

By: Steve Chirombo

Dedza, May 7, Mana:  Communities under Traditional Authority Kachere in Dedza have called on authorities at Dedza district council to open Namakasu Police Unit which they say once operational, will reduce long distance they cover to access justice.

The communities disclosed that they cover 48 kilometres to reach Chafumba which they said is their nearest police unit.

One of the community members, Isaiah Januwale, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) in an interview, on Monday that in the absence of a police unit, they cover a long distance to access help when need arises while others do not bother to report to police most incidences.

“Once this police unit becomes operational, we will get justice close and it will improve on our well-being. It is my plea to my fellow communities here to at least take care of the infrastructure because it belongs to us all,” he said

Another resident, Christina Lackison, said once operational, Namakasu Police Unit, will help them to quickly address issues such as theft, family disputes and property grabbing by men which are rampant in the area.

She said most women are being abused, but their cases do not see the light of the day due to longer distance which they can only get at Chafumba Police Unit.

“Now that we have this magnificent building here, there is hope that cases will be expedited. I call upon women to fully utilize this police unit once it becomes operational,” she stated.

On his part, Eleson Mchilindo, who is Group Village Headman Tsumbi where the police unit is built, said they resorted to request for a police unit having observed the long distance they cover to Chafumba Police Unit.

“Once this becomes operational and officers are deployed, we will ensure good working relationship and that their lives will be protected. Where things are wrong, we will always engage each other for a good resolution,” he said

Mchilindo further said that they have done several community meetings on the importance of having a police unit and that they will never entertain vandalism of the facility.

“Let me appreciate all the GVHs involved for proposing to have this infrastructure here, and government through Dedza district council for heeding to our cry and the communities for fully participating from the beginning to the end.

This is what we call teamwork. Our plea is that this structure becomes operational soon,” said Mchilindo

On his part, Macpherson Mwakhwawa, Director of Planning and Development (DPD) for Dedza, said his office is aware of the challenges communities around Namakasu police unit were facing and that they were liaising with their counterparts at Dedza police station on how best to address the situation.

“In the 2023/24 financial year, we had an allocation for the police unit at Namakasu. So, in the budget for the 2024/25 there is an allocation of a staff house. However, the expectation of the community is for us to handover the police unit before we construct the staff house,” said Mwakhwawa

The DPD further said, in their discussions with officials at Dedza police station, the assumption is that the first phase (police unit) be handed over to the communities as they wait for the construction of the staff house.

The K79 million Namakasu Police Unit comprising of two VVIP latrines was constructed under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF). Once complete, it is expected to provide services to communities under six GVHs in the area of T/A Kachere in the district.

By Patricia Kapulula in Nairobi, Kenya


Nairobi, May 6, Mana: Malawi High Commissioner to Kenya, Callista Mutharika, says summits such as the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) are important for countries like Malawi which rely on agriculture as major forex earner.


She told Malawi journalists in Nairobi, Kenya on Monday ahead of the AFSH Summit which runs from Tuesday to Thursday.


Mutharika said it is important for Malawi to take part in such engagements as the country, despite relying on agriculture, does not manufacture fertilizer hence the need to engage with different stakeholders at continental level in securing such agricultural commodities as fertilizer.


“This is an opportunity for our President to come to Kenya to commit himself and speak to different development agencies that can help us in securing fertilizer and getting advice on what Malawi needs to do,” she said.


Last month, President Lazarus Chakwera was in Nairobi, Kenya for the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) Summit to identify key priority areas for financing in Africa and advocate for an ambitious replenishment of IDA resources, crucial for supporting transformational development objectives across the continent.


President Chakwera is expected to attend the AFSH Summit on Thursday, which brings together all relevant stakeholders to highlight the crucial role of fertilizer and soil health in stimulating sustainable pro-poor productivity growth in African agriculture and to agree on an African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan as well as the Soils Initiative for Africa.


In June 2006, African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government endorsed the Abuja Declaration on Fertilizer for the Africa Green revolution, a continental strategy to reverse the worrying trend of poor productivity of the African soils.


The declaration focused on key targets required for agricultural growth, food security and rural development in Africa, with a focus on fertilizer.

