

By Alex Banda Kachingwe

Blantyre, June 27, Mana: Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) has engaged mother care groups from Machinjiri in Blantyre, on a special training to remind the group on their role of raising awareness on the importance of vaccinating under five children against pneumonia, typhoid and other children diseases.

MHEN Administrative Assistant, Mphatso Kamangira, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Wednesday that mother care group trainings were done under the banner ‘Reaching Every Child’ to protect children from diseases that can be prevented with vaccine.

“The main reason for the campaign is to make sure every child has been reached and vaccinated. We are trying to improve immunization coverage of which we are almost getting closer to reach most of the children,” said Kamangira.

He added that the involvement of mother care groups was a sure way of attaining a big coverage of the immunization programme.

Health Surveillance Assistant for South Lunzu Health Centre, Felix Kankhono, said the training was a refresher after mother care group training in 2019.

He expressed hope that the mother care group will further raise awareness on the importance of vaccinating under five children against diseases.

South Lunzu mother care group chairperson, Esimy Kadzuwa, thanked MHEN for the training, saying it will help them raise awareness in the community on the importance of vaccine.

She, therefore, appealed to members of the mother care group to join hands in intensifying awareness to protect under five children from diseases that can be prevented by vaccine.

MHEN is implementing the campaign in nine districts of Lilongwe, Mchinji, Ntchisi, Dowa, Kasungu, Mzimba South, Mzimba North, Chitipa and Blantyre with financial support from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi).

By Priscilla Phiri

Lilongwe, June 27, Mana:  European Union together with the German Cooperation through KfW, has donated six vehicles valued at EUR 290,000 (K554,000,000) to the Ministry of Gender, Community Development, and Social Welfare to boost its Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) locally known as ‘Mtukula Pakhomo’ activities in Mulanje, Phalombe, Mzimba and Mchinji districts.

The donation was made on Thursday, June 27, at a handover ceremony which took place at the Ministry's headquarters in Lilongwe.

Speaking at the ceremony, the EU ambassador to Malawi Rune Skinnebach expressed his excitement for the handover saying the gesture demonstrates the strong partnership between EU, German and the Malawi government.

"These vehicles are another token of the strong bonds of partnership and cooperation between Team Europe and the Government of Malawi," he said.

 Skinnebach also expressed optimism about the impact the vehicles will have on the SCTP's success and the lives they will touch.

“The EU is proud to build a more inclusive, equitable and resilient society and I look forward to witnessing the positive impact that these vehicles will have on the programme,” he said.

Receiving the vehicles on behalf of the Ministry, the Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Jean Sendeza, expressed gratitude for the unwavering support and partnership from the EU and the German KfW.

 She said, "The vehicles we are receiving today are more than just a means of transport; they symbolise hope, accessibility, and a brighter future for countless families who depend on our social cash transfer programme for their survival and dignity."

The SCTP provides essential relief to vulnerable families, enabling them to meet basic food consumption needs through cash support. The continuous cooperation between the EU, the Germany government (through KFW), and Malawi has been instrumental in driving positive change in various communities.

The Ministry extends heartfelt thanks to the EU and the Federal Government of Germany for their generous donation, which will significantly enhance the SCTP's implementation.


Also present at the event was the German Ambassador to Malawi, Ute König among other delegates.

By Kondwani Banda


Blantyre, June 27, MANA: Secretary for Information and Digitalisation, Baldwin Chiyamwaka says the programmes in the Digital Malawi Project and its successor, the Digital Malawi Acceleration Project are critical in improving the lives of Malawians by ensuring that they acquire the required digital skills.


Speaking during a visit to the Private Public Partnership Commission, Chiyamwaka said the project components will transform the way of living for Malawians, underscoring the importance of digital transformation on the country's economy.

He stated that the projects align with the Malawi 2063 Agenda and other broader national initiatives.


"Our programmes in the ministry, including this one being funded by the World Bank, are compliant with the Malawi 2063 vision, they are not designed outside that framework," he disclosed.


These are milestones in the projects leading to the attainment of Malawi 2063 Vision," he added.

Project Manager of Digital Malawi Project, Chimwemwe Matemba said the project scope and activities to elevate the status of the digital transformation are crucial in addressing the digital gap in Malawi.


