

By George Mponda

Karonga, May 30, Mana: Karonga Debate Club (KADEC) will implement a one-year project aimed at reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS among sex workers and drug users in the district’s rural settings.

In an interview after addressing a District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting Wednesday, KADEC's Project Officer, Gwyneth Kaponda said the project titled 'Bringing HIV information and services to key populations and their communities Malawi' will be implemented within four health facilities.

"We are targeting sex workers and people who use drugs in rural communities from Mponela, Mwandovie and Mwakhwawa Villages which use Chilumba, Lwezga, Iponga and Ngana health facilities in the area of Senior Chief Mwakaboko," she said.

 Kaponda explained that, “Despite the scale up of HIV testing, prevention and treatment services, sex workers and drug users are not being adequately reached with these services in rural settings.

“We conducted a baseline survey which revealed that most are afraid of facing arrest and prosecution as they believe they are involved in shameful and illegal activities."  

According to the Project Officer, the project would train the key populations to increase their knowledge in HIV prevention, testing and treatment as well as train sex worker support groups and civil society organisations in monitoring HIV services for drug users and sex workers living with the virus.

Youth Officer for Karonga District, Lapken Liwago said it would help reduce gaps which were there in HIV interventions to key populations.

"The inclusion of sex workers and drug users whose majority are youths is a great step in combating HIV and AIDS among rural communities who were being left behind in accessing information and services," he said.

The project will be implemented with funds from Gilead Sciences Inc. from the USA amounting over K 43.5 million.

By Innocent Kachingwe

Blantyre, May 30, Mana: TikTok Sensation, Hanareen Doness has taken her influence beyond social media by heading an inspiring initiative called Mwana Phuli Phuli which aims at empowering young girls in rural communities of Blantyre.

Mwana Phuli Phuli, which literally means a girl child who is very good looking and intelligent focuses on supporting girls’ education by sending them back to school and providing essential learning materials.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Thursday in Blantyre, Doness said the project is driven by her passion for education and community development and that she hopes to expand her reach and help more girls return to school.

“Education is the key to a better future and I believe that through Mwana Phuli Phuli, I will ensure that girls in rural areas have the opportunity to learn and grow because every girl deserves the chance to go to school to pursue her dreams,” she said.

Doness added that despite the early success of the project, currently there was no funding for her activities.

She called on well-wishers and potential sponsors to join her cause as the initiative aims at breaking down barriers that prevent girls from accessing education.

“The response from the community has been overwhelming, however, in order to reach more children and make a significant impact, we need the support of the generous individuals and organizations,” Tik Tok Sensation said.

Doness disclosed that she was about to release a theme song for the project titled: ‘Ndikwanitsa’ meaning; I will achieve, which would be used to raise the project’s awareness leveraging her substantial social media following to gather support.

“Music is a powerful tool for spreading messages and I hope this song will resonate with people and inspire them to support this cause,” she said.

One of the beneficiaries, Glory Katsache, observed that before the support from the initiative, going to school was a daily struggle as her parents could not afford school fees and that she did not have the necessary educational materials.

She added that the initiative changed her situation and thanked management of Mwana Phuli Phuli for support, noting that the intervention is changing lives positively.

Katsache expressed hope that more girls would receive support from the initiative.

“This support means everything to me because now I have the school materials I need and I can attend classes without worrying about being sent home and I am so grateful because I can focus on my studies in order to make my dreams come true,” she said.

There are three students under the Mwana Phuli Phuli project who are being supported with school fees and as of now there is a campaign to raise K1.5 million to be used to help in the project.

Thursday, 30 May 2024 12:20

RAS now operational

By Tione Andsen

Lilongwe, May 30, Mana: Revenue assurance System (RAS) is now operational, Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) has disclosed.

MACRA Director General, Daud Suleman disclosed this during a press briefing on RAS implementation at Crossroads Hotel in Lilongwe.

He said the project which started some two years ago has now come to effect after certain stakeholders branded it as spy machine.

The Director General said RAS was a crucial too for revenue assurance verification and fraud detection in the billing and taxation of operators’ services.

“This milestone could not have been achieved without the exemplary cooperation between MACRA, all operators, and other stakeholders involved in the project,” Suleman said.

He said the authority sincerely appreciates their dedication and looks forwards to enhancing our collaboration.

The Director General added that MACRA was requiring each operator to provide historical data for the financial fiscal year spanning from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

Suleman pointed out that this data was crucial for their records and regulatory procedures.

