

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, May 7, Mana: Spokesperson of Urban Music People (UMP), Marie Thom has said integration of sports in the upcoming festival will enhance experience, audience engagement, and promotion of physical activities in the country.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency, Thom said the integration of sports into UMP will feature diverse range of beach and niche activities that sports diehards enjoy.

“UMP festival will feature a diverse sports disciplines like table Tennis, beach volleyball, female beach football, darts, pool, arm wrestling, canoeing, fishing competition as well as kayaking competition.

“We are thrilled to introduce sports into the UMP Festival enriching the event with activities that celebrate athleticism, camaraderie, and community spirit. By incorporating these exciting sporting events, we aim to offer attendees a dynamic and diverse experience,” Thom said.

Thom further said the triumph of the sports integration will depend on the collaboration with stakeholders saying this enhances better execution of sporting events.

“To ensure the success of the sporting integration, Chitoliro is actively involving various local sports clubs, associations, and relevant authorities to facilitate the organization and promotion of the sports,” She added.

In his remarks, basketball player for Cobbe Barracks Ettiene Nyamilandu, said the initiative is a good development saying the integration will help teams to work-hard.

“This is a good development. It will help athletes to perform at higher level so that they can be recognised as the best and then get the award. In addition, this will also motivate teams and individuals to push for the greater good,”

UMP festival which began as a mini-concert at Grin Bamboo in Blantyre is expected to hold this years’ celebration on 25 to 28 October at Cape Maclear in Mangochi.

By George Mponda

Karonga, May 7, Mana: Norwegian Ambassador to Malawi, Ingrid Marie Mikelsen has said her government is committed to ensuring that Malawi’s citizenry have national identity cards for them to participate in the 2025 General Election.

Mikelsen was speaking Tuesday when she toured National Registration Bureau (NRB) offices at Karonga District Council.

"Elections are coming up in a year from now and we need more people to have national identity cards so that they can vote for leaders of their choice., Norway, has since 2016 been supporting the NRB with National Registration and Identification System (NRIS). We are proud that the system is functioning well.

Norway has provided more than K5 billion to make sure that the project is implemented successfully. We understand that there are challenges in terms of equipment but nonetheless, the system is functioning well," Mikelsen said

She added that through collaboration between different stakeholder and the Norwegian Statistical Bureau, the data in the system is very reliable.

Principal Secretary for NRB in the Ministry of Homeland Security, Mphatso Sambo said for a long time, Norwegian Government has played a crucial role in supporting Malawi Government in implementation of the project.

"The NRB will register all eligible candidates and provide them with national identity cards. We are currently in the 8th phase of the National Registration Outreach Programe.

 Our job is to register eligible people so that they access identity cards but we do not register people for elections. We only support the electoral process through the registration of Malawians,"said Sambo.

Sambo added that the NRB will soon be launching a mop up exercise in all districts from June 1 whereby all people who will be missed in the current phase, should be served.

By Memory Khutuliwa

Blantyre, May 7, Mana; Tikonze Apapa, a Non-Government Organization dedicated to empower people with hearing impairment has trained six sign language interpreters in Chiradzulu to assist students with hearing impairment in vocational Centre’s in the district for inclusive education

A refresher training for volunteer sign language interpreters took place at Chiradzulu Secondary School recently where six volunteers acquired additional skills in sign language interpretation through a project called Muchitadala.

Executive Director for Tikonze Apapa, Katiana Lafrance said limited resources is a setback that prevents Tikonze Apapa from accomplishing the project which targets students with hearing impairment across Malawi.

“The aim of this project is to support students with hearing impairment in schools across the country by providing sign language interpreters to facilitate their academic progress,” she said.

The director added that Tikonze Apapa’s ambition is to reach out to more students with hearing impairment as a way of promoting inclusive education for student with hearing impairment whom she said were mostly denied right to education.

Currently 14 students with hearing impairment will benefit from the pilot phase of the project.

“Students with hearing impairment often face challenges in understanding teachers due to communication barriers. The project will bridge the communication gap,” she added.

One of the trainees, Steve Nkhamani said the training equipped him with practical skills and knowledge directly applicable to specific career needs.

