

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 23:11

Smuggling remains a challenge for MRA

By Tione Andsen

Dowa, June 25, Mana: Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) has admitted that smuggling of goods remains a key challenge in the drive to increase revenue collection in the country.

Head of Corporate Affairs at MRA, Steve Kapoloma made the admission Monday during his presentation as an implementation Agencies for Southern Africa Trade and Connectivity Project (SATCP) during a two-day Media Orientation and Tour at Vintage Hotel in Mponela, Dowa.

He said most imported goods are coming into the country by using uncharted routes as there are many porous routes for use.  

“We are facing a lot of challenges in dealing with the situation especially this time of the years where there are no rains and many small parts are passable and these are proofing to be conducive areas for smuggling,” Kapoloma explained.  

He added MRA has anti-smuggling teams called FAST which patrols the uncharted routes where smuggling is prone.

Kapololma disclosed that the work was very tough on the ground and believe the challenges would be lessened with the coming of Drones that would be procured by SATCP with funding from World Bank which supporting Nacala Corridor.

We kick started the process of procuring the Drones but we faced some challenges somehow and it was halted. Now, the World Banks has come full throttle at this stage and we hopefully that by the next three months, we should have them in operational,” he narrated.

The Head of Corporate Affairs said MRA was keen to making sure that the staff members were capacitate with proper knowledge to enable them fly the Drones  

Kapoloma revealed that 21 MRA staff members are now able to fly the drones after being certified by Civil Aviation Department.     

“We want to deal with the issue of smuggling in a smarter way. There is huge impact on smuggling because is being played in blank side. The magnitude of the malpractice will be difficult to assess. Through our patrols we have noticed that we have lost or recover about K 3 billion and this could just be tip of the ice bag,” he pointed out.

Kapoloma said the most important thing was that MRA was doing everything possible to deal with issues of smuggling by involving communities because the Authority could not be everywhere.

“We need to make sure that wherever smuggling is taking place where whistle blowers should inform us. We are partnering with chiefs and local leaders to support MRA initiatives to curb smuggling and we believe the coming in of Drones will deal with it completely,” he noted.     

National Public Relation Officer (PRO) for Department of Immigration and Citizen Services, Wellington Chiponde said there are 36 border posts with neighbouring countries.

He said out of the 36 border posts only four are automated namely Kamuzu and Chileka international Airports, Mwanza and Mchinji borders.

“We are intended to automate 16 border posts in the country so that we can do away with manual recording of data. We largely depend on the entry and exit cards to update our data base manually,” Chiponde added.

He said the automated border would help us to check the issue of illegal immigrants and human trafficking. 

MRA and Immigration are part of the Implementation Agencies for SATCP which is being funded by World Bank to the tune of K150 million.

Twimepoki Mangani

Lilongwe, Mana, June 25:  Ministry of Information and Digitalization Principal Secretary, Baldwin Chiyamwaka, has commended the Department of E-Government for its pivotal role as a key technical component within the ministry.

Chiyamwaka made the remarks Tuesday during a familiarization tour to the Department of E-Government, emphasizing the ministry's commitment to delivering transparent and accessible government services.

He highlighted the importance of surpassing global benchmarks in digital governance and urged for innovative approaches.

Chiyamwaka stressed that, as the world increasingly digitalizes, government services must adopt trends in infrastructure development and digital inclusivity.

"We are, currently, reviewing various ministry projects, including the Last Mile Project, which involves installing towers in underserved areas lacking digital and electrical services. Presently, 32 towers are operational, with more underway. Additionally, progress continues on the Fiber Network Project implemented by ESCOM," he stated.

Chiyamwaka also hailed the National ICT College, a training institution for government personnel that equips Malawian youth with essential skills.

He expressed satisfaction with the progress toward digitalizing government services, emphasizing its impact across multiple sectors.

"Our objective is to make government services accessible at people's fingertips, in their homes, and wherever they are, as many currently travel long distances to access these services.