“We are expecting to be fully provided by no latter than July 31, 2024,” he added.

Suleman said they are anticipating continued engagements and support to foster excellence within the digital ecosystem.

He appealed to any operator having problems with the initiative should not hesitate to engage them directly.   

A Lilongwe resident, Masa Phiri said the RAS should help to address the issue of call drops that mobile providers are facing.

“We are continuously being charged on call drops and the mobile e providers are not even refunding us or providing us with an apology on this matter,” he added.

Thursday, 30 May 2024 11:24

Good Vision to extend eye care services

By Shyra Nselema

Chiradzulu, May 30, Mana: A leading eye care organization in the country, Good Vision Malawi has announced its expansion plans to reach communities in Chiradzulu District suffering from eye conditions.

The Organization's Distribution Manager, Movan Chirwa made the announcement on Wednesday during a District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting in the district.

He said the expansion, which would commence in June, was expected to significantly improve the lives of the people in the district, especially those who struggle to access basic eye care services.

Chirwa observed that this development would benefit many people by cutting on transportation costs to hospitals and avoiding the need to visit expensive hospitals to buy spectacles.

"The organization will provide free eye testing and the cost of the glasses will range from K4, 000 to a maximum of K13, 000,” he said.

Chirwa said in addition to free eye testing and the sale of glasses, there would be an element of eye health education to sensitize the community on proper eye care practices.

Chiradzulu District Hospital Eye Specialist, Shalom Itimu said the arrival of Good Vision Malawi would greatly benefit people with eye problems especially the elderly and students who could not manage to buy glasses.

"A lot of eye patients faced challenges as they cannot afford to purchase prescribed glasses, leading to worsening conditions, so the coming of the organization will particularly benefit them," he said.

Itimu said the initiative would contribute to the country's development by enabling people to resume activities they had stopped due to issues of sight.

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, May 30, Mana: Ministry of Education has said capacity building for teachers in leadership positions was essential in improving primary school performances.

Director for Teacher Education and Development in the Ministry Dr. Zizwa Msukuma said this on Wednesday after opening a 16th batch of Capacity Building for Primary School Teachers at Linde Hotel and Thope lodge in Mponela, Dowa and are drawn from Kasungu.

He said the Ministry decided to start undertaking the school leadership programme because it observed a gap in school leadership affairs which was negatively affect performance of schools.

"Most school leaders assume positions without undergoing any orientation to their positions and this has created some challenges which have negatively affected the learning outcomes of the schools. That is why the Ministry in conjunction with partners decided to mount the Malawi Education Reform Programme, specifically the school leadership programme.

"This aims to build and strengthen the capacity of our school leaders in primary schools by equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge and altitude which we feel will improve the quality of teaching and learning in our schools," Msukuma said.

He said since conducting trainings from the first batch, follow up exercises indicate there has been significant upgrade in teaching and learning in schools with leaders who have undergone the orientation.

"We believe these exercises will continue to play a pivotal role in improving education standards in primary schools," Msukuma added.

Team Leader of the School of Education and MIE Consortium that developed the training programme, Symon Chiziwa said the training has four key thematic areas.

"The first one is on building inclusive cultures in schools, motivating teachers and rewarding performers, utilizing and maintaining school records, and finally, mobilizing resources for the schools," he said.

The 10-day training is targeting Primary Education Advisors, Head Teachers, Deputies and Female Section Heads.

Thursday, 30 May 2024 11:06

Graduates told to create own employment

By Blackson Mkupatira

Chiradzulu, May 30, Mana:  Government has said courses being offered at Magomero Community Development College are crucial in fighting malnutrition and HIV/AIIDS in the country.

Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Jean Sendeza said this Wednesday during the graduation ceremony of 185 students from Magomero Community Development College with diplomas and certificates in early childhood development, nutrition and home management, community development, social work, social protection, agro-food processing and adult education.

She said the courses are geared to train from frontline works who could assist the country ins fighting malnutrition and HIV/AIDS.

"This is in line with Pillar 5 of Malawi 2063 agenda, which is human capital development. The nation needs robust and strengthened social services delivery for all children and young people to access better services," Sendeza said.

The Minister appealed to the graduates to consider venturing into entrepreneurship and other small-scale businesses, saying the government alone cannot offer employment to all of them.

"Every year, we have new graduates from various universities in the country and the government cannot absorb them all into the civil service. This is why you have to start thinking outside the box.

