

By Beatrice Bangula

Blantyre, May 22, Mana: Newly constructed Matope Bridge at Traditional Authority (TA) Somba in Blantyre has brought excitement to many communities in the area and will   improve mobility in accessing health and other essential social services.

Blantyre District Council constructed Matope Bridge at a cost of K88 million with funding from Transforming Agriculture through Diversification and Entrepreneurship (TRADE)

A community member from Chadzunda at Mpemba, Janet Tadala Wednesday hailed the council for the construction of the 22-metre-stretch bridge saying this was a relief to communities, especially women that find challenges to cross over to access antenatal services at a health facility.

“Life was hard for expectant women; some even failed to attend antenatal clinics because of mobility. This was also a challenge when time to give birth came. The bridge has addressed mobility challenges because this is a story of the past,” she said.

A business person, John Thole said selling farm produce at Mpemba Trading Centre was a challenge, adding that the bridge has provided a greater opportunity for business community to cross over to other market places without difficulties as was the case before.

“This is the great opportunity. We are now able to transport our produce to market places without difficulties,” he added.

During a tour of Council officials to Matope Bridge, TA Somba commended the Council for constructing the bridge.

He observed that the bridge had been constructed at a convenient place, saying it was convenient as enables easy mobility of people to public facilities citing health centres, schools and market places to seek medical services and do various businesses

“This bridge connects villages including Mandevu, Chikunje and Bakili. Communities are now crossing on this bridge to go to clinics, markets and schools suffice to mention that many communities attempted to cross the river and most children stood chances of being swept away by running water on their way to and from school,” Somba said.

Blantyre District Council, Director of Public Works, Joseph Bodole said TRADE was a government project under the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture.

By Innocent Kachingwe


Blantyre, May 21, Mana: National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has urged journalists from different media houses to play a vital role in civic educating the public ahead of the 2025 general elections.


NICE Programmes Officer for Blantyre, Glory Ngosi Maulidi, made the call on Tuesday during a meeting at Blantyre District Council, which was meant to discuss how the media can join NICE Trust in civic educating people on electoral processes to prevent voter apathy.


Maulidi added that there are some issues that the media need to follow up in promoting mindset change, considering that most of the women, youths and people with disabilities do not participate in national issues, such as general elections.


“The media is very important to the public in disseminating information. NICE Trust is therefore calling on the media institutions to encourage the women, youths and people with disabilities to take part in the forthcoming general elections through different programmes and publications,” she said.


Maulidi added that NICE Trust will support National Registration Bureau (NRB) and Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to ensure effective National ID registration and voter registration processes so that many are eligible to participate in the 2025 general elections.


One of the participants from YONECO FM, Smart Sochela, said that his media house has a programme called “Ufulu ndi Udindo” that talks about the importance of people's rights in participating on issues of national importance.


The meeting was attended by eight journalists from various media houses, such as Pentecostal Radio, Ndirande FM, Eagle FM, Mzati Radio and Angaliba TV and Radio, among others.

By Wongani Mkandawire & Innocent Chunga


Nkhotakota, May 21, Mana: Construction of a maternity wing, a guardian shelter, two houses for health workers, and toilets at Kaongozi Health Centre has given hope for improved access to health service delivery to communities in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in Nkhotakota District.


In an interview with Malawi News Agency in Nkhotakota on Monday, chairperson for the Health Management Committee (HMC) for Kaongozi Health Centre, Emmanuel Chimunthu, said he hopes the project would address challenges that women face in walking long distances to access maternal treatment at Nkhunga and Ngala Health Centre, which are 12 kilometres and 15 kilometres away, respectively, from their community.


"We are grateful to the Government of Iceland, Malawi Government, and Nkhotakota District Council, through the Nkhotakota basic services programme, for considering people around Kaongozi to have a maternity wing and other improved infrastructures around their health Centre," said Chimunthu.


Wilson Chatambalala, who is clinical officer in charge, said the facility used to refer women to nearby health facilities to access maternal health services, but now the services will be available at the facility, marking huge strides in providing quality health services to the communities.


"We provide medical services to over 300 people around the facility, but some are expectant women and are referred to nearby facilities. Once the infrastructure is completed, we will have the capacity to provide maternal services fully," said Chatambalala.


