

Monday, 13 May 2024 13:16

Kalemba opens K89 million church

By Petro Mkandawire

Blantyre, May 13, Mana: Right Rev. Bishop for the Anglican of Southern Malawi, Alinafe Kalemba, on Sunday led members of St. Andrews Anglican Church, popularly known as Kachere Chigodi, in the opening of a K89 million newly built church whose construction started in 2018.

Speaking during the event at Kachere Township in Blantyre, Kalemba encouraged the Anglican faithful to take the church as a spiritual entity, symbol for heaven and Centre for stress relief.

He said churches need to agree and come together in order to bring solutions to problems and suffering people are going through.

“There are a lot of things that are distracting and causing harm to people. So, churches must be a place and Centre where people can easily find unity, harmony and peace as it is the purpose which God created the church for,” said Kalemba.

He, therefore, expressed gratitude over the new structure, saying the house should not be a business institution instead it has to be a house for everyone who wants to find the holy spirit, repent as well as receiving their needs from God.

Kalemba blessed the new altar by sprinkling holy water followed by Wardens and Chairperson of the organizing committee, Venerable Lymon Sonjo, together with John Bande, Member of Parliament for Blantyre City East, who was also the guest of honor, in blessing the church.

The litany for all saints was recited all over the church and a special prayer from the book of Chronicles 7:1 – 10, Mark 11:15 and John 4:23 marking the church a Holy building as all bishops offered incense to it.

Speaking earlier, Bande said construction of the church shows that the congregation is development conscious.

He said, apart from serving God the savior, the community were indirectly contributing towards government efforts in making sure that the country's infrastructure is of good quality.  

“I would like to encourage church members that this should just the beginning; the work of God starts from here as you plan to reach out to other people so that they can hear the word of God and also be blessed as they repent as well as receive the holy spirit,” said Bande.

Drama and music by Ndirande Anglican Voices, Chichiri Anglican Angels, Chigodi Praise Team were some of the activities that spiced up the event while singing recessional Hymn No. 294.    

By Innocent Chunga

Nkhotakota, May 13, Mana: Women's World Day of Prayer over the weekend donated assorted relief items to people affected by floods in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Nkhanga in Nkhotakota District.

Chairperson for the women's group in Nkhotakota, Esther Manda, said the support has come after observing that people who are in various camps, including Chikupweche, are accommodating survivors in TA Nkhanga who are in need of food and non-food items.

Manda said she will continue encouraging women to embrace the spirit of sharing regardless of religion in all times including disasters.

"As women from various churches, we have to compliment government's effort in what it is doing in the country. Thus, we are here to respond to government’s call to support people affected by the floods," said Manda.  

The women provided the support to three camps namely; Matiki, Dwangwa and Chikupweche after a plea for support from the District Commissioner.

One of the beneficiaries Malita Banda, 42, from Group Village Head Chikupweche thanked the women for the timely support.

She asked other well-wishers to come forward and support them.

"This support is timely and these women should receive blessings from God. The situation is not good in our areas as we are living in camps,” said Banda.

Nkhotakota District Council Spokesperson, Wongani Mkandawire, described the support as a blessing, saying it will help households that continue to feel the pain of the flash floods and rising water levels that hit the district.

"We would like applaud various partners and well-wishers for the commendable support rendered to us. However, we are still pleading to others to come forward and support survivors in the district," said Mkandawire.

Women's World Day of Player in Nkhotakota District donated assorted food and non-food items including maize flour, soya pieces, salt and soap worth K1.8 million to Chikupweche camp and other camps in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in the district.

By Rose Cross Mahorya

Mzuzu, May 13, Mana: Minister of Health, Kumbidze Kandodo Chiponda, has asked nurses and midwives in the country to be disciplined and execute their duties professionally.  

Speaking in Mzuzu on Sunday when nurses and midwives in the country joined the world to celebrate International Nurse's Day, Chicponda said for Malawians to fully participate in various development activities they need to be healthy.

