

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 14:20

CISONECC donates motorcycle to Council

By Martha Simchimba

Lilongwe, April 17, Mana; Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has donated a motorcycle to Lilongwe District Council in order to ease mobility in monitoring projects that are implemented in the district.

Speaking on Wednesday in Lilongwe during the handover ceremony, CISONECC’s National Coordinator, Julius Ng’oma noted that since they started implementing their projects in the district, they have never seen officers monitoring their projects, hence the donation.

“During our project implementation, we noted that transport was a big challenge at the Council for the Environmental officers to be monitoring environmental projects that are being implemented in the district. But this motorcycle will not only be used to monitor our projects, but all the activities that are implemented in the district,” he said.

Speaking after receiving the motorcycle, District Commissioner (DC) for Lilongwe Dr. Lawford Palani thanked CISONNECC for the donation saying it would enable the officers to carry their duties effectively and efficiently.

“Transportation has been a challenge at the council as a number of officers do not have adequate vehicles and this motorbike will help us in filling the gap. Therefore, this gesture is true reflection of a good relationship between us and CISONECC,” he noted.

Palani appealed to other organizations to involve the Council at all levels and emulate the gesture CISONECC has done.

He has since urged the officers to put the motorcycle in good use and have sense of ownership so that it serves the intended purpose.

CISONECC is implementing a project known as Promoting Equitable Access to Clean Energy (PEACE) which is aimed at ensuring that citizens and civil society organizations are better informed and empowered to advocate and strengthening environment for equitable access to clean energy in the country.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 14:05

Salima Sugar opens market for distributors

By Lekereni Chinkhota

Salima, April 17, Mana: As one way of dealing with scarcity and exorbitant prices of sugar in the country, Salima Sugar Company Limited has opened its 2024 sugar production season to provide Malawians with sugar through their depots that will be opened across the country.

Speaking during the opening of the season at Salima Sugar factory in Salima on Tuesday, Minister of Trade and Industry, Sosten Gwengwe, said the commencement of sugar production at the factory will help fix shortage of sugar in markets and stabilize prices.

“Malawi is a sugar exporter but last year production was seriously affected by cyclone Freddy that led to scarcity of sugar in the country since December. Salima sugar has started its cycle today and we are flooding the market with sugar at normal prices and people will not scramble for the commodity anymore,” he said.

Gwengwe said for Malawi to be economically mature it needs to focus on production than trading.

He said it is important for Malawi to escalate production using commercial agriculture which will align to pillar two of Malawi 2063 in order to spur economic growth.

Executive Chairman for Salima Sugar Company Limited, Counsel Wester Kosamu, said the company has already embarked on a number of activities to ensure that Salima sugar is available on the market.

“We have already earmarked 1,000 hectares of land which we plan to plant cane. We are also planning to expand the milling to be producing more sugar as our sugar has been scarce on the market.

"We advertised for distributorship and we have signed contracts with distributors that will be selling our sugar across the country," he said.

Kosamu said the company plans to collaborate with over 250 small scale farmers that are managing cane around the factory and give the idle land the company has to other small scale farmers willing to work with the company with each farmer expected to get two hectares of the land.

Senior Chief Mwanza expressed gratitude saying the company’s plans will allow citizens to benefit from all works of the company such as job creation.

Salima Sugar Company has opened its first ever depot at Siyasiya Trading in Salima, where it plans to sell its sugar to people around the factory before spreading across the country.

By Lyte Ali

Mangochi, April 17, Mana: National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) has said it was happy with percentage of loan repayment by communities in Mangochi, saying the district was currently surpassing the national loan repayment.

Speaking during a stakeholders meeting which was organized in Mangochi on Tuesday, Head of Finance at NEEF, Benedicto Kananza said out of over K4 billion that the institution disbursed to communities in Mangochi for the past three years, it has managed to collect 85 percentage of the loans.

He said following the development, in this current financial year, NEEF would disburse K4 billion to communities, with an aim to expand businesses and farming activities in the lake shore district.

‘‘We are impressed with how communities in Mangochi are responding on loans repayment, which is at 85 percent, surpassing the national loan repayment, currently at 70 percent.

‘‘As such, in this financial year alone, we are set to disburse K4 billion in the district, and our focus this year will include providing substantial loans for both businesses and farming activities, with a special emphasis on supporting winter irrigation farming to utilize the district's plentiful water resources," Kananza said.

