New boreholes excite communities in Ntchisi

New boreholes excite communities in Ntchisi Featured

By Moses Nyirenda

Ntchisi, August 11, Mana: Community members from the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Nthondo and Sub Traditional Authority M’ndinda in Ntchisi district have expressed their excitement with the installation of new boreholes in their communities by WaterAid Malawi.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Saturday Village Head Chimanda one, under Sub-Traditional Authority M’ndinda said for a long time in his village they have been drinking unsafe water and now they are happy with the installation of the borehole in their village.

“Many years have passed since we have been drinking unclean water from the wells where we were drinking together with animals and during rainy season we were being hit by cholera and other waterborne diseases.

“But now with the coming of the borehole in our community everyone is excited as we will now have easy access to potable water,” Village Head Chimanda one said.

He disclosed that about 100 families from his village are expected to benefit from the borehole that has been installed in his village and he thanked WaterAid Malawi for the installation of the borehole.

One of the women from Kawiya village in the area of TA Nthondo, Rose Levison also applauded the installation of the borehole in her village saying that for over a decade they have been facing challenges in accessing potable water.

“For over 15 years we have been drinking bad water and because of this we were facing many problems including diseases like diarrhea and we were going frequently to the hospital for treatment.

“Now with the coming of the borehole we will no longer be facing the problems that we have been facing and as women from Kawiya village we are happy for the development that has come in our village,” she said.

She further appreciated WaterAid Malawi for the installation of the borehole in her village and she appealed to the organization to extend its support to other communities in Ntchisi district that have no access to potable water.

In his comment, WaterAid Malawi Programme Officer, Laston Zungu said that his organization remains committed to improving Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) interventions in the country.

“As WaterAid we are committed to improving the WASH situations in the country especially in healthcare facilities, communities, institutions and many other places,” Zungu said.

He also said that the installation of the boreholes in Ntchisi is part of fulfilling their commitment as an organization in improving WASH interventions in the communities through provision of potable water access.

Currently WaterAid Malawi has drilled six boreholes in six communities in Ntchisi district, which include; Chipondo, Kawiya and Chimanda village with funding from Giorgio Arman.

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