

By Eunice Disi Lole

Lilongwe, May 28, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera on Tuesday received letters of credence from Mozambique Ambassador Alexandre Herculano Manjate at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe.

 Speaking to journalists after presenting his letters of credence, Manjate expressed his eagerness to build a strong partnership between Malawi and Mozambique, focusing on increasing trade, transportation and energy through the Malawi-Mozambique electricity interconnection.

He said the partnership will create opportunities for both countries to enhance integrated business between their communities.

Speaking on behalf of President Chakwera, presidential spokesperson Anthony Kasunda reaffirmed Chakwera’s commitment to strengthening relations with the Government of Mozambique.

He said the president has made it a point to be in good terms with Mozambique, as it is beneficial to Malawi’s economy when it comes to trade and transportation of goods, as well as in the agriculture sector where Malawi’s fertilizer is transported through Mozambican ports.

“Mozambique and Malawi have been in bilateral relations for quite a long time and, as we all know, Malawi is a landlocked country and, as such, it relies on Mozambican ports to receive goods from other countries hence the need to strengthen the bond,” Kasunda said.

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, May 27, Mana: Minister of Agriculture Sam Dalitso Kawale has asked people in Dowa to own projects to ensure sustainability.

He was speaking on Monday at Chibanzi Community Day Secondary in Dowa after he launched construction works of an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) lab at the school.

The lab is one of the 75 smart labs the Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) is constructing across the country, 73 in CDSS's, one in a national secondary and one in a primary school.

"Sustainability of every project heavily relies on community ownership of that project. If a community requests something and we have provided that project or service, it is imperative that they have to be fully involved in that project.

We have seen in other scenarios the community abandoning a project, even failing to make small maintenances as a community, waiting for the one who provided that project to maintain it. There is no way we as a nation can develop like that.

"That is why we encourage chiefs, citizens, parents, students to take care and take ownership of projects like these so they may be sustained," he said.

Kawale said access to ICT services will help students at the school to access quality education within their localities, and open various linkages to the global world for both learners and the community.

He then urged learners to avoid spending time on the internet on useless things but use it for their career and personal development.

The labs are being constructed under MACRA's Universal Service Fund through the Connect a School project.

MACRA IT Manager Gabriel Alli said as Malawi 2063 agenda envisions all Malawians to have access to ICT services, young people must also be empowered technologically.

"Through these labs, learners will have access to computer, online lessons, coding, programming, research and other things which is an important step in the digitalization vision of Malawi.

And for the community, they will be able to access the internet at a radius of 100 meters which they can use for their socio-economic activities," he said.

In his remarks, Head-teacher for the school, Lawrence Samuel Mtembe thanked the minister who is also parliamentarian for Dowa north east for spearheading the construction of the lab at the school.

"This lab is vital to us because unlike other nearby schools, our infrastructure here is old and we lose a lot of students to other schools, but this development will attract many learners to this school.

But most importantly, the lab will help our learners access important information and help teachers in various ways like keeping records, as such improving the quality of education here. We promise to take good care of the construction resources and lab equipment," he said.

Senior Chief Nsakambewa representative thanked government for the lab but asked for staff houses at the school observing that many teachers at the school reside far from the school due to lack of school teachers’ houses. This he said was a challenge in provision of quality education.

By Pempho Nkhoma

Blantyre, May 27, Mana: Thoms Park Events Management has organized a music show on Saturday, June 1 at Melusi Park in Lilongwe to celebrate 10 years of existence on the music and entertainment scene.

Director of Thoms Park Events Management, Thomson Madulira told Malawi News Agency (Mana) that they have organized the show to bring people together to celebrate 10 years they have been in the event management and entertainment industry.

“We want to celebrate the 10 years that we have been organizing music shows and managing various events in the country “, Madulira said.

He therefore appealed to music and entrainment lovers to patronize the Melusi Park show, promising that the show will be a massive one.

He said the show is a “must be there” because all invited artists have confirmed to perform and further promised that the setup up for the show will be different from others.

“All artists who were invited to perform have confirmed that they are coming and Thoms Park will bring something new. The setup will be different from other shows and this is why l am calling all music and entertainment lovers to come and celebrate with us,” he said.

He added that there will be other activities like raffle draw where people will win prices like t-shirts and caps.

One of the artists who is set to perform on the day, Eli Njuchi promised fun and nonstop entertainment to those that will attend the show.

“On Saturday, Melusi Park is the place to be. There will be fun and people will be entertained,” he said.