"Institutions under the ministry, such as MACRA, are supporting curriculum reviews aimed at enhancing digital literacy from primary to tertiary levels by 2063," he said.

Chiyamwaka reaffirmed that Malawi's digital initiatives are progressing well, citing ongoing projects under the Digital Malawi Project.

Director for E-Government, Patrick Machika, stressed the necessity of digitalizing government systems and provided updates on completion timelines for ongoing projects.

"Not all government systems are digitalized; it is not just about having electronic versions but transforming entire workflows digitally, which demands significant resources. We have already digitalized some systems, such as the E-service portal that consolidates various services onto one platform, enhancing efficiency, including in the administrator general's section," Machika explained.

Department of E-Government unveiled progress reports on several projects, including the data Centre set to enhance data reliability across Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) by its completion date of August 31, 2024.

They also presented updates on the Government Wide Area network and connectivity, revealing successful links to 126 MDAs as of December 2022, including key sites like Parliament and Capital Hill.

By Memory Khutuliwa


Blantyre, June 25, Mana: Women’s Heart Foundation has organised a summit called Women in Business, with the aim of creating, connecting and conquering ladies through business,


The event will be held at Sunbird Nkopola Lodge in Mangochi on June 30 this year.


Founder of Women in Business Organisation, Faith Ngulume Banda told Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Tuesday that the event has been organised by Women’s Heart Foundation team so that all business ladies should have an opportunity to learn about business from others and be inspired.


“Business ladies will be inspired and besides, we are also doing this to raise funds with which to support the needy, widows and also to give some business capital to women,” Banda said.


Banda said so far preparations are going on well and that they have already paid a deposit for the venue.


“This event will help business ladies to buld up their business as they will learn how to plan, manage and invest and also help those who want to start their business but are failing due to financial challenges,” she said.


She said apart from tackling business issues, their team also supports needy students with fees, noting: “Through this event our sponsors will be receiving awards and ladies will play different games.”


“So far, we have three guest speakers: Esster Ida Chabuka, Pamela Msuka and Rose Kasunda and the host of this event is Ruth Kulaisi and one artist who is Temwa,” she said.


Ida Chabuka, one of the speakers said as an entrepreneur she is so excited about the summit, noting that the platform would not just be for sharing business ideas but also an opportunity for her to explore new business ideas.


“I’m looking forward to interact and sharing what I know which has helped my business grow over the past 16 years. I’m expecting women to ask questions about business and even my personal life because learning never ends even when you are old or very good in what you do,” she said.


She encouraged all women to attend the summit, emphasising that ‘no man is an island.


Chabuka also advised women to consider venturing into entrepreneurship regardless of how small the start-up capital can be.


“You can start business with any amount of capital, don't look down upon yourself and don’t underrate what K10, 000 can do, that is enough capital for a specific business,” she said.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 16:29

Zomba City elects Jana as Mayor

By Mwai Likhomo

Zomba, June 25, Mana: Zomba City Council on Tuesday elected Mpira Ward Councilor, Christopher Jana as the new mayor, replacing Davie Maunde who has been at the helm since 2021.

The council also elected Masongola Ward Councilor, Anthony Gonani as the Deputy Mayor replacing Councilor Muneera Bakali.

Both Jana and Gonani ascended to the positions unopposed as there were no contestants.

The election process, overseen by the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) officials, was marked by the absence of multiple candidates for each position, resulting into automatic victories for the two individuals who had expressed interest.

Chief Executive Officer for Zomba City Council, Archangel Bakolo announced the two as winners.

In his acceptance speech, Jana committed to continue implementing various development activities aimed at improving the city.

Jana said, among others, he will work towards attracting more investors to Zomba.

“Let me appeal to council members, local NGOs, stakeholders and residents of Zomba to collaborate so that we achieve the city’s development goals,” said Jana.

Former Mayor, Maunde was not available to hand over the mantle as he is reported to be outside the country.

The election follows vacation of a stay order obtained by some councilors which had restricted the council to hold elections for the position.

