

By Eranivey Temani

Lilongwe, September 04, Mana: The new Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Program (CS-EPWP) beneficiaries of Biwi village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Chiseka have been urged to join village bank groups so that they save part of the money for future use.

Speaking on Tuesday at Badwa Primary School, Lilongwe District Council Assistant Community Development Officer Gladys Kalumbi said saving money under Community Savings and Investment Promotion (COMSIP) can assist the beneficiaries when they are hit by some challenges caused by the effects of climate change.

“Money will never be enough, but it takes commitment for one to start saving for future use. We have seen many people achieving their goals after joining village banks, Village Savings Loan (VSLs) and Comsip groups, you too, can do better,” she said.

Kalumbi further urged the beneficiaries to put into good use of any money, which they will receive by among other things starting small-scale businesses, which will later assist them in transforming their livelihood.

One of the new CS-EPWP beneficiaries Christina Bumani of Watison village expressed excitement over COMSIP group formation in her area, saying she has just been hearing of the initiative.

“This is good news to us, as we will be able to save our money and start a revolving loan amongst ourselves, an initiative I am sure will transform our lives,” she said.

Bumani then asked her fellow members to take whatsoever they have learnt seriously, so that they see the benefit of saving culture.

CS-EPWP is a World Bank-funded project and is being implemented by the government through the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) in all 28 districts.

By Salome Gangire

Neno, September 04, Mana: Communities surrounding Ligowe Health Center in the area of Traditional Authority Mlauli in Neno District have appealed District Health Office to deploy an additional clinician at the facility to improve service delivery.

Chairperson of the Community Voice and Action group, Damiano Khosomani, appealed on Tuesday during an interface meeting organized by the National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust under the three-year Boma Lathu project, funded by the European Union.

He stated that the health facility currently has only one clinician, which strains service delivery due to the high number of patients.

“We have only one clinician here which results in patients spending more time in the queue before receiving assistance,” Khosomani said.

He added that patients experience prolonged waiting times at the hospital as it serves more than 15 villages.

Chairperson of Mlauli Area Development Committee (ADC), Yasintha Kafaniza noted that staff shortage forces the clinician to work long hours, compromising the quality of care provided due to fatigue.

In response, District Health Office (DHO) representative Henderson Mitepa announced that an additional clinician will be deployed to the health center to enhance staff capacity.

“Ligowe Health Centre has been assigned one more clinician to strengthen the team and address the staffing gap, making it the only health centre in the district with two clinicians,” he said.

NICE District Programmes Officer for Neno, Walace Kudzala explained that the interface meeting was aimed at providing a platform for citizens and marginalized groups to voice their challenges to the duty bearers and for the duty bearers to respond to their obligations.

“It is the responsibility of communities to demand their rights and ensure transparency and accountability,” Kudzala said.

He highlighted that there is often a lack of accountability from duty bearers in service delivery and limited responsiveness to community concerns.

Traditional Authority Mlauli expressed gratitude to NICE for organizing the interface, stating that it offered a valuable forum for resolving community issues with the relevant authorities.

Wednesday, 04 September 2024 10:26

Serengeti energy plans to expand

By Damiano Thengo

Nkhotakota, September 4, Mana: Serengeti Energy, a private solar energy generation company has disclosed that they intend to develop another solar power plant in Nkhotakota to complement their current power plant in the district.

Speaking during a media tour at the plant, Plant Manager Paul Mhango said they have already acquired land that is just adjacent to their current plant and are at an advanced planning stage for the construction of the second plant.

“The land acquisition was already done but there are other issues to close out before we can set a date and negotiate other terms like the capacity of energy to be produced at this plant.” Said Mhango.

Currently, Serengeti energy company through its solar plant in the district, generates and contributes 21 Megawatts to the national grid through its power purchase agreement with the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM).

