

By George Mponda

Karonga, September 5, Mana: Karonga District Council (KDC) have said their exchange visit to the United Republic of Tanzania where they engaged Kyela District Council officials will improve service delivery.

Acting District Commisioner (DC) for Karonga, Frank Mkandawire said this Wednesday at Kyela district in Tanzania at the end of the exchange visit.

According to Mkandawire, one of the objectives of the exchange visit was to learn how their Tanzanian counterparts have managed to develop their district.

"Our mandate as a district council is to represent people within our jurisdiction and provide for their well being. We have been facing challenges in some of our service provisions this is why we requested to visit Kyela inorder to gain knowledge which will help us fulfill our mandate to the people of Karonga.

"In Karonga, we have challenges in controlling animals in the central business district (CBD), sanitation, under collection and pilferage of local revenue and formulation of bylaws. But with the knowledge we have gained here, we will go back and re-strategise inorder to overcome these challenges," he added.

On his part, Kyela District Vice Chairperson Adam Kapeta said knowledge sharing among the two districts which are neighbours is benefitial for people in both countries.

Kapeta said; "Among other things, this trip will foster cooperation between Karonga and Kyela business communities mind you there are several bottlenecks experienced by business people from both sides.

It will also unlock opportunities for the betterment of our districts since we have shared ideas on what we are doing in terms of revenue mobilisation, service provision to the citizenry, disaster management and town planning in general."

At the end of the exchange visit, KDC officials gave gifts of Malawian made products to the officials from Kyela District Council.

The team which travelled from Karonga comprised of all ward councillors, Senior Chief Makwaboko, a representative of interest groups in the district and officials from the council secretariat.

Thursday, 05 September 2024 12:32

Parties to consider women in positions

By Felix Katemula

Karonga, September 5, Mana: National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust has urged political parties to put women in senior political party positions if the country was to develop.

Civic Education Programme Officer for NICE Trust, Derex Souza made the views on Wesdnesday in Karonga during the opening ceremony of a three day “Campaign School Training” for women aspirants in Karonga.

“Women face so many barriers within political parties to attain a position and to be voted for during elections, this is why we thought of giving them capacity and skills to navigate through political scenarios during campaign and how to manage communication and public speaking,” he noted.

Souza observed that women are not given platforms in political parties which has resulted in more women standing as independent candidates in elections.

“The skills which they will acquire will make them have better chances to overcome the difficulties they find within the political parties,” he explained.

An Aspiring Councillor for Nkhwawa Ward, Tamala Mhango said that the training would help them to have confidence in themselves during the forthcoming elections.

“Male candidates have financial muscle while we female candidates lack financial support and this makes us to fail to campaign properly,” she said.

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) District Elections Officer for Karonga, Elias Nyirenda said MEC works within the legal framework of the country’s constitution which promotes women participation and it has deliberate policies to ensure women participate in politics.

“Usually the commission will lower the nomination fees for women and youth so as to have as many women as possible to leverage the playing field,” he said.

The training is being co-implemented by Nation Intiative for Civic Education (NICE) and the Centre for Civil Society Strengthning (CCSS) under the project “Transformative Political Empowerment” with funding from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Thursday, 05 September 2024 12:29

Gada farm increases productivity

By Winfrida Kamwana

Mchinji, September 5, Mana: Malawi Defence Force (MDF) run, Gada Mega Farm in Mchinji has put in measures to increase its productivity in the agricultural sector in a quest to contribute to national food security.

Speaking during a media tour on Wednesday, Captain, Andrew Kalulu who represented the Director of Agriculture Production under the MDF's Malawi National Service said the farm was committed to bringing in change in agricultural productivity and hopes to liberate the country from economic glitches that the country is facing at the moment.

“Due to climate change, the agriculture sector is facing a number of challenges which are also affecting the country’s economy. This is why the farm through irrigation schemes has managed to increase its productivity and hopes to contribute a lot to national food security and economic growth,” he said.

Kalulu appreciated Zambia National Service for rendering support and expertise to the farm saying through such assistance, the farm has been able to function and was being easily sustained.