He disclosed that the first phase of the project has achieved its target and exceeded the targets in other areas.

He added that the Digital Malawi Acceleration Project will close the gaps left by the first phase.


"Digital Malawi is actually the project that started to lay the foundation for digitalization for the country, despite this project being successful; there is need for further investment in the ICT space. This is where the Digital Malawi Acceleration Project comes in," he said.


The Digital Malawi Project, a Malawi Government initiative implemented through the Ministry of Information and Digitalisation with World Bank support, consists of two phases, the first phase is focused on digital ecosystems, connectivity, and platforms, while the second phase, the Digital Malawi Acceleration Project, aims to leverage improved connectivity and public digital service delivery capacity to accelerate digital services growth across sectors.


Some of the project's achievements include the passage of the Data Protection Act through ICT regulation, strategy, and policy development,

training and incubation of over 19,000 beneficiaries in digital skills development and innovation, support for tech-hubs with grants, with 12 tech-hubs benefiting, and connectivity of 500 public institutions, with a target of 530 by the end of the Phase 1.

Thursday, 27 June 2024 00:22

Pigeon pea market still open in India

By Tione Andsen

Lilongwe, June 26, Mana: Government has said the exportation offer for 50,000 metric tonnes for Pigeon peas to India was still on and has been extend to 2025.

Director of Trade in Goods at Ministry of Trade and Industry. Charity Musonzo disclosed this Wednesday in Lilongwe during a press briefing on the implementation of National Single Window project at the Ministry which is being implemented by Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (SATCP) with funding from World Bank as part of the Nacala Corridor development.

She said the 2018 Pigeon peas offer was still binding and the only set back was that the country was failing to supply the required quantities.

“We have been export Pigeon peas to India but the amounts are not desirable for the country and we need to encourage farmers to venture into massive production of the crop,” Musonzo added.

The Director said increase production of Pigeon peas would help the country to earn forex which could help to boast the country’s foreign reserves.   

She said the Ministry of Trade was worried the offer has been in play for the past six years, most traders and farmers are not committing themselves to exporting the commodity.  

“We are hoping this year we will have increased volumes of Pigeon peas products which can satisfy the demand so the international markets,” Musonzo added.

She pointed out 50,000 metric tonnes export threshold still stand and the Indian government is more willing to even extended the offer beyond 2025,

The Director appealed to traders and farmers to take up the opportunity and increase Pigeon peas production in the country.

A Pigeon pea trader, Wilson Limbanga suggested that the Ministry should engage Mega farm on a special initiative in order to increase production of the crop.

He said the low production of Pigeon peas in the country has come about due to poor pricing and unstable markets in which farmers’ sale at a loss.

By Tione Andsen

Mchinji, June 26, Mana:  Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has said time management in handled both passengers and cargo has improved tremendously after the establishment of One Stop Border in Mchinji.

MRA Deputy Station Manager for Mchinji One Stop Border Post (OSBP), Felix Mzilahowa disclosed thus Wednesday in Mchinji when Media houses visited the Border Post as part of Media Orientation of Sothern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (SATCP) with funding from World Bank to stimulate trade with Nacala Corridor. 

He said the previous facility was two small to handled large volumes of passengers and cargo but with the establishment of the new one has improved on time management.

Mzilahowa said in the past a passenger was taking two hours to be cleared it takes not more than an hour while cargo clearance was taking two days but now it takes two hours.  

“The Border operations are going on well just because we have new facility and the processes have been simplified since the introduction OSBP. Before this new structure was built we had many hustles. We did not have enough space or car parking area and even offices we were using were too small to accommodate passengers on daily basis,” he pointed out.  

Mzilahowa added that the border has seen the increase in the importation of tiles than any other border in the country due to efficiency in time management.

He said before OSBP the revenue generation was ranging from K1.1 billion in a month but now we are collecting about K 3 billon a month.

The Deputy Station Manager said smuggling of goods from Zambia into Malawi has been reduced because the facility has the provision of Police Post and are assisting in patrolling the uncharted routes

He said the presence of the Post has had an impact which has helped to increase revenue per month.

Mzilahowa noted that the installation of smart gates at the facility has helped to provide information and data on goods and vehicles passing through the border and most of it is provided to National Statistical Office (NSO).

He said the gates are helping to intercept smuggled vehicles from Zambia and South Africa.

