

By George Mponda

Karonga, March 11, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera has said farm mechanization is one of the key interventions his government is promoting in eradicating hunger in the country.

Addressing a gathering of people at Wovwe Irrigation Scheme in Karonga on Monday, Chakwera said the use of modernized farming methods, like what is being applied at the scheme, leads to realization of high and bumper yield with limited investment.

“Wovwe Irrigation Scheme has been rehabilitated and the use of mechanized farming methods will speed up and lessen use of human physical power, thereby realizing increased yield.

“This scheme and other projects taking shape here portray the type of development we need as a country. It is good to see that people from all over Malawi have been involved in this scheme for a very long time. Such approaches will contribute to the achievement of Malawi 2063,” said Chakwera.

In his remarks, Senior Chief Mwirang'ombe hailed the President for initiating various development projects in Karonga District.

The 700-hectare Wovwe Irrigation Scheme was established in 1969 and currently has 1,777 beneficiaries.

It has an estimated seasonal yield of 3,350 metric tonnes of rice with an estimated value of K3.7 billion.

The scheme has been rehabilitated by the Ministry of Agriculture under the Programme for Rural Irrigation Development to enable it become one of the prominent and proactive mega farms in Malawi.

By Tawonga Moyo


Karonga, March 11, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera on Monday visited Nthola-Illola Rice Processing Plant in Karonga to appreciate the factory’s contribution to value addition chain in rice production and marketing.


Upon arrival at the plant, Chakwera was taken inside the factory where he was showed different rice processing stages.


The President also interacted with rice farmers who are beneficiaries of Nthola-Illola Irrigation Scheme, which is under GreenBelt Authority (GBA).


GBA Chief Executive Officer Eric Chidzungu said besides the establishment of the plant, the facility motivates farmers to produce high quality rice.


"This plant which will be producing 50 tons of rice per day is crucial in ensuring that our rice is of great quality, starting from the field up to processing which include value addition for farmers to maximize their gains," said Chidzungu.


Chidzungu then expressed gratitude to government for ensuring that the project is supported through the provision of financial resources.


In her remarks, Chairperson for Nthola-Illola Cooperative Scheme, Mbachi Nyasulu, said the processing plant will greatly improve rice business.


"On behalf of my fellow women here at Nthola-Illola, I express my gratitude to government for this factory, which is the first of its kind in the northern region," said Nyasulu.


Sub Traditional Authority Mwangolera said Karonga is a district which greatly depends on rice for food and economic development, hence the initiative will go a long way in improving lives of people in the district.

By Wanangwa Tembo


Kasungu, March 11, Mana: Good Neighbors Malawi has donated assorted drugs worth K1 billion to Kasungu District Health Office (DHO) to help fight health emergencies in the district.


Receiving the donation on Monday, Minister of Health Khumbize Chiponda said the medicines have come at the right time when the country is fighting several diseases on various fronts, including the recent outbreak of pink eye.


“This is a well thought donation. As government, we are very thankful to Good Neighbors because this is a big donation and the drugs are those that we commonly used to treat various ailments.


“We also applaud the NGO for giving us good drugs with long shelf-life, unlike some organizations who are fond of donating medicines that are close to expiring.


“Government is not a dumping site and we appeal to all other organizations to emulate what Good Neighbors Malawi has done,” Chiponda said.


She then warned health workers against selling the drugs, advising the workers to ensure that even the facilities located in far rural areas benefit from the consignment.


Good Neighbors Malawi Country Director Gyo Jin Joo said the donation is one of the many health sector interventions the NGO has been conducting since 2008 when it began its operations in the country.


She said: “Through our integrated approach to development, we have in the past provided medical equipment, supported the campaign against cholera and Covid 19 and built hospitals.


“We requested for a list of drugs that Malawi needs and this is what we have donated today. And as we make this donation, let me say that we will continue to do this so that we contribute significantly towards reducing diseases in the country.”


