

Saturday, 06 April 2024 12:39

Coaches drilled on CAF-D course in Thyolo

By Beni Bamusi

Thyolo, April 6, Mana: Thyolo District Sports Office has provided CAF-D coaching lessons to 58 coaches from various parts of the district with an aim of developing football in the district.

Addressing the participants at Adolorata Secondary School on Friday, Thyolo District Commissioner, Hudson Kuphanga, expressed excitement with the development saying it will develop football in the district since the coaches have acquired expertise that will be imparted to players in their localities.

He said there is need for introduction of leagues and cups in the district for the skills acquired to be challenged and consolidated.

Kuphanga said he will ask the corporate community in the district for sponsorship in the leagues and bonanzas.

“As we are developing other sectors, we have not neglected sports. Tea estates and banks in the district have been helping us and we will ask them again to help in football development,” he said.

He said with the nearly completed stadium, the district needs to have a league which will in turn bring funds to the Council.

Thyolo District Sports Officer, Olga Mlambe, said his office organized the training after identifying a gap where there were no professional coaches in the district which she described as hindrance to the growth of football in the district.

Mlambe has called for support of various materials such as balls, football jerseys and other football kits that will help the coaches executing the acquired skills.

“We have provided them with skills, but there is more to be done. My office is, therefore, calling upon well-wishers to provide us with these materials that will assist in implementing the skills the coaches have acquired,” she said.   

Fatsani Chisale, one of the participants from Mapanga Secondary School, was thankful for the training saying it has provided them with new skills to help in their profession as coaches.

Out of the 58 coaches, 44 are primary and secondary school teachers while the rest are social club coaches from the district.

By Paul Madise

Lilongwe, April 6, Mana: Minister of Homeland Security, Ken Zikhale Ng'oma, has described the commissioning of the National Identity High Performance Printer as a milestone in improving National Registration Bureau (NRB) service delivery.

He was speaking in Lilongwe on Friday during the commissioning of the National ID High Performance Printer.

The Minister expressed concern that NRB was in low capacity to meet the growing demand of producing and printing national IDs hence the commissioning of the new printer will reduce waiting time and respond positively to the negative sentiments towards the Bureau.

"The commissioning of the printer is not only a game changer but also will save government resources to printing national IDs,” he said.

He, therefore, expressed gratitude to the United States embassy in Malawi, through Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), for the support rendered to NRB in procuring the high advanced printers.

Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Colleen Zamba, said the initiative will enable NRB to maximize its service delivery by doubling the ID printing rate.

"The printer has the capacity to produce 3,500 cards per day unlike the machines the Bureau currently has which was producing about 200 cards a day. This will reduce waiting time,” she said.

CDC representative, Dr Verita Buie, said US government recognizes the ongoing challenges NRB is facing.

"With the new printers we are providing Malawi the capacity for printing nearly a double ID printing capacity and we expect delivery time to be about 30 days,” she said.

Buie emphasized that the right to person identification is vital as it grants an individual access to key services such as education, health as well as voting.

In 2015 US government, through CDC with funding from the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) supported NRB in expanding birth and death registration in Malawi through the two five-year cooperation agreements worth over US$7 million.

"We are delighted with the progress made so far having expanded birth and death registration from only four facilities in 2015 to all facilities in all 28 districts in the country, while community registration has been introduced in 18 districts in the country as part of the civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) through which mothers can be able to access birth certificates for their children before leaving the hospital,” she said.

By Willy Kadewere

Chikwawa, April 5, Mana: As a strategy for waste management, Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), with funding from USAID through the Governance for Solutions (GfS) project, has trained all youth networks in Chikwawa on how to conserve the environment.

During a daylong training workshop held on Friday, youths were challenged to initiate innovations that should contribute to environmental conservation through proper plastic waste management for a better and conducive environment.

In his remarks, Environmental Health Officer for Chikwawa, Boniface Grem encouraged the youths to develop new and innovative ideas on waste management that could be transformed into other sources of income.