Nkhotakota district council spokesperson Wongani Mkandawire said, as a council, they commend Serengeti energy and have always been supportive because not only does the country benefit through the electricity added to the grid but also people in the district benefit through employment at the plant and other corporate social responsibility programmes that the company implements around the community.

The government through the Ministry of Energy is currently implementing various projects around the country aimed at increasing power production to combat power shortages.

By Richard Kagunda

Kasungu, September 4, Mana: Kasungu Wildlife Conservation for Community Development Association on Tuesday launched a pilot phase of Forest Natural Regeneration and Agroforestry project in the area of Sub Traditional Authority Chisinga in the district.

The association's Board Chairperson Malidadi Langa said the livelihood-centered project is focusing on integration of agroforestry as well as village forest management.

Langa said the project aims to ensure that people have their forest resources in their communities thereby increasing agriculture productivity from the existing farm plots while addressing food insecurity challenges.

It is hoped that when people are economically empowered and are food secure, they will stop depending on the nearby Kasungu National Park as a source of livelihood.

"Conservation of Kasungu National Park is in two components which are wildlife on one hand and livelihood on the other.

"In this project, we have embarked on livelihood component as we want to empower communities economically by giving them alternative sources of income whilst conserving our national park," he said.

While commending the association for the project, the district's Director of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Evelyn Chima bemoaned the increased rate of environmental degradation in the district allegedly perpetrated by tobacco farming as well as the opening of new land for farming.

Chima called for concerted efforts among stakeholders in environmental conservation and landscape restoration arguing government alone cannot manage.

"We have seen that this organization is doing a commendable job in conserving the environment and landscape restoration.

"As a council, we have observed that tobacco farming and opening of new farms are some of the serious challenges haunting landscape restoration in our district hence the need for concerted effort to achieve this.

"This is why we commend the association for coming up with this project which will not only help in landscape restoration but also conserve wildlife in the park," Chima said.

In her remarks, Assistant Director for Environmental Education and Extension Services at the Department of National Parks and Wildlife, Catherine Chunga stressed the significance of conserving national parks saying they boost ecotourism, leading to economic benefits for local communities.

"Apart from agriculture, the project will also help to empower communities economically through beekeeping hence the need for commitment among community members," she said.

At least 350,000 people live near Kasungu National Park boundaries and some of them depend on the park products as a source of livelihood.

About 20 000 households are expected to benefit from the pilot phase of the project which is being funded by Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Program (BIOPAMA) under International Union for Conservation of Nature.

By Vincent Chauma

Kasungu, September 4, Mana: Japanese government has reaffirmed its commitment to support Malawi's efforts to improve its healthcare services, recognizing the importance of citizens' well-being in achieving the Malawi 2063 vision.

Japanese Ambassador to Malawi, Yoichi Oya said this during the official opening of Kapichira Health Centre in area of Sub-Traditional Authority Kachipira in Kasungu District.

Oya emphasized that Universal Health Coverage is crucial for human dignity and that the health and well-being of Malawians are essential for development, as outlined in the Malawi 2063.

"Malawi is facing so many challenges. As the government of Japan, Malawi is very good partner. So, we are supporting this country to overcome some of the challenges it faces," he said.

"There is great hope that this health facility will alleviate challenges faced by communities, particularly pregnant women, in accessing quality healthcare services," he added.

The ambassador also expressed hope that the facility will be well utilized and sustained, to be serving as a symbol of the friendship between Japan and Malawi.

Deputy Minister of Health, Halima Daudi, thanked the Japanese government for the support, highlighting that equitable healthcare is a priority of the Chakwera-led government.

She assured that President Lazarus Chakwera will maintain good working relationships with development partners to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

"The government plans to construct many health facilities to ensure that people easily access quality healthcare services," she said.

Kapichira Health Centre, which has maternity, running water, electricity and staff houses, will serve a population of at least 15,000 people, bringing the total number of health facilities in Kasungu District to 38.

