EQUALS Project excites learners

EQUALS Project excites learners Featured

By Thom Ali

Lilongwe, January 24, Mana: Some learners have expressed excitement for the newly constructed classroom blocks that the government is constructing under the Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) Project, which is being implemented by Ministry of Education to enhance the quality of education in the country.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency, Sinkanako Khombe, Head Teacher for Mitundu Secondary School, which is among the beneficiaries of the project, said the initiative will help improve education standards by providing more classrooms for learners, reducing travel distances and creating a better learning environment.

"Due to shortages of classrooms previously, some learners had to attend classes in the afternoon, which resulted in poor performance," Khombe said.

He commended government for initiating the project, noting the new facilities have impacted learners positively.

A beneficiary of the project, form two learner at Mitundu Secondary school, Gloria Maliana, said the project will reduce disruption in learning due to adverse weather conditions and other distractions.

Another beneficiary, Ruth Mbidzi, who is a form 4 learner at Msongwe Community Day Secondary School in Mzuzu, shared her excitement over the development, saying the facilities will help adress challenges of overcrowding due to lack of sufficient classrooms, inadequate sanitation, and an increase number of school dropouts.

Mbidzi further made an appeal to the government to continue with the initiative of upgrading schools across the country to improve education standards.

Among others, the EQUALS Project intends to construct additional school facilities such as libraries, ICT rooms, and toilet blocks in other districts across Malawi in order to improve sanitation in learning environments.

The Ministry of Education is implementing the EQUALS Project in collaboration with the United Nations with support from the World Bank.

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