“Malawi has high unemployment rate and with proper waste management, we can turn our ideas into entrepreneurial opportunities to support our lives,” said Grem.

In his remarks, District Youth Officer for Chikwawa, McNeal Shire commended DAI for organising an engagement meeting with youths considering numerous challenges Chikwawa district faces in waste management.

"This meeting is paramount for youths as they can share innovative ideas on plastic waste management.

“I am grateful because some have already started producing products from plastic wastes," Shire said.

One of the youths that attended the meeting, Chisomo Samson from Masache Youth Network, applauded the organisation for the training, stating that knowledge and skills gained from the workshop will help them to develop business ideas from plastic waste, such as doormat making and other items from plastic waste.

She pledged to share the knowledge and skills with fellow youths and community members.

Recently Chikwawa District Council officials conducted market place clean up exercise at Bereu after observing poor waste management.

Market vendors were encouraged to do regular clean ups to address the environmental concern.

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, April 5, Mana: Minister of Mining, Monica Chang'anamuno has said the Mining Investment Forum which is scheduled to take place in the country will be crucial in accelerating the growth of mining industry.

Briefing the media on Friday in Lilongwe, Chang'anamuno said the conference will take place on 23 and 24 April in 2024.

"The Ministry of Mining is pleased to announce that it will hold a Mining Investment Forum at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe which has been organized under the theme of transforming the nation through Sustainable Mineral Extraction.

"The mineral resources that the country has is instrumental in industrialization as scribed in the Malawi Agenda 2063 vision. The mining sector is a significant source of government revenue through taxes and fees which are essential in funding developmental initiatives across other sectors," She said.

The Minister also highlighted that the Malawi Government is committed to the growth of the mining Industry which will be able to contribute 20 percent to the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Chang'anamuno also said the forum will serve as a platform of stakeholder’s engagement in the industry, and this will also promote Agriculture, Mining and Tourism (ATM) strategy that President Lazarus Chakwera implemented some weeks ago in Mzuzu.

Chang'anamuno applauded the Members of Parliament for passing the 2024/25 national budget saying this will help in the operationalization of Mining Regulatory Authority and Mining Company in the country.

By Tikondane Vega

Blantyre, April 5, Mana: Minister of Lands, Deus Gumba says his ministry will continue to sensitize all stakeholders on matters related to land laws so that Malawians should have common understanding on land issues.

Gumba said this in Blantyre on Friday during the meeting with Blantyre City Council (BCC) management and ward councilors on land laws, planning, development control and enforcement.

He added that he was aware that some people deliberately confuse communities regarding the newly reviewed land laws saying before being passed, the laws went through proper consultations.

“Government recognizes that land is the most capital resource in Malawi and this is why my ministry is trying to engage each and every stakeholder and today we are in Blantyre meeting BCC management and councilors.

“These are very important stakeholders when it comes to planning, development control and enforcement. There are many things contained in the reviewed land laws including that a land should not be sold to the foreigner unless it is for investment purpose,” said Gumba.

He added that the law review process received overwhelming input from many Malawians who pointed to the need to address landlessness, concentration of land in the hands of few people.

“Malawians also pointed out simplifying the process of granting customary estates. In the meantime we are also going to the same stakeholders explaining the changes that have taken place,” he added.

The minister then urged the participants to be active and get correct information from the technocrats adding government will continue to make land available to every individual regardless of their affiliations.

On his part, Mayor for Blantyre City Wild Ndipo said the sensitization has come at a right time when land is a big issue in the city.

Ndipo said the reviewed land laws have addressed several dirty areas that were there adding with the coming of decentralization, there is need for more clarity on land issues as they have power within them.

“This kind of awareness will help us to take crucial information to the people so that they are made aware of the opportunity of owning and utilizing land through rightful means,” he said.

Parliament passed the amendments of the Land (Amendment) Act, 2022, Customary Land (Amendment) Act, 2022, Land Survey (Amendment) Act, 2022, Land Acquisition and Compensation (Amendment) Act, 2022, Physical Planning (Amendment) Act, 2022; and Registered Land (Amendment) Act, 2022. 