A Business Lady from Lilongwe, Maria Joseph said the new facility has accelerated speed in clearing of their goods.

“We used to spend days for MRA to clear our goods but this a thing of the past. Previous most small scale business people were using uncharted routes to avoid delays at the border,” she recalled.

Mchinji OSPB was commissioned on December 7, 2022.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 20:29

Greenbelt in maize production drive

By Gift Chiponde


Lilongwe, June 26, Mana: Secretary for Irrigation in the Ministry of Agriculture, Eng. Geoffrey Mamba has expressed satisfaction with the steps taken by the Greenbelt Authority (GBA) to maximise the country's maize production.


He made the remarks on Wednesday at Kanengo in Lilongwe during the handover ceremony of 162 metric tonnes of maize to National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA), which the Authority cultivated through their rain-fed programme at Chikwawa irrigation scheme in Salima.


He stated that the initiative aligns well with the Ministry's objective of ensuring the country has sustainable food production and is food-sufficient.


“I applaud Greenbelt Authority for listening to the Ministry call and the Minister’s directive to embark in revitalisation of the agriculture sector through the Chikwawa irrigation scheme red fed initiative and a number of irrigation schemes which the authority was implementing


Greenbelt is providing some diversified interventions to maximize production of various crops such Sugarcane, maize, rice and other produces,” Mamba said.


GBA Vice Board Chairperson, Regina Sambakunsi said that 162 metric tonnes was a significant achievement despite challenges encountered due to erratic rains.


She pointed out that GBA would continue to improve the agriculture sector through irrigation and rain-fed programmes to embrace the vision of making the country a productive and self-reliant nation.


Board Chairperson for NFRA, Dennis Kalekeni, expressed satisfaction with the initiative, which he described as a milestone in complementing the Mega farm initiative and improving the country's food security.


“There is no need for these grain reserves to be empty our mandate as NFRA is to ensure that the reserves are full of grains


We are targeting over 100,000 metric tonnes in storage to ensure that we have adequate maize in our stocks’’ he said.


Kalekeni revealed that NFRA has opened mobile markets in Kasungu, Mzimba and Chitipa while and plans are underway to open in Mzuzu to ensure that maize was plentiful and available in the country's grain reserves, an initiative which would help to reduce and eradicate hunger among households.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 20:13

PSEUCT empowering urban poor

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe, June 26, Mana: The life of a single mother, Hawa John, 60 has been filled with ups and downs.

Born in Chesomba Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chalazi in Mangochi district, Hawa has six children whom she failed to educate after her husband died seven years ago, leaving her in dare poverty.

Misfortunes overshadowed her happiness as all responsibilities fell on her shoulders.

Constantly worried about feeding her children, she started a small-scale business at Kawale Market in Lilongwe with the little money she had.

The profit from selling sugarcane and fruits helped her buy maize flour and relish for the day.

However, her business struggles intensified when the country’s currency was devalued in 2023, leaving her unable to find the remaining capital for her business.

She was lost until the Price Shock Emergency Urban Cash Transfer (PSEUCT) came to her rescue, enrolling her as a beneficiary.

With a chuckling face, Hawa disclosed that she received a message in her Airtel wallet, finding K150,000 in her account.

It was an incredible moment for her and immediately bought maize and reinvested the remaining amount in her business.

“I was hopeless about my future as prices of goods grew high. I was struggling to earn a living and continue my business, but the program has given me the opportunity to boost my business and alleviate the economic challenges I was facing,” she explained joyfully.

A businessman from Dambo Village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Kaphuka in Dedza district, Chipiliro Kamwaza, 51 is another happy beneficiary of the PSEUCT programme.

He faced numerous challenges paying school fees for his children and often borrowed money from colleagues to make ends meet.

The devaluation of the currency further strained his financial situation until he was registered with the PSEUCT programme.

He hailed the government for including him in the programme, which he believes would help his business grow and make his family happy.

“I am happy with the government’s decision to register me in this program. I was fearful with the rise in maize prices, but now I can buy maize in installments,” Kamwaza said.

The money has supported his family in buying basic needs, which he struggled to achieve without the programme.

“I have started using this money to buy necessities for my home. Some has been invested in my business to bolster it,” Kamwaza added.

