

By Emily M’mangisa


Zomba, May 11, Mana: Kingdom Builders Academy in Zomba on Friday held a fundraising cultural day in readiness for the graduation of form four students who are expected to sit for the Malawi School Certificate of Examinations next month.


The cultural day was full of displays of unique cultural values through traditional food, traditional attires, music and dances to demonstrate their value for Malawi culture.


Kingdom Builders Academy Acting Principal John Misi said the school decided to hold the fundraising cultural day to raise funds for the form four students' graduation slated for June 18.


Misi added that the cultural day was also meant to remind the students of their cultural roots on top of instilling in them a culture of sourcing money on their own.


“We want to instill a culture of sourcing money on their own. As a school we could easily raise money for the graduation but we want a spirit of ownership to sink in the students,” he added.


The students performed chioda and gule wamkulu, among other traditional dancers and drank sweet beer (thobwa), ate nsima with indigenous vegetables to reflect cultural values.


The acting principal said the traditional values that students displayed were catalysts for achieving various life goals and enhancing social cohesion among students from different cultures.


The school's deputy head boy Jarson Mwale said the event was ideal and relevant for the students as it provided a platform for cultural diversity and promoted a spirit of resource mobilization.


Another student, Tamandani Bisani, hailed the school management for organizing the fundraising cultural day.


“I have been watching some traditional dances from a distance. I'm happy that l literally participated in the dances and l feel good to be part of our culture,” added the form three student.


Students paid a participation fee of K500 per head and K1,500 for group participation and food was also sold to raise money for the forthcoming graduation.


Kingdom Builders Academy, which is situated at Chinamwali Township in Zomba, also organized a career talk last month to motivate students to work hard in their studies.

By Emily M’mangisa


Zomba, May 11, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) chairperson Chifundo Kachale says solution to political concerns is active participation of the youths in leadership positions.


Kachale made the remarks at the University of Malawi’s (UNIMA) Great Hall in Zomba where the commission held public lecture under the theme ‘Unlocking the power within youth for future leadership’.


“You might have good blogs, very good Facebook write-ups, but if you don't vote, the effort is almost nothing,” he said.


He therefore advised the youths to take active role in electoral processes and further appealed to them to desist from being agents of political violence.


He said research has shown that youths in the Sub Saharan Africa are less likely to vote in political elections for various social factors despite constituting a larger population in most countries, including Malawi.


Kachale said students should not allow themselves to be exploited by politicians if they want change for the better Malawi.


In his remarks, Executive Dean of School of Law, Economics and Governance, Professor Happy Kayuni, hailed MEC for holding the public lecture at UNIMA.


“UNIMA students have been equipped with relevant information regarding electoral reforms and how they should participate in the coming general elections,” Kayuni added.


He pointed out that questions that students asked during the public lecture were not solely aimed at improving students' welfare, saying the questions were also aimed at advancing the interests of the country regarding elections.


Students in the hall and Malawians who followed the lecture through radio and television stations and on Facebook pages asked questions based on the lecture through a UNIMA WhatsApp number and Facebook page.


A third year student, Jane Kanyangale, urged fellow students to be proactive in Malawi’s politics to create better environment for the future generation.


Students were eager to learn more on electoral process and said the public lecture was an eye opener and motivated them to be proactive in the electoral processes.

By Tione Andsen

 Lilongwe, May 10, Mana: Government ought to tame the causes of maternal deaths that rob women from enjoying safe motherhood, a Human Rights Organization has appealed.

Centre for Solutions Journalism (CSJ) has said in the modern century pregnancy should be a source of happiness and not sorrow and tears as is the case now due to high maternal mortality.

“The government should address the causes of maternal deaths such as bleeding during child birth, infections, sepsis, obstructed labour and unsafe abortions. Describing pregnancy as pakati to mean midpoint between life and death of a pregnant woman should end,” CSJ Director, Brian Ligomeka said.

He was speaking in Lilongwe during training of journalists on professional coverage of Safe Motherhood in the country.

Ligomeka commended the government for its interventions in reducing maternal deaths.

He cited interventions like the revision of marriage age to 18, provision of ARVs to reduce infections, provision of free contraceptives and drafting of the Termination of Pregnancy Bill as demonstration of the government's commitment to safe motherhood.

