

Thursday, 27 June 2024 22:16

Katanda to launch a book

By Alex Kachingwe

Blantyre, June 27, Mana: A Lilongwe based writer, Herbert Katanda, who is a well-known TV personality will on June 29, 2024 launch a new book titled ‘The Audacity of Depression’ under Grand Pen Africa Publication at Lark Cafe Area 43 in Lilongwe.

Katanda who started a writing career in 2010 told Malawi News Agency (Mana) Thursday in Blantyre that The Audacity of Depression was his second book after another titled ‘Belly Button’ which was written and published in 2018.

The New Book which has been financially sponsored by Mzeru za Abambo Group of Companies and Sang Farms, consists of various short stories and poems which are tackling issues of mental health.

“The month of June is considered to be Men’s Mental Health Awareness month. We have organized a book launch dinner for The Audacity of Depression anthology, a book that tackles mental health issues to raise awareness on how people should heal from stress and depression,” he said.

Event Manager, Robert Edward from Zoom Media and Events, who are organizers of the Book launch, hailed Katanda for his tireless effort to write a book that has the possibilities to deal with suicide in the country.

He said the event was beyond Book launch as there would be a panel discussion involving individuals from different sectors to discuss depression and mental health issues.

“You might be aware that the country recorded more than 250 suicide cases last year and according to Police reports, most of the reasons for the suicide were relationship break ups and financial issues. We saw it as an opportunity being a mental awareness month, that the country should engage a panel discussion on how people should manage stress and depression,” Edward added.

He pointed out that statistical reports indicate a higher number of men committing suicide than women.

Edward said that profits generated from the book sale would help in campaign to raise awareness on mental health and depression through a mental health radio programme.

The Book launch will be aired live on Luntha Television 6 pm to 9pm and a panel discuss on mental health will involve experts in mental health, legal, business persons and those from faith community to be represented by Apostle, Clifford Kawinga of Salvation for All Ministries, who will be guest of honour.

By Luckia Akim

Zomba June 27, Mana: Teachers from various Primary Schools in Zomba have commended Campaign for Female Education (Camfed) for the support given to leaners which has among others improved attendance and performance among beneficiaries.

Camfed supports selected needy learners with school uniform and shoes, exercise books, sanitary pads to ensure menstrual hygiene among girls and provision of development funds among others.

A Teacher at Mpachika Primary School, Mary Bomasi said the Camfed’s support has been source of motivation to learners to work hard in class, adding that the support eventually reduced absenteeism.

She added that before the support, it was challenging for the students to attend classes as they lacked essential needs for education such as school uniforms and sanitary pads.

“The learners under Camfed Programme come from very poor families and it was hard for their parents and guardians to buy them uniform, shoes and many more. However, the support has ignited their urge for school,” Bomasi added.

Another Teacher from Milila Primary School, Wilson Chawaya observed that Camfed support brough good results in learner’s school performance.

 “Apart from the material support, Camfed is implementing various activities such as study circles, home visits to check on leaners that dropped out of school. This has helped to improve leaners performance and bring back those that dropped out of school,” he said.

A Standard 7 student, Triza Likango said Camfed motivated her to remain in school after various support and expressed hoped that the package would help her to realize see her dream.

“Camfed has been providing me with exercise books, pens and school uniform. Before being a Camfed beneficiary, my parents struggled to provide me with all school materials and this affected my attendance and performance in class," she added.

Apart from supporting learners in Primary School, Camfed is assisting female students in Secondary and Universities across the country with school materials.

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, June 27, Mana: Over 100, 000 adolescent girls will from September, 2024 start receiving Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) tablets under the Integrated IFA Supplementation programme by the Department of Nutrition and the Ministry of Health in Thyolo District.

Deputy Director for Nutrition in the Department of Nutrition, Kondwani Mpeniuwawa disclosed this Wednesday during a District Executive Committee (DEC) Department held together with Evidence for Action to introduce the programme.

“The target is 117, 532 adolescent girls. 67, 438 in school and 50, 094 out of school adolescent girls aged 10 to 19.

“We are doing this to ensure that we reduce the prevalence of anemia which leads to impaired physical and cognitive development in children," he said.

Mpeniuwawa said school health and nutrition (SHN) teachers and Health Surveillance Assistants (HSAs) would be administering the IFA to in school and out of school adolescent girls, respectively on a weekly basis for a three-year period.

“During school year, girls will consume tablets on a fixed day of the week under direct supervision of teachers. During vacation, HSAs will distribute tablets to adolescent girls in the community under their supervision.

