Vice President official medical doctor buried

Vice President official medical doctor buried Featured

By: Andrew Mkonda

Lilongwe, June 14. Mana: Minister of Justice, Titus Mvalo has described the death of Daniel Kanyemba who until his death was late Chilima’s official medical doctor, as a great loss for the entire nation.

In his eulogy Thursday during the burial ceremony of Kanyemba, he said President Chakwera was saddened and shocked by the death of the Nine people including the Vice President Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima in a plane crash that occurred in Chikangawa Forest, saying all of them contributed greatly towards the development of Malawi.

Mvalo said that, "President Chakwera is deeply shocked with the untimely departure of Kanyemba and Eight others including our country's Vice President. This is a tragedy and loss to the deceased families and the entire nation at large,”

Group Village Headman (GVH) Chiseka said late Kanyemba was a productive young man and was acting as a role model for the youths in his area for working in high office of the Vice President.

He commended President Chakwera and government for rendering support to the bereaved family of Kanyemba during the bereavement.

Late Kanyemba was born on December 12, 1989 and he survived by a wife and three children.

Some of the notable people who were present during the burial ceremony were Minister of Tourism Vera Kantukule, Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation Liana Kakhobwe, councilors and the clergy.

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