Nkhotakota Basic Services Programmes lead for Iceland, Alice Nthenda Msosa, said the infrastructures such as Kaongozi are meant to enhance service delivery in the targeted areas to improve the standards of living for people in the district.


She said Government of Iceland has committed to improve infrastructure development in various sectors, including health, within the lakeshore district.


Government of Iceland, Malawi Government and Nkhotakota District Council are implementing a multi-billion-kwacha project called Nkhotakota Basic Services Programme (KKBSP) valued at K11.4 billion in the first four years to support health, education, water, and sanitation sectors.

By Chisomo Kambandanga


Nkhata Bay, May 21, Mana: The Zambia High Commissioner to Malawi, retired Lieutenant Colonel Panji Kaunda, has hailed Malawi Government for implementing irrigation scheme initiatives to enhance food security and economic growth for the country.


High Commissioner Kaunda was speaking Tuesday when he toured Linga Irrigation Scheme in the area of Senior Chief Fukamapiri in Nkhata Bay.


"We have heard so much about the successes of the irrigation schemes which Malawi Government has established across the country.


“Due to drought which has affected both our governments, we are emphasizing irrigation farming for small scale farmers, hence our coming to learn how you are doing it so that we replicate the same in Zambia,” said Kaunda.


He said that he was inspired by the fact that Linga Irrigation Scheme is community-led as it is being managed by local communities, a strategy which he said is key for sustainability of such interventions.


"Youths are benefiting through value addition of agricultural products from the scheme, hence creating employment opportunities for young people. This is worth emulating," he added.


Kaunda then said it is a shame for the two countries to be experiencing hunger due to over-reliance on rain-fed agriculture despite availability of fertile soils and adequate water.


He therefore urged the two governments to promote modern and mechanized agriculture systems by, among others, investing in solar powered irrigation.


Project Coordinator for Agriculture Infrastructure and Youth in Agribusiness, Tikho Msimuko Mpezeni, said Kaunda’s visit to the scheme was encouraging, as it indicates significance of irrigation farming initiatives not only in the country but across the borders.


"Let me urge young people to be proactive and utilize the scheme through its youth empowerment component, which provides training in agribusiness.


“I also call for more farmers to join the scheme which has 1,000 hectares of irrigable land but only 450 hectares are utilized,” said Mpezeni.


Director of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources for Nkhata Bay District Council, Raphael Mkisi, said the High Commissioner’s tour to the scheme is an indication that the initiative’s fruits are out to the world, thereby contributing to realization of increased agriculture productivity and commercialization which is in line with Malawi 2063.


One of the farmers, Kudzaye Chirwa, said the visit has encouraged them to invest in irrigation farming cooperatives to maximize profits.


Linga Irrigation Dam, which provides water to the scheme, was commissioned in September 2023 by President Lazarus Chakwera and has the capacity of 14 million cubic metres.

By Andrew Gondwe  


Chitipa, May 21, Mana: World Vision Malawi (WVM), with funding from World Vision UK, intends to   construct a K275 million health post at Kamilamphande in the area in Senior Chief Mwenewenya in Chitipa District.


Programmes Manager for WVM responsible for Karonga and Chitipa districts, Hendrix Kalanje, disclosed this on Monday when he briefed members of Chitipa District Executive Committee on the project.


He said WVM has decided to construct the health post after noting that people from Kamilamphande area cover long distance of an average of 15 kilometres to access health services at Wenya Health Centre.


"The health post will greatly serve children, expectant and lactating mothers at their doorsteps, thereby promoting good health service delivery for people’s well-being in the area," said Kalanje.


He then appealed to Chitipa District Council to provide technical support and help in monitoring construction works of the project.


“It is our expectation that the council will deploy health personnel to the facility upon completion,” added Kalanje.


The Acting Director of Health and Social Services (DHSS) for Chitipa District Council, Dr. George Kasondo, thanked WVM for the initiative which he said will serve a population of over 5,000 in one of the remotest areas in the district.


“According to Health Sector Strategic Plan, people are not supposed to travel long distances for them to access quality health services, hence we commend you for this," said Kasondo.