According to Jin Joo, the drugs were sourced from Good Neighbors USA for the Ministry of Health, specifically Kasungu District Hospital and other facilities within the district.


While thanking the NGO for the donation, Senior Chief Kaomba appealed to traditional leaders in the district to lead in promoting health and hygiene in their localities in order to prevent the many ailments that have affected the country.


Among others, the donated drugs include anti-fungals, antiparasitic, antihypertensives, antacids and anti-infectives, such as amoxicillin, metronizadole, albendazole, captopril and others.


Apart from health sector interventions, Good Neighbors Malawi also provides individual sponsorship to school children, drills boreholes to contribute towards water, sanitation and hygiene and carries out other livelihood interventions.

By Evance Chisiano

Blantyre, March 11, Mana:  Nthemba Church of Central Africa Presbeterian (CCAP) of the Blantyre Synod in Limbe on Sunday bade farewell to Rev. Collins Maganga, aka Uncle C, who is heading to Mulanje to minister at Chitakale CCAP.

Rev. Maganga said Blantyre Synod posted him to Nthemba CCAP congregation and it was the same synod that decided to post him to Mulanje.

“Don’t cry for me. An actor always survives,” he said as he bade farewell to the congregation which he described as most caring and accommodative.

According to church administration, Maganga, who was ordained in 2006 as church minister in Blantyre Synod, arrived at Nthemba CCAP on February 11, 2022 and served the congregation with dedication and devotion.

“Don’t count my shortfalls rather dwell on my strength,” he said and further called on the congregation to continue standing strong in faith amidst challenges.

Rev. Maganga who is fondly called Uncle C by mostly the youth appealed to Nthemba congregation to warmly receive the incoming moderator to ably minister the word of God.

The youth carried the day with dancing and at a certain point they carried Maganga on their shoulders as they chant ‘Uncle C we will miss you.’

Several congregations sent their representatives to Nthemba church to bid Rev. Maganga farewell and among the representatives was former Blantyre Synod General Secretary, Rev. Alex Maulana who led Mount Pleasant delegation.

Rev. Maganga served Machinga, Domasi and Mlombwa CCAP congregations before his posting to Nthemba in 2022.

Rev. Justin Mwachumu who led the farewell service called on Nthemba congregation to welcome the new moderator that will come to serve the congregation in the same way they welcomed the outgoing moderator.

He commended the congregation for being supportive to all moderators that served the church in the present and past.

“Let’s make Limbe Presbytery a good place to stay,” he said.  

Recently St Columba CCAP congregation also bade farewell to associate church minister, Rev. Justin Mwachumu who has gone to Blantyre Synod offices after serving from 2018 to 2024 at St. Columba.

Monday, 11 March 2024 11:13

Nkhotakota district council echoes help

By Wongani Mkandawire

Nkhotakota, March 11, Mana: Nkhotakota District Council has called for help towards survivors of the recent flash floods that hit the district in the past weeks killing six and displacing over 14,000 people.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA), Acting Disaster Risk Management Officer for Nkhotakota District Council, George Zibophe, said the Council is waiting for the inter-agency assessment report which was carried out last week to provide the final status in terms of impacts and needs.

Zibophe said people in camps still need continued help to ease their stay in the camps.

“Efforts to provide assistance to the affected population in camps are ongoing as there are a lot of pressing needs,” said Zibophe.

He appealed for assistance with urgent needs for maize flour, relish, sugar, cooking oil, shelter materials like family tents, plastic sheets, hygiene items like soap and reusable sanitary pads amongst others.

The district has so far set up 12 camps in various areas of traditional authorities Mphonde, Malengachanzi and Kanyenda in Dwangwa area which was hit the hardest by the floods.

In the past weeks, government and various development partners such as Red Cross, Embassy of Iceland, Umunthu plus, members of parliament and private citizens have sent different types of assistance to the affected people. 