By Sheminah Nkhoma


Lilongwe, May 6, Mana: Head of Presidential Delivery Unit (PDU), who is also Deputy Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Janet Banda, has said government will continue to asses and implement the performance of tourism sector to make it productive.


Speaking during the opening of a two-day pre-tourism lab meeting at Bingu International Convention Centre in Lilongwe, Banda highlighted that there are some barriers in the tourism sector which are important for the government to address.


“The meeting is very important as we will be discussing issues which have been holding back this sector. Despite making efforts in the tourism sector, there are a lot of setbacks which we need to work on,” said Banda.


She further said there are a lot of problems which the tourism sector is facing, such as poor infrastructure and poor coordination in the tourism team, adding that the pre-lab meeting will help to come up with better solutions.


In his remarks, Secretary for Tourism Chancy Simwaka articulated the need of having the pre-lab as it will isolate the main bottlenecks that have been affecting the tourism sector in the country.


“As Ministry of Tourism, we are going to make effort to develop various skills in the tourism sector, including hotel management, food production and tour guides to make sure that we have good standards in the industry,” said Simwaka.


The pre-lab meeting comes after the tourism sector hosted the Takulandirani Mw International Tourism Expo (MITE), which was graced by President Lazarus Chakwera last month.


By Mana Reporter  

Texas, May 6, Mana: President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera has urged prospective investors in Texas to consider investing in Malawi to help the nation through meaningful investments rather than exploitation.

He said this during a Malawi-Texas business roundtable discussion aimed at courting possible partnerships and investments in various sectors, particularly those that align with the Agriculture, Tourism and Mining (ATM) strategy.

Chakwera assured prospective investors that they would receive full support and a conducive environment for smooth operations if they decide to invest in Malawi.

The President urged investors to consider Mega-farms instead of subsistence farming if they want to invest in agriculture, citing Malawi's abundant resources such as valleys and beautiful landscapes.

During the meeting, experts who accompanied the President, presented data, statistics and the market outlook in Malawi in agriculture, tourism, and mining, among other things, to a delegation of private sector players from Texas led by Founder and Chief Executive Officer for Time to Revive, Dr Kyle Lance Martin.

The Texas team presented their interests in Malawi and what they already do in America to the President.

Minister of Trade, Sosten Gwengwe, said that the US-Africa summit was a prime opportunity for Malawi to attract more investors and bolster its economic prospects.

"Even though Malawi already has collaborations with some American companies such as African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and Pyxus, the government is committed to attracting additional potential investors during the summit," he stated

 Gwengwe expressed confidence that Malawi would showcase what it has to offer in alignment with ATM strategy.

By George Mponda


Karonga, May 6, Mana: Seven men and two women were yesterday afternoon rushed to Karonga District Hospital after a tree fell onto a restaurant in Karonga Main Market in which they were served with food.


The nine people who survived various degrees of injuries are still admitted and receiving medical treatment at the health facility.


According to Public Relations Officer for Karonga Police Station, George Mulewa, the incident happened Sunday in the afternoon.


Director of Health and Social Services (DHSS) for Karonga District Council, David Sibale, confirmed that the accident survivors are still receiving treatment at Karonga District Hospital.


"As of today, we have two female patients and seven male patients. They are generally in a stable condition and some of them may be discharged today,” said Sibale.

By Moses Nyirenda


Lilongwe, May 6, Mana: Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) says it will continue providing Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter with monetary support as one way of appreciating the role the media in the country play in promoting issues relating to water, sanitation and hygiene.


In an Interview with Malawi News Agency, LWB Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sili Mbewe said the water utility company values the work the country's media do in promoting issues concerning water, sanitation and hygiene.


“As Lilongwe Water Board, we really value the media in the context of promoting what we are there for, as you know our mandate is to focus on water supply services; now we have taken over the sewerage services from Lilongwe City Council, which means our mandate is extending to sanitation.


“Therefore, for us we do value the importance of media particularly to promote the aspect of water, sanitation and hygiene,” Mbewe said.


LWB has been supporting MISA Malawi for over the past five years particularly in sponsoring its annual awards in the category of Best Urban Water Development Journalist of the Year.


This year, the water supply company also assisted MISA Malawi with K3.5 million channeled towards the Best Urban Water Development Journalist of the Year award during its annual gala awards event which was held recently in Mangochi.


