FOCCAD in adolescent and young women empowerment

FOCCAD in adolescent and young women empowerment

By Dalitso Kampira

Thyolo, September 25, Mana: As one way of ensuring the well-being of adolescent girls and young women, Foundation for Community and Capacity Development (FOCCAD) through its "Health Care Project" has embarked on an initiative of empowering them through friendly health services in Thyolo.

In an interview with MANA on Tuesday, District Project Coordinator Victoria Malenga said the project aims to reduce new infections among adolescent girls and women.

"We are motivating them to use various protection methods to avoid getting sexually transmitted Infections, and early pregnancies by using family planning methods like condoms and contraceptives," she said.

She said they are targeting those that are going to primary and secondary schools, sex workers as well as those who inject themselves with drugs.

"The targeted groups are reached out through peer leaders, in one-on-one sessions where they are invited and given advice.

"Through client community and clinic network, young girls now have access to health services whenever they feel they are not okay," she added.

Peer Educator for Bvumbwe, Alefa Chikotcha, said the coming in of FOCCAD has helped girls to know who they are in terms of their sexuality.

"They are now able to understand their roles when it comes to health services. They can now continue their education as they can easily access youth-friendly services," she said.

Health Officer Attendant at Chimvu Clinic, Andrew Kholomana said the project has helped adolescent girls to open up and request for services whenever they need family planning methods.

"Through this project, young girls are now able to open up when they come to the clinic to access different health services including contraceptives which was difficult for them in past years.

"They no longer queue on a line whenever they want any support from the clinic because there is space specifically catering for them," said Kholomana.

The FOCCAD is working hand in hand with five health facilities in the district namely: Bvumbwe , Chimvu, Chipho, Thukuta, and Thekerani.

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