MHEN trains mother care groups on immunisation

MHEN trains mother care groups on immunisation Featured

By Alex Banda Kachingwe

Blantyre, June 27, Mana: Malawi Health Equity Network (MHEN) has engaged mother care groups from Machinjiri in Blantyre, on a special training to remind the group on their role of raising awareness on the importance of vaccinating under five children against pneumonia, typhoid and other children diseases.

MHEN Administrative Assistant, Mphatso Kamangira, told Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Wednesday that mother care group trainings were done under the banner ‘Reaching Every Child’ to protect children from diseases that can be prevented with vaccine.

“The main reason for the campaign is to make sure every child has been reached and vaccinated. We are trying to improve immunization coverage of which we are almost getting closer to reach most of the children,” said Kamangira.

He added that the involvement of mother care groups was a sure way of attaining a big coverage of the immunization programme.

Health Surveillance Assistant for South Lunzu Health Centre, Felix Kankhono, said the training was a refresher after mother care group training in 2019.

He expressed hope that the mother care group will further raise awareness on the importance of vaccinating under five children against diseases.

South Lunzu mother care group chairperson, Esimy Kadzuwa, thanked MHEN for the training, saying it will help them raise awareness in the community on the importance of vaccine.

She, therefore, appealed to members of the mother care group to join hands in intensifying awareness to protect under five children from diseases that can be prevented by vaccine.

MHEN is implementing the campaign in nine districts of Lilongwe, Mchinji, Ntchisi, Dowa, Kasungu, Mzimba South, Mzimba North, Chitipa and Blantyre with financial support from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi).

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