

By Austine Patrice Kachilika


Mzimba, May 1, Mana: OneSight Foundation Operations Coordinator responsible for northern and central regions, Praise Kenani, on Wednesday said the foundation will embark on Sustainable Eye Care Project (SECP) in Mzimba District.


Kenani said the intervention follows growing demand for eye care services in the district and the country as a whole.


Speaking in an interview, Kenani said the foundation is on a mission to eliminate uncorrected poor vision by creating sustainable access to eye care through innovative approaches.


“The SECP is an initiative that seeks to improve access to eye care services in Africa and in some countries in Asia.


“Upon the project’s inception in 2022 in Malawi, we have empowered eye clinic departments in various hospitals, financially and materially, thereby creating increased demand for eye care services hence extending it to Mzimba,” said Kenani.


Kenani further said most people neglect eye care services and that leads to the developing of an eye problem which they perceive as normal.


In his remarks, Director of Health and Social Services for M’mbelwa District Council, Prince Chirwa, thanked the foundation for the project and encouraged people in the district to embrace eye care services for their own good.


One out of seven people worldwide have uncorrected poor vision.


By Andrew Gondwe


Chitipa, May 1, Mana: Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) Synod of Livingstonia says over 2,000 learners with disabilities have benefitted from Promoting Equal Access to Education Malawi (PEATEMA) Project by accessing quality education in Chitipa District.


Programmes Manager for CCAP Synod of Livingstonia of Education Department, Atupele Mankhota, was speaking on Tuesday during the project’s exit meeting which was attended by members of district’s executive committee.


Mankhota said that the project has been complementing government efforts in reaching out to learners with disabilities due to inadequate resources.


“As a result, the attendance and pass rate for special needs learners has improved in schools.


“Besides learners benefitting from the project, teachers, parents and community members at large have also benefitted from this project through various trainings,” said Mankhota.


She further said a total of 30 primary school teachers were sent to Catholic University and graduated with certificates in special needs education as an initiative towards promoting inclusive education in the district.


Mankhota added that the teachers have acquired knowledge and skills on how to handle learners with different disabilities to ensure quality and inclusive education.


“Mother groups have acquired knowledge and skills on how to deal with the girl learners with disabilities to remain in school and resist risky behaviours which can hinder them from accessing education," said Mankhota.


Chief Education Officer for Chitipa District, Clement Nyirenda, said that the project’s gains will easily be sustained because of capacity building trainings which targeted teachers, parents, community and learners themselves.


The project, which was being funded by the Scottish Government through Sense Scotland, rolled out in 2018 and phased out on March 31, 2024.

By Evance Chisiano


Blantyre, May 1, Mana: Parliamentary Committee on Industry, Trade and Tourism on Friday toured Chigumula Industrial Park in Blantyre’s Traditional Authority Kapeni area where a contractor is currently working on interior road network on a 22.7 hectare of land for the construction of factory shells for light industries.


Vice Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee, Arthur Chipungu, led committee members to the park to appreciate the work and said the committee was impressed with the pace on interior roads construction.


“We came to appreciate progress at Chigumula Industrial Park and so far we are satisfied with the work here,” added Chipungu, who pledged that the committee will continue to lobby for more support to the Malawi Investment and Trade Centre (MITC) to fulfill its mandate of promoting and facilitating trade investment.


Deputy Director for Industry Silas Sindi commended the committee for taking special interest on Special Economic Zone Programme which facilitates industrial parks development at Chigumula, Matindi in Blantyre, Dunduzu in Mzuzu and another industrial park in Lilongwe.


He said it was encouraging to see the parliamentary committee touring Chigumula parks, adding that this was testimony enough that the legislators want to see Malawi's economic growth through trade, industry and investment.


“Industrialization is key pillar in the Malawi 2063 Agenda. For Malawi to progress well, we need industrial parks that should help in value addition for forex generation,” he said and further asked the committee to continue touring the industrial parks to appreciate progress.


MITC Chief Executive Officer Paul Kwengwere assured the parliamentary committee of high quality and durable road network that should facilitate small and medium enterprises at Chigumula Industrial Park.


“We want to increase light industries for trade promotion. We will soon launch the industrial park here at Chigumula to market it for investors,” he added.


Senior Chief Kapeni called on MITC to speed up industrial park development for the nation to see sustainable economic development.


“Let us not allow too much bureaucracy to slow down development; people want to see development,” said the senior chief in reference to delays at Matindi industrial Park where no development took place due to unpaid compensations.


Before touring Chigumula, the parliamentary committee was at Matindi where Grievance Redress Mechanism Committee complained of government's delay in compensating people who are supposed to pave way for the development of Matindi Industrial Park.