“HSAs, on the other hand, will distribute IFA tablets on a weekly basis to out-of-school adolescent girls within their catchment area; HSAs will define a ‘fixed day’ based on what they choose is the best way to reach all out of school adolescent girls,” he added.

Thyolo District Council Principal Nutrition and HIV & Aids Officer, Kondwani Luwe hailed the programme, saying it was a significant step towards improving the nutritional status and overall well-being of the communities.

“Iron and folic acid deficiencies are prevalent and can lead to serious health issues such as anemia, particularly, among women and children.

“This programme will provide essential supplements to vulnerable groups, helping to reduce the incidence of anemia and related complications,” he said.

Luwe said the Council was committed to ensuring the successful implementation of the IFA programme through community outreach, education and regular monitoring.

“Our goal is to raise awareness about the importance of these nutrients and to encourage compliance with the supplementation regimen,” he said, adding: “By working together with healthcare providers and community leaders we aim to create a sustainable and impactful change in the health and well-being of our population.”

The integrated IFA supplementation programme will be implemented in seven districts of Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Nkhotakota, Nkhata Bay, Mzimba, Ntchisi and Mulanje for a period of three years with a possibility of increasing the number of districts in the future.

By Andrew Gondwe


Chitipa, June 27, Mana: Northern Region Water Board (NRWB) has urged people living along Kalenge River in Chitipa to be utilizing smart farming technologies to ensure that the river remains a sustainable source for water supply in the district.


Community Mobilization and Training Manager for NRWB, Gerald Ngulube was speaking Thursday an open day on Climate Smart Technologies for Enhanced Natural Resources Management and Food Security at Yeniyeni in the area of Senior Chief Mwenemisuku in the district.


He said that the water utility body decided to sensitize and involve the people in protecting the river where board abstracts water as they are a community which utilizes the river for livelihood interventions such as farming hence the need to promote water and soil conservation.


“In 2014, we discovered that most rivers in the district such as Kalenge could be degraded due to non-friendly environmental human activities which include bad cultivation methods,” Ngulube said.


He added that for the Board to sustainably provide good and quality water, people living along river banks should refrain embarking on activities that lead could to water contamination.


Director of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources for Chitipa District Council, Lumbani Msiska urged farmers utilize the knowledge and skills enhancing food security as they conserve the river.


"It is good to learn from others through their good works. Therefore, let's all follow good agricultural technologies that can enhance the sustainability of water supply in Kalenge River," he said.


Chairperson for Chitipa District Council, Towerachalo Munyenyembe said it was sad to note that some people cultivate along the river banks including the river bed and warned that any one found perpetrating the malpractice will be penalized.


Senior Chief Mwenemisuku thanked the NRWB for the intervention, saying the development would change people's mind set towards environmental conservation.


“We have by-laws and one of the by-laws is that anyone being found cutting down trees along river banks has to pay a fine of at least a goat or K60,000.00," he said.

Thursday, 27 June 2024 21:43

All set for Blantyre poetry show

By Pempho Nkhoma

Blantyre, June 27, Mana: Poetry Giants have teamed up to organize a show dubbed Phwando la Ndakatulo on July 8, 2024 at Mibawa Multipurpose Hall in Blantyre to provide entertainment and to educate the patronage nation through arts.

One of the organizers, Hudson Chamasowa told Malawi News Agency (Mana) Thursday in Blantyre that they wanted to bring back the poetry show after a four year break that came due to COVID-19 pandemic and after death of one of the poets.

“We had a long break due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the death of our own poet, late Mollen Nazombe,” he said.

Chamasowa added that they thought of bringing back the show because apart from entertainment to the audience as it gives an opportunity to upcoming poets to perform at a bigger stage and make a name.

“Apart from bringing entertainment to the people these shows also helps us to unearth hidden talent,” he said.

Chamasowa said all was set for the show, urging poetry lovers to patronize the show with their families describing it as a family event and assured patronage of adequate security and all the artists are ready to recite their best poems.

“People should come with their families. We do not experience any violence in poetry shows and all artists are geared to perform to their best,” he assured.

Renowned Poet, Raphael Sitima confirmed that he would participate in the Phwando la Ndakatulo and assured poet lovers that he was well prepared to entertain them with his touching poems like; Kuteteza kosalako and Kwathu.

A female Poet, Mercy Mbeta who is well known by her poem titled Ungokhala mzanga has confirmed that she would participate and promise unmatched entertainment.

“People should know that I will be there and they will be entertained by my work,” she added.

