, Site Guys, Cardworks Infrastructure, Ganizani Likhomo Building Contractors and Inka Building Contractors will do the projects are people in the district look forward to commence and finish in good time.

With support from World Bank, National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) gave Phalombe District Council K1. Billion to implement five projects to be complete in four months beginning from May.

Saturday, 18 May 2024 12:45

NICE calls for peace and unity

By Willy Kadewere

Chikwawa, May 18, Mana:  National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has said various stakeholders need to be involved in promoting peace and unity in their areas.

NICE Trust held an engagement meeting with key stakeholders at Traditional Authority (TA) Maseya in Chikwawa to discuss peace and unity following aconflict a between community members and Kasinthula Cane Growers in April, 2024.

The meeting, which took place on Friday included officials from Chikwawa District Council,  Police, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), traditional leaders under TAs Maseya, Kasinthula, Cane Growers, Illovo Sugar Company among others stakeholders.

NICE Trust, District Programmes Officer, Kondwani Malunga described the meeting as successful as it brought together all key stakeholders.

He hailed the meeting as it allowed community members of Maseya to voice their concerns which were addressed by the relevant duty bearers from the Chikwawa District Council, Police, CSOs, and the companies.

“Through this meeting, we expect peace and unity to be restored as the traditional leaders will address the community on the agreed action points," he said.

Senior Chief Maseya hailed NICE Trust for facilitating the meeting, which has helped many people understand human rights and how to exercise their rights without infringing on the rights of others.

“I urge all traditional leaders to share with their subjects what they have learned from this meeting, especially about human rights and how to exercise them to ensure everyone's safety,” he said.

Meanwhile, Police have assured the people of Maseya of increased security in the area and the entire district.

The Police have urged residents to collaborate with them in order to reduce crime and security lapses.

Saturday, 18 May 2024 12:31

Embrace AI systems

By Beni Bamusi

Thyolo, May 18, Mana: Professionals and students have been urged to embrace the use of crossing cutting edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems which has revolutionized the workplace and academia to ensure productivity and efficiency.

The call was made on Friday at Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Thyolo during AI Awareness Day, which was being commemorated under the theme; ‘Embracing AI for Unlocking Professional Potential.

The AI Awareness Day was organized by the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Science Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics subjects.

Addressing the audience, Malawi Institute of Technology, Executive Dean, Michael Zimba said AI has changed the academia and workplace landscape for the better.

“Students are now able to perfect their Thesis and improve on what they might miss. In a work place, AI is being used in the health care to monitor patients how they are responding to treatment,

“This entails that if we do not embrace AI system we will be left behind,” he told them.

Zimba urged students to explore AI to unlock their various potential while being mindful of all the ethical considerations as failure to do so might cause harm to individuals and even chaos in a society.

During the AI Awareness Day, Precious Kakwete and her colleagues doing internship at Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) showcased their Automated Employee Attendance System, the Chat Board as well as the Automatic Number Plate Recognition System which they have developed.

She said the Automated Employee Attendance System would replace manual log in system and will help HR personnel to track and check the time an employee reports for work using fingerprint.

"The Chat Board will be used for data visualization and quick summary of data from debases whereas the Automatic Number Plate Recognition System uses machine learning and AI to track cars entering and leaving MRA premises.

"The system scans vehicle number plate and is able to display number plate and information of the vehicle as well as the owner of the vehicle. Through the logbook it displays number of number of vehicles on the premises," she said.

One of the Alumnus and Lecturer at the Institution, Peter Mwambananji showcased a Soil Crop Suitability System used in agriculture.

“The innovation takes features of soil and compare with different features of the soil in the database and depict which crop is suitable for the soil.

"The enthusiasm came in after I failed on soya beans farming due to unsuitability of soil for soya beans farming hence developing the system to make it smooth for those who would want to venture into agribusiness but do not know how to choose crops basing on the type of soil they have,” he said.

Some final year students pursuing Biomedical Engineering Programme led by William Chonzi displayed their deep learning machine for measles diagnosis.

He said the tool was time efficient compared to PCR which takes four hours to diagnose a patient which he said is not viable during an outbreak.

