

Saturday, 29 June 2024 13:59

Three Mozambican nationals arrested

By Ernest Mfunya

Mangochi, June 29, Mana. Police at Namwera in Mangochi District have arrested three Mozambican nationals for being found in possession of five pieces of elephant ivory at Namwera Trading Centre.

Mangochi Police Station Public Relations Officer (PRO), Inspector Amina Daudi, identified the suspects as Shoriano Juwao Bizwick, 31, Nelson Bala, 36, and Ziti Rajabu, 34, all from Nyerere Village, Mandimba District in Mozambique.

According to Daudi, Namwera Police detectives received a tip-off from community members that five Mozambicans were offering pieces of elephant ivory for sale at Namwera Trading Centre.

She said that the Police collaborated with Wildlife Crime Investigation Unit to arrest the suspects who were found with five pieces of elephant ivory weighing 12kg each

"The Ivory pieces were wrapped in a sack and carried on their motorcycle. However, the other two suspects managed to escape," Tepani added.

She said that Bizwick, Bala and Rajabu are expected to appear in court next week to face charges of Illegal possession of specimen of listed species without a license, contrary to Section 110(b) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Tepani commended community members for contributing to the fight against wildlife crime in the district.

Meanwhile Police have lodged manhunt to arrest the two suspects who are on the run.

By Salome Gangire

Neno, June 29, Mana: National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust, Civic Education Officer for Neno, Wallace Kudzala has urged the youth in the district to register, cast their vote or contest on elective positions in the 2025 general election.

He said the youth should take part in the elections by contesting at constituency level as Members of Parliament or as ward councillors apart from taking part by voting.

Kudzala made the call on Friday during a meeting with members of youth networks at NICE offices organised through Boma Lathu project aimed at raising awareness on the amended electoral laws.

“The youth form the largest majority of the population. You should therefore take part by either contesting or voting in the coming general election,” he urged the youth.

The Neno Civic Education Officer said research shows that majority of the youth fail to take up the challenges but he expressed gratitude after a young woman expressed interest to contest as a ward councillor for Chikonde ward.

Kudzala added that most of the youth complain of finances as a major limiting factor that frustrates them to contest saying campaign in Malawi calls for big finances.

The NICE Trust Civic Education Officer said the interface meeting was meant to sensitise the youth on electoral laws since there were a number of amendments that have taken place.

District Elections Officer for Neno, Nodi Mwale said a number of things have changed in the electoral process including the polling time from 6am to 6pm to 6 am to 4 pm.

He appealed to the youths to take part in the voting processes as one way of excising their rights and responsibility.

Chairperson of Mkuyu Youth Club, Mercy Donda Dube said she intends to contest a ward councillor in the September 2025 general elections because of the motivation from the interface meeting with NICE.

“I am geared to stand as a ward councillor so that I should bring development to my area,” she said, adding that NICE has encouraged the youth to be bold.

Dube said the meeting with NICE Trust have inspired the youth to take up challenges to go for bigger positions in the society.

NICE is implementing a three-year Boma Lathu Programme in Neno district to enhance people’s participation in electoral processes with support from European Union (EU).

Saturday, 29 June 2024 13:22

REFORD and MHEN hail Kumemeza approach

By Beatrice Bangula

Blantyre, June 29, Mana:  Phalombe Restored Hope Foundation for Rural Development (REFORD) has described Kum’mwetsa Mother Care Group’s initiative known as Kumemeza as an important tool for mobilizing resources to effectively achieve sustainable community led development.

REFORD Executive Director, Steve Ndiwo expressed the Group’s initiate on Friday during Mother Care Group training at Kam’mwetsa Clinic at Chileka in Blantyre where he observed that Kumemeza approach by the Mother Care Groups brought positive changes to the community in the area.

“Kumemeza means sourcing funds from different organizations and other well-wishers for development in the community here at Kum’mwetsa. We have seen the seriousness of this Mother Care Group in sourcing funds to drill boreholes, build clinic connected to solar powered electricity,” he said.

REFORD Executive Director who visited some of the Mother Care Groups projects acknowledged the Mother Care Groups ways and means of mobilizing resources citing a proposal that the Group wrote to District Health Office for a refrigeration to keep vaccine safe in the clinic.

Chairperson of Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN)-Global Alliance on Vaccine and Immunization (GAVI) platform, Dr. Stanley Chitukwi accredited the work by the Mother Care Group for constructing an under-five clinic and procuring a solar panel to ensure solar powered electricity at the health facility.