“I will be able to fill the gap between students with hearing impairment and teachers. This is in line with inclusive education policy,” he said.

Tikonze Apapa is an organization dedicated to empowering people with hearing impairment through various initiatives including vocational training and education sponsorship in some of the districts in the country.

By Memory Khutuliwa

Blantyre, May 7, Mana; Mulhako wa Alhomwe has organized Youth Talent Day to promote Lhomwe culture and tradition on May 18 at Chonde Cultural Village in Mulanje where Malawian Lhomwe youths and those from Mozambique will assemble to display foot work and energetic body movement through the most popular tchopa dance.

One of the organizers, Jubeck Monjeza told Malawi News Agency on Tuesday that Youth Talent Day is another Lhomwe festival organized by the Mulhako WA Alhomwe mother body.

“This is very important because this will help our board of trustees to see for themselves talent among the Lhomwe youths. We also want the Lhomwe youths to understand why there is Mulhako WA Alhomwe,” he added.

Monjeza said that they were well prepared to stage the show, adding that over 50 youths from Malawi have registered to participate in the talent show.

He said traditional dances, poetry, band performance among others have been lined up to entertain those that will patronize the event including the Mulhako WA Alhomwe, Board Chairperson Muchanakhwaye Mpuluka and all the trustees.

“Apart from this, we are going to have a live band performing by Stakers Band, musician, Chancy Namoyo and poet Raphael Sitima will be there to entertain, youths from Mozambique will also there with some magic as well as kusamba likulupysa,” Monjeza added.

Sitima confirmed his attendance and said he was fully prepared be on the stage to recite his best poems.

“I will perform poems that possess deep meaning of power and beauty of words, crafting them with some uniqueness. I will also recite my new poem called Sapatsa Zonse,” he said.

Namoyo also confirmed his attendance and said he was set for the event to showcase his best music.

“As am saying am busy in studio doing other songs that will be out before May 18 and the youth will enjoy and live to remember my songs,” he said.

By Manasse Nyirenda

Rumphi, May 7, Mana: District Education Manager for Rumphi, Emmanuel Mwalirino says pass rate for Primary School Leaving Certificate Examinations (PSLCE) for Old Salawe Education Zone in Rumphi has jumped to 88 percent since a teachers development centre (TDC) worth K27.3 million was built in the area.

The zone, mostly accessed through Lake Malawi is one of the hardest areas to reach in Rumphi. Pass rate has since increased from 59 percent in 2021 before the TDC was built to 88 percent in 2023 after the TDC built with Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) funds was handed over in 2022.

Speaking Monday in an interview, Mwalirino said teachers in the area lacked conducive environment where they could conduct professional orientation meetings besides sharing teaching practices.

“There was no office for primary education advisor (PEA). They had no resource centre where teachers could display their various teaching and learning resources. The area also lacked library services where both teachers and learners could access such services.

The TDC has improved teaching and learning. Teachers from different schools in Tcharo now have an office in which they meet planning, sharing notes on teaching and standardising zonal examinations which have improved the performance of learners,” said Mwalirino.

Councillor for Tcharo Ward, Starch Galatiya Kondowe said he was pleased that learners in the area are also benefiting from having the TDC.

“A TDC is where teachers meet and share skills to enhance teaching and learning skills. I am very happy that such an office is now in my area. I am looking forward to even better performance by in the subsequent PSLCE,” said Galatiya.

Director of Planning and Development for Rumphi District Council, Frank Mfune said GESD projects have helped the council to improve service delivery in health, education and agriculture sectors among others.

GESD is a performance based Malawi Government project funded by the World Bank.

Tcharo Ward has 10 schools with 1836 learners and 42 teachers.

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, May 7, Mana: Head-girl at Nsaru Secondary School in Lilongwe Natasha Maoza has said the delay in completion of girls’ hostel which started over 13 years ago at the school is negatively affecting their Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) performance.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA), Maoza said studying becomes a challenge since most of the girls stay far away from school and they walk long distances to go to school.

She said, the delay has not only affected their studies but also their safety is always at risk.