By Peter Mseteka

Mzuzu, April 5, Mana: Ripple Africa, a non-governmental organization, through its Forestry Conservation Project, Wednesday donated three motorcycle to the Department of Forestry in Mzimba District to ease mobility challenges being encountered at the department.

Speaking during a handover ceremony at the department’s offices, Country Director for Ripple Africa, Force Ngwira said the organization is obliged to ensure that stakeholders whom they work with, have necessary equipment to effectively discharge their duties.

“We work with the Forest Department and it is our obligation to enhance our partnership in promoting environmental protection,” said Ngwira.

Ngwira said besides the donation, the organization will support the department with fuel and up keep allowances as a motivation towards hard working and efficiency in attaining objectives of the project is being implemented in the district.

In her remarks, District Forestry Officer for Mzimba District, Masozi Shawa applauded the organization for the donation, saying it will go a long way in extending extension in hard- to- reach areas.

“It was difficult for us to reach out to hard-reach populations with extension services. This support will go a long way in helping us provide technical expertise to farmers through frequent field inspections by our forestry officers,” said Shawa.

The motorcycles have been allocated to Mzimba North and Mzimba South at Champhira and Luwerezi respectively.

By George Bulombola

Mzuzu, April 5, Mana: United Civil Servants Sacco (UCSSACCO) says it is committed towards promoting savings culture for improved livelihoods in contribution to attainment of Malawi 2063 which among others focuses on growing the economy with localized ideas and solutions.

The remarks were made Friday by General Manager for UCSSACCO, Francis Waliwa in Mzuzu during the organization’s interactive meeting media.

Waliwa said that no nation can grow economically if its citizenry does not embrace the culture of savings and that this can only be achieved by empowering people with knowledge on the need for practicing good financial management for financial resilience.

“The Malawi 2063 also talks of economic inclusivity and wealth creation, UCSSACCO call on Malawians to join the association as they join other stakeholder’s efforts in achieving the country’s development blueprint,” said Waliwa.

Waliwa then boast of the association’s increased membership which is at about 69,000 besides registering assert increase from K16.7 billion in 2022 to almost K28 billion in 2023 representing more than 67 present growth.

“More to that, we have increased our profit from K4 billion to K7 billion within the same period, representing 65 percent and we have managed to K2 billion dividend to members,” he said.

We have also grown our membership because last year alone, we brought in 14, 000 members including the State President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera,” he added.

Waliwa also said that since the association’s businesses is beyond balance sheet, they supported members with long term loans.

“We also carried out charity work which included donating to survivors of Cyclone Freddy, Salima Resource Centre, Bandawe School for the Deaf and refurbished Mapanga Prison Training Centre administration block which was gutted by fire,” said Waliwa.

In his remarks, President of northern region based Nyika Media Club, Feston Malekezo commended UCSSACCO for organizing the meeting, pledging that the media will use the knowledge and information gained to civic educate the public on the importance of joining the association.

“I am pleased here to say that the association with other stakeholders managed to support our annual general meeting. This interaction cements  the good partnership between and UCSSACCO and the media,” said Malekezo

UCSSACCO is a member owned institution which offers a range of savings and products to civil servant in Malawi and is an affiliate of Malawi Union of Savings and Cooperatives.

By George Mponda

Karonga, April 5, Mana: Norwegian Church Aid and DanChurch Aid (NCA-DCA) has said it will provide cash to over 500 households which were affected by floods in the area of Paramount Chief Kyungu in Karonga.

The floods which followed heavy rains on 23 and 24 February, affected nearly 911 households, including 516 displaced into camps.

Speaking during a Disaster Risk Management Committee meeting in the district on Friday, Senior Humanitarian Officer for NCA, Augustine Tonde said after the disaster, NCA-DCA provided vehicles for logistical support as well as blankets and buckets to 161 affected households.

"This time, we want to reach over 500 households with cash amounts of K90,000 per household in Group Village Heads, Kalambo, Mwenechilanga, Mwandwanga, Mweneyumba, Mwahimba and Zindi. The process of cash distribution will be handled by a third party possibly NBS bank," Tonde added.  

