

By Tracy Mtegha


Mzuzu, April 7, Mana: The country on Saturday joined the rest of the world in commemorating World Autism Awareness Day, with stakeholders calling for concerted efforts in raising awareness about autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that is usually recognized from early childhood.


Speaking during the commemoration that was held in Mzuzu, a concerned parent, Lydia Kamuyanga, said many parents who have children living with the condition are not able to offer them necessary support due to their lack of knowledge about it.


She lamented that some of the parents are keeping autistic children indoors which she said is dangerous as it further retards their development.


“Every parent needs to provide essential care to children with autism and allow them access to special needs education.


“As a parent with an autistic child, I am dedicated to raising awareness about it. If more people are aware about autism and other developmental disorders, we can begin to break down the misunderstandings and stigma that surround the condition,” said Kamuyanga.    


Clinical psychologist for St John of God Hospital, Frank Magagula, said that awareness is key to creating a more inclusive and supportive community for people with autism.                        


“Let us work together in creating a more inclusive and supportive world for everyone, and we should continue coming together to commemorate World Autism Awareness Day to make a real difference in the lives of those affected by this condition,” Magagula said.


Director of Hope view Resource Centre, which is implementing special education to neuro-divergent learners and young people, Rebecca Mtegha, stressed the importance of providing education to people with autism, saying they too are able to learn, regardless of their condition.


This year's commemoration was held under the theme “Moving from surviving to thriving: autistic individuals share regional perspectives”.

By Willy Kadewere


Chikwawa, April 7, Mana: In response to the effects of drought affecting most parts of Malawi, Apostle Albert Mpende of Time for Repentance and Deliverance Ministries, with support from World Challenge, has donated maize flour and maize seeds to people from Traditional Authority (T/A) Mulilima in Chikwawa district.


Three hundred people received bags of maize flour weighing 10 kilogrammes each while 200 people received packets of maize seeds weighing two kilogrammes each.


Speaking during the distribution exercise on Friday, Apostle Mpende emphasized the importance of utilizing maize seeds in gardens to achieve food security.


“We believe that through the two kilogramme packets of maize seeds people have receive, they will use properly to produce fruitful outcomes.


“It is estimated that a 2 kg packet of maize seeds will yield seven to eight bags, which is a positive outcome,” said Mpende.


Senior Group Village Headman Namila, who represented T/A Mulilima, commended Apostle Mpende for the support, noting that it arrived at a critical time when many are facing hunger due to drought.


However, Namila warned beneficiaries against selling the maize flour and seed packets.


One of the beneficiaries, Natalia Tchandama from Group Village Head John, expressed gratitude for the donation, saying it will help her family to have seeds for planting and use the flour for daily meals.


“As a single mother of seven children, I appreciate what Apostle Mpende has done because many of us are suffering due to dry fields. This flour and packet of seeds will help alleviate some of the problems I face,” said Tchandama.


In addition to the donations, Mpende and his church also assist children who lack school fees and provide economic empowerment to youths and women.

Blessings Preston Memena

Mzuzu, April 7, Mana: Mzuzu City Council (MCC) on Friday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to seal their partnership with Malawi Coalition for Kabaza Stakeholder and Association (MACOKASA) for sanity in the kabaza business operation in the city.

MCC Chief Executive Officer, Gomezgani Nyasulu, said the MoU between the two partners will help promote order in transport and traffic operations within the city.

According to Nyasulu, the development is in line with what was resolved at the MCC summit as the Council promotes security and safety of road users including Kabaza operators.

“As MCC, we are happy to sign this MoU with kabaza operators. This is important because it will help sanitize the transport and traffic movement in our city.

“We started with segmentation of coach buses operation where all coach bus operators have an operation point and this is second phrase that is targeting kabaza operators,” Nyasulu said.

MACOKASA National Chairperson, Moses Mwalabu, acknowledged that kabaza operators contribute to road accidents in the city saying the MoU will help in minimizing such accidents.

