

By Martin Chiwanda                                                

Machinga, July 2, Mana: Machinga district Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works participants says they have realized that reforestation through planting of trees is expensive than natural regeneration which is affordable and can also bring back a forest, as it promotes the natural regrowth of trees and vegetation on degraded lands.

The participants made the observation known during an interview with Mana after visiting their micro catchment areas where among other things are doing natural trees regeneration.

Namad Chawanda who is chairperson of Nyenyezi catchment in the area of traditional authority Nyambi in the district said they have realized that it is easy to regenerate natural trees that planting the new ones.

Chawanda noted that more trees have been planted but the survival late has been a challenge as it has not been easy for them to survive with hard weather the district has always been facing.

“Reforestation through planting trees is expensive because of the cost of seedlings and how to take care of them. But we have realized through the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works that natural regeneration is affordable and can also bring back a forest, as it promotes the natural regrowth of trees and vegetation on degraded lands,” he said.

Chawanda also noted that natural tree regeneration is there to assist in rainfall patterns and purification of air which comes from the leaves.

 “Natural trees are also important because they are climate resilient and act as windbreakers. Without trees, it does not rain much. And when it does, trees help to stop soil erosion. The leaves are important too as they fertilize the soil and keep it healthy. Therefore, we are doing everything possible as community through the initiative to regenerate more hectares,” added Chawanda.

Another participant, Emily Evance from Masanje micro catchment in the area of traditional authority Liwonde said the natural regeneration which is taking place in their area has already reduced soil erosion in their area.

Evance noted that the trees shade the soil and reduce soil evaporation, keeping the soil moist, which makes farms more resilient to extreme heat.

She adds: “The regenerated natural trees are helping us in many ways. Back then, we even had a firewood issue, but now that the forest is close by, we don’t have that challenge as we will most likely find firewood as we enter the woodland.

"Furthermore, we had cases of soil erosion before the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works was introduced in our area. Now, the soil erosion situation has drastically been controlled because of the trees we are regenerating as rain drops are not directly falling on the ground as tree leaves are shading the soil.”

Towens Gondwe, Extension Officer who is leading the natural tree regeneration said by regenerating forests, Machinga district can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming.

"Apart from reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming, the regenerated natural trees roots help the soil to be compacted and make it harder for running water to wash it away. For the few years we have been regenerating the natural trees through the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works programme, things have changed for the better now.

“The participants are even encouraged to practice what they are doing here to their homes. They have started to regenerate their natural trees in their respective homes. This is a plus to the project but also to the district,” said Gondwe.

The Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme is funded by World Bank and is being implemented by National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC).

By Mary Makhiringa

Balaka, July 2, Mana: People around Balaka Town on Monday described the fallen musician Lucius Banda as a strong and patriotic son Balaka has ever produced.

Walking around Balaka Town, Monday, Malawi News Agency noted that most people plying business around the town, opted to playing the late Banda’s music with some singing along with the music.

“He was humble, and we loved him as through him we saw a lot of more musicians growing in Balaka, you cannot talk of development of the music industry in Balaka, without mentioning his name. We have really lost,” said one Moses Phekani a business person who owns a music selling outlet around town.

“He was one of the very first business tycoons in the district as he also contributed to the growth of the Balaka Town. He owned Zembani Lodge which accommodates prominent people when they come to Balaka,” said Wisdom Shaibu who claimed he interacted with the late Banda in various platforms.

Meanwhile the family of the late musician Lucius Banda has disclosed that the body of the departed music legend who died in South Africa while receiving treatment, will arrive Tuesday July 2 afternoon through Chileka Airport and be laid to rest on Thursday in Balaka.

Banda’s uncle Eliyasi Kamoto said, “Vigil will be at his Andiamo house and the funeral ceremony will be held at Balaka Stadium before departing to St. Louis Balaka Parish where a mass in honor of the departed soul will be conducted.”

Lucius Banda produced 20 albums during his music career.

By Paul Madise

Lilongwe July 1, Mana: Commissioner for Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), Charles Kalemba has applauded various humanitarian partners for the successful and effective implementation of various Lean Season Food Insecurity interventions.