“This is very impressing. The mother care group has managed to construct the clinic and on top of this the group also bought solar panel,” he added.

Health Surveillance Assistant (HAS) who works hand in hand with the Mother Care Group, Amos Square commended MHEN for training the mother Care Group to initiate community led development activities.

“The training helped the women care group in a number of ways because they are now able to mobilize resources to do things on their own,” he added.

Group Village Head (GVH) Kabwerekera said he would not condone women that shun to attend Antenatal Clinics during pregnancy.

“I will punish women that shun antenatal clinics and those that will give birth at home,” he said, adding that he did not see reasons why women should fail to utilize the health facility that is within the area.

Kum’mwetsa Mother Care Group at Traditional Authority (TA) Kunthembwe has mobilized burnt bricks to build a house for the HAS so that the health worker should reside closer to the clinic.

Services offered at Kum’mwetsa under-five Clinic include growth monitoring, and child immunization ranging from BCG to PCV.

Saturday, 29 June 2024 12:58

MCP maintains August convention

BY Gift Chiponde

Lilongwe, June 29, Mana:  Malawi Congress Party(MCP) has confirmed that its 2024 General Convention will take place from the August 8 to 10, 2024 at the Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

During a Press briefing on Saturday at MCP Headquarters in Lilongwe, Chairperson for the Convention Steering Committee, Kezzie Msukwa announced that eligible candidates can start the collection of nomination papers from their Regional Party Chairpersons with a non-refundable fee which will be paid through the party's account

"Nomination papers will be available for collection from July 1 to 15, 2024,” he said.

Msukwa disclosed that he nomination fees are as follows, for the position of President is K 5 million, Vice President and Second President is K 2.5 million each, Secretary General is K 2 million, First and Second Deputies is K 1 million each, Treasurer General is K1 million, Second Treasurer General is K 1 million, Directors is K 500,000 and Deputy Directors is K 250,000.

He revealed that women, the youth and individuals with disabilities would be charged 50 percent of the nomination fee.

Msukwa stated that the party is calling for voluntary support from loyalists to ensure the smooth operations of the convention.

Senior Committee Member, Moses Kunkuyu emphasized the commitment of MCP to serving the best interests of Malawians.

He clarified that the decisions were made based on the party's discussions and agreements.

Additionally, arrangements for media coverage will be coordinated through the office of the Party's Public Secretary for both local and international journalists.

Another Committee Member, Joseph Njobvuyalema stated no member of the steering committee would not jeopardize or interfere in the electoral process saying that this would be a fair and transparent convention.

Among others, the party maintained its stand that those eligible to stand hold a party membership for more than two years.

By Gift Chiponde


Lilongwe, June 30, Mana: Government emphasized on importance of sharing up-to-date technology and modern hydrographic surveying training to ensure that the country has current hydrographic data and charts.


Secretary for Lands, Devie Chilonga said this during the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Hydrographic Office of the United Kingdom at a ceremony which took place in Taunton town in the United Kingdom.


"The recommissioning of Timba, the ship used for Hydrographic Surveys, to sail on Lake Malawi for mapping purposes is a significant step forward," he said. 


Chilonga added that UK and Malawi have agreed to share archived admiralty data, conduct exchange visits, and provide training to produce digital charts for the country’s water bodies, to facilitate safe navigation of ships.


Head of the Hydrographic Office of the United Kingdom, Rear Admiral Angus Essenhigh expressed confidence in the partnership and stressed the importance of continued strong collaboration between the two entities to achieve their goals.


Among others, the MoU will facilitate collaboration, training, exchange visits and the retrieval of admiralty charts for Lake Malawi and other water bodies.

By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, June 27, Mana: Women's Legal Resources Centre (WOLREC) has emphasized the importance of providing an enabling environment where children with disabilities are included and given a platform to express their needs.

Speaking on Thursday after a four days advocacy and human rights training for girls with disabilities in the area of Senior Chief Kambwiri, Program's Officer for WOLREC Meka Gausi underscored the need to equip children with advocacy skills so that they can ably express their needs.

Gausi expressed worry that children with disabilities continue to face limited access to decision making spaces as well as stigma and mistrust from communities.

She said a child that has been equipped with advocacy skills develops problem-solving and communication skills which are crucial for them to express their feelings.

"Equipping children with disabilities with advocacy skills is crucial for their inclusion, empowerment, and well-being. It enables them to challenge stigma and access resources and support,” said Gausi.