Chonzi said Biomedical Engineering bridges the gap between medicine and engineering.

AI Centre at MUST was introduced in 2023.

Saturday, 18 May 2024 11:46

Nambuma Bridge gives hope

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe, May 18, Mana: For several decades, the remote Kapangarika community and surrounding villages under Traditional Authority Chiwaula in Lilongwe have suffered due to impassable roads, resulting in lost lives and unstable business activities. Poor agricultural outcomes also plagued the area due to a lack of better markets to sell their produce.

Year after year, the community's pleas for help seemed to go unheard, until legislator Dr. Mphatso Boti announced that the government, through the GESD project, planned to construct a bridge in their area. The construction of the Nambuma Bridge commenced in 2022, marking the beginning of a new era for Kapangarika.

Senior Group Village Head Kapangarika, who oversees 39 villages, stated that the bridge's timing is perfect and will address many challenges, including agricultural activities, small businesses, and reducing deaths caused by poor wooden boats on the Nambuma River.

"We never hoped this village would have a bridge, but in 2022, we saw the government bringing this great development of the Nambuma Bridge construction project. It has given us hope that many transport-related challenges will no longer exist," he said.

However, he noted that the project's slow progress is affecting local businesses and agricultural activities, as the community had hoped for completion by December 2023. Despite this, he expressed his joy at seeing the work nearing completion.

One of the bridge's beneficiaries, Lloyd Josophat from Chaomba village, highlighted the bridge's potential to improve transportation of agricultural yields to markets such as Nambuma and Mponela in Dowa.

"People from Chaomba and other surrounding villages in the North West Constituency found it difficult to transport their harvests to good markets like Mponela and Nambuma. The Nambuma Bridge is the beginning of our hope.

“It will ease the transportation of goods like soya, beans, groundnuts, and maize," he said with a smile.

He also emphasized that the bridge will help to reduce deaths in the area.

Traditional Authority (T/A) Chiwaula said the development is welcomed with antipation of building strong relationships with neighboring areas.

"I'm very excited to see this development in my area. You know we have our relatives in Dowa. We were very troubled to visit them when Nambuma River was full during the rainy season and we even failed to attend ceremonies like wedding and funeral.

"But I hope the bridge will now address these issues once completed," he said.

Chiwaula also hailed the government for bringing this project in his area.

Member of Parliament for Lilongwe North West Constituency, Dr. Mphatso Boti, stated that the project aims to create a mobility corridor between Lilongwe North West and Dowa, addressing the community's challenges.


"We were losing over 10 lives every year when people tried to cross the Nambuma River during the rainy season.

This project will end water-related deaths. The bridge will also promote trade and transportation of agricultural goods for the people of Lilongwe and Dowa. My desire is to create opportunities for people to do business and create wealth, and this bridge will do exactly that," Boti said.

He added that the bridge will benefit several thousands of people from the surrounding areas.

"Over 80,000 people in the immediate surrounding areas and many more will benefit from this development project. The road passing through this bridge connects the M1 road and the Lilongwe-Kasungu-Kasiya-Santhe Road, boosting agricultural businesses in the area," he said.

Lilongwe District Council is hopeful to see the completion of the Nambuma Bridge, which was delayed due to funding issues. Director for Public Works for Lilongwe District Council, Sydney Chiphaka, said the project was expected to be completed in December 2023 but faced delays due to funding.

Chiphaka reassured the community that the bridge construction project is expected to be completed next month. He explained that the bridge is a 30-ton-capacity concrete deck, 60 meters long, with a 200-meter-long embankment on the approaches.

He also mentioned that the bridge's cost is K120 million, funded by the Performance-Based Grant (PBG) under the GESD project for the 2022-23 financial year.

By Tikondane Vega

Blantyre, May 18, Mana: Government has said hosting of 9th Africa Population Conference would boost the country’s revenue through tourism and hospitality services.

Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu ho was accompanied by Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Simplex Chithyola Banda disclosed Saturday during a media briefing in Blantyre.

He said the conference would help to showcase some of the tourism potential the country has and woo would be investors to come. 