“We support the government's process of enacting the Termination of Pregnancy Bill which was drafted by the Law Commission. We believe the proposed law will save the lives of women and girls and reduce maternal deaths,” Ligomeka addedid.

Lawyer and Human Rights Activist, Juliet Sibale said the proposed law drafted by the Law Commission once passed would allow women and girls to access the services on four grounds only.

“Once the proposed law is in place, termination of a pregnancy would be permissible, where continued holding of pregnancy will endanger the life of a pregnant woman; where termination is necessary to prevent injury to the physical or mental health of a pregnant woman, where there is severe malformation of a foetus, and where the pregnancy is a result of rape, incest, or defilement,” she said.

Sibale explained that access to safe abortion would remain restricted.

Despite current restrictions, abortion is still rampant in the country.

Research by the College of Medicine and Guttmacher Institute shows that over 141,000 abortions happened in the country in 2015 alone.

“We are in a situation where no religion, and no restrictive law has stopped women from procuring abortion when they wish to do so. It seems when a woman decides that she does not want a pregnancy, she does anything to terminate it and the statistics from district hospitals speak to that fact,” Vice Chairperson of the Coalition for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion, Dr Amos Nyaka said.

By Gift Chiponde

Lilongwe, May 10, Mana: Malawi Equity Health Network (MHEN) has hailed government for launching Malawi Health Sector Strategic Plan 3 and Malawi Health Financing strategy describing them as a huge milestone in achieving the provision of integrated services in all health institution in the country.

Recently the Ministry of Health Launched the two Strategic documents through place briefing which was held at Sunbird Capital Hotel in Lilongwe, during the meeting Minister of Health, Khumbize Chiponda highlighted that the strategic would help to turn Health Centres into Community Hospitals for effectiveness of integrated health care provision.

She emphasized that the strategic plan was aiming at increasing life expectancy, reduce high mortality rates, reduce HIV prevalence and enhance infrastructure development and services.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Friday in Lilongwe, Executive Director for MHEN and Chairperson for Malawi Universal Health Coverage, George Jobe said the provision of integrated health care was a good development and it was an initiative which the institution has been lobbying with government for the past years

“This is a development that we have been waiting for, the news is very promising and it will help to reduce deaths among Malawians,” he said.  

Jobe said that integrated health service provision would help the country to reduce the cost in terms of health sector management in cases of Emergences and Health interventions.

“Through a single trip a number of interventions can be carried out for various diseases which is cost effective.”

“And let us look at the example of COVID-19, we should be able to draw lessons from such incidents if we want to improve our health service delivery by ensuring that the health sector is highly financed,” the Executive Director said

He indicated that the health financing strategy would health the sector to mobilize the intended and needed resources in order to ensure that the health sector was well financed.

He stated that the two documents would help the health sector to thrive and be able to address possible challenges and provide solutions to the bottlenecks facing in the health sector in country.

Jobe said MHEN and all organization under the body would continue working with government to ensure the smooth implementation of the two documents

“We will work with government to ensure that the Malawi Health Sector Strategic plan and the Health Financing Strategy are fully implemented and achieved,” he added.

Jobe commended government for a 12 percent allocation to the Ministry of Health in the 2024/2025 national saying this was complementing with the Abuja declaration which state that every national budget must contribute 15 percent to the health sector.

Chairperson for Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance -Malawi Chapter, Maud Mwakasungula said the initiative would help health workers to provide comprehensive treatment and support under one roof to patients in the country.

She added that the currently national budget was reflecting government commitment in promoting and enhancing the health sector in the country,

By Eranivey Temani

Lilongwe, May 10, Mana; District Commissioner (DC) for Lilongwe Dr. Lawford Palani has urged communities people in the district to continue observing hygiene and sanitation to avoid contracting communicable diseases such as Cholera.

He made the call Friday at Nathenje Trading Centre where the Council staff members and community members joined hands in the clean-up day.

“I participated in the clean up exercise to lead as an example so that people should also emulate the gesture and replicate it in their homes, workplaces and their surroundings,” Palani said

The DC has since promised to take the initiative to all public places in the district including schools and hospitals.