She said through the trainings, children with disabilities will be able to quickly identify when they are being discriminated, exploited or abused so that they can also be able to report such issues to relevant authorities.

"By acquiring advocacy skills, children with disabilities can become their own best advocates, breaking down barriers and promoting inclusivity in their communities. This leads to a more accessible and equitable society, where they can reach their full potential," she said.

District Social Welfare Officer Edgar Kasiyafumbu concurred with Gausi that children with disabilities have to be given a platform to express themselves, therefore such advocacy trainings are significant in providing knowledge of children's rights and how they can defend themselves.

"Violations of human rights especially perpetrated towards children with disabilities should be condemned, the training will help the children and their guardians to know where they can report cases of abuse towards children with disabilities in their communities and beyond," he said.

He condemned challenges that children with disabilities are facing in the district such as discrimination, being neglected, keeping them in doors, having difficulties to access information as well as essential amenities such as toilets that are disability friendly.

One of the participants, 13 years old Zione Ndaona, said the training will help her to fight for her rights if excluded whenever there are activities due to her disability.

"We are left out in community activities such as Youth groups, and some extracurricular activities so we will make sure there is a way to include us or create activities that are friendly for us," she said.

She said she can now differentiate between violations of human rights and also when she is being exploited for economic gains.

WOLREC with support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency is implementing a project called CSO's Capacity Strengthening Progamme aimed at creating a strong civil society that demands and support to the fulfilment of children’s rights.

The association has strengthened community structures that are essential in creating an enabling environment for children with disabilities and has further developed children's platforms dubbed children corner, where the adolescents meet to discuss and share ideas.

By Tawonga Moyo

Mzuzu, June 28, Mana: Ministry of Education has urged learners in the country to be observant of challenges facing the nation for them to come up with solutions for the achievement of a Malawi they aspire to have.

Director of Quality Assurance in the Ministry of Education, Dr Golden Msilimba was speaking Friday in Mzuzu during the 53rd International Letter Writing Competition Prize Presentation Ceremony.

The competition, which was organized by Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) in collaboration with the Universal Postal Union (UPU) targeted learners aged between 9 to 15 years and attracted over 440 competitors across the country.

Msilimba encouraged learners to utilize current technological advancements in brainstorming how they can be applied in different sectors to solve challenges that they face.

"Nowadays, technology has surpassed everything as we see the use of artificial intelligence in crucial sectors such as health. As a future generation, have a habit of finding solutions to problems by taking advantage of present technological opportunities.

Our imagination as youths is what will shape a new Malawi and ensure the attainment of the Malawi2063, as such we should aspire to be a nation that is able to think, look and come up with solutions," said Msilimba.

Msilimba said besides implementing a number of programs in primary and secondary schools, the ministry is also training teachers in various skills so that learners can start reading and writing at an early stage of their education.

"About one percent of learners in standard one to four can read and write, which means 99 percent struggle to do so. We want to ensure that at least we reach up to 30 percent and to do that, we will continue supporting teachers and provide a conducive working environment for them," he said.

In his remarks, Board Director for MACRA, Alekeni Wodala Menyani described the competition as a necessary platform for young people to express themselves on things they think about.

"The theme for this year calls for young people to write a letter to future generations about the world they hoped to inherit and this gave them a chance to express themselves on the future they aspire to have" said Menyani.

In his remarks, winner of the competition from Mzuzu Government Secondary School, 15-year-old Gift Kansichi urged young people to believe in themselves and develop a reading culture to excel more in life.

Zaithwa Chombo from El-Shadai Academy Private Primary School and Ulalo Tembo from Mepic Private Primary School both aged 11 years scooped the second and third positions respectively.

The competition was held under the theme "At 150 years old, the UPU has served people around the world for more than eight generations. The world has changed enormously since then. Write a letter to future generations about the world you hope they inherit”.

By Vida Msiyo

Blantyre, June 28, Mana: Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC), with funding from the European Union, held a stakeholder interface meeting in Blantyre on Friday as part of its two-year project called Promoting and Protecting of Rights of Refugees and Other Migrants in Malawi that seek to provide safety and dignity of refugees and asylum seekers staying in the country.

Participants from various sectors emphasized the need to safeguard the rights of refugees, observing that refugees are not tourists, criminals, or economic migrants but individuals fleeing from danger in their countries.

Speaking with Malawi News Agency, Commissioner in the MHRC, Andrew Kavala underscored the importance of the project and interface meeting which brought together stakeholders such as Malawi Police Service, Department of Immigration and Citizenship and chiefs to share ideas on how best to respect rights of refugees and asylum seekers.