He made the remarks Monday at Capital Hotel in Lilongwe during the 2023/2024 Lean Season Food Insecurity Response Programme (LS-FIRP) after action meeting with councils where an appeal for more collaboration for the country to absorb climate change induced shocks.

He emphasized the need for mindset change as well as the need to embrace the strategies the country has developed to combat food insecurity citing mechanized agriculture, Mega Farms and the residual moisture irrigation for an inclusive agriculture.

"We have engaged partners, all government MDAs for interventions to move away from rain fed agriculture," Kalemba added.

WFP Deputy Country Director, Simion Denhere has applauded the government for its commitment and dedication to address disaster related issues.

He pledged WFP’s continued support and commitment supplementing government’s interventions and other humanitarian initiatives predominantly in southern parts of the country.

Denhere disclosed that as WFP it has set aside US$ 8 million appending to its integrated interventions.

Nkhotakota District Commissioner (DC) for Nkhotakota, Ben Tonho urged people living along water bodies to be opportunistic and seize irrigation agriculture for supplement and sustain food both at household and national level.

The meeting centered on sharing encountered experiences, successes and challenges that will shape subsequent programmes, the meeting follows the successful implementation of the 2023/ 2024 Lean Season Response which targeted 4.4 million people in the country.

By Maston Kaiya & Bazilio Chingoli

Ntcheu, 1 July, Mana: The plans by the Government of Malawi to upgrade the 79 kilometres Chamtulo (off Monkey Bay Mangochi) road to Mkutumula near Balaka market in Ntcheu has brought much excitement among communities in the area.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency (Mana) Monday in Ntcheu, Inkosi Makwangwala said the road project would help in different sectors in his area.

"We are very grateful; our area will benefit a lot to this project. Our farm produce will have easy access to good markets because of this road network, and even access to the health facilities will be easier than before," he said.

Makwangwala has since ensured good collaboration between his subjects and those who would be responsible for the construction of the road.

“We will jealously guard the construction materials to ensure that there are no malpractices that can lead to substandard project delivery,” he added.

Ntcheu District Council Director of Finance, Musandide Misinjo said the road project was useful as it would improve service delivery and enhance local revenue.

"The Construction works for the road project is timely considering the modern markets at Banda, Pengapenga and Bwanje. With this easy access, we believe our revenue collection will increase and the district’s developmental activities will improve," he said.

Misinjo added that plans are on the shelves for the upgrading of Chikande Trading Centre, which was along Nacala Corridor.

On his part, A Motorbike Operator at Chikande Trading Centre, Harry Chabwera alluded that the road project would ease their business as most customers are farmers, as they ferry farm produce to the nearby markets.

"This road is impassable during rainy season, this hinders our business operations, I believe that this project will address all the challenges we face when using this road," he said.

Chairperson for the Lower Makwangwala Area Development Committee (ADC), James Konzaufe said that the upgrading of the road from earth surface to bitumen was a blessing for the community of the area who have been facing mobility challenges for decades.

President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera announced the construction of Mkutumula-Chamtulo road, which is among other four roads that the government will construct under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact 2, known as Malawi Transport and Land Compact.

Monday, 01 July 2024 20:20

TikTok blogger nabbed over theft

By Gomezgani Msiska


Lilongwe, July 1, Mana: Lilongwe Police Unit has arrested a well-known TikTok content creator, known as iPhone Daddy, whose real name is Innocent Sengimana, 23.


Sengimana is allegedly accused of duping K5 million from people on the pretext that he would supply them with iPhone 13 gadgets, and for misusing cars he rented for his social media activities.


Lilongwe Police Spokesperson, Inspector, Hastings Chigalu said iPhone Daddy, was arrested on June 27, 2024 at Airwing location in the City.


“The suspect, whose TikTok page name is 'innocent jumajayi', is said to have collected the cash as upfront payments from his TikTok followers.

He is being accused of taking two iPhones valued at K3.5 million, from a certain client to sell on his behalf, but disappeared with the proceeds,” he said.

