Do Your Part Initiative donates to Chibavi football team

Do Your Part Initiative donates to Chibavi football team

By Esther Ndhlozi

Mzuzu, July 3, Mana: Mzuzu- Do Your Part Initiative which Mzuzu based organization, Tuesday donated football boots, jerseys, body lotion and clothes to Chibavi All Stars’ Under-23 Football Team in Mzuzu City.

Speaking at Chibavi Ground during the presentation ceremony of the items, National Communications Officer for Do Your Part Initiative, Andrew Mhone said the donation was made to motivate young people in both sports and education.

He added that the organization believes that the donation would encourage young soccer players to focus on their talent and education as the two elements should go hand in hand.

“We aim at promoting childhood development, thus why we have donated to Chibavi All Stars Under -14 Football for their both physical and mental development.

Some of these young stars do not have jerseys and football boots as a result, they fail to come play soccer because, they do not have the appropriate gear for it.” Mhone said.

He added that the organization promotes sporting activities amongst young people in the Mzuzu City in where young people are at risk of engaging in immoral behaviour just as in other urban settings and that sports can make occupied, hence refraining from health risky practices.

 “Most young people in areas such as Chibavi end up engaging themselves in alcohol and substance abuse after knocking off from school. Hence sports will be an alternative of spending their time after school,” Mhone hoped.

Head Coach for Chibavi All-Stars Under 24 Football Team, James Mhango said he was grateful for the donation.

 “This is a relief to the team and I urge you to continue assisting upcoming and young local football teams across the city. The donation will definitely boost the team’s performance,” he pointed out.

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