“This project aims to unite leaders from different fields to generate ideas for protecting refugees’ rights. They should not be afraid, they are in a country that will take care of them and protect their rights,

“This project; Promotion and Protection of Rights of Refugees and Other Migrants in Malawi continues to seek collaborative efforts to ensure the safety and dignity of refugees in the country.” He said.

A community leader at Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa, Niyibigira Goreth, called for equal rights for refugees, saying it is important to do so.

She shared her personal experience of missing out on a scholarship abroad due to lack of necessary documents.

“We need equal rights, regardless of we come from be it Rwanda, the DRC or Burundi. I fled my country due to personal issues and cannot return. We demand our rights to be protected and to be allowed to contribute to the society,” Goreth said.

Representatives from government, Non-governmental organisations, civil rights bodies, religious groups, traditional leaders, Malawi Police Service and Malawi Prison Service, among others attended the interface meeting at Amaryllis Hotel in Blantyre  

Friday, 28 June 2024 21:10

Kasungu Municipality elects new mayor

By Wanangwa Tembo

Kasungu, June 28, Mana: Kasungu Municipal Council on Friday elected Councillor Innocent Nkhoma of Chitete Ward as its mayor, replacing Heese Maclean Nyangu who has served for one term but decided not to contest.

Nkhoma floored his Malawi Congress Party (MCP) counterpart, Brighton Ngalande with seven votes against the latter’s two to grab the chain of command for the municipality.

In an interview Nkhoma said his priority is to make the municipality clean, improve the road network and help in resource mobilisation for improved service delivery.

 “I will ensure that our refuse vehicles are consistently on the road to ensure that our council is clean.

“We will try to mobilise resources from the donor community, loans from lending institutions as well as intensify local revenue collection,” he said.

Ken Kandodo who is the sole Member of Parliament (MP) within the municipality challenged the new town father to work with diligence and help to fix the many challenges the council is facing.

Said Kandodo: “We have elected a strong leader for this important position and we will give all our support to ensure that our municipality is developed.

“My appeal is that despite that we are getting into a busy season of elections which require that everyone gets to the ground campaigning, the mayoral responsibilities must not be forgotten.”

Kandodo said despite being small, Kasungu Municipality has many challenges that the new leadership must deal with together with everyone as a council.

In his remarks, Chief Executive Officer for the municipality, Isaac Mkandawire said the secretariat will offer all its support to ensure that the challenges such as street vending and a constrained resource envelop are dealt with.

“I’m excited that finally we have elected a new mayor through a process where there have been no issues.

“The expectation is that we will move forward together with all our support. We have very high expectations from him,” commented Mkandawire.

Equally, Braxton Banda who chairs Kasungu Civil Society Network expressed satisfaction in the manner the polls were conducted and challenged the new mayor to serve the interest of the public.

He said: “This is the process of governance that we expected and we hope the new mayor will commit to serve the people of Kasungu and Malawi as a country.

“We expect an improved road network and also enforcement of the laws governing the town so that business activities are properly regulated within the dictates of the laws.”

Kasungu Municipal Council has eight councillors and one MP – all belonging to MCP.

By Lydia Banda

Nkhata Bay, June 28, Mana: The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia through its Early Childhood Development Department, Thursday donated assorted construction materials to Tionepu Community Based Child Care Centre (CBCC) in the area of Senior Chief Mankhambira in Nkhata Bay.

Executive Director of the synod’s Early Childhood Development Department, Rev. Edward Kamthunzi said the materials are meant for maintenance and expansion of the center as the synod strives towards improving early child development in the district.

“We feel obliged to invest in the future of children through such interventions, hence we have donated 50 iron sheets, 65 bags of cement and 10 tins of paint for their improved care and learning environment.

We will help to improve this structure because we believe that a solid foundation in early childhood education is crucial for the development of children," said Kamthunzi.

Senior Chief Mankhambira said the donation is a blessing to the community, adding that CBCCs are vital for children development and their well-being.

“We therefore thank the synod for its continued support towards children related interventions in the district," said Mankhambira.

In her remarks, one of the caretakers at the center, Alice Phiri said the donation will make their work more effective than before due to improved learning environment.

"Our children deserve good start in life. Through this donation we will have a well maintained and safe space for our children who are currently 70 in total," Phiri said.

The synod through its Early Childhood Development Department has in total supported about 35 CBCCs in Nkhata Bay.