By Solister Mogha


Zomba, June 25, Mana: Participants in the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme (CS-EPWP) have touted the programme for improving their agricultural produce.


According to the participants, through the support, they are able to buy fertilizer and other inputs that are used in their crop fields.


One of the participants in Linjidzi Catchment in Zomba, Chrissy Gefrey said she used the money she received from the programme to buy fertilizer which has helped in increasing her yield.


She said compared to other years in the past, this year she has harvested 20 bags of maize which would take her household through to the next growing season.


Apart from maize, Gefrey said she has cultivated tomatoes and vegetables, which, she was selling to improve her income.


“I have been able to support my five grandchildren with all their education needs. So long as this programme continues, I expect to do more and see my life improved,” she said.


A Youthful beneficiary in the programme, Dennis Kayola said unlike in the past, his yield has tremendously improved.


“By working in the programme, I have been able to buy all what is required in my crop fields and my agricultural produce has increased,” he said.


Kayola appealed to government to continue implementing social protection programmes that strive to enhance people’s livelihoods.


CS-EPWP Desk officer for Zomba, Chimwemwe Chimbadza said it was exciting to see people utilizing proceeds from the programme to improve their livelihood.


She said this affirms the whole purpose of the programme.


“The whole reason of having this programme is to improve economic livelihoods of rural poor. The success stories from beneficiaries is a big encouragement,” Chimbadza added.


The Government of Malawi is implementing the Climate Smart Enhanced Public Works Programme, a sub programme under social support for resilient livelihoods project.


The Programme focuses on integrated watershed management covering sub-projects such as land resources management, re-afforestation, natural regeneration and sustainable livelihood.


 At least 18,000 households are participating in the programme in Zomba.

By Petro Mkandawire


Blantyre, June 25, Mana: A renowned Amapiano Queen, Jetu and Amapiano King, Zeze Kingston will for the third time team up to sanctify Melusi Park at Area 49 in Lilongwe near Mount Meru Filling Station on June 29, 2024.


The Events will be under the theme: Zeze versus Jetu on the invitation of Thoms Park Events Director, Thomas Madulira.


A hot and talented lineup of artists to spice up the event includes Zembani Banda, Sam Smack, Nepman, The Six Solid Band, Zaya593, among other local up and coming artists as different dancing crews lead the stage.


In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Tuesday in Blantyre, Madulira said they have organized the show as part of refreshing, relaxing on different circumstances that people face of fairly basis and there has been a demand from entertainment enthusiasts for such a combination as such it was high time to witness the trends of queen and king at the same stage.


“I fully believe that music brings new ideas, encouragement as well as happiness when we have been lifted with stress, we have brought the combination of different type of artists for the attendees to be of different music aspect because we want them to get what they want and the show will give an opportunity to the fans to interact with these Amapiano stars directly,” he said.


The Event Manager urged people to patronize the show in their large numbers and support local artists as a way of uplifting their talents.


He encouraged people to expect more piping music since the show involves both urban and rural artists.


On his part, Kingston expressed gratitude over the event, saying the show has come at the right time, adding that it was a pleasure to share the stage with the Queen as they will all together retrieve bad moments which people are going through.


“I have been at Merusi Park several times but not with a show like this. So, I am encouraging my fans to expect the best of me as well as the whole team and we are going to perform with full energy with hot fireworks that will lead to massive entertainment and satisfaction,” he viewed.


A top fan, John Banda said experiencing such a combination was good move since these artists take them through with hot music the whole year and without music, life would be a mistake as per one good live show changes lifestyle. 


“Music expresses things that we cannot say with words and which are impossible to be silent, I am expecting a lot of fireworks from this Amapiano show, I hope they will give the audience a brilliant performance,” he added.

By Tikondane Vega

Blantyre, June 25, Mana: Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM) has hailed the Malawi National Examinations Board (MANEB) for speeding up the disbursement of centre fees, ahead of next month’s Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examinations.

In its Press Release, PRISAM president, Dr. Ernest Kaonga says at long last MANEB has disbursed centre fees.