Other poets who will perform at the event include; Joseph Madzedze, Slyvester Kalizang’oma, Michael Benjala, Aisha Samson, Kenneth Khondiwa, Mlakatuli Kadamkowa, Bright Kaduya, Jamira Bwanali and Mlakatuli Kenson.

Those coming to the show will be treated to rare talent of mimicry from Aunt Gate, Achair and Mr. Malawi who imitate the voices of public figure.

Angitao Band will perform their acoustic music to spice up the event.

By Gift Chiponde

Dowa, June 27, Mana: Chairperson for Parliament Committee on Agriculture, Ulemu Chilapondwa has emphasized the committee's commitment to actively engage with the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure a fair allocation of resources within the sector.

This concerted effort aims to support Malawi's 2063 and enhance the country's food security.

He made these remarks during the National Multi-Stakeholder Agriculture Sector 2024/25 Budget Analysis Engagement Meeting at Mponela in Dowa which was organized by Oxfam, CISANET, and NASFAM, aiming to sought the views of various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and farmers regarding the 2024/25 agriculture budget allocation.

Chilapondwa affirmed that the Committee would persist in endeavours to engage the Ministry of Agriculture, aiming to secure equitable funding allocation for all agricultural activities and this was crucial to optimize agricultural production.

He expressed concern about the decline in the allocation of funds to the Ministry of Agriculture, emphasising the potential negative impact on the agriculture sector if resource allocation was not balanced.

Chilapondwa assured stakeholders in the agriculture sector that the Committee was dedicated to revitalizing the country's agriculture and economy through comprehensive allocation and reform initiatives.

The Chairperson acknowledged the Ministry of Agriculture's substantial reforms, particularly the adjustments to Affordable Input Programme (AIP), ensuring that all intended beneficiaries are accommodated in various programmes.

Head of Policy and Communication at NASFAM, Rejoice Chikakuda said the importance of the meeting in providing insights to Members of Parliament and government to enhance application and support towards the agriculture sector.

She expressed concerns about the decline in the agriculture budget allocation, particularly its potential adverse effects on smallholder farmers.

Chikakuda stressed the need for thorough scrutiny of programmes like the AIP to ensure they effectively address the country's needs.

She appealed to Members of Parliament and Parliamentary Committee of Agriculture to advocate for comprehensive allocation within the agriculture sector to promote sustainable agriculture development.

By Regina Chalira

Mzuzu, June 27, Mana: HIV Testing Coordinator for Mzimba North District Health Office, Mlotha Mbughi, has commended Malawi AIDS Counselling and Resource Organization (MACRO) for promoting HIV self-testing services.

Mbughi was commenting on a progress report of Intensifying Malawi’s Priority and Key Population Access to Community HIV and AIDS Testing and Treatment (IMPACT) and Community Based HIV Testing (CBHTS) Project which is being implemented in Mzuzu.

He said providing HIV self-test is important because most people are still scared to get HIV testing at a health facility and self-testing would be an alternative in promoting HIV testing services.

"Studies show that most people are confident in getting the HIV test at a facility after conducting self-test and this helps those that have tested positive to start treatment with acceptance,” said Mbughi.

Presenting the report to members of Mzuzu City Executive Committee, HIV Diagnosist Assistant Supervisor of the project, Richard Kabaghe, said the organization surpassed its quarterly targeted tests.

“We managed to test about 1,131 people against a target of 830 within communities surrounding Mzuzu Health Centre, St Johns Mission Hospital and Ekwendeni Mission Hospital.

“We use different testing modalities such as index testing and self-testing, among other approaches, in our targeted communities,” said Kawale.

MACRO offers static and outreach services to reduce HIV transmission and its impact.

Thursday, 27 June 2024 21:07

Physical activity crucial for well-being

By Lisa Lamya

Blantyre, June 27, Mana: News that 1.8 billion people worldwide are at risk of suffering from disease due to their failure to do enough physical activities has concerned local health experts and sports bodies alike.

The news has come from the World Health Organization (WHO) which has released study results showing that nearly 31 percent of adults worldwide do not meet recommended levels of physical activities.

Speaking on the sidelines of releasing the results, WHO Director General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated the need to renew commitments to increasing levels of physical activities and prioritizing bold action including strengthened policies and increased funding to reverse this worrying trend.

“The new findings highlight a lost opportunity to reduce cancer and heart disease and improve mental health and well-being through increased physical activity,” he said.

Head of WHO Unit for Physical Activity, Dr. Fiona Bull said the promotion of physical activity goes beyond promoting individual lifestyle choice.

