Rumphi District Hospital plans to produce own food

Rumphi District Hospital plans to produce own food Featured

By Manasse Nyirenda

Rumphi, July 3, Mana: Rumphi District Council Director of Health and Social Services, Dr Arnold Jumbe, says the facility plans to start producing its own maize and rearing livestock in the next farming season as one way of supplementing government health budget.

He disclosed the plans Tuesday during a Parliamentary Committee on Health visit to the facility to appreciate nutritional service provision to patients.

“Government funds will never be enough and as a facility we need to do something to support government’s efforts as part of our reform areas,” Jumbe said.

He added that the facility's paying section will also start providing maternal services to those who can pay to raise more funds in order to improve healthcare provision at the facility.

In an interview, team leader of the Committee, Eurita Valeta, said there have been allegations that in some health facilities patients only get one meal a day.

She said as one way of establishing facts, various teams have been dispatched to different health facilities in selected districts to assess the situation.

"We will be meeting Ministry of Health on Thursday to brief them on our findings and map the way forward," she said.

She commended Rumphi District Hospital on their plans to start producing their own maize and rearing livestock which, she hopes, will improve patients wellbeing at the facility.

Rumphi District Hospital started operating in 1970 and currently serves as referral facility for the district.

It provides services to at least 250 patients a day.

The district has a population of about 254,000 according to National Statistical Office (NSO) projections.

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