By Leonard Masauli

Lilongwe, September 4, Mana: Japan International Cooperation Agency has urged utility companies to draw action on non-revenue water for them to maximize revenue collection.

This was said on Tuesday during an opening ceremony for a Three-day-Water Utility Regional Partnerships Workshop (WURP) at Bingu Internation Convention Centre, meant to strengthen the capacity of non-revenue water reduction for Lilongwe Water Board.

Representative of Jica in Malawi, Kazuhiro Tambara said water utilities especially in Sub-Sahara Africa are facing challenges and among them is non-revenue water which he said requires collective action to solve the problem.

“This workshop is meant for experience and knowledge sharing. The expanded partnership between Malawi, Kenya and Rwanda into a three-way agreement shall pave way to enhance improvement and growth.

“The partnership will also facilitate solutions to the challenges among the member utilities based on their collective expertise to ensure reduction of non-revenue water and increase on revenue,” said Tambara.

Chief Executive Officer for Lilongwe Water Board (LWB), Silli Mbewe said with assistance from Jica, Lilongwe Water Board is implementing a project to strengthen the capacity of non-revenue water reduction to maximize revenue.

Deputy Director of Administration in the Ministry of Water and Sanitation, Masauko Manyunya said the Malawi 2063 agenda aims at providing clean water and sanitation services to the country and hence the partnerships will ensure knowledge sharing and experiences that will help reduce non-revenue water among the utility companies.

The 5th WURP is hosted by LWB after Kenya and Rwanda in 2019 and 2023 respectively.

Wednesday, 04 September 2024 09:36

Former Silver Strikers Captain has died

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, September 4, Mana: Former Silver Strikers Captain and defender Mike Robert died on Tuesday at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe after battling with kidney failure.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana), brother to the deceased who plays for the Blue Eagles football team, Jacob Robert confirmed the death, saying Mike had been sick for a long period.

“Indeed my brother has passed on after suffering from kidney problems but recently he was also diagnosed with cerebral Malaria and died in the evening of Tuesday at the hospital,” He said.

Robert who also played for Dowa stars and Dowa medicals before joining Silver Strikers will be laid to rest in his home village in Dowa district.

Tuesday, 03 September 2024 18:22

CSEPWP beneficiaries hail government

By Solister Mogha

Zomba, September 3, Mana: Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programeme (CSEPWP) participating communities in Zomba have hailed government for the timely payment of their wages saying this will help them to meet basic needs such as food.

Speaking Tuesday after receiving her wages, Regina Saiti of Chikwekwe Village at Thondwe in the district said her family was in acute shortage of food and described the support a life saver.

“Honestly I did not have food for today and the whole of this week. However, God has answered my prayer. From here I will immediately be going straight to the market to buy maize,” added Saiti.

She said working in CS-EPWP has more benefits to the communities as well at individual households and promised that she will dedicate herself to work in the next cycle for another pay.

“Major activities in the programme are about sustainable land management and they are of direct benefit to us,” Saiti explained.

Frolence Mpinda of Mwamadi Village who also received her wages said would use the money she received to buy food for her family, saying for the past two weeks she survived on piece work to make ends meet.

She also hailed the CS-EPWP for providing the money, saying this was timely and beneficial to her family.

Director of Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources, Linda Mphande said the money was relief to families affected by hunger.

Mphande said most farming families did not harvest enough food in the last growing season and described interventions like the CS-EPWP as of great importance.

“I salute the government for programmes such as CS-EPWP.  Apart from sustainable land management interventions, people can use the money received to buy food,” she said.

CS-EPWP Desk Officer for Zomba, Chimwemwe Chimbaza said a total of 19, 597 beneficiaries will receive their wages.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, September 3, Mana: A physically challenged Fashion Designer and Founder of Upie Collection, Ruth Upie Chirwa has organised a fashion event as one way of promoting inclusivity and empowering people with disabilities.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Tuesday, Chirwa said there are many stereotypes about people with disabilities in the country as a result she wants to showcase the beauty and talent in the fashion industry, which people with disabilities have despite their challenges.

