

By Alex Kachingwe

Blantyre, June 21, Mana: Musicians Union of Malawi (MUM) has urged local musicians in the country to consider music a special career as the world commemorates World Music Day, June 21 2024.

MUM President, Vita Chirwa told Malawi News Agency(Mana) on Friday that music was importance part of life, adding that music plays unique role.

“Music play a very good role in our community, at home, wedding, church, funerals such that me need music to make our events colorful, when we are sad, we need music to refresh our minds,” he added.

Chirwa stressed that need to make music a career that should provide entertainment, educate and play a counselling roles in our community.

“it is high time for musicians to take music as a serious career and musicians should know how to market themselves in order to generate profits out of the career,” he added.

A well know musician in the country who is also a member of a Zembani Band, Sam Smack said music was an important aspect of life.

He advised fellow music artists to develop great passion in music and appealed to musicians to concentrate on producing quality music that should sell out.

A multi-award winning Afro-Jazz Artist, Lloyd Phaundi, popularly known as Agorosso said music gives joy when one was emotionally down.

He called for total support to local music artists to ensure that music industry grow in the way sports and other disciplines are supported in the country.

World Music Day was first established on June 21, 1982 in Paris-France to promote music diversity and strengthen community bond as a common language world-wide.

By Lesnat Kenan

Lilongwe, June 21, Mana: Chief Justice, Rizine Mzikamanda has encouraged the newly sworn-in Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson, Annabel Mtalimanja and two Commissioners, Rev. Philip Kambulire and Dr. Limbikani Kamlongera to work with transparency and accountability as these align with the interest of Malawians.

Speaking during a swearing- in ceremony of MEC Chairperson and two Commissioners at High Court in Lilongwe on Friday, he said the Chairperson and the Commissioners should among others, abide with the Malawi constitutional laws when carrying their duties.

"As members of MEC ensure that you abide by the laws as guidelines from the Constitution for the elections to be managed with highest degree for the better results including justice and fairness," Mzikamanda added.

He said that despite the challenges and setbacks including accusations they should remain focus to the laws that govern their duties and commit their souls, skills and knowledge to work for the benefit of the country.

Newly sworn-in MEC Chairperson, Annabel Mtalimanja assured Malawians that she would continue with the mandate of MEC in preparations for the upcoming general elections and Malawians should expect MEC to deliver free and credible elections.

These appointments fill the vacancies left by the outgoing Chairperson, Justice Dr. Chifundo Kachale and Commissioners Dr. Anthony John Mukumbwa and Olivia Mchaju Liwewe whose tenutures ended on June 6 2024.

The Appointments are effective June 7, 2024 were made in accordance with section 75 of the Constitution of the Republic of Malawi and Section 4 of the Malawi Electoral Commission Act.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, June 21, Mana: President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló on Friday condoled President, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on tragic loss of the Vice President Saulos Chilima.

In an interview with the Media, President Embaló said it was very unfortunate that the country lost a dedicated person who helped the government in different aspects.

“As people of Guinea –Bissau, we thought it wise to come and deliver our condolences to the President because of the good relation we have with Malawi.

The Plane crash was indeed a tragedy to the country but we will continue to support Malawi and it is a plea to that the unity you have must continue,” he said.

President Embalo’urged President Chakwera to remain strong saying that the people of Guinea Bissau are in solidarity with the people of Malawi.

Guinea-Bissau President is expected to meet the wife of the late Vice President, Madam Mary Chilima, to extend his condolences.

Embaló will leave the country today.

Friday, 21 June 2024 11:26

President Embaló jets in

By Elia Chibwe

Lilongwe, June 21 Mana: President of Guinea-Bissau, Umaro Sissoco Embaló Friday morning arrived in the country through Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) for bilateral talks with the country's President.

Upon arrival at KIA in Lilongwe, the President Embalo was welcomed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nancy Tembo, Principal Secretary for Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Sande, Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu, Deputy Secretary to the Office of President and Cabinet (OPC) Dr. Janet Banda.

The Bilateral talks will provide an opportunity and good foundation for deepening diplomatic relationship between two countries.

The Aircraft carrying Guinea Bissau president landed in through KIA in Lilongwe at 10:44 am.

Government officials, Ministers, Police Officers and Malawi Defence Force were present at KIA to welcome Guinea-Bissau President.