“It is reported that the suspect failed to pay fees for the cars he hired for his social media business. And instead of returning the cars to the owners after expiry of the agreed period, he used them as collateral to his debtors,” Chigalu added.

Police have since recovered the cars.

On the day of his arrest, the suspect, who was on the run for several days after winds of his arrest blew on him, had to be rescued by police from angry community members who bayed for his blood after a lengthy cat and mouse chase following his escape from the cops.

He is expected to appear in court soon to answer theft charges.

Monday, 01 July 2024 20:05

Alumni donates K 5 million to Seminary

By Chisomo Kambandanga

Lilongwe, July 1 Mana: Alumni Association of Saint Paul's Minor Seminary which is under Lilongwe Arch Diocese Sunday donated text books worth K5 million to the school.

Chairperson for the Alumni, Fredrick Kamwani said the donation was made in response to some of the challenges seminarians face at the school.

"We thought of buying the books as an immediate need for the school. We know that the school has a lot of challenges affecting boarding facilities and academics but we cannot address them all at once," he said.

According to Kamwani the books which are of languages, sciences and humanities were bought using money which was contributed by members of the alumni through 'Buy a Book Project ' and that alumni would continue striving to assist the institution.

"We wish to continue helping our mother institution Saint Paul's Minor Seminary with in her needs for it to continue being productive to the nation," he added.

Rector for the Seminary Fr. Benedict Kamdabweni commended the Alumni for the donation for it has bailed the institution out of some of the academic challenges.

"We are thankful for the donation. As an institution we benefit a lot from your continuous support and we pledge to make sure that the books taken care of to benefit even the future generation," he said.

Fr. Kamdabweni urged well-wishers who may wish to help the institution with any valuables that the institution would highly value such initiatives.

The School which is based at Mitundu was opened in 1963 as a preparatory seminary and was upgraded to Minor Seminary in 1994.

By Gomezgani Msiska and Hastings Yobe


Lilongwe, July 1, Mana: Malawians express their sorrows following the death of an iconic singer, song writer, and social commentator, Lucius Banda, on June 30, 2024 after a long time of suffering from kidney failure in South Africa.


The death of Lucius has left behind a legacy of inspiring music and a nation in grief.


As tributes pour in from fans and fellow artists, Malawians will remember the life and impact of a true Malawian treasure.


In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), some Malawians have shared their grief by expressing how Banda’s music has been an inspiration to them.


Kenneth Jimmy who does A Phone Repair at Post Office Premises in Lilongwe, Kenneth Jimmy said the death of Lucius has touched him deeply.


“The death of Lucius is unforgettable and it has touched me a lot. We were expecting that he was going to come back home healthy from South Africa.

His songs have been uniting and inspiring us as Malawians, most of his songs have been comforting to the soul in times pain and trouble,” he said.


Another fan of Lucius, Estelle Tambala said that his death has left a huge gap to the country’s music industry.


“Malawians have lost an important person in the country whose music was inspiring us such as “Dzirimbikirire wekha” which tells the one listening to it to depend on oneself,” she said.


Meanwhile, the government through the Ministry of Information and Digitalization says it was saddened with the death of the music legend through a Press release.


“The Nation will live to remember Hon. Lucius Banda, fondly referred to as ‘Soldier’ as a dedicated and selfless son of Malawi who gallantry and courageously fought all his life for the betterment of lives of ordinary people,” the Press release reads in part.

By Aliko Munde


Chitipa, July 1, Mana: Chitipa District Council has conceded that due to human activities along river banks in the district, it has contributed a lot to disasters especially floods that occurs in Karonga.


Director of Planning and Development (DPD) for Chitipa District Council, Jossen Tembo said that most people cultivate along River banks which results in running of surface water downstream up to Karonga, resulting into floods.


He was speaking on Monday to Karonga District Disaster Risk Management Committee (DRMC) which visited the council on a learning visit to enhance collaboration between the two districts.


Tembo said that human activities which are mostly environmentally unfriendly have done more harm than good to the two districts and even to the country.