According to Mbewe, LWB will continue to work with MISA Malawi in promoting the area of water, sanitation and hygiene in the country.


“We are really committed particularly now that we have added the sewerage services; we are really proud to partnering with MISA Malawi in our work,” he said.


In his comment, MISA Malawi National Governing Council member Stevie Zimba hailed LWB for supporting MISA Malawi.


“LWB is one of our traditional partners which sponsor the annual gala awards; we do not take their financial support for granted and their support is quite a big boost to us,” Zimba said.

By Majona Jabesi Mnjuzi


Mchinji, May 6, Mana: Mchinji Community Ground reopened its gates with a grand ceremony on Sunday, marking the completion of extensive renovations aimed at bringing the stadium up to modern standards.


Expressing her satisfaction, Dorothy Musa, chairperson of Mchinji Council, hailed the reopening as a symbol of progress and development in the district.


"This ground has all relevant structures that enable it to be one of the best grounds in Mchinji and even the country at large. The reopening of the stadium will advance football sporting activities and will unearth hidden football talent among youths here in Mchinji," she said.


The ground also received praise from Antonio Manda, General Secretary of the Central Region Football Association (CRFA), who commended the district council for prioritizing sports development.


"CRFA is committed and will continue working with various councils to ensure several teams from districts have been promoted into the Super League of Malawi," said Manda.


The refurbished Mchinji Community Ground boasts a fully grassed pitch, changing rooms, a VIP stand, ablution blocks for football fans, and a basketball court.


The reopening ceremony also featured a football match between Mchinji Select and Nyasa Big Bullets Reserve, and the Bullets' youth team won the match by a goal to nil.

Sunday, 05 May 2024 19:28

Times and ZBS dominate media awards

By Evance Chisiano

Mangochi, May 5, Mana:  The 2024 Misa media awards, Times Group emerged number one media house of the year TV category and top media house of the year in the print category while Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) took position one in the media house of the year, radio category.

The awards presentation and gala was part of the World Press Freedom Day commemorations which took place Saturday evening at Sun bird Nkopola in Mangochi.

According to the judges Times TV remains unbiased in its presentation of news and other programmes that engages the public and that Times newspapers uncover issues of public concerns such as corruption and poor governance in both public and private sector,

The Judges rated ZBS radio as number one station that was unbiased in news presentation and programming and at the 2024 facilitates public engagement on issues of national concerns.

The hall was filled with jubilation as the two media houses went in front to receive their awards with chants of self praises to celebrate their recognition as most outstanding media entities.

Others that jumped to their feet in jubilation were individuals that won trophies and prizes in various categories such as photo journalist of the year.

Bembeke FM of Dedza and Chanco Community Radio Station of Zomba saw their reporters winning trophies sand prizes mostly laptops.

National Bank of Malawi, Malawi Communication Authority (Macra), FDH bank, Ekhaya Luxury Resorts, Gazette Media, Lilongwe Water Board, Old Mutual, US Embassy, Water Aid, Plan Malawi, the British High Commission were some of those that sponsored categories in the 2024 Misa Media Awards.    

Before the award presentation, Kunkuyu said government would ensure press freedom and would not stop the media from discharging their duties saying the media plays a crucial role in national development.

“We will stand with all that will stand to protect freedom of the press,” Kunkuyu said, adding that government was committed to promoting and defending press freedom against all forces that impinge on the press freedom.

US Embassy Charge d' Affaires, Amy Diaz said the US value press freedom saying media freedom part of true democracy, adding that press freedom and democracy go hand in hand.

She said the media in the country is defender of democracy, adding that the US Embassy would partner with the media in contributing to fair and credible elections.

Commissioner responsible for Media and Civic Education at the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC), Francis Kasaila said the Commission values the role of the press in informing citizens on electoral matters.

2024 World Press freedom Day was commemorated under the theme ’guardians of democracy; Championing Free and Independent Media for Credible Elections’.

He disclosed that MEC would ensure that the media was well oriented on the electoral process and amended electoral laws before 2025 general elections.

Sunday, 05 May 2024 19:26

Salima Youths to benefit from PWP

By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, May 5, Mana: Youths in Salima district have hailed the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CSEPWP) for improving their livelihoods.