Chiponda said duties of nurses and midwives is not only to support the sick in hospitals but also supporting communities in embracing healthy living lifestyles.

"As nurses and midwives, you also have a duty to sensitize the community on various health issues, for instance good habits they should embrace to maintain a healthy living.

"As government, we will continue to provide resources for health workers so that your working environment is good. We are also planning to construct more houses for health workers," she said.

Chiponda assured nurses and midwives that government is working towards establishing bilateral agreements with other countries so that Malawi can export nurses and midwives.

She was, however, quick to point out that the process will not be complete overnight because the ministry has to ensure that conditions of work for those officers are good and beneficial to both the country and the said health workers.

President for National Organization of Nurses and Midwives of Malawi (NONM), Shout Simeza, said as health care professionals, they are committed towards helping government in achieving universal health coverage for all.

"As one way of helping achieve universal coverage for all, we are increasing activities fostering community health care provision so that those in communities easily access free health service without putting pressure on our health institutions.

"We are also working on reviewing curriculum for Diploma in Assistant Community Nursing and Midwifery so that we lean more on community health provision," he said.

While applauding government for giving a lion's share to the health sector in the 2024/2025 national budget, Simeza appealed that resource distribution in the ministry should reflect the situation on the ground by providing enough equipment and other resources for easy delivery of service by health workers.


During the celebration, 100 nurses and midwives were awarded certificates for emerging as best nurses while 30 nursing leaders were presented leadership certificates.

Best performing community nursing and midwifery assistants were also awarded bicycles to ease their mobility.

International Nurse's Day falls on May 12 every year and theme for this year was ‘Our Nurses Our Future: The Economic power of Care’.

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, May 12, Mana: Church of Nazarene New Mexico District Superintendent, Larry Lacher has advised 32 students who have graduated from Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa in Lilongwe to preach about holiness when they will be ministering in communities and parishes.

Speaking on the sidelines of the Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa 28th graduation ceremony which was held on Saturday at Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa campus in Lilongwe, Area 25, and Lacher said the gospel about holiness would heal people from sin.

“Holiness purifies the heart and takes away all the damage that sin has done to person’s life, the gospel of holiness has the capacity to heal people completely inside and restore them to be the way God created them to be in the first place.

“We are coming to this world damaged because of the sin that has passed down to us in different ways and something has to heal that damage and I encourage newly graduated students to preach about holiness and that God can not only forgive us but can make us clean again,” Lacher said.

He also said students who have graduated in theology and ministry should demonstrate love, compassion and dignity as they will be preaching the gospel of God saying that people need to be treated with love, compassion and care in order for them to understand the word of God.

Lacher also said that the graduates should also maintain their good relationship with Jesus Christ if they are to fulfill their mission of preaching the gospel and bring people closer to God.

One of the students who have graduated with Certificate in Ministry, Stenard Mpandeni hailed Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa for providing them with theology and ministry education.

“We are very grateful to the college for grooming us, the skills and knowledge which we have gained will help us to serve the Lord better and grow our church,” he said.

Nazarene Theological College of Central Africa was established in 1992 after the Nazarene Schools of Africa South East Field merged.

The college is currently operating in different countries including; Malawi, Zambia, as well as Zimbabwe and it provides Christ-Centered Education in harmony with the values of the Church of Nazarene.

By Shaffie Bakali

Mangochi, May 12, Mana: Senior Chief Lulanga of Mangochi has urged stakeholders in fisheries industry in the country to fully enforce ban on monofilaments use on Lake Malawi saying the fishing malpractice was counterproductive on fisheries in the country.

The Senior Chief made the call during at the end of two-day fisheries stakeholder meeting held in Monkey-Bay, Mangochi which Pact Malawi organized with funding from United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Pact Malawi through the Restoring Fisheries for Sustainable Livelihood (REFRESH) project brought together traditional leaders, fisheries officers and local fisheries management authorities from Mangochi, Dedza and Nkhotakota.

