

By Lekereni Chinkhota

Salima, June 21, Mana: Journalists in the country have been urged to embrace and utilise their role as an ally in the promotion and protection of rights of persons with disabilities for effective, genuine and holistic reporting.

George Chiusiwa, Director General of Malawi Council for Disability Affairs (MACODA) made the remarks on Friday in Salima during a three-day workshop that MACODA in collaboration with World Vision held to train media practitioners on reporting issues concerning persons with disabilities.

"This is an orientation exercise to ensure that media practitioners are conversant with the new disability legislation in the country, the persons with disabilities Act, 2024. To successfully enforce this Act, we need to engage different stakeholders," he said.

He observed that journalists are agents of change therefore engaging them will help in safeguarding the rights of persons with disabilities, additionally, journalists will assist in popularizing and raising awareness on the Act.

Chiusiwa said the media engagement will help persons with disabilities who are the principal rights holders to be aware of the new disability legislation and MACODA.

"We want persons with disabilities to know about MACODA in terms of its powers, functions and responsibilities in as far as the enforcement of the law is concerned. This will also help the media to unearth various issues affecting persons with disabilities in terms of enjoyment of their fundamental freedoms and rights," he said.

He urged the media practitioners to be active in investigating, researching, monitoring and reporting cases affecting persons with disabilities to achieve an inclusive environment free from misrepresentation of issues.

Director of Advocacy and Communications at World Vision Malawi, Charles Gwengwe hailed the workshop saying it will help members of the media to deliver proper information that can shape the public on how it views persons with disabilities.

"The media is regarded as the nervous system that will send proper messages to people in the country. We need our media institutions to provide the public with proper information that can change perspectives of people on how we view persons with disabilities," he said.

Chiusiwa called upon duty bearers in various sectors implementing disability related interventions to extend their supporting arms to the enforcement of the newly enacted Persons with Disabilities Act of 2024 to protect rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities.

The workshop being held in Salima has drawn media practitioners from both community and national media outlets from across the country.

By Golden Kang'oma

Salima, June 21, Mana: The National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust through its Boma Lathu project on Friday engaged Salima based journalists on the critical role of investigative journalism in strengthening democratic principles and values.

Speaking on the sidelines of the training, Programs Officer for NICE Trust, Chris Naphiyo said the media plays a very critical role in providing information, education, and entertainment in the communities hence the engagement.

 "Our concern is more on how the media can support the work of NICE. We are doing a lot regarding the strengthening of democracy in Malawi, particularly in looking at development in the districts and discussing factors that can hinder this development.

"Journalists have the authority to ensure that the values we pursue, such as good governance, are strengthened. Through this engagement, we have also heard the challenges media practitioners face. We cannot address these issues alone; it requires collective efforts," he said.

Naphiyo called for collaborative effort to address challenges the media face to ensure success.

"We need to identify and engage with key actors in the governance sector to deal with these challenges through engagement and ownership of the process," he said.

District Information Officer for Salima, Fostina Mkandawire said the investigative reporting sessions are very important and will help in promoting good governance and accountability in the district.

She said: "This training is crucial for equipping media members in Salima with the necessary skills and information to uncover stories and serve the community better. We are hopeful that the media is now better equipped to expose wrongdoings and promote transparency and accountability."

Mkandawire also said as a way forward, they will emphasize on frequent engagement with the media to make sure that they are always on the same page.

 "We will be following up on the stories that the media is covering and offer guidance whenever needed. My office is open to provide help to media members requiring clarification or support," She said.

The workshop was aimed at fostering a stronger collaboration between NICE and media practitioners to ensure that the principles of democracy and good governance are upheld and promoted in Salima district.

By Tione Andsen


Lilongwe, June 22, Mana: Malawi is set to commemorate International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking with calls for an evidence-based approach that prioritizes awareness, prevention and treatment.


National Coordinator for United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Maxwell Matewere disclosed this to Malawi News Agency (Mana) Saturday in Lilongwe the day will be commemorated on June 26, 2024 from 1:30 pm at Kamuzu College Health Sciences in Blantyre


He said the event would bring together key stakeholders such as students, media, public, Ministry of Homeland Security, Ministry of Health, National Aids Commission, UNODC and Crime and other stakeholders to a public lecture


Matewere added that the public lecture would be hosted and organised in partnership with Kamuzu University of Health Sciences in Blantyre and aims at raising awareness, advocating for investment, facilitating dialogue and collaboration, promoting evidence-based policymaking and empowering youth.” 

The Coordinator pointed out that, “Together, let us amplify our efforts to combat the global drug problem, guided by the principles of science, compassion, and solidarity. Through collective action and a commitment to evidence-based solutions, we can create a world where individuals are empowered to lead healthy and fulfilling lives,”

He believes that if strategically harnessed, the youth could help the country achieve its ambitious developmental aspiration by 2063.


Matewere observed that harmful drug use and trafficking are becoming serious problems in the country, particularly among the Youth.