Apart from Eli Njuchi, Lulu other performers such as Giboh Pearson, Joe Gwaladi, Mwanache, Ma Blacks and Anthony Makondetsa and other supporting artists will take their turns on stage from 6:30 pm to 6:30 am the next day.

The Lilongwe based Thoms Park Events Management has over the period, organized several music shows in the country including; North Beach Music Festival in Nkhata Bay, Kelly K vs Lulu at M1 Center Point in Lilongwe, Summer Slam at Kameza’s Club 27/7 in Blantyre

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, May 27, Mana: Minister of Labour, Agnes Nyalonje has advised tobacco growers and concerned players in tobacco industry to avoid child and forced labour when producing tobacco if the country’s tobacco is to attract international buyers.

She made the remarks on Monday in Lilongwe during the launch of Agriculture Labour Practice Code for Malawi which was organized by The Tobacco Commission and Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing Foundation (ECLT).

Nyalonje said that tobacco produced using child and forced labour do not please tobacco buyers on international market hence the stakeholders in tobacco production in the country should involve it when producing their tobacco.

“As far as the customers of tobacco are concerned globally, any tobacco which was produced using child and forced labour cannot sell on a global stage.

Therefore because Malawi’s economy is dependent on tobacco it is the duty of all the players in the industry to make sure we do not use child and forced labour if we are to sell our tobacco on the global market,” Nyalonje said.

She therefore commended the launching of Agriculture Labour Practice Code for Malawi saying it would help address the issue of child, forced labour and exploitation of workers which occur during tobacco production.

“The code is going to enforce that we achieve wellbeing of the workers and children, through that we will improve productivity of our tobacco and that will facilitate the generation of more forex,” she said.

Speaking at the same function Tobacco Commission Board Chairperson, Dr Godfrey Chapola said there is need to take concrete steps in dealing with issues of child and forced labour in the country’s tobacco industry if the industry is to thrive.

He further applauded the launching of Agriculture Labour Practice Code for Malawi saying that would help deal with human rights violations which happen in tobacco production in the country.

“At the Tobacco Commission, we are happy that after more than 100 years of tobacco production, the industry now has a way of dealing with human rights violations in the production of our green gold,” Chapola said.

ECLT Foundation National Consultant, Andrew Namakhoma said the launching of Agriculture Labour Practice Code for Malawi is great milestone for the country highlighting that it would assist to monitor and follow what is happening in tobacco industry.

The launch of Agriculture Labour Practice Code for Malawi brought together officials from Ministry of Labour, Tobacco Commission, Agricultural Research and Extension Trust (ARET) as well as other key stakeholders from the country’s tobacco industry.

By Beni Bamusi 


Thyolo, May 27, Mana: Member of Parliament for Thyolo Central, Ben Phiri has applauded the construction of a computer laboratory at Adorolatta Community Day Secondary School, saying it will bridge the digital divide and create a more equitable and inclusive education system. 


Speaking during the ground breaking ceremony at the school on Sunday, Phiri expressed gratitude for considering Thyolo Central Constituency for the computer lab, noting that the initiative will improve education standards in the country. 


“This is the direction that Malawi needs to take, if we are to make progress in education, with the computer labs teachers will be able to upgrade themselves.


"Students will be innovative and creative enough and be able to compete with other students across the globe. Further, the project will not only provide access to information but it will also change the face of the school,” he said. 


Phiri added that the project will also provide internet coverage up to a radius of 300 meters around the school; thereby, benefiting the surrounding community.


MACRA’s Universal Service Fund committee member, Mathews Kanyenga said the connect a school project will accelerate universal access to the internet, allowing students and teachers in the process to access learning and teaching materials as well as send and receive materials from various sources. 


"This project will bridge the information gap between urban schools and rural schools in the country.


"On top of that, the field will be leveled as there will be provision of equal access to resources, support and opportunities for all students regardless of their background or socio-economic status," said Kanyenga.


MACRA is poised to connect 75 schools across the country through connecting of school project.   

Monday, 27 May 2024 12:40

Chigumula artist appeals for support

By Vida Msiyo

Blantyre, May 27, Mana:  A 28 year’s old pencil sketch artist Esmeralda Julio Zwaki, has bemoaned lack of support for arts from the public saying she is contemplating on quitting the stage.

“Whenever I am hired for clients work, it often doesn't end well. They either don't pay me or stop responding to my calls,” the artist added and confessed that the reality is quite different from her expectations.

 Zwaki started sketching when she was young and drawing was her passion.

“Growing up, writing was my only friend. I had no friends but drawing was my passion,” Zwaki told Malawi News Agency on Monday.