Last week, PRISAM complained of the delay, claiming that it puts most of the private schools in a fix considering that public schools are provided with mobile labs while private schools rely on the said money.

“We can now confirm that private schools have received this money which will now be used to buy materials for practical subjects,” said Kaonga.

He however urged the private schools to buy all the necessary materials on time since they are not allowed to do so when examinations are in progress.

“This is the right time for them to get organized since they have been paid the money. There is no room for excuse because MANEB has disbursed the funds,” said Kaonga.

In a statement prior to the disbursement, MANEB executive secretary, Dorothy Nampota assured PRISAM that it was working on settling the issue in the soonest time possible.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 10:15

Unlocking the potential of Onion farming

By Hastings Yobe

Lilongwe, June 25, Mana: Smallholder farmers are the backbone of the country's agriculture sector and Onion farming has emerged as a lucrative opportunity for them to boost their income and improve their livelihoods.

Despite the challenges they face, these farmers have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability, and their success stories are worth sharing.

According to Ministry of Agriculture, small-scale farmers account for over 80 percent of the country's Onion production, which generates approximately K 12 billion in revenue annually.

This Revenue comes from both domestic sales and exports to neighbouring countries like Zambia, Tanzania, and Mozambique. 

According to research which was done in 2020, Malawi exported over 10,000 metric tonnes of Onions to Zambia alone, earning around K 1.2 billion (US$ 1.6 million) in foreign exchange.

Onion farming offers several benefits to smallholder farmers in the country.

Firstly, it is a low-cost venture that requires minimal inputs, making it an attractive option for farmers with limited resources.

Secondly, Onions are easy to cultivate and require less labour and water compared to other vegetables like tomatoes.

Thirdly, Onions are less susceptible to pests and diseases, reducing the need for pesticides and other chemicals.

Finally, Oions can be stored for longer periods, allowing farmers to sell them when prices are favourable.

A farmer from Lunzu, Blessings Mlelemba, 26 is one of the many success stories in Onion farming.

He expects to earn at least K 4 million from his Onion harvest this year, which he attributes to the simplicity and profitability of onion farming.

“This year I am expecting to get K4 million after selling my onions which I harvested on my half acre land, I think people should now know that farming, especially crops like Onions is really beneficial and can be a real life changer for small holder farmers,” Mlelemba hoped.

“For example, on a half an acre land you can produce 96,000 Onion bulbs and if you are selling 16 Onion bulbs at K1,000 that means you will get K 6 million at the end.

Onion farming is really simple, it takes three weeks to be on nursery and only three months on the main garden. The total production is less than K580,000 which produces the K 6 million we are talking about,” he continued.

A farmer from Zomba, Gavily Maluwa 30, is another beneficiary of Onion farming and uses his skills gained from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) to maximize his profits, earning up to K 900,000 from his Onion sales.

He said on his one-acre land, a quarter acre produces Onions that produces at least K 400,000 or K500,000 depending on how good the market was that year.

“Sometimes, I may even produce Onion worth K 900,000 but it depends on who is buying the onion, for example if you are selling your Onion in hotels or restaurants that is when you get higher prices,

Besides that, Onion takes longer to rote and can be kept for a longer period of time after harvesting unlike other crops,” Maluwa confirmed.

He added that, “Onion is less costly to grow as compared to the profits one can get after selling it, for example it does not require one to use much pesticides or fertilizers but with just good supervision a farmer can get bumper yields.” 

Maluwa said youths must learn about Onion farming and engage themselves in this enterprise since it was very profitable because it does not require a lot like fertilizer application and was not usually affected by pests.

Although the profits are many with Onion farming, he asked government to assist Onion farmers in accessing cheap Onion seeds.

“Onion seeds are mostly expensive than other seeds on the market and government should assist in training Onion farmers through consultants on how best the farmers can grow their Onion for better produce,” he suggested.

He believes that if government puts more effort in onion farming it can help to deal with forex scarcity in the country. 

“Government should assist farmers to find markets where they can export their produce and get better results,” Maluwa added.