“This MoU will promote mutual relationship among us, the Council, other agencies as well as district councils to ensure that we operate orderly to avoid accidents.

“Each and every operator will be registered with us so that we have number of operators and where they are operating thereby fostering security among themselves and customers,” Mwalabu said.

According Mwalabu, MACOKASA has also signed MoUs with Blantyre, Zomba and Lilongwe city councils.

“We have also reached out to Mangochi, Mwanza, Karonga and soon we will be heading to Likoma,” he said.

Regional Road Traffic Officer for the north, Maurice Mabvumbe, highlighted that kabaza operators contribute sabout 30 percent of road accidents in the country.

By Rennie Tembo

Lilongwe, April 6, Mana; Lilongwe District Agriculture Extension Coordinating Committee (DAECC) has urged farmers to practice crop diversification as one way of promoting food security, income and dealing away with the effects of climate change.

Speaking in Lilongwe on Friday during Agriculture Field Day, DAECC Chair representative, Akunsitu Kananji, said farmers need to practice crop diversion due to the effects of climate change that the world is experiencing.

“These days we experience erratic rains which result to drought. Sometimes we are affected by cyclones. So, we want farmers to stop relying on maize alone, as it hasn’t done well this year. However, there are some crops that are resilient and have done so well.

“We are encouraging farmers to consider planting different crops for them to still have food even if others fail; and they will be able to sell and sustain their families,” he said.

One of the farmers, Judith Nkwena, encouraged fellow farmers to put into practice what the Agriculture Field Assistants are teaching them so that they benefit from agricultural activities.

“This is very important to every farmer who takes farming as a business. If you have different crops, at the end of the season, one will be able to make a good amount of money hence improved livelihood,” she said

Lilongwe District Council Chair, Dan Mtayamanja, urged farmers to take agriculture field days seriously because it is where they can learn more on agriculture production and how their fellow farmers are doing in the fields for them to get bumper yield.

“As a Council, our number one goal we strive to achieve is food security. Let me take this opportunity to urge all farmers to stop rushing selling agriculture products to vendors. Let us stick to the prices that the government has released for us to benefit from our sweat,” he said.

This year’s agriculture field day was commemorated under the theme: “Diversified Agriculture, Good Agricultural Practices: A Resilient Strategy to Effects of climate change, To Achieve Food, Nutrition and Income Security.”

By Brighton Thengoliweta Chimsinde

Mchinji, April 6, Mana: Mchinji District Council Chairperson, Dorothy Musa, has applauded the minimum farm gate prices for strategic crops for the 2023/2024 farming season government has released.

Musa said the price would help deter unscrupulous vendors from buying farmers' produce at lower prices in the district.

“We applaud government for the minimum farm gate prices and for its timely release because unscrupulous vendors have already started swindling local farmers. It is sad that vendors buy farm produce at lower prices using fake weighing scales,” Musa said.

She warned vendors that the Council is set to guard against their malpractices.

She said Council officers and relevant partners are on the ground to guard against vendors using uncertified weighing scales.

“Our intention is to ensure that local farmers, especially small scale farmers, benefit from this year’s farm gate prices,” she said.

In a separate interview one local farmer, Alumackio Kalonga, of Robert 4 Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Zulu thanked government for revising the farm gate prices.  

“Last year’s farming season maize was at K500 per kilogramme and this year it is set at K650, while shelled groundnuts and pure beans are at K1,200 up from K950 and K700 per kilogramme, the price set in 2022-203 farming season. You can see that with three bags of groundnuts of 50 kilogrammes each I can afford to buy bags of fertilizer,” said Kalonga.

According to the ministry’s announcement, it is an offense to buy farm produce below farm gate prices and anyone being found will face the law.  

By Andrew Mkonda

Lilongwe, April 6, Mana: Ministry of Mining says all is set for the country to host the first ever Mining Investment Forum which will give the country an opportunity to showcase and promote Malawi’s mining sector.