The Chigumula based artist who completed her secondary education said no one inspired her but just developed a passion on drawing with her lead pencil.

“No one inspired me; I just developed passion for drawing,” said Zwaki who started drawing at 11.

Despite her talent, Zwaki struggles to get support from people in a society where she expected women to receive more encouragement and attention.

In 2022 Zwaki expected to participate in an exhibition at Chigumula in Blantyre but failed to do so due to lack of financial support.

With a string of frustration, the artist said was considering quitting to look for other things to do.

“I am passionate about pencil sketch drawing but I feel let down in most times. This led to me to do few sketches,” she added.

Currently she does sketches that depicts issues to do with gender based violence citing rape and bullying. 

Gilbert Mpakule, President of the Visual Arts Association of Malawi, urged artists not to be discouraged.

“No matter what happens, when you have a passion for art, things will work out over time,” he added.

Mpakule said artists need support to progress with the skill and urged people to pay even ever they hire an artist.

“When an artist is hired, it is important to pay for the work because this encourages the artist to work hard. Some might not like the art but some might look at it and appreciate.” he added.

By Ernest Mfunyam

Mangochi, May 27, Mana. National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust in Mangochi challenged journalists in the district to use investigative journalism skills to provide communities with credible information.

Speaking during a media training recently, NICE Trust, District Programmes Officer, and Joseph Chamambala said journalists in Mangochi have the responsibility to develop the country by practicing investigative journalism which should bring forth development activities taking shape across the district.

NICE Trust expects to implement a three years European Union (EU) funded Boma Lathu programme which will support the trust to sensitize communities on voter education, accountability, human rights and mobilization for citizen participation in decision-making and national development.

The Boma Lathu programme will on the other hand support media practitioners in the district on investigative journalism to encourage citizens to demand accountability from duty bearers.

Chamambala further noted a gap in women, youths and disadvantaged groups’ participation in democratic process hence the need for media to assist in bridging the gap by informing women, youth and disadvantaged groups on issues of democracy and good governance.

“NICE Trust will support civic education and increase participation of women, and youth to participate in democratic processes,  

We believe that through public awareness in collaboration with the media this can help us to address the situation,” he added.

Chamambala therefore expressed hope that the media practitioners in Mangochi will discharge their duties professionally and ethically to inform communities with reliable information to give the communities power to demand accountability on various issues.

District Information Officer for Mangochi, Bishop Witmos, commended NICE Trust for organizing the training describing it as ideal and significant.

"This is an eye opener because we are now aware of core areas of reporting. A lot of development is currently taking shape across Mangochi which requires media to cover so that communities should be aware of what government is doing.

“We believe that this kind of engagement will enable us to do such assignments,” he said.

By Ireen Mseteka

Mzuzu, May 27, Mana: Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company Agronomy Consultant, Olivia Sankhulani has advised ShareWorld Open University (SOUMA) students to be committed to their studies in order to achieve their goals.

Sankhulani said this Saturday at SOUMA Mzuzu Campus during the social weekend Luncheon program for the students which was aimed at bringing together all the students to socialize and interact.

“My advice to students is that they have to be focused in order to achieve their goals. Everyone has a goal and if you have a goal and you are working towards that goal, you will definitely achieve it. I was also one of the students at this University,” said Sankhulani.

Mzuzu Campus Registrar, Chester Nyirongo said the event which took place at the campus was vital as it helped the students take time off their studies to refresh and revitalize themselves.

“The event today is the first of its kind at our campus. It was a very important event as students had to interact and socialize. In fact, refreshing is one of the important aspects for them to excel in their academic journey,” said Nyirongo.

He said apart from reading books, the students need to develop socially and network with others to share experiences.  

President for SOUMA, Mzuzu Campus Students, and Demeria Chalowelera said the social weekend was organized inorder to accord the students a chance to relax.

“As we are going towards exams, we want to prepare for them with a relaxed mind so that we can do well,” said Chalowelera.

Monday, 27 May 2024 09:12

Silver Strikers grip on title chase

By Tione Andsen

Lilongwe, May 27, Mana: TNM Super League leaders, Silver Strikers have firmly gripped their chase for league title as they are now 22 points, six ahead of second placed Mzuzu City Hammers.

The Central Bankers are not dropping points and are utilizing home fixtures to collect maximum points.

After playing eight games, they have only drop two points when they came from behind to force a 1-1 all draw against Premier Bet Dedza Dynamos away in Dedza. 