He added that this would require a society’s approach in creating environments that should make it easier and safer for everyone to be active to reap many health benefits of regular physical activities.

Public Relations Officer (PRO) for Malawi National Sports Council (MNSC). Edgar Ntulumbwa told Malawi News Agency (Mana) Thursday in Blantyre that Malawian adults need to change their perception towards physical activities saying it was not only meant for the youthful population.

“The problem is that sporting or physical activities are labelled as youth activities but everyone needs to take responsibility because the benefits of physical activity are numerous,” he noted.

Ntulumbwa pointed out the relationship between physical activities and mental well-being, saying it prevents suicide cases apart from providing a platform for people to confide in others.

“People are going through a lot and most of them do not know who to share their thoughts with. When doing physical activities one can meet others who may also be facing similar problems and this can lessen their burden,’ he remarked.

Health Expert, Maziko Matemba said findings of the study are worrisome and countries need to ensure that they promote physical activities among their people.

He called on Companies, Ministries, Departments and Government Agencies to ensure they incorporate wellness programmes in their activities saying this would assist their employees who work eight hours or more to find time to improve their well-being.

“It is critical for companies to ensure they prioritize their employee’s health by providing them with spaces that help them do physical activity that is one way of preventing diseases that come due to lack of physical exercises,” Matemba noted.

Thursday, 27 June 2024 21:02

Mangochi council launches MWASIP

By Bishop Witmos & Shaffie Bakali

Mangochi, June 26, Mana: Mangochi District Council Chairperson, Hassan Chikuta, has urged traditional leaders and their subordinates in the district to embrace the patronage of catchment conservation and management to successfully restore degraded land as well as prevent perennial dry spells.

Chikuta made the call during the launch of Lowe Lingamasa Catchment Management of Traditional Authority (TA) Chowe in the district on Wednesday, under the Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project (MWASIP).

He said Lower Lingamasa Catchment is one of the areas in Mangochi that was heavily affected by dry spells this year due to land degradation as a result of wanton cutting down of trees.

“The launch of MWASIP is aimed at boosting agricultural capacity of rural farmers. I am urging communities in Lower Lingamasa to take catchment conservation and management seriously in order to address effects of climate change,” Chikuta said.

Director of Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources for Mangochi District Council, Nditani Maluwa, said in a bid to have a successful project, the council has outlined various activities as well as collaborative partnership with key players in natural resource management.

“In this campaign, we will empower 18,000 farmers with effective messages pertaining to sustainable land management practices, conduct door-to-door campaigns as well as meetings with traditional and other community opinion leaders,” said Maluwa.

Maluwa said the council intends to restore over 7,000 hectares of degraded land across the district considering that the district has been losing almost 800 hectares yearly for the past five years due to poor farming practices, soil erosion and floods.

A representative of Senior Chief Chowe, Daudi Saudi hailed MWASIP, observing that for the past month it has been operating in the area, the intervention has since empowered communities with climate smart agriculture methodologies.

Mangochi District Council launched the initiative under the theme: “Integrated Catchment Conservation and Management for Enhanced Climate Resilience and Improved Livelihoods.”

By Priscilla Phiri & Hastings Yobe

Lilongwe, June 27, Mana:  Corporate Affairs Manager for Telekom Networks Malawi (TNM), Limbani Nsapato, says the newly introduced civil servants’ bundles will ease communication and bring efficiency within the civil service management of operations.

In an interview on Thursday, Nsapato said the civil servants bundle falls under the Yathu bundle category which incorporates data, SMS and voice bundles that are affordable to help operations of the civil servants.

“This bundle will only be accessed by civil servants recognized by the Malawi government. We have engaged the civil servants’ data base which we will be using for their registration and enrollment for them to be able to buy the bundles,” he said.

He highlighted that the bundle is now in operation and it is a permanent initiative that will be serviced by its agents across the country.

“Subscription is done by the civil servants registering with TNM and once registered they will be able to buy the bundles at their own discretion when need arises,” stated Nsapato.

According to a comment made on social media, one of the civil servants said the company’s initiative is a move in the right direction saying it will help them minimize excessive spending on data bundles.

“To me this is a good move because if you can calculate the amount of money we spend every month on internet and voice bundles you will see that it is very huge and buying in advance will drastically reduce weekly bundle purchases,” said the comment.

On the other hand, some civil servants have expressed concern that the bundles are still inaccessible despite its enrollment upon dialing *656# or through the TNM App.

The TNM Yathu bundles for civil servants will be offered through a partnership between TNM and the government of Malawi with the subscription fees deducted directly from the civil servant’s salary.