A press statement released by the Ministry of Mining signed by its Principal Secretary, Dr Joseph Mkandawire, says the event will take place from 23rd to 24th April, 2024 at Bingu International Convention Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

Dr Mkandawire said the event, which is expected to be presided over by President Dr Lazarus Chakwera, will serve as a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement bringing together government representatives, development partners, mining companies, Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) operators, financial institutions, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), academia and various service providers.

“Malawi hosts a diverse array of mineral resources such as Rare Earth Elements (REEs), graphite, uranium, gold and gemstones, amongst others. These mineral resources are instrumental to industrialization as described in the Malawi 2063.

“Our minerals are a significant source of government revenues through taxes, royalties and fees which are essential for funding development initiatives across various sectors. Furthermore, the mining sector provides employment opportunities, fosters skills development and sustains livelihoods through ASM,” reads part of the statement.

In an interview, Chairperson for National Resources Justice Network, Paul Mvula, welcomed the initiative as a good development saying, as a country, there is need to invest more in mining sector in order to improve the country’s economy.

“We have repeatedly been saying we do not only focus on foreign investors, but we need to also involve the indigenous investors. So, if this forum will focus on that, then it is a welcome development,” he said.

Government aims at growing the mining sector to contribute at least 20 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a goal that the ministry says will require robust legal, policy and institutional frameworks; public-private partnerships in mineral exploration and mining among others.

The Forum which will be held under the theme “Transforming the Nation through Sustainable Mineral Extraction” is expected to attract over 300 participants from African countries and beyond.

Saturday, 06 April 2024 17:29

Dr Benson Chilima installed as GHV Chilima

By Andrew Mkonda

Lilongwe, April 6, Mana: Senior Chief Njewa of Lilongwe has called on her subordinates to promote unity among people in their areas for them to be in the forefront in supporting development activities that government is implementing in their respective areas.

Senior Chief Njewa made the call Saturday during the installation of Group Village Headman (GVH) Chilima whose real name is Benson Chilima.

“Traditional Leaders are the custodians of development, social cohesion and cultural heritage preservation. These can only be achieved where there is unity,” she said.

Njewa condemned some traditional leaders who engage themselves in corrupt scams which, she said, have potential to destroy the much needed development for their subjects.

“Let me remind you, as traditional leaders, you should be instrumental in bringing development projects in your area such as bridges, clinics, markets and many more for the betterment of your subjects.

Speaking on behalf for the royal family, Edward Chilima, assured the people that the newly installed chief will work hand in hand with people in the area as he has been doing before.

Chilima urged the newly elevated chief to be exemplary to his subjects in preserving cultural values.

The newly installed GVH is a retired civil servant who worked with the Ministry of Health for 35 years.

He retired from civil service in 2023 as Director responsible for Community Health Science Unit (CHSU).

Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima and Madame Mary Chilima, Member of Parliament for the area, Marko Ezra Banda Ching’onga, Lilongwe District Commissioner Dr Lawford Palani were some of the notable people who graced the event.

By Noel Chimwala

Chikwawa, April 6, Mana: Tamva Friends for the Deaf, a charitable organisation, has provided guidance to learners, youths and women with hearing impairment on safeguarding, safety and inclusive disaster risk management in Chikwawa.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Friday after a two-day training held at Chikwawa Teachers’ Development Centre, Executive Director for Tamva Friends for the Deaf, Zenasi Govati, stated that the training was aimed to enhance capacity of people with hearing impairment during disasters.

He said they are providing participants with tips so that they know what to do and how to safeguard and protect themselves during natural disasters like floods and cyclones,” he said.

“With funding from the Disability Rights Fund, we are implementing this project, knowing that people with hearing impairment face communication challenges during natural disasters as they are unable to hear what is happening, resulting in them being the most highly affected,” he said.

He, therefore, appealed to community leaders, religious leaders, teachers and parents to promote the welfare of people with different disabilities in their communities.

Malawi Council for Disability (MACODA) Disability Affairs Officer for Chikwawa, Elizabeth Khumbanya, commended Tamva for initiating the project which she said will address challenges faced by people with hearing impairment during and after natural disasters.