An expert in Horticultural Crop Production at LUANAR Bunda Campus, Dr. Vincent Mwale agrees that Onion farming was advantageous due to its ease of cultivation, low labour and input requirements, and resistance to pests and diseases.

He recommends the Texas Grano and Red Creole varieties, which are well adapted to Malawi's environmental conditions and have a wide market acceptability.

“Onions are advantageous as they are very easy to cultivate and less labour and input intensive than other vegetables like tomatoes for example.

They require less amounts of fertilizers, less water, less labour and are more or less more hardly to get attacks from pests and diseases when grown under optimum conditions,” Mwale clarified.

He said farmers need to think of the environment they want to grow in.

“Onions prefer a cold or low temperature environment and does better in the cool months (April to July), but higher temperatures are required when they begin to form bulbs,” the Expert hinted.

Mwale pointed out that, “Being a bulb, Onion requires sandy soils with high organic matter which can be achieved by incorporating manure. Very heavy clay soils reduce bulb formation process.

“Farmers have to produce high quality seedlings as they determine success rate and they have to choose suitable soil (sandy loam soil as opposed to heavy clay soils) with adequate water facilities if under irrigation.”

According to the Malawi Chitukuko article by Willem, Onions can be grown from seed, but it’s much easier and quicker to grow them from sets (small onions).

Most are heat-treated, meaning they are less likely to bolt (produce flowers), which stops the onions bulking up.

Onion farming offers a promising opportunity for smallholder farmers in the country to improve their livelihoods and contribute to the country's economy.

 With its low-cost requirements, ease of cultivation, and resistance to pests and diseases, onion farming is an attractive option for farmers.

By adopting good agricultural practices and selecting suitable varieties, farmers can optimize their produce and improve their overall farming experience.

As the demand for Onions continues to grow, both locally and internationally, the future of onion farming in the country looks bright.

By Patience Longwe

Salima, June 25, Mana: Salima Sugar Company Limited (SSCL) has donated maize to the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) as a crucial step towards ensuring food security in Malawi.

In an interview on Monday SSCL Chairperson, Wester Kosamu, highlighted the importance of this maize donation in addressing hunger in the country.

Kosamu reaffirmed the company's commitment to meeting President Dr Lazarus Chakwera's call for increased production of commodities through the Mega Farm initiative.

"We have initiated this project to cultivate maize and aid government in its mission to feed the nation," he said.

NFRA Operations Director, Cosmas Belekan, commended Greenbelt Initiative and underscored the positive impact the donation will have on many Malawians.

"I can confirm that the donated maize will significantly contribute to achieving food security in the country," said Belekan.

He, therefore, encouraged other organizations willing to donate maize to join efforts in replenishing Malawi's strategic food reserve.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 09:31

450 farmers to access solar water pumps

By George Mponda

Karonga, June 25, Mana: Karonga Diocese through its development desk, Catholic Development Commission in Malawi (CADECOM) has said they would support 450 farmers from the area of Senior Chief Wasambo in the disctrict with 30 solar water pumps.

CADECOM's Project Coordinator, Matthias Bulukutu revealed this Monday in Chitipa when introducing a two-year roject dubbed 'Climate Just Communities' (CJC) to Karonga District Council stakeholders.

He said that, "The project aims to empower communities to indentify their own priorities to be addressed through climate justice support and build resilience to the impacts of climate change."

"Among other things, we want to encourage sustainable agriculture by supporting irrigation through the establishment of irrigation schemes for livelihood agriculture," Bulukutu added.

District Irrigation Officer for Karonga, George Chanya said the global consequences of climate change have negatively affected the agriculture industry.

"For farmers to feed themselves and even sell their produce while combating climate change, agricultural practices must be precise. Scarce resources such as water, land, and energy will need to be exploited more efficiently in order to produce more with less."

"Providing solar water pumps to farmers will help them boost agricultural production thereby improving food security in the country" he added.

The Project is being funded by Scottish Government's Climate Justice Fund.