“Malawi plans to adopt a Drug Control Policy that will provide guidance in mainstreaming drug control in the national development process and provide direction for the efforts on demand and supply reduction, prevention, enforcement, rehabilitation, and treatment measures resulting in a society that is free from drugs of abuse and promote responsible drug use,” he explained  

Matewere said that this year’s campaign recognizes that effective drug policies must be rooted in science, research, full respect for human rights, compassion, and a deep understanding of the social, economic and health implications of drug use.


A Youth resident from Mtandile in Lilongwe, Adrian Mussa said most youths are being exposed to cheap alcohols which are harmful to their heath.


He said the country need to develop a tangible mechanism in order to address the current situation. 

The Global drug problem presents a multifaceted challenge that touches the lives of millions worldwide.

The Country plan to roll out Drug Harm Reduction Programme first by utilizing the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) Demand Reduction Programme. 


CICAD's core mission is to enhance the human and institutional capacities of its member states to reduce the production, trafficking, and use of illegal drugs, and to address the health, social and criminal consequences of the drug trade.

By memory khutuliwa


Blantyre, June 22 Mana; Police in Limbe, Blantyre district are keeping in custody Ernest Phunduwa, 25, and Fantile Mautana, 24, on suspicion that they were involved in a series of robberes targeting motorcycle taxi operators along Machinjiri road at Peretia and Chiradzulu turn off.


Limbe Police, Deputy Public Relation Officer, Sub-Inspector Chibisa Mulimbika confirmed of the arrests to Malawi news Agency (Mana) in an interview on Friday.


Mulimbika said the police have recently been received complaints from motorcycle taxi operators of a series of robberies along the road which prompted them to carry out investigations.


“During a raid which was conducted early morning on June 18, 2024, the suspects were arrested and a total of seven motorcycles of various brands were recovered,” he said.


Phanduwa comes from Thambula Village, Traditional Authority Chiwalo in Phalombe District while Mautana is from Chikondi Village, Traditional Authority Mulumbe in Zomba District.


According to Mulimbika, both suspects are expected to appear in court soon to answer charges of robbery, as investigations to make further arrests continue.

By Beni Bamusi


Thyolo, June 22, Mana: 102 students on Friday graduated with certificates after completing courses in Hotel Catering Management, Tailoring and Fashion Designing and Electrical Installation at Vision for Development Youth Organization (VIDYO) in Thyolo District.


The graduation ceremony took place at Game Haven Lodge in the district where guest of honour, Senior Chief Bvumbwe urged the graduates to ensure discipline and hard work as they venture into various industries if they are to be successful in their fields.


“As graduates, the journey has just begun as you venture into various industries. You are supposed to be diligent and hardworking wherever you go. I wish you well as you venture into the industry to play a part in developing Malawi,” he said.


Senior Chief Bvumbwe also encouraged the graduates to start their own businesses rather than waiting for someone to employ them.


“Do not wait for someone to employ you, Start small-scale businesses. I appeal to parents to provide you with startup capital as you cannot raise capital in the shortest period," he said.


VIDYO, Director, Charles Bokosi said the graduates will be independent as they have been equipped with various skills to build their capacity to stand on their own for a living.


“Be innovative, do not wait for vacancies but rather start opening restaurants and tailoring shops for a start,” he said.


Louisa Phinifolo, who graduated with certificate in Hotel Catering Management said she was grateful for the course and was looking forward to open her own business in catering.

By George Bulombola

Mzuzu, June 21, Mana: Deputy Director of Agriculture Extension Service in the Ministry of Agriculture, Kenneth Chaula Friday said the Ministry would from July 1 to 30, 2024 conduct farm household registration across the country in order to have one stock centre for updated agricultural information.

He was speaking in Mzuzu during the Ministry’s engagement meeting on National Agriculture Management Information System with Traditional leaders, District Commissioners and Agriculture staff employees drawn from all districts in the north.

Chaula said the initiative has been necessitated to address some of the challenges which the Ministry has been facing in programming, quantifying needs for farming communities and providing information to agriculture stakeholders including policy makers among others.

“So we want to ensure that agriculture information is collected and stored and disseminated to stakeholders using NAMIS.

Using NAMIS, we will collect information which include, number of farming households and their agricultural interventions, market information, programmes running at district, area planning extension and traditional authority levels,” he said.

The Deputy Director added that the initiative would be a catalyst in pursuing agriculture productivity and commercialization as enshrined in the Malawi 2063.

“This this system, we will be assured of providing real needs of farming communities across the country,” he said.

Chaula said the intervention would ensure that ineligible households are not registered for programmes that do not directly address their needs.

He pointed out that the system would register both households and land parcels to establish farm land hectares and categorize farmers in terms of their agriculture needs hence contributing to effective programming based of the households’ capacities.

Senior Chief Mwaulambya of Chitipa commended the Ministry for the intervention saying it was important for the government to know the number of active farming households for projection, planning and budgeting.

