Chitipa registers 27 Cholera cases

Chitipa registers 27 Cholera cases

By Aliko Munde


Chitipa, September 16, Mana: Ifumbo Health Centre in Senior Chief Mwabulambya in Chitipa District has become the latest health facility to register two cases of Cholera with a district registering 27 cases so far.


Chitipa District Health Office’s Spokesperson Masida Nyirongo said that Ifumbo Health Centre needs a lot of support to prevent further spread of the disease.


In an interview on Monday, he said that Ifumbo Health Centre has five new suspected cases who have been admitted pending a rapid test.


“We have registered 27 cholera cases in the district with four health facilities affected, namely; Chitipa District Hospital, Kameme, Kapenda and Ifumbo Health Centres,” Nyirongo said.


Chitipa District Council, Director of Administration, Clement Gonthi, has disclosed that the District Council has prohibited preparation and serving of food during public gatherings like funerals, church and weddings.


He said that the district council has also prohibited sell of already prepared food.


Gonthi discouraged open defecation in the district.


“Every household must have its own latrine with drop hole cover and handwashing facilities. We are appealing to households to use treated water for all purposes including cooking and drinking. We are also appealing to public institutions like, offices, schools, markets to make available hand washing facilities,” he said.


Gonthi said that everyone has a role to play by practising and adhering to Cholera preventive and containment measures.


The district has registered one death so far.

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