Zambia’s National Service Irrigation Specialist, Lieutenant Colonel, Misasa Phiri said Gada Farm was one mega farm that has a great potential to achieve food security and economic growth.

“We are hoping that the two nations will be able to grow together in terms of the economy and food security. That is why as Zambia National Service, we are happy to render our technical expertise on irrigation water management and agronomy issues,” he added.

Gada Farm Officer In-Charge, Deborah Nkulama said the farm plans to expand its productivity by cultivating a diverse of crops on the farm as well as increase animal production.

“We plan to have more crops on the farm including wheat which we can export to other countries and we plan to introduce dairy animal production to expand our market,” she pointed out.

Gada Mega Farm is a farm under the Malawi National Service of the MDF with 1, 654 hectares of which 30 hectares have been used for wheat cultivation.

The farm has provided job opportunities to about 51 and hopes to help many more.

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe, September 4: The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture has revealed that the Shire Valley Transformation Program requires significantly more funding to be completed within the scheduled timeline.

In a separate interview with media after Parliamentary session on Wednesday, in Lilongwe, Vice Chairperson for Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Ulemu Chilapondwa highlighted that the committee is happy with tremendous progress of the project, however more funds are needed to speed up the project.    

"We are very happy and impressed with the tremendous progress. About 96 percent of the construction over the 6 km stretch is complete, which gives us hope that the project is indeed moving forward.

"However, the committee also discovered that the project requires significantly more funds to avoid delays. This will ensure it is completed on time, allowing farmers to begin accessing it as planned," Chilapondwa said.

He urged government to be committed on funding the project as one way for preventing stoppages of the project.

"In our report, we urge the government to ensure that funds are provided promptly to prevent any interruptions or delays in progress. Timely funding is crucial to completing the project on schedule,” he said.

He said first phase is expected to be completed in December so that farmers should start growing crops along the stretch.

In his report, Chairperson for Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Sameer Suleman said the program aims at increasing productivity and commercialization of households in Shire Valley and improve sustainable management of utilization of natural resources.

He urged government to ensure that beneficiaries would also be able to benefit from the subsidized irrigation materials.

"The committee will be happy if beneficiaries would also be able to benefit from the subsidized irrigation materials such as solar pumps in order to put the project in good use," he said.

According to Suleman beneficiaries around the project area are estimated to be 279,550 which is 60,772 households and the project aims at providing irrigation to over 43,000 hectares through phase construction of new gravity fed irrigation scheme to 27,600 hectares of agriculture land.

He also indicated that the program is being done by government with support of World Bank and African Development Bank.

Thursday, 05 September 2024 09:42

MERA confirms No change in fuel prices

By Hastings Yobe

Lilongwe, September 5, Mana: Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) has announced that there will be no adjustments to the current fuel prices.

This decision comes amidst widespread speculations about potential price hikes.

In an official statement released on Wednesday, MERA confirmed that the prices per litre for petroleum products would remain unchanged.

“The current rates are Petrol at K2,530, Diesel at K2,734, and Paraffin at K1,910.,” reads the statement.

MERA has since urged the public to disregard any contrary information and assured that it will keep stakeholders and the general public informed about any developments in energy regulation through official channels.

By Patience Kapinda

Lilongwe, September 4, Mana: In a move to transform the city's environmental landscape, Lilongwe Mayor, Councilor Esther Sagawa, has launched the "Clean Green City Challenge."

The initiative encourages residents to take an active role in cleaning their city, fostering community participation and pride.

She said the 'Clean Green City Challenge' is a call to action for all residents to join forces in creating a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for Lilongwe city.

 "We want to make Lilongwe a model for other cities in Malawi and beyond, showcasing the power of collective action in creating a more sustainable urban environment," Sagawa said.

Among others, the campaign invites citizens to post photos or videos of areas in need of cleaning within the city center or old town by tagging the Mayor on social media and use the hashtag #CleanGreenCityChallenge.

The Mayor's team will then clean the areas, and then before-and-after photos will be shared to celebrate the progress.