He said their institution was facing difficulties in loan repayment by some people across the country, a development which was delaying them to empower other Malawians.

The Head of Finance urged stakeholders in Mangochi to continue paying back their outstanding loans' balances, in order to enable other people in the district to access loans.

Kananza added that, “The aim of us is to empower all Malawians economically, however, we are facing challenges when collecting loans repayment from others to extent that some of our staffs get beaten in the process.’’

‘This makes it difficult for us to operate, and at the same time prevents us from accessing back the loans balances.

Chairperson for Mangochi District Council, Councilor, Hassan Chikuta hailed NEEF for providing an opportunity to communities in the district, saying it has helped to uplift livelihoods of many households in Mangochi.

One of the stakeholders to the meeting, Golden Tebulo, expressed gratitude with the meeting saying it has been an eye opener on how loans are accessed at NEEF, and how to effectively utilize the resources.

By Leonard Masauli

Lilongwe, April 17, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has issued a directive for the compulsory training of all civil servants to enhance efficiency and ensure effective quality service delivery for Malawian citizens.

The President made this announcement during the official launch of the Malawi School of Government at Kanengo campus in Lilongwe on Wednesday morning.

Chakwera noted the prevalent disorganisation, poor coordination among departments, and inefficiencies within the civil service system upon assuming office.

"When I entered government, I found disorganisation, poor coordination, and a lack of dedication. However, recognising the importance of addressing these challenges, we deemed it necessary to establish the Malawi School of Government to provide essential training for civil servants," said Chakwera.

He directed the Secretary to the President and Cabinet, along with District Commissioners, to ensure the mandatory participation of untrained civil servants in the institution's training programmes.

Highlighting the significance of Public Sector Reforms, Chakwera emphasised the pivotal role of civil servants and stressed the importance of training, which will be facilitated by the Malawi School of Government.

Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC), Collen Zamba, underscored the essential nature of training for civil servants, describing the civil service as the nerve centre of Malawi's economic growth.

"The vitality of our system hinges on continuous training. It is imperative to equip civil servants with the necessary skills to enhance efficiency and productivity," Zamba stated. "The mandatory nature of these trainings is crucial, as practical skills are essential for effective service delivery."

Professor Asiyati Lorraine Chiweza, Director General of the Malawi School of Government, highlighted the institution's role in professional development.

The merger of the Staff Development Institute and the Malawi Institute of Management into the Malawi School of Government aims to enhance the performance of public service by offering diverse programs tailored to better serve Malawians.

The launch ceremony marks a significant milestone for the Malawi School of Government, signalling a new era in the provision of professional training, consultancy, research, and advisory services for both the public and private sectors.

The development underscores the institution's commitment to contributing to Malawi's developmental agenda outlined in MW 2063.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 12:15

Malawi, Israel to sign MoU on labour export

By MANA reporter

Jerusalem, April 17, Mana: Malawi and Israel are set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on labour export to Israel.

The MoU will be signed in Jerusalem, Israel on Thursday with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nancy Tembo, representing the Malawi Government.

The Malawi delegation arrived in Jerusalem, led by Tembo, on Tuesday where they are, among others, expected to visit the Kibbutz North Oz and Kibbutz Shfaim at farms in Tel Aviv where they will meet Malawian employees working there.

The delegation will also inspect the Malawi Embassy office in Jerusalem which is expected to officially open in November, 2024.

Minister of Labour, Agnes NyaLonje and Minister of Information and Digitalisation, Moses Kunkuyu are among the Malawi delegation.

Malawi and Israel relations dates back to 1964. The two countries have signed MoU on technical cooperation on sectors such as education, agriculture and irrigation.

By Golden Kang'oma

Salima, April 17, Mana: Assemblies of God Care has been commended for its role in community empowerment and improving livelihoods through diverse initiatives being implemented by Conservation of Natural Resources for Sustainable Economic Returns (CONCERVE).

Implemented by Assemblies of God Care, a development arm of the Malawi Assemblies of God, the project focuses on enhancing the well-being and resilience of vulnerable populations residing on the outskirts of Thuma forest and Kuti Wildlife Reserve.

Speaking after touring the project’s initiatives in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Chisamba, Salima District Council's Acting Director of Natural Resources and Environment, Adam Jason highlighted that the strides being made through the project continue to change lives.