“We often struggle to raise awareness about natural disasters, leading to many people with hearing impairment missing this information and ending up in highly affected areas,” Khumbanyiwa said.

She emphasised the need to employ interpreters so that people with hearing impairment can communicate with relevant authorities when facing challenges.

Chikwawa District Chief Education Officer, Greystone Alindiamawo, praised Tamva for the training, highlighting that learners with hearing impairment often face exclusion in class due to teachers’ inability to communicate with them effectively using sign language and gestures.

“We are thankful for this training, which has provided learners, youths, women and teachers with knowledge on safeguarding themselves during natural disasters and humanitarian crises,” said Alindiamawo.

The training focused on several areas including safeguarding and its legal framework, disability inclusion, role of schools and communities in safeguarding amidst disasters and humanitarian crises, sexual abuse and exploitation and how they can work with community reporting mechanisms.

By Brian Wasili

Mwanza, April 6, Mana:  Mwanza Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) women on Saturday donated assorted food and nonfood items to patients at Mwanza District Hospital as a symbol of love.

In an interview, one of CCAP women Tuweni Gonambali said the donation was meant to share love with those who are in difficult situations such as those in hospital.

“As we are celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is need to show love to one another because Jesus Christ himself used to share messages of love and peace among people,” said Gonambali.

Church Minister for Mwanza CCAP congregation, Rev. Wilson Kazembe, commended the women for promoting the spirit of sharing with others saying this is what God commands.

“The Holy Bible assures us that a hand that gives is blessed. Therefore, it is my hope that God will not leave these women the same way,” said Kazembe.

In an interview with guardians’ representative in the male ward, Alefa Batford from Mulongolora Village in the area of Inkosi Kanduku Maseko in the district, said the items received will go a long way to assisting the patients as some do not have relatives who can provide their daily needs because they come from far areas.

Mwanza District Hospital Nurse Midwife Technician, Clifford Mkagula, commended the women saying, apart from the donation, patients also needed to hear the Word of God as a way of encouragement.

The donation which included soya pieces, soap and salt is worth about K200, 000 and was mobilized among the women themselves and other well withers.

The women also donated assorted items to Mwanza Prison to replicate love of Jesus to the inmates.

By Brian Wasili

Mwanza, April 6, Mana:  Mwanza District Commissioner, Dr Martha Magreta Sineta, has commended Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) for donating assorted cholera prevention supplies worth K4 million to Mwanza District Hospital for use in the fight against the disease in the border district.

In an interview on Friday, Sineta said Cholera is a serious disease and if not contained may derail development efforts in the district hence the need for collaboration with partners to combat it.

“We thank MRCS for the support as it will assist us prevent further spread of the disease in the district,” said Sineta.

MRCS National Health Community Coordinator, Francis Liyati, said the donation has been made under MRCS once off Floods and Cholera Response Programme which is expected to run for the next three months targeting Mwanza, Mulanje, Karonga, Nkhotakota and Mangochi districts at a grand total of K76 million.

The programme is expected to roll out to other districts soon.

“We have also provided resources for conducting various interventions regarding cholera prevention in the district,” said Liyati.

Mwanza District Health Promotion Officer, Dikirani Chadza, said with support from MRCS the district has already trained health workers about the disease and has also conducted sensitization meetings with local leaders.

“In the meantime, we have enhanced dissemination of prevention messages through mobile vans across the district,” Chadza said.

The donation, which includes chlorine, 25 boxes of examination gloves, 60 pieces of heavy duty gloves, disposable aprons, 25 buckets with taps with a capacity of 60 litres each, 20 cartons of hand and body tablet soap, jerry cans, gumboots and liquid soap among others, will be distributed in all health facilities and hot spot areas in the district.

The district’s health office daily Cholera update indicates that from the onset of Cholera season in November, 2023 to early April, 2024, Mwanza has recorded 47 Cholera cases nine of which are cross border from Mozambique with one death registered.