“This system will ensure that active farmers benefit from what government provides in relation to agriculture through Agriculture Input Programme (AIP) among others. Some people who do not have farm land benefit from AIP and end up selling out the inputs, hence this system will identify eligible beneficiaries,” he said.

Friday, 21 June 2024 18:10

USI TAKES OATH as Vice President

By Tabbu Kitta Kauye



Lilongwe, June 21, Mana: The newly sworn in Vice President Dr. Michael Usi, has vowed to work his best to deliver on the bold agenda of the country.


Speaking after he took the oath of office, at Parliament Building in Lilongwe, Usi said serving as vice president comes with personal sacrifices.


"Some people may think that, by virtue of being president, I will enjoy. The truth is, there is no joy in any of this, as it is a sacrifices to personal life and a service to the people


As vice president, I no longer have to think about myself and family, but I have to be like a grandfather who constantly think about the needs of his children and grandchildren, that is a service" said Dr Usi


The Vice President also expressed gratitude to the late vice president, Dr Saulos Chilima for first believing in him and making him his running mate in the 2019 presidential elections.


To keep chilima's legacy and vision alive, the Vice president committed to work to the best of his abilities for the success of the country.


Usi also took time to commend president Lazarus for being a pillar and source of strength when Malawians were mourning the late Chilima.


Usi, succeeds late Vice president Chilima, who died in a plane crash on 10th June 2024.

By Alex Kachingwe

Blantyre, June 21, Mana: Musicians Union of Malawi (MUM) has urged local musicians in the country to consider music a special career as the world commemorates World Music Day, June 21 2024.

MUM President, Vita Chirwa told Malawi News Agency(Mana) on Friday that music was importance part of life, adding that music plays unique role.

“Music play a very good role in our community, at home, wedding, church, funerals such that me need music to make our events colorful, when we are sad, we need music to refresh our minds,” he added.

Chirwa stressed that need to make music a career that should provide entertainment, educate and play a counselling roles in our community.

“it is high time for musicians to take music as a serious career and musicians should know how to market themselves in order to generate profits out of the career,” he added.

A well know musician in the country who is also a member of a Zembani Band, Sam Smack said music was an important aspect of life.

He advised fellow music artists to develop great passion in music and appealed to musicians to concentrate on producing quality music that should sell out.

A multi-award winning Afro-Jazz Artist, Lloyd Phaundi, popularly known as Agorosso said music gives joy when one was emotionally down.

He called for total support to local music artists to ensure that music industry grow in the way sports and other disciplines are supported in the country.

World Music Day was first established on June 21, 1982 in Paris-France to promote music diversity and strengthen community bond as a common language world-wide.

By Lesnat Kenan

Lilongwe, June 21, Mana: Chief Justice, Rizine Mzikamanda has encouraged the newly sworn-in Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson, Annabel Mtalimanja and two Commissioners, Rev. Philip Kambulire and Dr. Limbikani Kamlongera to work with transparency and accountability as these align with the interest of Malawians.

Speaking during a swearing- in ceremony of MEC Chairperson and two Commissioners at High Court in Lilongwe on Friday, he said the Chairperson and the Commissioners should among others, abide with the Malawi constitutional laws when carrying their duties.

"As members of MEC ensure that you abide by the laws as guidelines from the Constitution for the elections to be managed with highest degree for the better results including justice and fairness," Mzikamanda added.

He said that despite the challenges and setbacks including accusations they should remain focus to the laws that govern their duties and commit their souls, skills and knowledge to work for the benefit of the country.

Newly sworn-in MEC Chairperson, Annabel Mtalimanja assured Malawians that she would continue with the mandate of MEC in preparations for the upcoming general elections and Malawians should expect MEC to deliver free and credible elections.

These appointments fill the vacancies left by the outgoing Chairperson, Justice Dr. Chifundo Kachale and Commissioners Dr. Anthony John Mukumbwa and Olivia Mchaju Liwewe whose tenutures ended on June 6 2024.

The Appointments are effective June 7, 2024 were made in accordance with section 75 of the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi and Section 4 of the Malawi Electoral Commission Act.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, June 21, Mana: President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló on Friday condoled President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on tragic loss of the Vice President Saulos Chilima.

In an interview with the Media, President Embaló said it was very unfortunate that the country lost a dedicated person who helped the government in different aspects.

“As people of Guinea –Bissau, we thought it wise to come and deliver our condolences to the President because of the good relation we have with Malawi.

The Plane crash was indeed a tragedy to the country but we will continue to support Malawi and it is a plea to that the unity you have must continue,” he said.

President Embalo’urged President Chakwera to remain strong saying that the people of Guinea Bissau are in solidarity with the people of Malawi.

Guinea-Bissau President is expected to meet the wife of the late Vice President, Madam Mary Chilima, to extend his condolences.

Embaló will leave the country today.