Speaking after receiving her wages for cycle three of the CS-EPWP at Ngodzi in the area of Senior Chief Kambalame on Saturday, Amina Maulana, 20 hailed the programme for making her self-reliant after working for all the three cycles.

She said she managed to join a Village Savings Group where she has managed to save enough money to start selling second hand clothes.

"Working under this programme has improved my life, through the business I am able to buy myself necessary items such as clothes, helping my parents with small things like buying soap, salt and sometimes relish," Maulana said.

Another participant, Joseph Chituwire 27, from Chenkhumba Village in the area of Senior Chief Kambalame, said he now feels like a productive and responsible citizen after being enrolled into the programme, since he was now working towards restoring the environment.

"We felt neglected for a long time because most programmes were centered on the elderly and children but with this one we have been considered, working for three cycles under this programme has assisted me to have a better outlook about social protection programmes," he said.

On his part, Edward Kalonga, 21 from the area of Senior Chief Ndindi said they receive K 28,800 after working for 24 days a month in each cycle adding that he has managed to buy local chickens which was rearing and manages to sale when he needs to buy food items.

Acting Youth Officer for the district, Samuel Chimwaza said unemployment was one of the biggest challenges that the district is facing, therefore having programmes that incorporate the youth to earn an income is commendable.

He said 70 percent of the district's population consists of the youth, therefore if a larger part of the population is staying idle means there would be more cases of theft and vandalism, a development which would be worrisome.

"Most of the youths after receiving their wages, they saved money and have invested in small scale businesses making themselves self-reliant and this has led them to become responsible citizens who are contributing to the development of the district," he said.

Salima District Council is disbursing wages for cycle three of the programme in 16 catchments implementing different projects all working towards environmental restoration and management.

CS-EPWP is a component under the Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods Project (SSRLP).

The SSRLP is a government project funded by the Multi Donor Trust Fund facilitated by National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) in all the 28 district councils.

By Lekereni Chinkhota

Salima, May 5, Mana: Salima District Council and communities surrounding Kuti Wildlife Reserve Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as a measure of conserving and protecting the natural resources in and around the reserve.

The signing ceremony took place in area of Senior Chief Kalonga and was facilitated by Assemblies of God Care (AG Care) Malawi in collaboration with the District Forestry Office.

Speaking during the signing ceremony, Executive Director of AG Care Malawi, Brown Banda underscored the importance of stakeholders to work collaboratively in conserving the reserve. 

“We work with communities for sustainability of our projects and we engage communities to take ownership of whatever interventions we are doing," he said.

Banda said the signing ceremony was symbolic because they have already been working with the communities for a long time to conserve the natural resources around their areas.

He added that, “The communities were able to protect the forest but there was no commitment that was made or had with the district council. But now we feel they will abide by the regulations and all the procedures put together and harmonize all forest reserves in terms of how they are operating.”

The Director said that communities have started taking ownership in terms of managing natural resources and they are showing their commitment to work with the government in conserving the wildlife reserve.

Chairperson for Salima District Council, Chifungo Katoweka said the MOU would bring together the communities and the council to work towards the protection of Kuti Reserve.

“We have been receiving many cases involving the Kuti Wildlife Reserve. Today, the chiefs with help from AG Care have led their people in an agreement to protect the reserve.

"We believe that we will now work in peace together in conserving the reserve without conflicts from either side," he said.

Katoweka noted that, "There were misunderstandings between the Kuti management and the surrounding communities that fueled the deforestation and destruction of the reserve. Salima District Council will be overseer of the MoU to make sure that Kuti is being protected even when the partners leave their areas."

Senior Chief Kalonga emphasized that the MoU would bring peace and promote collaborative working environment that will benefit the people and the reserve.

“We will follow the signed MoU to keep the promise of protecting Kuti and all wildlife reserves in Salima with all its natural resources. The MoU will help us to work well with different partners that will share with us the same vision of protecting the reserve,” he said.

Kuti Management promised to give back to the community by helping them with farming and empowering them to find other means of generating income.

The signing ceremony took place at Senior Chief Kalonga’s headquarters in the district, it will be extended to Traditional Authorities (TAs) Kambwiri and Chisamba in the subsequent days.