Wednesday, 01 May 2024 17:08

Plan Malawi drills media on TIP

By Stanley Nkhondoyachepa


Lilongwe, May 1, Mana: Plan Malawi has asked the media to partner with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other actors in advocacy and promotion of Trafficking in Person (TIP) victims’ rights.


The organization’s Project Manager for Enhancing Capacity and Coordination to Combat TIP project, Alinikisa Mphongolo, said this in Dowa on Monday when she opened a day long advocacy training for editors and reporters from various media houses on TIP.


Mphongolo noted that TIP continues to increase in Malawi despite effort by government, NGOs and local civil society organizations.


She said it was important that her organization engages the media to orient news editors and reporters on the legal framework, gaps and challenges being experienced by TIP victims as well as develop a joint advocacy plan for promotion of TIP victims’ rights.


She said in alignment with TIP office priorities, the Enhancing for Coordination to Combat Trafficking in Person (ECTIP) project is being implemented in Mulanje and Mwanza districts to strengthen the capacity of frontline actors, refine and align national level policies and programming, among others.


She called on the media to sensitize the public on issues of TIP and advocate for the rights of victims.


Making a presentation, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) National Project Officer, Maxwell Matewere, observed that TIP is an organized crime that needs a multi-sectoral approach to combat.


“Human trafficking is a highly profitable crime and the second largest, fastest growing criminal enterprise that also involves high profile people,” he said.


Matewere observed that beside people being trafficked on the pretext of job offers, other forms of trafficking were also on the increase.


“Each year an estimated US$150 billion is generated by traffickers, with US$99 billion in sex and US$51 billion in other forms of trafficking beside employment,” he said.


Matewere said TIP victims are subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment which require counselling at a conducive environment when rescued.


He bemoaned the lack of enough and secure shelters for rescued TIP victims to undergo professional counselling before going back to the communities.


One of the participants, Sarah Munthali, a Malawi News Agency editor, described the training as an eye opener.


“This will help us to bring awareness to the citizens on issues of TIP and follow up on such cases to prevent the malpractice,” she said.


Munthali observed that the knowledge acquired will help news editors and reporters to spot the red lines for potential trafficking, having been trained on the tricks the traffickers use to get unsuspecting people trafficked.

By Memory Kutengule Chatonda

Blantyre, May 1, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera has reaffirmed government's commitment to create a favorable environment for workers to deliver tangible results that would foster the country's socio-economic development.

He made the remarks on Wednesday at Njamba Freedom Park in Blantyre when he led workers in the country in World Labour Day commemoration.

Chakwera said he is aware of the challenges workers face in line of their duties, describing the challenges as 'temporary'.

He further stressed that government has enacted different pieces of legislation to ensure that workers work in a conducive environment and that their rights are respected and protected at all times.

"We have the Labour Relations Act and the Workers Compensation Act, in particular, which has been established under the Pension Act. These are some of the safety nets to support the workers," he said.

Chakwera, therefore, commended workers in general for the invaluable contribution they make to promote development in the country.

He, however, advised workers to embrace the spirit of hard work and dedication to achieve tangible and desired results which will, in turn, promote development in all sectors of the economy.

"Whether you are employed in construction projects, Mega Farms, foreign business investments, or you are operating small-scale businesses that were supported by the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF), work hard and deliver good results," he said.

Chakwera also said government will continue implementing social protection programmes such as AIP and Social Cash Transfer to support vulnerable households with food and income.

Speaking earlier, Employers Consultative Association of Malawi president Anne Chavula recognized the good relationships existing between employers and employees in the country, noting that such cordial engagements are helping to foster development in the country.

She hailed President Chakwera for assenting to different laws, such as the amendment of Pension Act 2023 and Labour Relations Act, all aimed at promoting fair treatment and protecting employees against modern day 'slavery'.

In his remarks, Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) Secretary General Madalitso Njolomole appealed to government to fast-track the gazetting of the newly adjusted tax-free band from K100, 000 to K150, 000 to ensure that low-income earners have more disposable income.

Njolomole also asked government to institute measures that will ensure that companies employ more local skilled workers than foreigners.

On his part, MCTU president Charles Kumchenga commended Chakwera for walking in solidarity with the Union since he assumed the presidency four years ago.

Kumchenga also hailed Chakwera's administration for recruiting and promoting more teachers across the country.

Earlier, President Chakwera, together with the First Lady Monica Chakwera, joined the solidarity walk from Robin's Park to Njamba Freedom Park.

Upon arrival at the venue, he toured pavilions mounted by different public service institutions, showcasing products and services.

Labour Day falls on the 1st of May every year and is celebrated globally. The day offers a platform to recognize and appreciate the valuable contributions of workers, advocate for their rights, and promote decent work for all.

This year, the event was commemorated under the theme: 'Investing in Social Protection in Achieving Decent Work for All'.