A preliminary report from the Council indicated that a total of 9,378 people were sheltered in the camps with 4,121 males and 5,257 females and 1,972 under five children.

Monday, 11 March 2024 09:23

HE arrives in Karonga

By Tawonga Moyo

Karonga, March 11, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera and First Lady Madame Monica Chakwera on Monday morning arrived in Karonga through Karonga Airport ahead of the official assignments in the district.

Upon arrival, the President was welcomed by Minister of Agriculture Sam Kawale, Minister of Water and Sanitation Abida Mia, Minister of Defence, Harry Mkandawire, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Regional Chairperson for the North, Kezzie Msukwa, MCP Vice President for the North, Harry Mkandawire and Senior Chief Kalonga among other officials.

Chakwera will first pay a courtesy visit to Paramount Chief Kyungu of Karonga and Chitipa Districts before proceeding to Kambwe Noil to distribute relief items to flood survivors from the district's five camps.

The affected people had their houses and properties destroyed following the overflowing of North Rikuru River two weeks ago.

The President will then proceed to visit Karonga Town Water Supply Project, under construction, and Nthola-Ilola Rice Milling and processing plant.

He is also expected to visit Wovwe Rice Irrigation Scheme in Karonga South.

By Innocent Chunga & Wongani Mkandawire

Nkhotakota, March 10, Mana: Parliamentarian for Nkhotakota North Constituency, Henry Chimunthu Banda, on Saturday took humanitarian support from Germans, through the Malawi-Hilfe Schwindegg organization, to assist flood survivors at Chauma Island and Kachere Beach in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in the district.

Speaking at Chauma Primary School on the Island, Chimunthu Banda assured people that he will continue supporting them with necessary aid.

He said government will pump in more support and address other challenges that people are facing in the areas.

He said President Dr Lazarus Chakwera is aware of most of the challenges faced and is hopeful they will be addressed.

Chimunthu Banda, who spent over an hour on Lake Malawi to reach out to the affected people said, hundreds of people were affected but some are still in disaster-prone areas which prompted him to carry out the distribution exercise.

"After realizing that some flood survivors are still on the island, I started contacting well-wishers and various organizations to source food and non-food items to assist them," said Banda.

County Director and Project Manager for Malawi-Hilfe Schwindegg, Deosi Kumcheza, assured the flood survivors in the area of the organization’s commitment to ensure that all people affected by the recent flash floods receive the required assistance from the organization, government and other partners.

Village Headman Semion Kanyenda, described the support as timely, calling on well-wishers as well as the government to pump in more support for the survivors.

With support from people from Germany through Malawi-Hilf Schwindegg, Chimunthu Banda distributed food and non-food items including maize flour, soya pieces, salt, soap, cooking oil, and peanut butter to the flood survivors.

According to a preliminary report produced by Nkhotakota District Council, the flash floods have left over 14,000 people displaced, about 10,000 in camps, six have died and two are missing in Dwangwa in the area of Senior Chief Kanyenda in the district.

By Tawonga Moyo

Mzuzu, March 10, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has applauded the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) Synod of Livingstonia for complementing government’s efforts when the country is struck with disasters.

The President made the remarks on Sunday in Mzuzu when he congregated at Mchengautuba CCAP Church of the Synod of Livingstonia.

Chakwera noted that the church never chooses to be silent when calamities befall the nation, but is always quick to render a helping hand which demonstrates good relationship between government and the church.

He said such a positive relationship between the church and government is crucial in spearheading the Malawi 2063 (MW2063).

"It is a great privilege for me to worship here today. I applaud the great work the Synod of Livingstonia does. When we faced Cholera crisis last year, you took a step to help and I'm grateful.

"In the education and health sectors, the church is always active to help. When we talk of MW2023, it is important to note that each one of us can accomplish our goals faster through mindset change. Once a vision is shared and repeatedly shared, it becomes everyone's vision,” he said.