A local business owner, Mphatso Makoti, is excited to participate in the initiative. "I am inspired to participate in the 'Clean Green City Challenge' because I believe that every business has a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the community and the environment," she said.

To encourage customer participation, Makoti plans to offer incentives such as discounts for customers who bring their reusable bags or containers. "I will also educate them on the importance of sustainability and provide tips on how they can reduce their waste," she added.

In terms of reducing waste and promoting sustainability in her operations, Makoti plans to reduce single-use plastics, compost organic waste, and use energy-efficient equipment.

Charles Mkoka, Executive Director of the Coordination Union for the Rehabilitation of the Environment (CURE), praised the initiative, saying it will have a transformative impact on Lilongwe's environmental landscape.

The "Clean Green City Challenge" aligns with the broader vision of making Lilongwe a sustainable and livable city.

As Mayor Sagawa emphasized, "I hope to leave a legacy of a cleaner, greener, and more responsible community that takes pride in their environment."

By engaging the community in the process, the "Clean Green City Challenge" sets a shining example for other cities in Malawi and beyond, demonstrating the power of collective action in creating a more sustainable urban environment.

By Arnold Namanja

Nsanje, September 4, Mana: Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has said rehabilitation of the Beira-Marka railway line in Nsanje District is expected to increase volume of trade between Malawi and Mozambique.

MRA Marketing Communications Manager, Wilma Chalulu made the observation on Wednesday when the tax collection body took editors from the Southern region on a tour to Marka-Nyathando Border Post in the district.

Chalulu said once the rehabilitation of the railway line at the border is completed, it would increase the volume of trade between Malawi and Mozambique while enhancing revenue collection for MRA at the same time.

“Already we have been collecting some revenue from traders doing business on this border which is expected to be even higher once the facility is fully rehabilitated,” she added.

Chalulu said MRA, on its part, will construct decent houses at the border post to create a good working environment and motivate staff at the borderline.

On addressing the challenge of smuggling, she said MRA continues engaging communities with the involvement of local leaders on the disadvantages of evading tax at the expense of national development.

“In collaboration with other law enforcement agencies, we constantly sensitize communities and empower them to join in the fight against smuggling. Of course, smuggling is a big challenge and its fight is ongoing,” Chalulu added.

Meanwhile, the railway line has already facilitated the importation of construction materials as well as raw materials for China Railways 20 Company and Prescane, respectively, underscoring its potential.

Speaking in an interview, Malawi editor's forum General Secretary, Gracian Tukwila said the tour was necessary for editors as gatekeepers to be on top of things.

“Editors need to be updated regularly about the latest developments happening in various sectors of our economy. This tour could not have come at any better time than now when rail transportation has proved to be cost-effective,” Tukula said.

Malawi is a signatory to regional and continental pacts such as the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, Southern Africa Development Community and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa which strives to make borders seamless to facilitate easy and legitimate movement of goods and services.

By Chikondi Chimala, in Beijing, China

Beijing, September 4: Mana: The governments of Malawi and China Tuesday signed a K50 billion financing agreement for the construction of the Judicial Complex in Lilongwe.

Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Simplex Chithyola-Banda signed the agreement on behalf of the Malawi government and described the agreement as a fitting gift from the Chinese government to the people of Malawi.

The minister said the grant financing which is worth Chinese RMB 200 million translating to over USD 30 million (about K50 billion) will aid the transformation of Malawi.

In an interview with the Malawi News Agency (Mana), Chithyola-Banda said that Chinese President Xi JinPing informed President Dr Lazarus Chakwera about the grant financing of the Judicial Complex during their bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People held on Tuesday morning.

“I am happy that I have signed this agreement on behalf of the Malawi government that will see our judicially operate from modern buildings that will house quite many offices including courtrooms which is a positive development.”

“The onus to start work on the Judicial Complex that will be constructed in Lilongwe opposite the Parliament Building is now on my ministry which will work to fastback its operationalization with the stakeholders in China to make sure disbursements are done so that the work can start soon,” said Chithyola Banda.