Wednesday, 01 May 2024 10:47

Parliament launches Phungu Wanga Project

By Winfrida Kamwana


Mchinji, May 1, Mana: Parliament of Malawi has launched "Phungu Wanga" Project which is solely designed to address burning issues that bring about misunderstandings between Members of Parliament (MPs) and the citizens.


The project, launched at Kawere Ground in Mchinji, is about strengthening Parliament of Malawi to perform better in its oversight, legislative and representative function.


Speaking at the event, Speaker of Parliament Catherine Gotani Hara said that bringing parliament closer to the people will effectively and positively improve the relation between MPs and citizens.


"Citizens will have the opportunity to engage with their elected representatives at a more personal level, fostering a deeper sense of community empowerment," said Gotani Hara.


She further explained that if people have an understanding of what parliament is all about and the roles of the MPs, they will be able to make sound and informed decisions when voting instead of voting and choosing leaders based on assumptions.


"Some members of parliament have been voted out of office because people thought they were not performing well, just because they could not ascertain to other works that the community thought were the roles of an MP, which in a way affects the development of the community," explained Hara.


In her remarks, Member of Parliament for Mchinji North Constituency, Rachel Mazombwe Zulu, thanked parliament for choosing her constituency as one of the beneficiaries of the project, saying this will not just bring the people closer to the leaders, but will also address the gap that is there in terms of the roles of the people in development.


"This project is a milestone in achieving some developmental goals that are set back due to people’s negligence who think that it is only the MP that can do a particular job,” said Zulu.


She went on to say this will also empower people to be advocating and be demanding change where they feel it is needed.


Head of Development Corporation from European Union, Ivo Hoefkens, said funding the project came in because EU saw the right direction democracy is taking in the country.


"The coming in of the project will uphold transparency and accountability among leaders in parliament, thereby increasingly pushing democracy into the right direction," said Hoefkens.


"Phungu Wanga" is a two and half year’s project with K1.2 billion funding.


The project is funded by European Union and implemented by Save the Children and Centre for Civil Society Strengthening in Mchinji, Rumphi, Balaka and the Malawi Parliament.

By Lesnat Kenan


Lilongwe, May 1, Mana: Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) Director General Daud Suleman has highlighted the importance of phasing out physical airtime and data scratch cards in Malawi, saying this will help the country to save forex used to import the airtime scratch cards.


He made the remarks on Tuesday at Sunbird Hotel in Lilongwe during the press briefing on the phasing out of physical airtime and data scratch cards in Malawi.


"The Authority has issued out directive, requiring that all licensed operators that are in the business of mobile networks in Malawi should move from providing top-ups from scratch cards to begin using digital means of topping up.


"This is not brand new mechanism; most of the mobile network operators and mobile internet providers already provide digital top-ups but what we have pushed is for a fast-tracking for fully adoption of digital ways and means of transactions," said Suleman.


He added that the development is part of government’s initiative to promote digital transactions and limit cash usage and promote economic growth.


In his remarks, Airtel Malawi Managing Director Charles Chimoto expressed his excitement for the development, saying this will help to reduce distances for transactions, especially for the customers in rural areas.


Kamoto also added that Airtel Malawi has already surpassed 80 percent in terms of usage of digital solutions to recharge airtime and buy bundles and that only seven percent of customers is still using physical airtime and data transactions.


"With the coming in of directive from MACRA, we are putting mechanism to expand further on our agents’ network, especially in rural areas, as well as communicating to customers on what we are going to do so that everyone in the country embraces this digital recharge," added Kamoto.


The phasing out process starts on 1 May 2024 and MACRA is expecting that all mobile network operators will fully complete moving away from physical scratch cards to digital top-up platforms by 31 December 2024.

Wednesday, 01 May 2024 10:41

NCIC set for Dash Board tool launch

By Elia Chibwe


Lilongwe, May 1, Mana: National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has said Analytical Dash Board, which will be launched on Friday, will assist in increasing transparency and preventing delivery of substandard projects in the country.


Speaking during the press briefing in Lilongwe on Tuesday, Chief Executive Officer for NCIC, Engineer Gerald Khonje, said the Dash Board is a tool that will assist all stakeholders and the general public to view information about the projects that have been uploaded on a platform called Information Platform for Public Infrastructure (IPPI).


"Now the Dash Board will be able to analyze information from each and every project and simplify that information so that when you go on that platform you will be able to see the steps.


"It will also help the general public to take duty bearers to task and, for us as regulators, we also analyze that information and identify gaps and develop interventions that will help to address those gaps," Khonje said.


He further said the IPPI platform is a mixed bag of projects and that prompted NCIC to come up with various interventions that will prevent substandard projects.


"There are some projects that progress very well, they are on course and within the budget but there are some projects that are delayed with varied periods.


