By Pempho Nkhoma
Blantyre, February 28, Mana: Mother Care Groups (MCG) facilitated by Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) are making strides in improving vaccine coverage of under five children in Blantyre.
This was disclosed Thursday, when (MHEN) toured Chiswe MCG in Bangwe Township in Blantyre to monitor some of the initiatives that MCG is doing.
Speaking at Nachamba clinic which is under construction in Bangwe Township, Assistant Project Officer for MHEN, Helbert Chakwawa, commended Chiswe MCG for showing great impact within a short period of time.
“What you are doing here is very impressive; it was only in October when we formed this group but you have managed to lobby authorities for the construction of a clinic,” he said.
Chairperson for Chiswe MCG, Alice Kumbaya, expressed satisfaction saying they are happy that their effort is bringing positive results to the community.
“Since the establishment of Chiswe MCG in October last year, we have managed to open a health post for under five children vaccination,” she said.
Kumbya said despite facing several challenges while carrying out their duties they have seen a significant change in under five vaccine distribution.
“We have managed to reach 392 children in total, where 66 were not able to receive the whole required vaccine and 20 were on zero dose but after sensitizing them they have all understood the importance of under five vaccine and the dangers of not vaccinating children,” she said.
Group Village Head Chiswe hailed MCG citing that they have helped to reduce diseases among children hence contributing to development of the area.
“In the past parents complained of long distance to Bangwe Health Centre. With the coming of Chiswe MCG, parents are able to access services at the nearest place,” she said.
Chiswe MCG is under Bangwe Health Centre and covers four villages namely; Chiswe, BCA, Chilumba Ngangala and Nachamba