They have played at home against Chitipa United 2-0, Mafco 5-1, Bangwe All Stars 3-1, Creck Sporting 3-1, Mighty Mukuru Wanderers 2-0, Karonga United 4-2 and have won against Baka City 2-0 away.                                                                              

The youthful looking Silver Strikers seems to play to the instructions of their mentor, Peter Mponda and their ability to keep on scoring goals makes them superior over the rest of the teams in the league.

Mzuzu City Hammers staged a five-star performance when they rose to the occasion for the first since joining the league to edge Mighty Mukuru Wanderers 2-0 at Mzuzu Stadium.

 Coming from a 2-0 defeat against FCB Nyasa Big Bullets in Blantyre, the Hammers had to quickly recover and took a bold step to stop the Nomads.

Hammers have inflected a second defeat of the season for Wanderers after they had suffered another defeat the previous weekend at the hands of the Central Bankers with the same scoring margins. 

Wanderers players were not the party and they were given tough games although they missed several scoring chances.

Maybe, they will attribute the loss due to the absence of their several first eleven players who were reported to be on sick bed. 

Just 24 hours later after the defeat, Wanderers Coach Nsanzurwimo Ramadhan resigned from his post after being in-charge of the team for only eight games.

Ramadhan’s departure makes him the fourth coach to resign from a super league team this season alone.

The first was the departure of coach, Oscar Kaunda from Baka City just seven days before the kick off of the season, Trevor Kajawa from Karonga United and Kadenge Mwafurliwa from Bangwe All Stars.   

Third placed, Kamuzu Barracks had a wonderful travel to Blantyre where they silenced Mighty Waka Tigers with a 2-3 beating.

Kamuzu Barracks strikers, Zeliat Nkhoma scored twice to increase his goal scoring tally to seven and he is leading the chart.

Mzuzu City Hammers danger man, Isaac Msiska is second with six goals.

The win saw Kamuzu Barracks moved from position five in week seven to three with 15 points while Tigers has drop to position eight from six with 11 points.

Premier Bet Dedza Dynamos hammered Bangwe All Stars 3-0 IN Dedza to move to position six from 10 while Bangwe has dropped to position 16 and are anchoring the log table with three points.

Baka City have moved to position 15 from 16 after they were held to a 1-1 draw with Creck Sporting and the visitors have dropped to position nine from eight with 11 points.      

Mafco have climbed the ladder to position 12 from 13 after beating FOMO 1-0 and have nine points while FOMO have drop to position 13 from 12 with seven points.

Civil Service United have moved to position seven from 11 with 11 points after claiming a 2-0 win over Chitipa United in Karonga on Friday.

Moyale Barracks on position 10 will play host to Bullets, fourth on the log table in a Monday fixture at Mzuzu Stadium.

By Evance Chisiano


Zomba, May 26, Mana: Malawi Pool Association (MAPA) in the Eastern Region has elected Moses Kambeleswa as chairperson during elections that took place on Saturday at Masuku Lodge in Zomba, where 36 representatives from 18 pool clubs cast their votes.


Kambeleswa won with 29 votes while his contender, Frank James Gwara, got nine votes and eventually, as the runner-up, became vice chairperson of MAPA in the east after none came forward to compete for the position of vice chairperson.


The meeting also elected Kayomdo Silumbu, who got 24 votes, as general secretary against Wales Timothy and Michael Ndewele who got eight and seven votes respectively.


With the eight votes, Timothy automatically came second to Silumbu as vice general secretary.


In addition, Steven Chithumba got elected as technical director after scooping 19 votes against Leonard Mussa and James Kapalamula who got 12 and six votes respectively.


The eastern region pool clubs also voted Limbikani Chikapa as treasurer general with 29 votes, and his contender Moses Chazara got eight votes.


Charity Symon was elected woman representative with 17 votes whereas Martha Magomero got 15 votes through the secret ballot.


Accepting his position, Kambeleswa pledged to promote the game of pool in the eastern region and called on other office bearers and pool clubs to unite for the good of the game.


“I am happy that l have won. I pledge that l will go as far as Monkey Bay to ensure that pool is competitive in all corners of the region,” the newly elected chairperson said.


MAPA President Saulos Thindwa described the elections as free and fair and congratulated new office bearers for winning the trust of pool clubs and pledged that his organization will work with all the regional structures as a way of promoting pool in Malawi to make it competitive.


Thindwa therefore called on the newly elected Eastern Region MAPA officials to maintain discipline in their undertakings so that pool standout above all the games.


“Pool is very popular such that one cannot travel a kilometre without seeing a pool table. The game is everywhere and we are here to make it more popular than ever,” Thindwa added.


Pool clubs from Balaka, Liwonde and Zomba took part in the polls.