Expert seeks to address stress and mental health issues

Expert seeks to address stress and mental health issues Featured

By Esther Ndhlozi

Mzuzu, August 7, Mana: Mental Health Specialist, Chiyambi Guwela Sande is set to host an online Stress Management and Meditation Training workshop from 10th to 24th August 2024, in response to the growing concern of stress and mental health in the country.

The workshop aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills to manage stress and promote mental wellbeing.

According to Sande, many people in Malawi are struggling to cope with stress due to lack of knowledge on how to handle it and where to seek professional help. Therefore, this online platform based workshop seeks to reach out to each and every individual regardless of the geographical area.

“We would like everyone to get help through this workshop regardless of their distance in order to promote a mental and emotional wellbeing,” said Sande.

Sande added that our Malawian culture and social standards are perpetuating stress and emotional instability, leading to a rise in suicidal cases.

“The societal pressure on people to supress emotions and not having adequate access to help in times of need is one of the significant contributors to this crisis.

“For instance, the cultural and societal expectations for men to always be strong and not cry when faced with challenges leaves them without emotional support outlets,” added Sande.

In his remarks, one of the invited speakers at the workshop, Adorn Banda who is also a meditation coach said people who will attend this workshop will benefit in so many ways like getting an increase in self-awareness, gaining insights in the causes that trigger emotional distress and gain easy to use techniques to manage their thoughts which will equip them to face challenges and be productive.

He further alluded that the workshop will help fight the misconception that peace and happiness in life come from favourable conditions in the world.

“We would like to use this workshop to clear the misconception that happiness and peace in life comes from favourable conditions in life. However, the workshop will strive to help people see clearly that peace and happiness are a result having healthy thoughts and emotions,” said Banda.

Banda has further encouraged people to attend the upcoming workshop, saying it is a vital investment in their mental health and it will equip individuals with tools to overcome mental struggles, paving a way for a much healthier and happier life.

“I encourage people not to be hesitant in attending this workshop that aims to provide skills of mind management and development which in a long run will help people enjoy their life to their maximum potential,” Banda added.

Commenting on the matter, Lusubilo Msukwa who is one of the candidates attending the workshop expressed her excitement over the upcoming workshop saying it will help her find a safe space in reducing her emotional stress and fight the pressure from society which usually depicts that young people should not be facing problems.

“I am so thrilled to be part of this year’s mental health work shop because it will provide a safe platform for me to fight my emotions and benefit in so many ways.

“I would like to commend the organizers of this workshop because they have considered me and my fellow youths taking in consideration that our society usually expects us not to be going through stress and saying that we are too young to be having depression,” said Msukwa.

The Stress Management and Meditation Training workshop is set to commence on 10 August and will run until August 24. Online sessions will be held daily at 7:30 pm via Google Meet. Registration is open via email at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling 088811103409 and 0991157448. A fee of 5,000 Malawi Kwacha is required to secure participation.

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