“We are facing number of challenges due to the delays to complete the hostel. Many girls have left school because they have been impregnated. Secondly, for the past years many girls have been performing badly MSCE and Junior Certificate of Education (JCE). So our future is being ruined by the delays,” Maoza said.

“The construction started long time ago and the hostel is at standstill, nothing is happening on the ground. My worry is that if the hostel is not completed, many girls will continue to be denied right to education. I am urging government to complete the hostel because if the delay continues, then we will continue to be excluded,” She added.

Commenting on the matter, Head-teacher at Nsaru Secondary School, Bambiro Hadley Kumwenda said the construction of the hostel is at standstill because the government said the hostel is not in a modern state hence there is a need to construct a new hostel.

He added that the construction of new hostel was supposed to start in 2020 but up to now, the construction works have not yet commenced.

“As I am talking to you right now, there is nothing on the ground. The old hostel was abandoned due to what they say it was the issue of poor standards. The new hostel was supposed to be a jointly constructed by Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Malawi government. But currently we have learnt that JICA has its standards and the government is proposing different standards. So the delay is a result of misunderstanding between the government and JICA,” Kumwenda said.

Member of Parliament for Lilongwe North Constituency, Monica Chang'anamuno confirmed the development but said the delay was a result of poor foundation of the hostel.

"The hostel that started 10 years ago did not have the right foundation. It was a threat to the lives of the girls. That's why the hostel can not be completed," She said.

Meanwhile, Chang'anamuno has said the plans to construct a new hostel are underway, and once resources are available the hostel will be constructed.

By Wongani Mkandawire  

Nkhotakota, May 7, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) on Monday took its awareness meetings to Nkhotakota District where it challenged electoral stakeholders to be champions of driving towards peaceful, fair, and credible elections next year.

The meeting aimed at sensitizing electoral stakeholders on the new electoral laws, constituency and ward boundaries, and electoral calendar, among others.

MEC Regional Operation Commissioner for the North, Deverson Makwete, said that for the country to achieve fair and credible elections free of post-election chaos, stakeholders must be at the forefront in advocating for that.

"As a Commission, we are very happy with the patronage today and we hope that the message which they have acquired here will be used to advance MEC's aspirations to have a fair and credible election next year," Makwete said.

He further disclosed that the Commission is migrating from the previous National Registration Bureau (NRB) system to a new system called Election Management Device (EMD) which will be used in many electoral processes, including voter registration.

"This device is going to be used for different purposes. Apart from voter registration, the device will also be used for voter verification and transmission of results from polling stations to constituency, district, and main tally Centre," he said.

Nkhotakota District Council Director of Administration, Victor Chithabwa, commended MEC for organizing the meeting, saying it has enlightened stakeholders on their roles and responsibilities in pre-election, during election and post-election stages.

"We are grateful that MEC decided to have this session in Nkhotakota District, as you might be aware that elections involve several stages and stakeholders. I'm sure that these individuals will take the message to their respective areas," Chithabwa said.

In his remarks, Traditional Authority Mwansambo in Nkhotakota said that chiefs will engage their villagers to ensure that they understand everything about elections.

"I will encourage my fellow chiefs to be proactive in advocating for peaceful elections next year, starting from this year, because election is a process which begins months before the exact voting day," Mwansambo said.

The meeting drew together representatives of all political parties, religious leaders, chiefs, and Civil Society Organizations, among others.

MEC is expected to roll out the voter registration process from September to December 2024 ahead of the September 2025 general elections.

By Beni Bamusi

Thyolo, May 7, Mana: In an attempt to ease mobility of teachers in hard to reach areas in Thyolo, Ministry of Education, through Malawi Education Reform Programme (MERP), has donated 20 push bicycles worth K4.5 million to 20 schools to improve female teachers’ mobility in the remote parts of the district.

Speaking when handing over the bicycles on Monday at Thyolo District Education Offices, District Commissioner Hudson Kuphanga said the initiative shows that government attach greater importance to girl child education and welfare of teachers in the remotest parts of the country.

“This will ease mobility among mentor teachers considering that the terrain in Thyolo is challenging. Teachers in the rural areas will now find it easy to take a greater role in girl child education,” he added.

Kuphanga noted that Thyolo has higher levels of child labour that need some intervention to save children from the exploitation.