"For example, by forming cooperatives to access the K59 billion which the government has set aside specifically for entrepreneurs who are into agro-processing or by writing proposals to access NEEF loans," Sendeza added.

She thanked the World Bank and the European Union (EU) for providing financial and technical support at the College and offering scholarships to about 107 of the graduating students.

Sendeza urged the graduates to make a difference in the communities they would be serving by strengthening early childhood development and nutrition, among others, saying the country was experiencing a problem of non-communicable nutrition-related diseases.

Principal for Magomero Community Development College, Thokozani Mtapa said the new graduates have the potential to help the country become self-reliant in many areas; thereby, contributing to the aspirations of the Malawi 2063.

"This is a skilled and vibrant workforce that we are releasing into the world. Apart from their normal courses, they have been equipped with skills in value-addition, business management and entrepreneurship which will enable them to start small-scale businesses and become independent financially," she said.

Senior Chief Nchema advised the graduates to work with traditional leaders in the communities they would be working to make meaningful impact in various areas of development.

President of the student Union at the College, Stanley Miliyasi said they are ready to serve and contribute to food security, community development and job creation in the country.

The 2024 graduation ceremony was held under the theme: "Strengthening nutrition and early childhood development to achieve children's full potential."

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, May 30, Mana: At least 29, 598 households under the Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) and Climate Smart Public Works Programme (CS-PWP) will benefit from the Scalable Safety Nets in Thyolo District.

National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) Shock Sensitive Specialist, Mulder Mkutumula disclosed this on Wednesday during a meeting with the Thyolo District Social Support Committee (DSSC).

"The programme will run for three months starting from June to August and beneficiaries will get K50, 000 per month.

"However, they will be given the money in a lump sum of K150, 000 by mid or end of June to ensure that they are able to buy maize now that it is relatively cheap than later," he said.

Mkutumula said out of the 29, 598 households, 16, 658 households are from the Social Cash Transfer Programme while 12, 940 are ultra-poor households drawn from the CS-PWP.

"Beneficiaries will receive the money through e-payment where we use TNM Mpamba," he added.

Director of Planning and Development (DPD) for Thyolo District Council, Enerst Kaphuka described the move as timely and critical, especially as we are in the harvesting season.

He said the money would enable the most vulnerable households to purchase maize; thereby, ensuring food security and stability in the community.

"This money will ensure that thousands of household’s secure maize supplies to last them for at least three to five months.

"This will help in improving nutritional standards and enhancing the health and well-being of our people" the DPD said.

 Kaphuka added that giving K50, 000 per household per month will significantly boost the local economy.

"As households purchase maize and other essentials, local markets will experience increased activity, benefiting traders and contributing to the overall economic vibrancy of our district," he pointed out.

By Winfrida Kamwana

Mchinji, May 30, Mana: Transforming Agriculture through Diversification and Entrepreneurship (TRADE) has urged farmers to embrace mechanization and machinery in farming in order to improve farm yields.

Speaking at Limbika Farm where TRADE was showcasing the use of a new machinery called a potato planter, Value Chain and Agribusiness Specialist, Linda Magombo Munthali explained that mechanization was vital to improving farm production and yields.

“The use of machinery such as the potato planter saves time rather than using manual labour. This way, farmers will have time to do more activities on their farm and avoid spending more time on one activity,” she said.

Munthali explained that in the process of commercializing agriculture, machinery and mechanization brings in labour saving and increase in productivity.

Director of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources in Mchinji, Hastings Yotamu said the use of machinery addresses many activities making it commendable for farm production.

“As one way of reaching Malawi 2063 goals, farmers need to take farming as a business and one way to do that is to invest in machinery which will be used for easy labour and production,” he said.

Yotamu asked farmers to join cooperatives for easy access to such machinery and grants from different stakeholders.

“Such machinery is expensive but recommendable which is why farmers are encouraged to be in cooperatives so that they can be able to raise funds and buy the needed farm inputs and share among themselves,” the Director said.

Owner of Limbika Farm, Annie Jaffu appreciated TRADE for introducing such machinery in their field of work saying this would make their work easier.

“As a farmer, efficiency is very important in farming and using this machinery will help us save time and save labour enabling us do more work in a short period of time,” she noted.

Officer in-charge for Gada Farm, Lieutenant, Deborah Nkulama said they would make it a point to access such machinery to their farm for improved yields.

“The potato planter does not only plant the potato but makes fine ridges at the same time making finer soil particles for easy growth of the potato which means the potatoes that will come out will be large and good to be used as seeds the next farming season,” she explained.