A farmer from Area 25 in TA Chitukula in Lilongwe, John Judge, 42 expressed his satisfaction with the programme saying it was a relief after an uncertain growing season due to the El Nino weather condition.

The Previous season's poor harvest left him hopeless about sourcing basic needs for his five children and wife, and he was also struggling to buy farm inputs.

He believes the programme was a significant opportunity to improve his family's livelihood and economic standards.

According to a Press Statement dated June 20, 2024, signed by the Secretary for Economic Planning and Economic Affairs in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, the PSEUCT programme targets ultra-poor households within city wards.

The payment process is conducted in three phases to ensure smooth and efficient fund distribution. Phase one involved distributing funds to 22,339 eligible beneficiaries.

The Statement said Phase two, focused on transferring funds to an additional 16,328 beneficiaries undergoing the Know Your Customer verification and phase three addresses grievances and unresolved issues.

It indicated that PSEUCT is an unconditional cash transfer programme providing a critical safety net for the most marginalized urban population, supporting their consumption needs.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Pauline Kaude said PSEUCT programme aims to alleviate immediate economic hardships caused by the devaluation of the local currency.

“The objectives of the programme are to alleviate the immediate economic crisis people face due to the socio-economic impact of the devaluation of the local currency, support the urban poor in meeting their basic food consumption and nutritional needs.

This include to strengthen the resilience of the urban poor by providing financial resources that protect them from engaging in negative coping mechanisms, and boost the local economy by injecting funds to stimulate demand and supply of locally desired goods and services,” she explained.

Kaude said the programme targets 105,000 beneficiary households in Lilongwe, Blantyre, and Mzuzu cities.

The Programme is implemented with support from the World Bank Group and United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) managed by City Councils with support from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC), and Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA).

The total investment in the programme is K17.1 billion (US$9.5 million).

By Beatrice Bangula


Blantyre, June 26, Mana: Women for Fair Development (WOFAD) Executive Director, Apostle Lindiwe Matanya has hailed Mdeka Mother Care Group for constructing an under-five clinic for growth monitoring and immunization at Traditional Authority (TA) Chigaru in Blantyre.

She made the commendation on Wednesday during Mother Care Group Training at Mdeka Health Centre by Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN).

She observed that Mdeka Mother Care Group has shown commitment and dedication by constructing sheds for an under-five clinic for monitoring child growth and immunization in Malifa and Masinde Villages which would help in immunization activities in the area.

“What Mdeka Mother Care Group has done gives a clear indication that there is very good coordination between the group and the health surveillance assistants (HSAs),” Matanya said.

One of the members of Mdeka Mother Care Group from Yesaya Village under Group Village Head Nthache in TA Chigaru, Elube Bisaye said the group has managed to source money through chiefs, Members of Parliament (MPs) and other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) which operate in the area for construction of the sheds.

“We have achieved to build a brick shed which is used for under five clinics for growth monitoring and immunization in Chelifa and Masinde Villages and currently we have moulded bricks for two sheds which will be constructed soon in Grant and Mtambalika Villages,” she added.

 “When construction of these sheds are complete, as a group we request District Health Office (DHO) through Blantyre District Council to send us some Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) to assist us with the required immunization services,” Bisaye said.

A member of the group from Chelifa Village, Esther Chisangazi said the construction of the under-five shelters by M'deka Mother Care Group was a big relief to communities, mothers in particular.

“We are able to get Tetanus Vaccine and all routine immunizations for our children, we used to travel very long distances to Mdeka Health Centre and because of the long distances many mothers were failing to attend these clinics and caused the skipping of immunization,” she said.

MHEN project started in 2015 as a pilot and currently targets Blantyre, Lilongwe, Mchinji, Dowa, Ntchisi, Kasungu and Mzimba with the aim at promoting health issues including Expanded Programme on Immunization.

It was funded by Global Alliance Vaccine immunization (GAVI) through the Ministry of Health.

By Memory Khutuliwa


Blantyre, June 26. Mana: Fountain of Victory Church International has organised a Ladies Day of exemption with the aim of allowing all women to have meaningful understanding through the word of God.


The Conference will be held at the Kamuzu University of Health Sciences, formerly the College of Medicine in Blantyre on June 29,2024.


