FPAM urges media to be vibrant when reporting reproductive health issues

FPAM urges media to be vibrant when reporting reproductive health issues

By Christina Mkutumula

Dowa, September 26, Mana: Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM) has urged media in Malawi to be vibrant when reporting reproductive health issues saying key populations need to be included.

FPAM Communications and Advocacy Officer, Faith Kadzanja said this on Wednesday in Dowa at an interface meeting her organization organized for the media, health personnel and officials from Dowa District Council.

She said FPAM is implementing a project called ‘we belong together’, which started in 2023 up to 2027 and focuses on improving access to sexual reproductive health and rights information and services to everyone including the key population.

“This project is being implemented in two districts of Dowa and Mzimba. Our interface with the media was to impart knowledge to them so that when they are reporting issues to do with key populations they should be well informed.

“Like what kind of language to use and also to share with them an overview of what key populations are and their needs,” she said.

Kadzanja further explained that on the part of duty bearers, the focus is that when they are making decisions in their offices they should also critically look into issues of reproductive health and rights focusing on key populations.

In an interview, a member of the key population, Sammy MacJessie, said because of the lack of information on key populations in Malawi, there is a big gap between the community and other service providers, which makes it impossible to get help.

She added that meetings such as the one FPAM organized will assist the key population in getting health care assistance.

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