Drug abuse continue unabated-clinician

Drug abuse continue unabated-clinician

By Vida Msiyo

Blantyre, August 5, Mana: Zomba Mental Hospital continues to receive many patients who abused drugs and substances such as cannabis and others, with the facility seeing no significant decrease in number of cases referred it.

Mental Health Clinician, Harry Kawiya of Zomba Mental Hospital told Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Monday that the facility receives a lot of cases for treatment indicating a persistent issue among drug users.

Kawiya noted that while alcohol-related cases are lower, cannabis and multiple substance use remain prevalent and identified several factors contributing to the trend.

“Some patients are misdiagnosed with conditions like malaria especially those presenting convulsions and these are managed at district hospitals, but those exhibiting violent or aggressive behavior are referred to Zomba Mental Hospital,” he said.

He expressed concern over increased drug intake as one of the contributing factors to mental health.

“I don’t think there is a positive change in the drug use because a lot of young people are taking a combination of cough syrup and cannabis as the two are easily accessible,” he said.

Executive Director for Drug Fight Malawi, Nelson Baziwelo Zakeyu said Drug Fight Malawi is dedicated to preventing drug abuse through education, advocacy and community programmmes.

“Rising cases of drug and substance use in the country are worrisome for health, social, and economic growth. It is challenging to control drug use due to factors such as the magnitude of use, advocacy for cannabis cultivation and use and exposure to social media” he said.

Zakeyu said Drug Fight Malawi is making strides in the prevention and lobbied for policies that are meant to control irresponsible drug use.

“We have lobbied for a National Drug Control Policy and the government through the Ministry of Homeland Security is developing it. Once implemented it will address some of the hurdles we face.” He said.

 He said lack of evidence-based information; issues surrounding cannabis legalization and myths create false impressions.

Zakeyu called on various partners to join forces in fighting drug usage among young people.

“There should be joint effort by all partners to ensure teenagers in particular avoid using drugs. Government also needs to scale up treatment and rehabilitation services in all district hospitals to reach more people,” he said

A 2023 report shows that 335 people were sent for treatment at Zomba Mental Hospital for using cannabis, 124 people for using multiple substance and 22 people developed strange behavior for high consumption of alcohol, according to Zomba Mental Hospital.

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