He then assured WVM that the council will deploy health workers as soon as the facility is completed, in addition to the disease control surveillance assistants who are already on the ground.

By Innocent Kachingwe


Blantyre, May 21, Mana: Blantyre District Council, through District Development Fund (DDF), has built a new staff house worth K18,964,000 at Maoni Primary School in the area of Traditional Authority Kapeni to improve the welfare of a female teacher, Associate Davison Banda.


In an interview after touring projects under the DDF on Monday, Banda hailed the council for constructing her the house, saying this has reduced cost of living as she now spends less on accommodation and transport compared to the time when she was staying in a rented house far from the school.


“I am thankful to Blantyre District Council for constructing a new house. Before this house, I had to travel a long distance daily, which was costly, exhausting and time consuming, making it difficult to concentrate on teaching,” she said.


Banda added that the house has become a good motivation and has provided a conducive work environment.


Director of Education, Youth and Sports at Blantyre District Council, Paul Chimphanda, said construction of the houses is way to go, adding this has improved living conditions of teachers.


“We need more houses for teachers because teachers’ houses are a motivation to provision of quality education,” he said.

By Levison Lester


Lilongwe, May 21, Mana: Chief Executive Officer for Maximum Entertainment Company, Steven Chisale, says this year's Maximum Ghetto Festival will incorporate performances that will tackle issues of mental health which have been neglected for a number of years in the country.


In an interview with Malawi News Agency, Chisale said the festival has been organized at a time when the country is struggling to deal with suicide cases and drug abuse, adding that Maximum Ghetto Festival is a platform that can help young people value their lives.


“One of the things that we do during this show is that we identify a theme for each year, so depending on the theme which has been identified, we invite people who are specialized in different fields like mental health to talk to young people so that they should value their lives.


“In Malawi, we have neglected issues of mental health for so long; as such, we are experiencing rampant cases of suicide, drug and substance abuse, early marriages and teenage pregnancies. So when people get entertained, they become motivated and encouraged thereby minimizing issues of mental health,” Chisale said.


He further said the event will slot in performances like traditional dances and spoken word poetry, among others, that will help to discover abilities that young people have in the country.


“This festival is also organized to support young people who have talent but they are not yet exposed. We believe there so many young people who are talented but they don’t know that they are talented so the Maximum Ghetto Festival is a platform that will help to expose that hidden talent.


In his remarks, team leader for Mitchana Dancing Crew based in Lilongwe, Precious Joseph, said the festival is a platform that has potential to unearth talent among the youths.


“Apart from reducing stress through entertainment, ghetto festival has helped our dancing group to gain public acceptance. The last time we performed at maximum ghetto festival, we had few followers but right now a lot of people are following our group. The event has also improved our performances,” he said.


Maximum Ghetto Festival is an entertainment event which was founded in 2015 with an aim to expose talent among the youth, and this year's event is slated for August 25 at Glalle Gardens in Lilongwe.

By Chisomo Kambandanga


Nkhata Bay, May 21, Mana: Head of Universal Service Fund at Malawi Communications and Regulatory Authority (MACRA), Ronald Tembo, on Monday said that the authority is set to construct over 100 Information Communication Technology laboratories in schools across the country.


The initiative, which will be implemented through Connect-A-School (CAS) Project, aims at increasing access to ICT services in rural communities.


Tembo was speaking during a ground breaking ceremony for the construction of an ICT laboratory at Chifira Community Day Secondary School in Nkhata Bay.


He said that as a modem key economic driver, ICT services need to be accessible by every citizen, not only those living in urban areas, and that the authority will strive for digital inclusion for realization of Malawi2063.


"This project will address social divide where people living in urban areas have easy access to ICT services than those living in rural areas, gender divide where more men have easy access as compared to women and age digital divide through ICT literacy that will be provided in rural communities," Tembo said.


He said MACRA will in first phase construct 75 laboratories and that it is expected that over 100 laboratories will have been constructed across the country by the end of 2024.


“These laboratories will each be furnished with 60 computers and a 100 radius free internet coverage for three years," he added.