Chairperson of Nathenje Market, Idrissa Kalembo thanked government for introducing the clean-up day which he said was assisting in promoting hygiene and sanitation in public places.

“I am very proud that community members came in large numbers and made the exercise [today] successful and I am urging them to continue doing this, in order to keep our markets tidy,” he said. 

President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera launched the National Cleaning-Up Day at Chinsapo Ground in Lilongwe in 2020 and the day falls on the second Friday of every Month.

Friday, 10 May 2024 20:34

Provision safe water remains crucial

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, May 10, Mana: Government has said the provision of safe water remains crucial in improving community’s livelihoods.

Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Liana Kakhobwe Chapota made the remarks Friday when she inspected a piped water system constructed by Self Help Africa at Mtungwi in Senior Chief Chiwere in Dowa.

She said partners in the provision of safe water are key as they are complimenting governments efforts of improving the water sector.

The area which saw seven people dying from Cholera and 288 others suffering from the disease during the 2022-2023 Cholera outbreak.

"This is an area which was hit hard with Cholera in 2023 because many people did not have potable water. But we are happy we have this project and it is interesting to note that we have had no Cholera cases this year.

"This is a huge impact and in support of governments vision of providing access to clean water to all Malawians. There are few organizations that reach out to the people with tangible things as we have seen here, so we are very grateful for this," Chapota pointed out.

The Deputy Minister urged the community to jealously guard the facility so that it lasts long saying projects fully patronized by the people have long lasting impacts.

Self Help Africa Regional Manager, Snoden Tomoka said the K60 million worth system has a capacity of holding 20,000 litres of water and currently serve 400 households which is approximately 2,000 people.

He said the organization decided to construct the water system because WASH being one of their focus areas, they were concerned with how hard the area was hit with cholera.

“We have been working in Dowa since 2013 providing support to the district to provide access to water, sanitation and hygiene with support from Charity water.

“So, we witnessed one of the landmarks projects which is providing piped water to the people of Mtungwi which came about because of water challenges people had. Going forward, we will continue interventions in WASH in Dowa and other districts we are working in,” Tomoka said.

One of the beneficiaries, Chikondi Chiwiya from Mndola Village said most community members sourced water from a nearby stream which she said was a death trap.

“That is why we were hit hard by Cholera. But we are now thankful because we have safe water. As community members, we will continue to take care of this facility,” she promised.

By Blackson Mkupatira

Chiradzulu, May 10, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson for Voter and Civic Education, Francis Kasaila has advised Chiradzulu District Elections Supervisory Team (DEST) to plan thoroughly ahead of the forthcoming general elections to mitigate challenges that may arise during the electoral process.

Kasaila was speaking in Chiradzulu on Friday when MEC briefed DEST members on their roles and responsibilities in the general elections slated for September 16, 2025.

He said different councils have unique challenges, citing the issue of unavailability of vehicles as an example; hence, important for DEST members to be fully prepared and well-coordinated so that such issues were handled before they affect the outcome of the elections.

Kasaila urged DEST members to be knowledgeable on issues relating to electoral processes and laws as they are expected to go into communities and educate people on the elections.

"You have a crucial role to play in mobilizing eligible citizens to register and turn out in large numbers to vote. You're also responsible for ensuring that the elections are conducted in a free, fair and credible manner," he said.

Kasaila said MEC will continue to work in close collaboration with the DEST members and advised them to carry out their duties efficiently as they are responsible for the smooth execution of the general elections.

District Commissioner for Chiradzulu, Francis Matewere assured the electoral body that DEST members will carry out their responsibilities with diligence. 

"I am pleased that MEC has committed resources for us to operate effectively, this will ease some of our challenges," Matewere said.

Friday, 10 May 2024 19:48

Nine arrest nine in Police operation

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, May 10, Mana: Police in Dowa have arrested eight Malawian nationals and one Rwandese identified as Emmanuel Ahorukomeye for being suspected of participating in a series of criminal activities in the district.

Dowa Police Station Public Relations Officer, Alice Sitima said the arrests were a result of a planned operation conducted by the law enforcers.

"Among the suspects, three were charged with operating businesses that involved the purchase of farm produce without appropriate licenses.