“As a district, we have a hand to reduce severity and impact of the disasters by intensifying awareness campaigns on the dangers of cultivating along the river banks for the safety of our friends in Karonga,” he said.


District Risk Disaster Management Officer for Karonga, Humphrey Magalasi said the objective of the learning visit was to learn and share experiences in risk and disaster management.


He echoed that floods in Karonga originate from rivers in Chitipa hence the visit to exchange notes on how best the two parties can coordinate in addressing the risk of flooding.


“As one way of strengthening local structures we intend to revamp Village and Area Risk Disaster Management Committees,” Tembo suggested.

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, June 30, Mana: District Environmental Health Officer (DEHO) for Lilongwe, Paul Chunga said community based Mother Care Groups (MCGs) are playing a critical role in assisting the work of providing vaccination to children in the country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the ongoing refresher trainings for MCGs which Malawi Equity Health Network (MEHN) is conducting in nine districts in the country, he said the MCGs are supporting health workers to successfully provide immunization to the children.

“The MCGs are assisting the community based health workers to reach each and every child as they live within the communities and are always in contact with the mothers that have children that are eligible for immunization.

“Additionally, it is easy for them to identify a child that did not receive immunization or has missed under-five scheduled static outreach clinic and they make a follow up as well as reminding the mothers to take their children for immunization,” he noted.

Chunga added that vaccine uptake for children has improved with 95 percent in all the areas in Lilongwe District where the MCGs are supporting the vaccination work after being empowered by MEHN.

Secretary for one of the Lilongwe based MCGs known as Kakoma, Elinati Chikumbutso said with the skills and knowledge which they have gained they are able to make door to door visits in their community to encourage mothers to get their children vaccinated.

She said as MCG they are able to lobby for resources needed for vaccination from relevant authorities in order to enhance the vaccination work.

MEHN Assistant Project Officer, Tumpale Kalobo said that with their initiative among other things they want to support government in reducing child mortality rate in the country.

“We want the MCGs to assist in the immunization of children as we understand that community based health workers cannon manage to reach out each and every child on their own for vaccination.

“By the end of everything we want to make sure that the death rate of children under the age of five is reduced in the country,” she said.

With financial support from Global Alliance for vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), MEHN is supporting and empowering the MCGs with knowledge and skills in order for them to take part in the vaccination of under five children as well as other children that are eligible for vaccination.

Currently, the organization is working with 281 MCGs in nine districts in the country which include; Lilongwe, Karonga, Chitipa, Mzimba North and South, Kasungu, Mchinji and Ntchisi just to mention some.

By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, June 30, Mana: National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has committed to continue engaging contractors on project management as one way of addressing poor service delivery in the construction industry in the country.

Speaking on Saturday during a project management workshop in Salima, NCIC Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Eng. Gerald Khonje expressed concern over increased reports on poor and substandard infrastructures in some parts of the country, highlighting that the engagement was crucial as it would enhance standards.

He said they are mandated to promote construction industry in the country by collaborating with different stakeholders such as universities and colleges to provide trainings tailored to address needs and shortfalls in the construction industry.

The CEO said targeting stakeholders in the construction industry was one way of ensuring quality control and that engaging them was one of the interventions employed to instill good practice with professionally designed topics such as contract management, quality control and project management.

"Coming up with a successful project in the infrastructure industry involves so many things, such as budgeting, procuring to actual project implementation, therefore if all these processes are not followed the end product is compromised," Khonje added.

He warned that NCIC would not hesitate to penalize any contractor for poor workmanship, misconduct and none compliance to construction regulations.

"We have a code of conduct that needs to be followed by all registered contractors and we expect adherence to it, that is why we frequently engage stakeholders to raise awareness of all emerging issues, so that we should be on the same page," Khonje viewed.

On a positive note, he said the country was making strides in ensuring quality infrastructures are being developed across all sectors in the country.

Chief Energy Officer in the Ministry of Energy, Austin Theu expressed satisfaction with the training delivered, saying it would help his Ministry to implement successful projects.

He said he would try to incorporate what he has learnt in planning for future projects in accordance to the set standards.