Kunkuyu said President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera would open the conference under the them; Road to 2030; ‘Leveraging Africa’s Human Capital to Achieve Transformation in a World of Uncertainty’, be held at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe with over 600 high profile delegates expected to attend.

“There will be high delegates coming in the country including Prime Minister of Iceland. The conference is coming at a time when Malawi is looking forward to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and Malawi 2063. The knowledge to be shared will highly benefit Malawi proper planning.

“The Conference will raise Malawi footprints. My plea is; let us all continue showing our warm heartedness. By doing so our image will be built on trust and tourism development will be raised,” Kunkuyu said.

The Minister said the conference would bring key stakeholders in the population sector and experiences to be share would highly benefit Malawi for in planning developments.

The Conference is held every four years and this will be the first time be held in Malawi.

Banda said the conference would strengthen partnership between Malawi and key foreign stakeholders, building capacity of next generation, enhancing collaboration as well as sharing information related to population.

He said Ministry of Finance was coordinating the conference and it would run from May 20 to 24, 2024.

“There will be Civil Society Organizations, legislators, young generation from higher learning institutions, researchers and other key stakeholder in as far as issues of populations are concerned. This is the reason we are saying the meeting will provide platform for knowledge sharing as well as exploring strategies for sustainable development,” Finance Minister added.

He pointed out that the conference would align Malawi 2063 on issues of human capital development adding with this Malawi would have evidence based policies.

Banda added, “It is expected that Malawi will highlight its achievement in health, gender equality, climate change and environment among other important areas. We take this as our opportunity to showcase what Malawi has in store.”

The Two Ministers were flanked by Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Jacob Mazalale and Secretary to the Treasury, Betchani Tcheleni. 

Saturday, 18 May 2024 07:16

Recruitment policies should be followed

By Lesnat Kenan

Lilongwe, May 18, Mana: Deputy Labour Commissioner for Ministry of Labour, Wafwile Musukwa has urged all private employment agencies to follow proper policies when doing recruitments

He made the remarks on Friday during the Mapping Exercise of Private Employment Agencies in Lilongwe conducted by Ministry of Labour in partnership with International Organization for Migration (IOM) in some districts of the country including Lilongwe and Blantyre

Musukwa said this would help the country to improve and attract labour market offers from both local and international.

"We have employment agencies in the country just like other countries which are internationally recognized. We have an international labour standards and is called employment agencies convention. The reason for coming up with this is because public employment agencies alone cannot manage to save the labour market so for the efficiency of job market we need both public and private employment agencies to work together," he added.

Musukwa pointed out that government has labour rules such as employment act that touches on issues of regulations and the labour export guide that focus on employment agencies that recruit for employment abroad.

He said employment agencies should ensure that there was fair and ethical recruitment when recruiting people abroad and to check human trafficking.

Musukwa appealed to all employers to comply with government on minimum wage saying that it was a crime to pay below minimum wage and people should complain to the Ministry of Labour if they are getting below minimum wage.

IOM Programmes Officer, Jeremiah Joshua said they partnered with government to make sure that migration or job recruitments are done formally and orderly.

"Over time, studies have shown that labour experts have started bringing slavery where employers take advantage to migrants. IOM is partnering with government and private employment agencies to ensure that migration is done properly and all employment recruitment process should be done well documented to avoid human trafficking and slavery," he added.

Director of Administration for Nswala Employment Bureau, Songazaudzu Sageni said that as an employment agency they are facing some challenges saying that some of them they do not know what exactly to do and he asked for the coordination of private employment agencies to come up with an association for agencies.

He added that the coming in of private employment agencies has helped a lot in provision of employment to people across the country by removing favoritism and bias and he appealed to all youths in the country to follow proper channels and policies whenever they are looking for an employment.

Owner of Hope Employment Bureau, Mphatso Chabwana expressed her gratitude to Ministry of Labour and IOM for working together with private employment agencies saying this makes work easier.

The aim of conducting this mapping exercise is to find out how many employment agencies are in the country and where are they operating.

Over 40 private employment agencies have been visited countrywide.