"That's the reason why NCIC, after analyzing that information, we came up with interventions to be able to avoid delivering substandard projects and also to advise various stakeholders on what they should do to ensure we consistently deliver quality infrastructure," he said.


In his comment, chairperson for Construction Sector Transparency (COST) initiative, who is also chairperson for Blantyre Water Board, Joe Ching'ani, said the coming in of Dash Board is an indication of the strides and efforts registered by COST.


He also hailed the current administration under President Lazarus Chakwera for taking Malawi back to Open Government Partnership (OGP), which is a global programme.


NCIC aims at creating an enabling environment for a vibrant and innovative construction industry for the delivery of quality infrastructure and economic empowerment.

By Blessings Preston Memena

Mzuzu, April 30, Mana: A Mzuzu University-based security expert, Theodora Thindwa has urged relevant stakeholders to work together with the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to reduce rampant crime that has been happening in Mzuzu City. 

This follows a spate of armed robberies in the city over the past two months.

Speaking in an interview on Tuesday, Thindwa, a lecturer in the Department of Governance, Peace and Security Studies, noted that social and economic factors are some of the crime drivers.

He said there is need for relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organisations to enhance the capacity of police in dealing with crime.

“There is need to support Malawi Police officers to acquire modern skills such as how to use forensics so that they can arrest crime perpetrators and recover the stolen properties in good time,” Thindwa said. 

However, Thindwa urged Mzuzu residents to be proactive in taking measures that can safeguard them from criminals and asked Mzuzu City Council to ensures that street lights in the city are functioning.

“Residents should be clearing all places that could be used as hideouts including clearing unnecessary bushes around their residences. In addition, the Mzuzu City Council should invest in security lights and support neighborhood watch and community policing initiatives”, she said.

In a related development, Northern Region Police’s Public Relations Officer, Maurice Chapola said police are trying their best to reduce crime in the region.  

She was speaking in an interview on Monday after arresting seven people who are suspected of being behind a spate of robberies targeting lodges and high profile business people in Mzuzu City.

“During the past weeks we have been receiving reports of criminals targeting lodges and high profile people including foreign nationals. We made a statement as MPS assuring the residents to remain calm and vigilant while giving us enough time to launch an investigation and we have since arrested the seven suspects,” Chapola said. 

The suspects are Chikondi Phiri, aged 45 from Mayaka Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Chikowi in Zomba, Bright Ben, aged 45 from Mphepo Village, T/A Wimbe in Kasungu, Wested Taulo, Aged 40 from Sabwilabwi Village, T/A Paundi in Manica Mozambique.

Others are Masautso Kaipa, aged 32 from Mlandeni Village, T/A Mpamba in Chiradzulu, Sam Petro, aged 24, Amos Petulo, aged 28, both from Dongo Village, T/A Nsabwe and Yankho Wonderford, aged 18 from Chalingana Village T/A Chaangata, all in Thyolo.

By George Bulombola

Mzuzu, April 30, Mana: Chief Executive Officer for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Regulatory Authority (Ngora), Edward Chileka Banda has advised NGOs to abide by standards as stipulated by Ngora for them to continue operating in the country.

Chileka Banda was speaking, Monday in Mzuzu during Ngora’s interaction with northern region based NGOs on development updates in the sector, legal and policy matters.

He said NGOs are supposed among others, to pay for their annual licenses besides paying for registration which is done once for all and submit reports to Ngora for sanity operations of the NGO Sector.

“Ngora has no intention to close down or penalize NGOs, we are just enforcing compliance which stipulates among others that only registered NGOs with valid licenses should operate in the country,” said Chileka Banda.

He said some NGOs have lost direct funding opportunities due to non-compliance thereby ending being overpowered by International NGOs.

Chileka Banda also said any investment by development partners into NGOs is meant to benefit and empower local communities and advised them to have vibrant financial management systems to avoid fraud and corrupt practices in the institutions.

“You should always be accountable for resources which you get from donors for sustainable investments in the interest of local communities. Government will not ask you for money as the resources are meant to be channeled towards improving health and livelihoods for Malawians,” he said.

In her remarks, Presidential Advisor on NGOs, Martha Kwataine said that some NGOs are corrupt, nontransparent and lack integrity and that government can not allow such type of institutions to access funding.

She said people should establish NGOs for the sole purpose of supporting Malawians not as sources of employment.

“Experience has shown that we have a huge number of NGOs who do not nesscearily serve people as is expected.

 We have witnessed a mushrooming of NGOs in the past five or 10 year and some of them are solely established for making money or employment thereby facing difficulties in complying with donor requirements ending up losing funding from donors,” said Kwataine.

Chief Executive Officer for Youth Watch Society, Mateyu Mukhuta Banda, said NGOs which are suspected of being involved in fraud and corruption related activities should be investigated and shamed.