“This event will help to address the lack of representation and opportunities for people with disabilities in the fashion industry. By featuring models with disabilities, I hope to challenge stereotypes and stigmas surrounding disability,” she said.

Chirwa further encouraged people to attend the event saying regardless of ability or disability; the fashion will celebrate diversity and inclusivity to something, which will bring about a positive change in society.

“We want to address the misconception that people with disabilities lack skills or abilities. We want to showcase the diverse talents and capabilities of individuals with disabilities, inspiring others to recognize their potential,” said Chirwa.

In his remarks, one of the models taking part in the event Chancy Chirwa said people with disabilities are left out in such activities so it is high time that they should showcase their talents, gain exposure and network with others.

“By participating in the event, disability models will have a chance to collaborate with other designers of which will help them to never look down upon themselves again,” said Chirwa.

The event is expected to take place on September 6, 2024, at Springs Park in Mzuzu.

By Joel Phiri

Mzimba, September 3, Mana: People living in Mbalachanda, Traditional Authority (T/A) Chindi in Mzimba have expressed concern over the lack of a bridge on the South Rukulu River, saying it creates mobility challenges when it rains.

Speaking in an interview, Group village head Ulela Kachali said lack of bridge on South Rukulu River has resulted in many problems for the communities.

‘‘For instance, we rely on Mbalachanda rural hospital but when they cannot treat us here we are referred to Euthini or Mzambazi hospitals. But to get to Euthini we have to cross over the South Rukulu River which becomes impassable during the rainy season. Some people have lost lives before due to delays to get them to the hospital in time’’, he said.

‘‘Some learners in community day schools have to cross over to Euthini which they fail to do during the rainy season resulting in absenteeism. We appeal authorities to act on our concerns. This bridge is so important to us’’, Kachali added.

A civil servant residing in the area also expressed concerns, saying when it rains South Rukulu River swells and it becomes risky for one to cross.

‘‘As civil servants, we lose training opportunities when they take place during the rainy season in Mzuzu and other areas. Even our salaries we go to Euthini to access banks. 

“Just to cross the other side and connect to Euthini and then to the rest of the areas we use improvised boats. It is risky. We cannot travel outside Mbalachanda it becomes almost impossible,’’ said the civil servant who refused to disclose his name.

Group village head Kachali said is fed up with delays in having the bridge completed by authorities adding they have resorted to local resource mobilization among villages.

‘‘We are asking each village head to mobilize money amounting to K15,000 from his subjects so that we can raise K6 million in total and construct a make-shift bridge across the river so we could lessen our mobility challenges.

“This is just a desperate measure to save the situation because it becomes dire during the rainy season and our livelihood is disturbed. Most essential services like banks and schools are at Euthini. When it rains and becomes difficult to cross, most people suffer,” said Kachali.

‘‘Even school-going children cannot cross over to a community day school in Euthini. Business people risk their lives travelling on risky improvised boats to cross. We wish the government did something to improve our situation in terms of completing the bridge which was abandoned’’, said group village headman Chikoma Botha.

Mbalachanda Village Development Committee (VDC) chairperson, Jimmy Nyirenda said having no bridge results in communities being cut off from the rest of the country hence the need for authorities to complete the bridge construction to lessen their mobility challenges.

M’mbelwa District Council Director of Public Works Allan Chitete in an interview admitted the sorry state of the bridge but referred the matter to Roads Authority.

‘‘The road that connects Euthini and Mbalachanda passes through South Rukulu River and there is indeed no bridge. That road and bridge is not under our jurisdiction as council but Roads Authority. We have written Roads Authority about the state of the road and the lack of bridge’’, said Chitete.

In an interview, Roads Authority spokesperson Portia Kajanga asked for more time to cross check facts about the matter.