Lulanga who was among other chiefs from Mangochi namely Mponda, Makanjira and Nankumba said that use of monofilament has become common practice in Mangochi, and further observed that the malpractice endangers existing fish species on Lake Malawi.

“Stakeholders should learn from Tanzania which successfully made disappearance of monofilaments on their lakes. We can also manage by monitoring the importation of gears from Zambia where such illegal gear comes from,” he added.

He however commended coordination by different stakeholders on the ban of some fishing gears on Lake Malawi, saying the move helped to restore species of some endangered fish including chambo.

“For a long time, we have been trained on how to effectively manage fish especially through sanctuaries. This has brought back the chambo in large quantities and is now being sold in our cities such as Blantyre and Lilongwe,” added Lulanga.

In his remarks, REFRESH project, Deputy Chief of Party, Amakhosi Jere described traditional leaders as catalysts for effective enforcement on the ban of the illegal fishing on Lake Malawi.

Jere expressed the project's commitment in dealing with fishing malpractices by engaging the media, fishers, traders that import and sell illegal fishing gears.

He added that formulation of national and district level stakeholder taskforces will be a move in the right direction in dealing with use of illegal fishing gears on the lake

REFRESH project which started in October 2019 is meant to enhance management and conserving fish biodiversity in Lake Malawi.

Sunday, 12 May 2024 10:39

Journalists drilled on SRHR reporting

By Mwai Kumanda

Lilongwe, May 10, Mana:  Center for Solution Journalism (CSJ) has trained journalists on the importance of reporting issues of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) accurately saying journalists have got the power to people’s mind set.

Speaking during a training for journalists in Lilongwe, Executive Director for CSJ Brian Ligomeka said in most cases journalists are more interested in reporting on issues of politics, sports and religion leaving issues of SRHR that affects a lot of people more especially the adolescent on daily basis.

“SRHR reporting is very critical, and journalists should be reporting information that is factual and accurate to avoid bringing unnecessary panic among the people in the country,” he said.

Ligomeka said it is sad that many people in rural areas, unlike in urban areas are still struggling to access information on SRHR and safe motherhood a development he said is causing a lot of death among women.

Said Ligomeka: “According to statistics from various health facilities, SRHR cases such as unsafe abortions are rampant in the rural areas where most women and girls do not have access to some health services which are in the urban areas.

“A lot of family planning services are available in towns, by training the journalists on these issues, its going to help in spreading the information to reach to those people living in the rural areas.”

One of the participants Dorica Mtenje a reporter for Maravi Post said the training was an eye opener and the information gained during the training will assist her in reporting accurately on issues of SRHR.

“This is an important training as it will assist us to inform members of the general public accurately on issues of SRHR more especially on safe abortion and safe motherhood,” she said.

Gift Chiponde and Kondwani Ryam Banda


Lilongwe, May 12 Mana: Experts  have  hailed  the participation of President Dr Lazarus Chakwera's at the Unites States (US) Africa Business Summit in Dallas and  at the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit in Nairobi, Kenya, saying  it will help boost the countrys economy and improve the livelihoods of Malawians.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA), Renowned Political and Socio-Economic Commentator, Humphreys Mvula, said the Millennium Challenge Corporation-MCC Compact 2 initiative is likely to transform the transportation sector by constructing roads, which will create a conducive environment in tourism, agriculture, and mining sectors, resulting in job creation for the people.

"The trip taken by President Chakwera looks very promising in the process of amplifying and implementing the ATM strategy, which he is spearheading to revamp the country's economy.

Through the initiative we should expect a number of both white and blue collar workers to be employed resulting in wealth creation among Malawians" said Mvula

He commended President Chakwera for his continued efforts in mobilizing resources to ensure the livelihoods of Malawians are taken care of.

Mvula insisted on the need for Malawians to rally behind President Chakwera to make Malawi a transformative nation through various development initiatives.