The Finance Minister also said aside from changing the face of Lilongwe, the project will contribute to the socio-economic development of the country, as it will see several Malawians getting employed on the project and others supplying goods and services as well.

Chithyola-Banda said the commitment of the Chinese government to fund the project is a result of focused leadership that has prioritized building good relations with other countries as already seen by the designation of Malawi as a strategic partner by the Chinese Government

Signing on behalf of the Chinese government was Long Zhou who is the Chinese Ambassador to Malawi who said his government would see to it that the project runs its full course and that the relations between the two countries grow from strength to strength.

The signing agreement took place on the sidelines of the 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Summit which is being attended by President Dr Lazarus Chakwera and will among others focus on building relations and cooperation in supporting Africa’s industrialization, energy and trade as a priority, talent development, accelerating agricultural modernization, agenda 2063 of the African Union, modernization and mutual learning among civilizations, political, peace, and security cooperation as well as poverty reduction.

Focac was instituted in 2000 to foster relations between China and the 53 African nations and the African Union (AU) and is held every six years while the minister’s conference is held every three years.

Wednesday, 04 September 2024 12:03

Social cash transfer bails people out of poverty

By Manasse Nyirenda

Rumphi, September 3, Mana: Social Cash Transfer Programme beneficiaries in Rumphi have praised the programme for bailing them out of extreme poverty.

In an interview on Monday, one of the beneficiaries, Lucy Nyasulu from Madumura Village in Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe said her family was trapped in deep poverty before being selected to be one of the beneficiaries.

"At the time I became a beneficiary, we were living in a shack and struggling to find food for our family. But once we got enrolled, we worked very hard to transform our lives for the better by venturing into farming using Social cash transfer money," she said.

She said she joined village loans and savings groups which made her earn interest on her savings which she later invested in farming.

She has since earned over K5 million from tobacco farming and has built a house and also owns a hair salon business.

The 31-year-old mother of three is now focusing on growing more tobacco to earn more money and transform her home’s well-being.

Another beneficiary, Fyness Kayira from Nthumbatumba Village in Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe said the programme is her lifeline.

"I am now under the care of my grandchildren who are not well-to-do. I lost my husband and all my children who were supporting me. I cannot imagine how I would survive without this money I get. The money helps me to meet my needs," she said.

On her part, Mayilesi Gumbo, 42, from Chilakata Village says she invested part of her receipts in piggery farming and now owns 10 pigs.

She added that her household is now food secure and that she and her husband can meet their needs including four children.

District Social Welfare Officer for Rumphi, Zindaba Lungu says many beneficiaries on the programme have built decent houses, bought livestock and own thriving businesses which have helped lessen the burden of poverty in the communities.

Social Cash Transfer Programme is a Malawi Government programme under Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods (SSRLP).

It is funded by the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), the World Bank and the Malawi Government and coordinated by the National Local Government Finance Committee.

By Wongani Mkandawire.

Nkhotakota, September 4, Mana: Village savings and loan groups in Nkhotakota have expressed satisfaction with the digital financial services that the Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) is advocating for in the district.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency on Wednesday during an awareness campaign in the district, Moses Chiwali a poultry farmer in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Mwansambo in the district said, the digital financial mobile services are safe in case of any eventualities.  

“My business is straightforward, give and take and I recommend mobile money because I do not have to wonder about safe storage of my money,” said Chiwali.

Another trader Tamara Banda from T/A Mwansambo said mobile money transfer is efficient and saves everyone time and has simplified distant trading in the district because money can just be sent and receive goods after receipt of payment.

“These days one does not need to travel to Lilongwe and order things but can simply send money through Airtel money or Mpamba and your supplier will ship your order without you travelling and this makes life easier,” said Banda.

Nkhotakota District Council community development officer Elina Lucas said it is impressive that many village savings and loan groups are migrating to digital financial services from the old-school method of keeping money in hard cash at meetings which was risky.

The reserve bank in partnership with AC Consulting is conducting an awareness campaign on digital financial services targeting different communities around the country.