TRADE programme is a six-year programme under local government which is set to contribute to sustainable improved livelihoods of rural people in the country.

By Richard Kagunda

Kasungu. May 30, Mana: Controller for Agriculture and Extension Services in the Ministry of Agriculture, Alfred Mwenefumbo has said lack of technological investments in the harvesting of produce was making farmers incur huge post-harvest losses.

He said this on Tuesday during the country’s first ever National Commemoration Day for the Reduction of Food Loss and Waste at Santhe in Kasungu District.

The Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources organised the activity in conjunction with Malawi government to raise awareness about food losses and waste.

Mwenefumbo said manual labour presents harvest inefficiencies, calling on farmers to invest in harvesting technologies to safeguard their produce.

“Let’s buy harvesters according to our capacities because they are available right in this country in different sizes.

“If you are a serious farmer, you must get a harvester. It is worth it because manual labour is limited and you lose your produce due to inefficiencies during harvesting,” he said.

According to Mwenefumbo, the country registers high post-harvest losses due to poor transport systems, storage deficiencies and carelessness.

He said that, “Government is trying to make more places accessible to reduce the losses that are made during transportation. The actual storage also contributes a lot to the losses because most of the produce cannot withstand weevils.

“Let’s take advantage of the available technology such as plastic bags to preserve our produce and avoid selling the produce without budgeting.”

Coordination Specialist at Food and Agriculture Organization, Noellah Kamwendo said high post-harvest losses being incurred by farmers are contributing to the problem of food insecurity in the country.

“This is why this day is very important in that we are raising awareness so that people should know more about food losses, be it maize, milk and legumes.

“It is an important day because people will get know that right from harvesting, transportation, and during processing, some food is lost. This food that is lost can help us for many days,” she said.

As part of the commemoration activities, several organisations including the World Food Programme mounted pavilions to showcase their contribution towards food security in the country.

At least 1.3 billion metric tonnes of food is lost in the world annually where as in the country, post-harvest losses are estimated at 30 percent.

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, May 29, Mana: Government has called for substantial investment in irrigation as means to counter food shortages in the country.

Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale made the call Wednesday when he launched the construction of Dowa Dambo Irrigation Scheme being funded by Malawi government and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to a tune of K 29.1 billion.

The Scheme will see the construction of five dams with over 30 submersible pumps, which will provide water to 453 hectares of farmland.

Kawale said the recent erratic rain patterns, droughts, which resulted into a state of disaster in many districts, was a wakeup call that the country could no longer depend on rain fed agriculture for food security.

"In recognition of that, President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera expressed numerous measures put in place to deal with long term food shortages, with special emphasis on irrigation agriculture.

"Irrigation is very important to us as a nation. It will help our farmers plant and harvest more than once, depending on the crop under cultivation. It will provide socio economic endeavors, enough and nutritious food critical for a healthy population that can partake in the development of the country," he said.

The Minister pointed out the need for the community to utilize the project, which was being constructed by the Foundation for Irrigation and Sustainable Development (FISD) and a joint venture of SAWA and SICO JV, and expected to be completed in 18 months.

Kawale added that Ministry of Agriculture was committed to achieving the country’s quest for sustainable food security.

"As such today, we have immense joy with this project as it not only contributes towards Malawi 2063, but answers the request from Malawians to help them grow more food," he said.

IFAD Country Director, Bernedette Mukonyora said her organization was supporting government to have adequate funding to actualize its plans, programsme, policies and priorities in the agriculture sector.

She said with irrigation farming and infrastructure development being a core pillar under Malawi 2063, Malawi like other countries was facing challenges due to climate change, making it difficult to attain food security.

"So we are funding this program to enable government support the food security and production agenda of this country. Irrigation allows you to produce more than once, which means continuous cropping.

"This project will help in supporting household production in Dowa, it will promote diversification because a community can cultivate different crops within the year, and it supports the agriculture commercialization agenda," she said.

Chairperson for Dowa District Council, Mayamiko Kambewa said the project would help farmers benefit from their farming activities.

"If we want to see tangible results in farming, we have to encourage farmers to harvest more than once a year. One of the ways is to put in structures which will encourage irrigation farming.

"We are very happy because we know that this is the beginning of a new era which will propel food security and income generation for our people," he said.

Government is constructing the scheme, which is the eighth one in the country, through the Department for Irrigation under the Program for Rural Irrigation Development (PRIDE).