“Thyolo has got high levels of child labour because of tea estates hence the need to work with commitment to take the girl child back to school. We should have more girls educated in Thyolo and this is a good starting point,” said Kuphanga.

A mentor teacher, Tiyanjane Kangadeya from Bwalidzo Primary School, said the bicycles will ease mobility among teachers that are required to visit girls in their localities.

She pledged to use the bicycle for intended purposes, adding she will ensure to inspire girls at her school and surrounding areas to aim higher to realise their dream goals of becoming productive citizens in various professions other than ending up working as casual labourers in tea estates.

Among other things, MERP is increasing the hardship allowance of teachers and improving distribution of female teachers in remote schools.

By Evance Chisiano

Blantyre, May 7, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission says the newly amended electoral laws will ensure law and order in the electoral process towards aspired free and credible general election.

Commissioner responsible for media and civic education, Francis Kasaira made the remarks in Blantyre during stakeholder’s awareness meeting on Monday.

“The laws are meant to provide order in the field of play for all contesters. The amended laws will ensure credible elections which should be accepted by all electoral stakeholders,” Kasaira said as he responded to questions from the stakeholders that sought clarifications on the amended electoral laws.

Stakeholders among them chiefs, party, youth, civil society organizations, faith leaders discussed amended electoral laws, electoral calendar, constituencies boundaries among others,

“You have a big role to play in the 2025 general elections,” Kasaira said and called on those that attended the awareness meeting to further disseminate information about the amended electoral laws to their subjects to ensure they are  aware of what the law says about the elections. 

District Commissioner for Blantyre, Alex Mdooko called on political parties to follow proper procedures before holding campaign meetings.

He observed that some campaigners bypass office of the District Commissioners and the police when holding campaign meetings, adding that “this is not procedurals as this create conflicts in case another campaigner book the same venue,”

Mdooko therefore called on political parties to be cooperative with his office to ensure order during the campaign meetings.

“Electoral stakeholders have roles and responsibilities to ensure that elections are violence free. Some stakeholders forget their roles and responsibilities and in the end the DC is left alone to deal with electoral conflicts,” the District Commissioner added and assured MEC that the council will work diligently to ensure smooth electoral process.

He also called on party representative to instill sense of responsibility and patriotism among the youth whom he said are mostly exploited to cause chaos during campaign meetings.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) District Governor for Blantyre Rural, Peter Bell commended MEC for organizing the stakeholder’s awareness saying the meeting provided great opportunity for the stakeholders to get reliable information on electoral issues ahead of the 2025 general elections.

By: Steve Chirombo

Dedza, May 7, Mana: Communities under Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza in Dedza district have commended the renovation works of Chimkombero health post as well as construction of two healthcare staff houses saying the development will improve health service delivery in the area.

In an interview during a monitoring visit on Monday, Group Village Headman Chimkombero said his subjects have been walking long distances to access medical treatment.

“We thank government for supporting us with these development initiatives. The other nearest hospitals are at Bembeke which is a distance of about 28 kilometers or at Dedza district hospital which is even far and these developments works will help us to easily access medical treatment,” said GVH Chimkombero

He added that once complete and operational, communities will be asked to jealously guard the facility so that it stays longer while providing them with healthcare services.

He called on the authorities to quickly consider opening the facility.

Commenting on the development, a community health worker, Linos Dausi, said, meanwhile some patients are being referred to Bembeke and Dedza district hospital and that once Chimkombero health post becomes operational, more people will access health services nearby.

He also pointed out that the two staff houses that have been constructed will help healthcare workers to live close to the facility and attend to patients without difficulties.

On his part, Dedza district council, Director of Planning and Development (DPD), Macpherson Mwakhwawa, said the infrastructural development such as Chimkombero health post, are meant to enhance service delivery in the targeted communities.

“As the facility has been completed and now to be used by the communities, this means that we have alleviated problems that were being faced in terms of service delivery and at the same time, improving the livelihoods of the people in the district,” he stated

Apart from renovating Chimkombero health post, the World Bank’s performance based grant, Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) has also constructed two healthcare staff houses and two VIP latrines at the site, all to a tune of K181 million.