Chakwera quoted the scripture from Acts 16, where Apostle Paul's companions agreed with the vision he had and took a step to help him accomplish it, saying such a spirit is what can help build the country.

CCAP Synod of Livingstonia General Secretary, Rev. William Tembo, thanked the President for his continued quick response to disaster affected areas, saying it demonstrates fatherly love.

In his sermon titled "Raising the Bar" taken from Exodus 17:10-13, Moderator for the Synod, Reuben Msowoya, called upon Malawians not to be ordinary spectators of what is going on in their nation but take responsibility in making things better.

"We don't need spectators. Good citizens work for their lives, family and nation. We need to raise the bar as a nation by taking responsibility of everything that concerns us without always expecting to receive something. God doesn't bless lazy or jealous people.

"Our nation is blessed with natural resources. We just need to change our mindset and work in unity to defeat poverty. We need to have a vision and strive to reach where we want to be," said Msowoya.

Chakwera made a K5 million contribution towards the church's tiling project.

Sunday, 10 March 2024 13:01

Keep the faith – Pastor Esau Banda

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, March 10, Mana: Pentecost International Christian Centre (PICC) founder, Pastor Esau Banda, has advised people, including his followers, to embrace faith amidst various challenges the country is experiencing.

He made the remarks Saturday at Bingu National Stadium (BNS) in Lilongwe when his church was celebrating 14 years of existence in God's ministry.

Banda said God does not abandon his children and what people need to do is to keep faith and trust in God.

“Let us keep the faith. Jesus came as our hope of glory and has never failed. I want to assure Malawians that regardless of what we are going through, the Lord is on our side; he has proven throughout history that he has never abandoned his people.

“You may recall that the children of Israel were stuck in Egypt for 430 years but God came through for them. So, no matter how long it may take, there is hope for Malawi,” Banda said.

He said PICC has in its time of existence, both within and outside the country, helped transform people’s lives and bring hope to the hopeless, among other things.

Pastor Banda said moving forward, PICC plans to continue with construction of churches across the world.

“PICC is a global ministry. We have plans to plant churches across Africa, Europe, North and South America as well as Asia,” he said.

One of PICC members, Gift-Jamie Mawerenga, said his life has changed since he joined the church in 2020.

“PICC has a mandate to bring hope to the hopeless, life to the dying and help them become true disciples of Jesus Christ and this has changed my life. I am full of hope in its entirety now and I am a true disciple of Jesus Christ,” Mawerenga explained.

The event featured a celebration march from Area 25 to BNS followed by prayers and entertainment activities.

By Maston Kaiya


Ntcheu, 09 March, Mana: Communities of Sharpevalle education zone in Ntcheu have expressed excitement with the new school block at Nanyangu primary school for improving education standards at Nanyangu primary school in the district.


The school block which was constructed under the Government to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) was handed over to the community in 2022.


Parents Teachers Association Chairperson for the school Clement Matemba said the school was established in 1999 with two classes, standard one and two, then it expanded to standard 5 where learners were learning under grass thatched blocks.


"With support and encouragement from chiefs, members of the community mobilized bricks, sand and grass and constructed the now dilapidated blocks. The initiative was to ensure that our children get some education," said Matemba.


Village headman Solijala said the school block was a priority for the community and hailed the World Bank funded project for constructing a modern school block at Nanyangu.


On his part, the school’s Head teacher Enock Chikaliso said the new school block has motivated dropout learners who were just staying idle at home and others who were travelling long distances to other schools in Bwanje area to enroll at the institution.


"Even teachers are also motivated to teach in such a modern facility,” said Chikaliso.


According to Chikaliso, the school which is in Bwanje North Constituency, Sharpevalle zone has enrollment of 625 learners comprising of 301 boys and 324 girls.


He said the new classroom block has further expanded enrollment of learners to standard eight.


GESD projects which is funded by the World Bank aims at strengthening local authority’s institutional performance responsiveness to citizens and management of resources for good service delivery.