One of the organizers of the Event, Pastor, Priscilla Ziba said this was one of the best conferences that the Lord has honoured them with, adding that the day offers an opportunity for revival in their land amongst women and salvation.


“I am anticipating seeing the Lord working wonders in our lives and answering our call to him,” she said.


Ziba said that the conference was one the platforms where believers, as children of God, would have a chance to speak and announce that they were born from.


“Above everything else, this will be spirit filled and exempted and separated by the blood of Jesus Christ who died for us and redemed us from all the evil around the world.


“Just like the same way the Lord put a distinction between the Egyptians and the Israelites in Exodus 11:7,” she added.


Ziba said it was important for every woman in the country to be liberated because nowadays women and girls are passing through different type of problems, like barrenness, various diseases including cancer, tumours, fibroids and economic hardships.


“During the conference, every lady will stand and pray to stop and announce a new life and walk with God again because only God is the source of peace and victory,” she said.


The Pastor added that they would have time to share the word of God; apart from training them through his Word on how they can walk in this new covenant of Christ in order to live exempted and exemplary.


“We will hear beautiful testimonies of how other ladies conquered the same problems others are passing through today. We will have time to celebrate the faithfulness of God in praise and worship,” she said.


Ziba said they would have other churches coming to perform like from Ndirande and a performance by guest artists, Allan Chirwa from Lilongwe, Fountain of Victory Worship Team and many more and Apostle Ziba would teach the word of God.


“We know the enlightenment of the word of God brings such understanding that now we can enjoy the life without hardships, sickness and diseases, poverty because that’s what Jesus came for,” she added.


One the ladies’ eager to attend the conference, Florence Masamba said the day was very important for women; urging women to attend since they would be delivered from evil forces and that they would be equipped with the word of God.


“I’m very excited about the ladies’ exemption happening this coming Saturday, I will stand with Apostle and Pastor Ziba to pray against all healthy conditions that affect women,” she said.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 15:56

Nyasulu elected Mayor for Mzuzu City

By Tawonga Moyo

Mzuzu, June 26, Mana: Councilor for Songwe Ward in Mzuzu City, who is a member of the United Transformation Movement (UTM), Kondwani Brian Nyasulu was on Wednesday elected a new mayor for Mzuzu City after defeating the incumbent, Gift Desire Nyirenda.

Nyasulu amassed 9 votes out of 16 votes that were cast whilst Nyirenda got 7 votes during the voting process which took place in the Mzuzu City Council Chamber.

On the position of Deputy Mayor, Councilor for Katawa Ward, Monica Simwaka grabbed the seat, becoming the first female deputy mayor after amassing 10 votes against councilors Tony Mwenitete of Mzilawaingwe Ward and Hiwett Mkandawire of Chiputula ward who got three votes each.

There was however commotion before the commencement of the elections after one of the councillors, Pellie Chiumia questioned why Councilor Gift Desire Nyirenda was competing for the mayorship position despite having a pending court case.

However, after discussions amongst officials from the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) and the council, Assistant Registrar for Mzuzu High Court, Matthews Msiska who was among those facilitating the process, explained that Nyirenda was fit to stand as the court was yet to declare him guilty.

In his acceptance speech, Nyasulu pledged to use his position to uplift the city, saying he was going to be the mayor of the people.

"I thank my fellow councillors for believing in me and I will ensure that the implementation of the Mzuzu Development Urban Plan comes to life.

 We need to carry on the Tonse Alliance plan at the city level so that it matches that which our government is advocating for," said Nyasulu.

He said among others plans is to woe investors into the city to enhance the city's growth and development.

In his remarks, Chief Executive Officer for Mzuzu City Council, Gomezgani Nyasulu said the council will render all the necessary support to the new mayor in the execution of his duties.

"As secretariat, we are happy that the elections have gone on smoothly and we will support our new mayor to see to it that the plans we have as a council are fulfilled.

Besides that, having the first female deputy mayor is a positive development for the council because it means that we are achieving the 50:50 gender representation in senior positions," said Nyasulu.

In her remarks, Simwaka said she was excited to be the first female deputy mayor and pledged to work hard in rendering support to the mayor as they drive the cities development agenda together.

Notable people at the event included Member of Parliament for Mzuzu City Bennex Mwamlima and Traditional Authority Thula, among others.