Executive Director for the Centre for Social Accountability and Transparency (CSAT), Willy Kambwandira, expressed his appreciation for the outstanding progress of the project and has urged President Chakwera to ensure that the projects are successfully implemented.

Kambwandira also expressed his optimism for positive results from the trip and said he looks forward to seeing the fruits of their labour.

In his remarks, Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu said Malawi’s recent participation in the US-Africa Business Summit witnessed the launch of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Transportation and Land Compact worth $350 million during MCC’s 20th Anniversary Tribute Dinner.

"The compact, which will focus on the country’s transportation infrastructure and land productivity, aligns with Malawi’s Agriculture, Tourism and Mining (ATM) Strategy and Malawi’s development blueprint, the Malawi 2063 Vision” said kunkuyu.

He stated the compact which will significantly bolster critical infrastructure projects in the country, including road upgrades in key agriculture, tourism and mining areas, is poised to enhance the transportation of goods and services, to boost trade, tourism, investment and economic growth.

He indicated that through the $244,950,000 Accelerated Growth Corridors (AGC) Project, the compact will help Malawi address transportation challenges for agricultural commodities from farm to market.

The project will also help to create a transparent and competitive environment for transporters among other things. This will stimulate more agro-economic activities in these corridors and boost agriculture commercialization in the country.

He also disclosed that the American Catalyst Facility for Development (ACFD) Project of the compact is also set to bolster investment in the country.

He said the project is designed to facilitate United States International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) investment in Malawi to catalyze private investment in the country.

Additionally, through the Increased Land Productivity Project worth over 44 million dollars, the compact will support efforts to improve land use and management. The project will help citizens to utilize land efficiently as well as improve agricultural productivity.

Kunkuyu said that Malawian companies will also benefit from the compact for they have the opportunity to participate in the projects. This will both improve local companies’ financial standing and job creation in the country.

He said President Chakwera’s attendance at the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit in Kenya also yielded unprecedented results for agriculture in the country. On the sidelines of the summit, the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) assured President Chakwera of 45 million dollars to support agricultural productivity, enhancing fertilizer and soil health. The investment will significantly address Malawi’s food security challenges and boost socioeconomic development.

Kunkuyu further said that the MCC, AGRA and other agreements that Malawi has made during the two summits will have a transformative impact on the country’s development agenda.

The agreements will help Malawi improve its transportation infrastructure and agriculture productivity, springboarding Malawi into a more self-sufficient nation.

On arrival on Friday from the USA and Kenya President Dr Lazarus Chakwera announced the launch of the 350 million MCC Compact 2 and various agreements the Malawi delegation made with investors on the sidelines of these two summits.

By George Mponda

Karonga, May 11, Mana: Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) disbursed cash on Friday to 724 households which were affected by floods in Karonga.

In an interview, Emergency Operations Coordinator for MRCS, Lewis Solomon, said some households received K250,000 for shelter rehabilitation while others got K150,000 for buying basic needs.

"Karonga District Council did assessments which revealed that close to 1,700 households were in dire need of assistance due to floods.

“We therefore secured over K900 million through our partner, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), which has also been used to support disaster survivors in Lilongwe, Nkhotakota and Kasungu," Solomon said.

He said the payments are once-off, adding that the organization is running a complementary intervention in water and sanitation and has been working with the district health office to conduct health promotions in the targeted areas.

According to Solomon, the intervention has been ongoing for three months and it will end in June but all activities are being conducted concurrently to make sure they are delivering comprehensive support.

"We have also intergrated issues to do with protection, gender and inclusion as well as accountability in the disbursement process and I would like to urge the beneficiaries to use the funds for their intended purpose," he explained.

Meteorological Officer at Karonga District Council, Victor Phiri, said heavy rains which fell in the district since February caused floods which affected many households.

"We had one-week continuous rainfall which caused flooding and 833 households were affected in the areas of Senior Chiefs Kilipula and Mwakaboko while in Rukuru catchment, 911 households were affected with some displaced," Phiri said.