He said the interventions that are taking place through the project which include reclamation of gullies, trainings on production of locally made fertilizer (Mbeya) and establishment of woodlots are improving the environment and restoring soil fertility.

"Establishing of community forests and Vetiver grass nurseries in order to conserve soil have changed the yields that communities harvest because they have adopted these approaches into their community practice," Jason said.

He said that, "AG Care's initiatives complement government efforts in poverty alleviation and uplifting livelihoods, and emphasized the project's alignment with the District's Development Plans (DDP) which is key in community's development and the district as a whole."

The project is being implemented in four Extension Planning Areas (EPA) namely; Makande, Katelera, Chinguluwe and Tembwe in TA’s Kalonga, Kambwiri and Chisamba.

One of the beneficiaries from TA Chisamba, Edna Kamtande hailed the project for assisting her to harvest better yields despite rainfall challenges.

She said incorporating locally made manure has helped her to have better yields because she was equipped with skills in coming up with the right formula and mixture of soil and manure.

Executive Director for AG Care, Brown Banda, expressed satisfaction with the project's outcomes, noting its sustainability and positive impact on communities.

"Project coordination is excellent, and communities are well-trained and enthusiastic about the programme's progress," he said.

Tearfund Country Director, Vincent Moyo, affirmed that they would continue providing support to AG Care as its implementing partner, in order to achieve the intended goal of enhancing the wellbeing and resilience of communities around Thuma Forest Reserve and Kuti Wildlife Reserve.

"I am impressed with the progress it has made in changing people's livelihoods and economic status," he said.

TA Chisamba affirmed the project's significance, pledging to ensure that communities acquire essential skills for sustainability as the project phases out of the area.

AG Care with funding from the Jersey Overseas Aid through Tearfund, is implementing CONSERVE Project in Salima district.

By Salome Gangire

Neno, April 17, Mana: Roads Authority (RA) Tuesday handed over a new contractor China Railway (CR) No 20 to complete the construction of the 20 km Neno-Tsangano Road Phase II.

The Roads Authority in October 2023 terminated the contract of China-Geo Company which was constructing the road due to the contractor failure to meet a number contractual issues and did not do any work.

According to RA Engineer Ntchindi Mkandawire, the new contractor was expected to start work from Ligowe where previous contractor, Fargo left to Base in the district.

“The cost of the road is pegged at K35 billion and will be done in 18 months,” he said.

CR-20 Liason Officer, Lasten Kasanga said his company was ready to do the work and would deliver quality work to the best of their ability according to the timeline.

“We have already looked at the issue of subcontracting and everything has planned on well," he said.

Kasanga said the company has already chosen three sub-contractors and they would select one from the list to work with them.

District Commissioner (DC) for Neno, Rosemary Nawasha expressed optimisms that since RA has handed over a contractor, work would start soon.

 She asked the contractor to hire unskilled labour from the district.

A representative of the Civil Society in Neno, Oscar Nkhoma asked the contractor to deliver quality work as the people of Neno have waited the road for a long time.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 10:49

DIOs urged to promote public information

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, April 16, Mana: Acting Director of Ministry of Information and Digitalization, Arthur Chipenda has called upon District Information Officers (DIOs) to equip themselves with skills which would enable two-way communication between government and the people to foster people’s participation in governments development agenda.

He made the remarks during the opening of a three-day training workshop at Mponela organized by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) and the Ministry of Information and Digitalization aimed at equipping DIOs with skills on reporting for radio.

Chipenda said the training marks government’s commitment to ensuring that communication was placed at the top of the government development agenda through local authorities.

“For most people, the first contact they have with government is through the district councils. And in councils, government is investing finances, implementing projects and activities for the socio-economic transformation of the people. DIOs must therefore ensure visibility of these for people’s participation.

“On the other hand, government needs to be getting feedback from the people. So, we want to strengthen the bridge so that if people have any issues concerning the government’s development initiatives or interventions, DIOs should provide that platform for appropriate government’s interventions,” he said.

Thanking NLGFC for supporting the training, Chipenda urged the DIOs to make sure public information was always available to the public in support of government’s developmental agenda.

Executive director for NLGFC Dr. Kondwani Santhe saId the team has the responsibility of promoting council’s accountability, transparency, and trust and a responsibility in changing wrong narratives which break public trust and confidence.

“Sometimes people will deliberately twist facts. For example, Community Development Fund has only K 5 million for bursaries which in normal circumstances is not enough for each need within the constituency.