According to Tonde, the organization has budgeted K70 million for the humanitarian response and will first embark on a door to door verification exercise, in coordination with Karonga District Council, before actual disbursement of the cash which is expected to be completed within two weeks.

Reacting to the development, Disaster Risk Management Officer (DRMO) for Karonga District Council, Humphrey Magalasi hailed NCA-DCA for stepping in to bail out the flood victims who have since left the decommissioned camps back to their homes.

"Indeed, the flood victims have so many needs and this money will go a long way in helping them get back on their feet. However, I would advise the beneficiaries not to be forced to share the money because doing that is against the Disaster Risk Management Act and it reduces the impact of the intervention," said Magalasi.

During the meeting, Magalasi also reported that 833 households have been affected by flooding which occured from 29-31 March in the areas of Senior Chief Kilipula and Senior Chief Mwakaboko, adding that 130 of the households have been forced into camps.

By Chisomo Kambandanga

Nkhata Bay, April 5, Mana: Board Chairperson for Forum for African Women Educationalists in Malawi (FAWEMA), Dr. Maggie Madimbo has urged youths in Nkhata Bay to be agents of change and take an active role in improving the education sector.

Madimbo said this in an interview on Friday after a day-long training in Education Management Information Systems which attracted youths from all Traditional Authorities in the district.

She said the aim of the training was to equip the youths with knowledge on how the education systems operate in Malawi and how they can advocate for improvement of the same.

"This is meant to help them make informed decisions when it comes to provision of quality education which is very vital in the development of our country. For example, if they notice that there are few teachers at a school, they should take an action which will lead to more teachers being deployed to that school," Madimbo said.

Chairperson for Nkhatabay Youth Network, Erik Banda hailed FAWEMA for the training which he said had equipped the youths with advocacy skills.

In his remarks, District Education Management Information Systems Officer, Michael Gondwe said the youths will help improve education standards in Nkhatabay since collection of information will be enhanced.

"Our office was already understaffed but now, we have these youths who will be collecting information in the field and we will use the data to rectify problems being faced in the education sector," Gondwe said.

The training was conducted with support from Global Partnership for Education (GPE).

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, April 5, MANA: Director of Research and Outreach, and a Lecturer at the Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Samson Katengeza has said the decision to ban exportation of raw soya beans will help the government to control and trace forex in the country.

Reacting to a statement released by Ministry of Trade and Industry in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Katengeza said the export ban of raw soya beans will help government to have fixed markets that will absorb all the products that farmers have produced.

 “Free exports of soya beans by anyone makes the government not to trace the forex coming to Malawi. So the export ban will help the government to control and trace forex. My advice is that the government should make sure that all farmers who have licenses should be given a chance to export the product,” He said.

Katengeza further added that the ban will help producers to benefit from the market price that the government has recently released saying government will be able to control the price of soya beans due to export ban.

 Paul Chiwaya a farmer from Dowa said a decision to halt the exportation of soya beans in Malawi will benefit local farmers to have high income saying the export ban will ensure a steady demand of soya beans in the country.

Chiwaya added that the government should come up with strategies that will foster long term sustainability and competitiveness of the soya beans at the market for the farmers to benefit.

“While prioritizing domestic supply can enhance food security and support local industries, it’s also crucial for the government to implement measures that will foster long terms results. The government should consider implementing policies to support farmers in maximizing their returns.

“Additionally, it is important for the government to monitor the market closely to ensure that the increased availability of soya beans does not lead to oversupply or price fluctuations in other sectors,” Chiwaya said.

While confirming the export ban, Public Relations Officer in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Patrick Botha said the exportation ban is a result of estimated production decline of raw soya beans in the country.

“the National Crop estimate exercise that was carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture suggest that there is a decline in soya beans production. Malawi as a country, we are now promoting value addition and diversification, so the exportation ban of raw soya beans will help industries which use raw soya beans to grow,” He said.