One of the beneficiaries, Christina Gowere from Kalongera Village in the area of Senior Chief Kilipula, said she was grateful for the support, as she had lost property and livestock due to floods.

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, May 11, Mana: Marketing and Sales Manager at EcoGen Malawi, Mphatso Gama, says a biogas technology aligns well with Malawi’s Agenda 2063, saying the technology manages wastes sustainably when it comes to tackling climate change in the country.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), Gama said many farmers can be food secure if the biogas technology is adopted in the country, as it produces fertilizer which has proven to be more efficient and affordable.

She also said EcoGen, which is a leading biogas company in the country, invented biogas technology to lessen the forex challenges faced when buying chemical fertilizers abroad.

“We targeted farmers after witnessing the chemical fertilizers’ price hike which affected most smallholder farmers. So this challenge reduced the productivity of farmers, thereby intensifying food insecurity. Our biogas technology produces a high quality bio-fertilizer which further mitigates climate change, as it has high nutritive content with the ability to replace chemical fertilizers and restore soil fertility.

“Through the production of bio-fertilizer, the Malawi Government can be cushioned on huge expenditures and forex issues incurred when importing chemical fertilizers. Promotion of technologies such as biogas can ensure a self-reliant nation come 2063,” Gama said.

She further said the energy sector needs allocation of more technological and innovative resources that will promote sustainability in addressing aftershocks brought by climate change in the country.

Gama added that the banning of charcoal use is not the best solution, saying the government should rather promote best alternatives like biogas that can work best in educating the masses and how such alternatives can be easily accessed.

In his remarks, founder of Clips Farming Enterprise (CFE), Patrick Jere, said transitioning to bio-digester technology is advantageous as it helps farmers to have bumper yields without spending money on buying chemical fertilizers, which is commonly used in the country.

Jere also underscored that bio-digester is a hygienic waste management system and that the bio-fertilizer produced makes crops more resilient to drought.

“Use of liquid bio-fertilizers is more efficient than the use of compost manure and more economical than the use of chemical fertilizers. Clips Farming Enterprise no longer uses any chemical fertilizers,” he said.

Meanwhile, EcoGen Malawi has so far worked with over 12,000 farmers and installed 500 biogas systems across 20 districts in the country.

By Emily M’mangisa


Zomba, May 11, Mana: Kingdom Builders Academy in Zomba on Friday held a fundraising cultural day in readiness for the graduation of form four students who are expected to sit for the Malawi School Certificate of Examinations next month.


The cultural day was full of displays of unique cultural values through traditional food, traditional attires, music and dances to demonstrate their value for Malawi culture.


Kingdom Builders Academy Acting Principal John Misi said the school decided to hold the fundraising cultural day to raise funds for the form four students' graduation slated for June 18.


Misi added that the cultural day was also meant to remind the students of their cultural roots on top of instilling in them a culture of sourcing money on their own.


“We want to instill a culture of sourcing money on their own. As a school we could easily raise money for the graduation but we want a spirit of ownership to sink in the students,” he added.


The students performed chioda and gule wamkulu, among other traditional dancers and drank sweet beer (thobwa), ate nsima with indigenous vegetables to reflect cultural values.


The acting principal said the traditional values that students displayed were catalysts for achieving various life goals and enhancing social cohesion among students from different cultures.


The school's deputy head boy Jarson Mwale said the event was ideal and relevant for the students as it provided a platform for cultural diversity and promoted a spirit of resource mobilization.


Another student, Tamandani Bisani, hailed the school management for organizing the fundraising cultural day.


“I have been watching some traditional dances from a distance. I'm happy that l literally participated in the dances and l feel good to be part of our culture,” added the form three student.


Students paid a participation fee of K500 per head and K1,500 for group participation and food was also sold to raise money for the forthcoming graduation.


Kingdom Builders Academy, which is situated at Chinamwali Township in Zomba, also organized a career talk last month to motivate students to work hard in their studies.