“So, when all the money has been channeled towards bursaries, there may emerge narratives suggesting otherwise, thereby creating confusion and mistrust. Therefore, it is your responsibility to change these narratives by providing accurate information on all projects and government initiatives,” he said.

The training is being facilitated by Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC).

Director General for MBC, George Kasakula said this was an exciting development as it would mean more content for the corporation, the masses and help in opening councils.

“We are thinking of having a council bulletin which will be airing issues happening at the councils ranging from budgets, expenditures, programmes, and other social economic issues. So, we are very excited about this development.

“But for this to be possible, you as DIOs need to be active in this initiative. To my colleagues at MBC, let us work with the DIOS in good faith,” he pointed out.

DIO for Zomba, Solister Mogha said the training would help in expanding the reporting skills for the DIOs by equipping them with technical requirements and skills required in reporting for electronic and broadcast media.

He said would benefit both the DIOs and the people they serve.

“The training will expose us to a new dimension of reporting for radio and television as we have mostly been biased towards print.

“This is good for our professional development but also for the benefit of the people because millions of Malawians still depend on radio and television for information,” Mogha added.

By Gift Chiponde

Lilongwe, April 17, Mana: Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale has stated that the Ministry, through its Mega Farm Support Unit, would continue to supporting farmers in the country as they work towards achieving the Malawi 2063, through increasing productivity and mechanisation to create jobs and generate forex.

He made the remarks on Tuesday after visited a 200-hectare farm belonging to Lefulosi Chigamula one of the beneficiaries of the Mega Farm Support Unit initiative which aims to support mega farmers in the country.

Kawale explained that the Ministry has been helping 197 commercial farmers across the country with farm inputs such as seeds and fertilizer to ensure maximum productivity and encourage the adoption of mechanisation among mega farmers.

The Minister mentioned that in addition to financial support, the Ministry has connected the farmers with off-takers such as the National Food Reserve Agency (NRFA), Paramount Holdings, and Pyxus Limited Export Trading Group (ETG) and National Smallholders Association of Malawi (NASFAM) has committed to purchasing the farmers' produce.

He disclosed that the government would provide Mega farmers with tractors and combined harvesters and assist subsistence farmers in becoming commercial farmers.

Kawale reassured farmers who would not be included in this year's Affordable Input Programme (AIP) that they would be accommodated in the K 650-billion Agriculture Commercialization (AGCOM) project and the Mega Farm Support Unit and National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF) initiatives.

Controller of Agriculture Extension and Technical Services in the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr Alfred Mwenifumbo said through the initiatives the unit has supported 197 maize farmers with a total of 10,000 hectares and they are expecting to harvest 35,000 metric tonnes.

A beneficiary, Lefunosi Chigamula commended the Ministry of Agriculture for the support towards mega farmers and he has urged farmers to take the initiatives seriously if they are to benefit.

He revealed that despite facing numerous challenges due erratic rain he would manage to harvest bumper yield this year.

By Paul Madise

Lilongwe, April 17, Mana: Director of Research Services in Ministry of Agriculture at Chitedze Agriculture Research Station, Dr Grace Kaudzu has said they are working collaboratively with other stakeholders to come up with new hybrid groundnut varieties to ensure groundnut industry in sustained.

She made the sentiments on Tuesday during the "Groundnut Tour in Malawi" a tour which is being conducted to showcase groundnut potential industry, Malawi has as a consistent and reliable high-quality groundnut for both national, regional and international markets.

Kaudzu has said the research would benefit mega and small scales groundnut farmers across country through climate change resilient varieties being produced through the research.

The Director has emphasized on the need for more interventions for Chitedze Research Station to generate more climate resilient groundnuts varieties and more hybrid groundnut seed multiplication.

 Pyxus Agriculture, Feed the Future Peanut Innovation Lab and Feed the Future Malawi Growth poles project as implementers of the tour is this set to achieve this year's one million metric tonnes of groundnut in its 2030 annual strategic plan putting Malawi on a pivotal role in meeting groundnut global market demand.

During the tour, lead farmers from  Horizon Farm, Chikondi Joseph and Franks Jictor said the coming of news groundnuts varieties has necessitated high production levels on their farms, they have also called Malawians to embrace groundnut farming for commercial to compliment tobacco.

The groundnut tour has attracted over 150 investors, researchers, farmers and policy makers from 10 across the world wide.