Minister of Homeland Security Ken Zikhale Ng'oma, who is also Member of Parliament for Nkhata Bay South, applauded MACRA for the project, expressing optimism that once completed, the laboratory will contribute to improved education, among others.


He then advised students and the school’s surrounding communities to utilize the facility for businesses and to enhance skills in diverse disciplines.


"I encourage even fishermen to use this facility and get new fishing skills through internet while it gives a chance to students to access information for their education," Zikhale Ng'oma said.


 Head teacher for Chifira CDSS, Brighton Manda, said the project will enhance service delivery as teachers will access new information for their professional development with ease through internet.

By Blackson Mkupatira


Chiradzulu, May 21, Mana: Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has underscored the importance of equipping young people in the country with computer literacy skills, noting that information communication technology (ICT) plays a major role in promoting quality education and fostering economic growth.


MACRA representative Cossam Chingancheke made the remarks on Monday at Mbulumbuzi Community Day Secondary School in Chiradzulu during the groundbreaking ceremony for a new ICT laboratory, which is part of the 73 laboratories set to be constructed nationwide under the "Connect a School" project.


"Nowadays, you cannot talk about a good economy or education system without talking about computers; ICT is the backbone of all the development avenues in the world. So, being an area of little development in the country, government through MACRA thought it wise to embark on this project," he said.


He added that the initiative is targeting young people in secondary schools to equip them with necessary computer skills and introduce them to the internet so that they can excel at tertiary level where such skills are fundamental.


"At a young age is where the future of a person begins, so we decided to construct these ICT labs in secondary schools to give them a good foundation," said Chingancheke.


Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu North, Patrick Mpinganjira Matola, described the initiative as a milestone in the education sector.


Matola thanked government for showing commitment to fulfilling the Malawi Vision 2063, which, among others, advocates for the advancement of ICT and youth empowerment.


"This is a new school that was constructed three years ago, so we are lucky that the initiative has benefited us. It will encourage students to do well and motivate them to complete their education," he said.


Head teacher for Mbulumbuzi CDSS, Fagesi Alfred Nasiyaya, observed that as a new school, learners fail to access quality education because there are inadequate books where they can source information on various subjects.


"With the construction of this computer lab, however, learners will be able to find all the information they want online," she said, adding that they will also be equipped with basic knowledge of computers which is invaluable in this age.


About 73 CDSSs, one primary school and one national government school have been targeted under the project, which is expected to be completed in August this year.


The project is being funded by the Universal Service Fund, a communication regulatory component under MACRA.

By Salome Gangire


Neno, May 21, Mana: National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has urged male champions to use their influence in society to drum up support for women aspiring to contest in various positions in the 2025 general elections so that they get elected into power.


NICE Civic Education Officer for Neno, Wallace Kudzala, said this on Monday during the training of male champions for the Inclusive Participation of Women in Malawi Politics (Nthawi Yawo) Project.


NICE and the Centre for Civil Society Strengthening, with funding from the United Nations Development Programme, are implementing Nthawi Yawo Project in Karonga, Salima and Neno districts aimed at increasing women participation in politics.


“There is underrepresentation of women in positions of leadership and decision making in many key institutions like political parties, parliament and even local councils; so, we want male champions to advocate for women empowerment,” Kudzala said.


He said among other reasons of women underrepresentation in politics is the patriarchal assumption that women are incapable of taking leadership or political roles, thereby creating inequalities.


Kudzala added that male champions are crucial in advocating for women empowerment in their communities as they are people of influence and good reputation who can easily influence their fellow men to vote for women, thereby changing the narrative.


Gender Officer for Neno District Council, Clement Katsosa, said involving men in women empowerment will greatly have an impact as it will be men promoting women.


“Previously, issues to do with women empowerment were being championed by fellow women which was difficult for men to agree. So, involving men to champion a women cause will have great results,” he said.


One of the male champions from Chikonde Ward, Anderson Kasoloka, said he is geared to promote more women to participate in politics in the 2025 general elections and influence fellow men to give the women support.


Kasoloka said he will meet all governance structures in his community to promote women participation and involvement in politics and advocate for their election.


NICE has trained 12 male champions in Neno District, two in each ward. There are no female parliamentarians nor councilors in Neno.