"One person was detained for the illegal storage of liquid fuel and the remaining were arrested for various offenses, such as being found in possession of cannabis, distribution of counterfeit products, and use of uncertified scales," she said.

In addition to the arrests, Sitima said the operation led to the confiscation of 17 scales, which are suspected of not being certified by the Malawi Bureau of Standards.

The Suspects who are of the ages between 18 and 45 are currently awaiting to appear in court where they will answer the charges filed against them.

"We reaffirm our commitment to continue such operations to curb crime and ensure both safety of the district's residents and their properties," she said.

A resident of Dowa Boma, Mussa John hailed the Police for conducting the operation which has led to the arrest of the suspects.

He said the communities should help the Police to fish out more people involved in criminal acts in the district.

By Martha Simchimba

Lilongwe; May 10, Mana. Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Danish Red Cross have distributed over K 13 million to 88 beneficiaries in Lilongwe.

The beneficiaries are from areas that were affected by floods and stormy winds in Traditional Authorities (TAs) Chiseka and Kalolo in the district.

Speaking on Friday during distribution of the cash, MRCS Planning and Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting Coordinator, Simon Tembo said they felt of assisting the survivors so that they could recover from what they have lost.

"We have provided cash from our partners to support the survivors and assist them to rebuild their respective communities after experiencing the devastating floods and stormy wind in February this year," he said.

Tembo said the exercise would benefit 55 households in TA Chiseka and 33 households in TA Kalolo respectively and would each receive K 150,000.00 so that they start a normal life.

Group Village Headman Kataila Petros thanked MRCS for the donation saying it would assist his subjects to start a normal life again by among other things rebuilding their damaged houses.

"We are very grateful for what Red cross has done, this money will be used to rebuild their houses which were blown off and damaged due to the stormy rains," he said.

Petros urged his subjects to use the cash for the intended purpose so that when MRCS would be coming for monitoring they should have tangible things to show.

One of the beneficiaries, Clemencia Kacherenga, 67 from GVH Kachiwala expressed her happiness saying the cash has come at the right time when she wanted to maintain her house after her roof was blown off by story winds.

Red Cross through flood response is supporting 1,600 beneficiaries in four districts namely: Karonga, Kasungu, Lilongwe and Nkhotakota.

By Evance Chisiano

Blantyre, May 10, Mana:  Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has introduced excise tax stamps on different products.

The products are blended Kalondola on bottled water, beverages, beer, spirits, body skin lotions to ensure excise tax compliance among domestic manufacturers whose products will be easily tracked and traced right from the production line to the market using various verifying means for authenticity.

MRA disclosed this on Friday during Media briefing in Blantyre where the revenue mobilization agency said the excise tax stamps regime was in line with Section 77 c of Customs and Excise Act.

Making a presentation, Kalondola Project manager, Steve Kuntembwe defined the excise tax stamps as physical form of a sticker or digital seal on a product to indicate payment of excise tax.

“We are marking our products in Malawi for easy track and trace. This will help to track counterfeit food products on the market,” he said, adding that this system came to promote local manufacturers that suffer a blow from an influx of illicit, smuggled and unbranded products that have flooded the market,” he said.

MRA Deputy Commissioner General, Henry Ngutwa said the revenue authority was not introducing a new tax other than rolling out what was already there.

“Excise tax stamps was already on the locally manufactured cigarettes. We are just rolling out excise tax stamps to other products that are excisable apart from cigarettes,” he added.

Ngutwa said the introduction of excise tax stamps was done in good faith for the good of local manufacturers, consumers and the national economy.

“We are protecting Malawians from consuming bad products and at the same time promoting local manufacturing companies against influx of fake products,” he added.

The Deputy Commissioner General said Malawi relies on revenue mobilization by the MRA such that implementation of excise tax stamps was the way to go, adding that the public has the role to playing in the implementation of Kalondola whose moto is; Stamp It, Stand Out.

“We are moving with time in mobilizing revenue,”he said, adding that the MRA would raise public awareness on the introduction of Kalondola so that the public should participate in making the initiative a success by reporting non-compliance and by using 365 App on smart phones to verify authenticity of products.