Friday, 21 June 2024 10:52

MCGs asked to enhance their effort

By Brighton Chimsinde 

Mchinji, June 21, Mana: Centre for Research and Development Initiative (CERADI) in Mchinji district has embarked on a refresher training for 12 Mother Care Groups (MCGs), those that are situated in hard to reach areas with financial support amounting to over K 20 million from GAVE through its umbrella board, Malawi Equity Health Network (MEHN).

One of the Senior Officers from CERADI, Lisungu Chiumia was speaking Thursday when she was closing one of the two day-long refresher training which was organized for Tadala MCG of Senior Group Village Head (SGVH) Tsamphale, Senior Chief Mlonyeni in the district.

She said the training was initiated with an intention to remind the grouping on the topics like MCGs roles, maternal and antenatal, group management, advocacy on health related issues among others.

MEHN’s Health System Immunization Strengthening Project Officer, Kumbesi Gomile said that the intention behind the support and trainings were to revamp and strengthen the groups for them to improve uptake of medical immunization among women and children and other health services in the remote and hard to reach areas. 

“We have supported them with finances for the training and now we are asking them to push the next gear in their efforts. 

“To ensure sustainability of the MCGs, the committee members need to cement cordial working relationships with community leaders and other stakeholders working in their community,” Gomile said.

Senior Health Surveillance Officer of Mchinji District Hospital, Johans Chirwa and Senior Group Village Head Tsamphale thanked CERADI and MEHN for the timely support which would go a long way in reviving the MCGs.

They called on the Tadala MCG Committee members to be united and utilize what they have learnt during the training in their endeavors for it to bear fruits to the community.

Chirwa said Tadala MCG was earmarked to benefit from the training because of low uptake of immunization among mothers and children due to poor road network and inadequate ratio of the health surveillance assistants to the community population.

Considering that the area is neighboring with Mozambique and Zambia nationals, he advised the MCG members that they should request families from the countries to produce their women and children health passport book when they seek to reside in the community or access health services.   

“Villages under SGVH Tsamphale are at a distance of over 17 kilometres from the District Hospital which is nearest to them and during a rainy season become impassable. The community has one Health Surveillance Assistant (HAS) who is serving close to 3,000 targeted populations which is contrary to the standard ratio which says one HSA to 1,000 people,” he said. 

By Vincent Khonje

Mchinji, June 21, Mana: Deputy Head of Cooperation at the German Embassy, Susanne Meltl has expressed satisfaction with the progress Social Cash Transfer (SCT) programme known as ‘Mtukula Pakhomo’ which has helped local communities.

A delegation from KFW and German Embassy on Thursday visited Mchinji district to appreciate the progress of the programme.

She said that, “Social protection is dear to our hearts as it is uplifting poor households. We are very happy to be part of the support of this programme in the country.”

Meltl said she was happy with what the beneficiaries are doing with the money they receive.

“I am impressed because the cash transfers have improved the living standards of the people in terms of nutrition and food security, and also education for the children,” she said.

Director of Administration in the Ministry of Gender, Ben M’bwana pointed out that the programme was crucial role in enhancing households’ resilience.

“The SCT programme has been important in helping households deal with shocks. Different disasters have affected the country and households have been able to deal with the impact because of the money transfers they receive,” he said, citing examples of disasters like tropical cyclones.

One of the beneficiaries from Ntonya Village in Traditional Authority (TA) Mavwere, Grace Lufeyo said that the programme has improved her life by roofing her house with iron sheets, yielding enough maize for food and has goats, all these coming from the cash transfers she gets.

In Mchinji, 10, 372 households are expected to receive their first transfers through manual payment for six months from October 2023 to July 2024.

A Final manual payment for April to July 2024 will be made before the district transitions to electronic payment.

The SCT programme aims to uplift ultra-poor and labour-constrained households through direct unconditional financial assistance, and in Mchinji and other seven districts the programme receives support from KFW,

By Andrew Mkonda


Lilongwe, June 20, Mana: Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) has developed elections coverage guidelines for TV, radio and digital platforms aimed at ensuring fairness in its coverage ahead of the September, 2025 Tripartite elections.


Speaking Thursday during a day-long stakeholders meeting in Lilongwe, MBC Director General, George Kasakula said he was aware of public accusation of MBC being biased towards the governing party during every election since the country attained multiparty system of government in 1994, hence the initiative.


He said MBC was geared to giving equal coverage to every party which has a representation in parliament through special political programmes and news that would be developed in order to have a wide coverage on political issues.


“As we already started opening up, we want all political parties to enjoy our coverage once the campaign period is officially opened by Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).


“You will agree with me, MBC is now transformed, in the past you could hardly see any member from opposition party being featured on MBC, but this time around, we are doing that,” Kasakula said.


Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Secretary General, Eisenhower Mkaka thanked MBC for the initiative saying the general public needs to enjoy the coverage from MBC by giving them a well-balanced news, since it is operating on tax payer’s money.


“Unlike what used to happening in the past where there was biased and clear black out, MBC is now trying to give the audience well balanced news, information so that they can make informed decisions,” he said.


Democratic Progressive Party Publicity Secretary, Shadreck Namalomba thanked MBC for the initiative saying for many years MBC has been working towards promoting the ruling parties, a development he said must change.


“This is a nice idea, but my worry is that, is it possible for MBC to follow those elections guidelines?” he wondered. 

By Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, June 20, Mana: Deputy Director responsible for Quality Assurance in Eastern Region in the Ministry of Lands, Blessings Mpanga has said the development of district physical plan would help to protect government land.  

He was speaking on Thursday during a District Executive Committee meeting in Nsanje to make consultation in line with the development of the district physical plan which was being developed with expertise from the Ministry of Lands.

“Nsanje is a planning area as such the physical planning will help to guide where various developments should take place as such minimizing land disputes between public institutions and the community,” Mpanga added.

He said the consultative process was necessary to get input from all concerned stakeholders so that the document should be finalized before being approved by authorities.

“The meeting was aimed at getting views from council members, technocrats, non-governmental organisations and the communities through area development committees,” the Deputy Director added.

Mpanga advised Nsanje District Council to step up efforts in protecting public land.

“During data collection, we have also noted that some land earmarked for developments and Matandwe Forest Reserve has been encroached. We will work with relevant authorities to deal with the problem,” he added.

Nsanje District Council Chief Administration Officer, Rotina Mlombwa said the meeting was very important as it would help the council in its planning of development activities.

She said the meeting was informative to council officials on physical planning.

Thursday, 20 June 2024 20:47

Khuluvi cultural festival returns

By Robert Nayeja

Nsanje, June 20, Mana: Khuluvi Arts and Cultural Grouping Executive Member, Erick Trinta has assured communities in the Lower Shire districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje and the nation at large that this year’s Khuluvi Cultural Festival will take place from June 27 to June 30, 2024.

He said this during a Media briefing on Thursday at Nyamithambo Arts Centre at Nsanje Boma.

Trinta said this year’s event would be celebrated under the theme: ‘Time to shine and empower our people.’

He said the theme would be used to drum up support to complement government efforts to preserve the endangered fish species like Makakana and Mwanamfeluka endemic to Shire River.

“We have been implementing various interventions every year. So, this year our main focus is to preserve fish in our Shire River so that it should not be depleted, on the other hand, exploring other means to empower the communities,” the Executive member added.

Trinta said preparations for the event which would take place at Nsanje Prison Ground were at an advanced stage.

“We will have the event for three days from 27 up to 30 June,” he added.

One of the coordinators for the event, John Maganizo promised to make the event to be colourful.

“We have invited all Lower Shire giants including Chinafuna M’bale Stars and Stanley Nyandoro. We will have Utche and other traditional dances to celebrate Sena culture,” he added.

This is the third time the cultural grouping will be hosting the celebrations in the district.

By Kondwani Banda

Lilongwe, June 20, Mana: Minister of Information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu has disclosed that the governments of Britain, United States of America and Germany have been formally requested to support the government with investigations into the plane crash that claimed the lives of Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima and eight others.

In his update to the Nation at the Central Office of Information (COI) in Lilongwe on the new developments regarding the thorough and independent inquiry into the plane crash that President, Dr. Chakwera had pledged,

He said the government of Germany has responded positively, adding that they would be sending a team of experts into the country by Saturday, June 22, 2024, to start the investigations, adding that the team of experts would be granted unhindered access to the crash site, personnel, and institutions for the investigations.

Kunkuyu said that this comes after President Chakwera promised to institute a thorough investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the plane crash and the probable causes of the crash.

“As you recall His Excellency the President pledged and assured the nation that the plane crash that took the lives of our Vice President and the other eight officials will be investigated thoroughly and independently,” the Minister stated.

He announced that President Chakwera has directed that the commemoration of the country’s 60th Independence Anniversary be done with prayers only and not the usual celebratory events.

Kunkuyu disclosed that President Chakwera has made the directive so that the country continues to honour the late Vice President, Dr. Chilima and eight others.

“The President wishes that as we are commemorating our Independence we honour the life and contribution to our nation of our Vice President and the other officials that lost their lives,” he said.