

By Robert Katuli


Lilongwe, April 18, Mana: Farmers Union of Malawi (FUM) Chief Executive Officer, Jacob Nyirongo has hailed the Sustainable Agriculture Project for supporting smallholder farmers.


He disclosed that 9,000 farming families in Lilongwe alone are among those benefitting from the project.


Nyirongo was speaking on Wednesday when FUM - an implementing partner in the project - accompanied a delegation from We Effect, a Swedish International Development Organization that is coordinating the project, on a tour to Demera Extension Planning Area (EPA) in Lilongwe to appreciate the project's interventions.


He said the project was focusing on building the capacity of Cooperatives by, among others, supporting them with technologies that could build resilience in the face of climate change so that farmers could still get high crop yields in such conditions.


“The Project is helping farmers to combat, among others, food insecurity and malnutrition, as we're training them on things like how they can make manure and how to apply it in their fields.


“Our emphasis is on equipping people to be able to use local materials to sustain farming in the face of increase in price of fertilizer,” Nyirongo explained.


We Effect Secretary General, Anna Tibblin said it was encouraging to see how the local people have taken the initiatives to develop their agriculture in a climate smart way to counter all the challenges facing them.


“These are farmers who see farming as a business. I am impressed with the level of organization, commitment and creativity of the members in these Cooperatives.


“We have seen strong women; we have seen youths that are taking the lead; we have seen a lot of energy, and we have seen well organized infrastructure. These people have the capacity,” Tibblin said.


Central Region Milk Producers Association (CREMPA) Manager, Andrew Chimalizeni, who, together with his team, showcased during the tour what they have done under the Malawi Dairy Value Chain Project, commended We Effect for supporting various projects since 2021.


He said that their focus as farmers was to make sustainable investments that would benefit the farmers beyond the project cycle.


Apart from Lilongwe West, the Sustainable Agriculture Project is being implemented in Ntchisi, Mzimba South and Thyolo, directly targeting 8,750 farmers and other 16,250 farmers indirectly.


The Project is part of a K6 billion Sustainable Partnerships for the Right to Food in Malawi (SP4RFM), a five-year (2023 to 2027) programme for We Effect Malawi under the Sida CIVSAM, which is the Civil Society Unit of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

Thursday, 18 April 2024 16:40

DIOs trained in radio reporting

By Sylvester Kumwenda

Dowa, April 18, Mana: District Information Officers (DIOs) on Thursday completed a three-day training workshop aimed at equipping them with skills on reporting news for radio.

The workshop, which was organized by the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) and the Ministry of Information, took place at Mponela in Dowa District.

Managing Editor for Malawi News Agency (MANA), Wallace Chipeta, said the training has been of great importance as it will enable DIOs produce content for broadcast on Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) radios.

“This is a huge milestone for us as a department because it means more outlets for our content and a wider outreach too.

“The task now remains on us to produce more content which will meet this huge demand. I, therefore, urge you to continue working hard in telling stories that support government development agenda and brings impact to communities,” he said.

Chipeta, therefore, asked for more training opportunities for the officers to further sharpen their skills.

He said DIOs still face challenges such as lack of resources like professional cameras, computers and mobility to access locations where development activities are taking place.

“This could be a thing of the past once district offices are devolved as this would open opportunities for more and direct assistance,” he said.

NLGFC Knowledge Management and Communications Specialist, Hamilton Chimala, said as an institution that oversees council activities, they value DIOs work.

“Your work unearths stories of development, social economic transformation of the people and enhances transparency and accountability at council level. That is why we thought of conducting this training to enable you widen reporting skills and create more outlets.

“We believe there can be even more support once devolution is effected,” he said.

MBC Director of News and Programs, Zilani Khonje, emphasized on the need for collaboration among public service providers.

She said her institution will plan for other trainings at regional level but urged DIOs to work hard in telling impactful stories.

DIO for Kasungu, Wanangwa Tembo, was pleased with the new arrangement.

“It is coming at a right time when we have been complaining that some of our efforts and works are wasted in the districts.

“This new arrangement means our work is being recognized and we will have more outlets for our content. I urge my fellow DIOs to work hard so that we show that we can deliver,” he said.

By Sellah Singini

Lilongwe, April 18, Mana: President Lazarus Chakwera has described the appointment of Deputy Chief Justice Lovemore Chikopa as a remarkable step towards strengthening the judicial system in the country.

Chakwera said this on Thursday during the swearing-in ceremony of the Deputy Chief Justice at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe.

He said the position of the Deputy Chief Justice should be forever a fortress and a shield for Malawi in the defence and advancement of justice, adding that the office bearer’s work never ceases to be a threat to all enemies of Malawi’s peace.

“Today is a great day because we see the rise of Justice Lovemore Chikopa to the office of Deputy Chief Justice, becoming the first person in the history of Malawi to hold this position, newly established in the Constitution Amendment Bill that I signed into law three years ago.

“I must thank the judiciary, under the enlightened guide of the Chief Justice Mzikamanda, for successfully completing the functional review that resulted in Justice Chikopa’s approval for this appointment,” Chakwera said.

He described Justice Chikopa as a patriotic person with integrity and capability to hold the position.

Chakwera therefore called upon all Malawians to support Justice Chikopa and to accord his office with all submission.

Speaking in an interview with the media after the swearing-in ceremony, Minister of Justice Titus Mvalo said the appointment of Deputy Chief Justice will ease the workload of the office of Chief Justice.

“The office of the Chief Justice is a very busy office, so having the office of the deputy now means some of the work of the Chief Justice will be delegated to his deputy. We will be now looking forward to a better dispensation of judicial services and justice,” Mvalo said.

Justice Lovemore Paul Chikopa, born on 9th August 1965, joined the judiciary in 1998 as Principal Resident Magistrate where he rose to the rank of Chief Resident Magistrate.

He was later appointed as a judge of the High Court in 2000 and as a Justice of Appeal in 2012.

By Amos Chigwa

Mchinji, April 18, Mana: Chairperson for Tilipo Group Oil Corporation from Mulanje district, James Kaipa has said that his team has been inspired by Mchinji based cooking oil producers.

He made the remarks on Thursday during a learning tour where among other things they appreciated what their fellow farmers are doing in Mchinji District.

"Our cooperative has managed to buy cooking oil producing machine and soon we are going to start producing cooking oil in Mulanje district, this is why we thought it wise to come and learn from our friends who are doing better in similar business in Mchinji district,” Kaipa said.

He said that their trip has been beneficial as they have learned a lot of skills which would help to sustain their business and promised to put everything they have learnt into practice.

Managing Director of Zulu Cooking Oil Producers, Chikondi Chingole hailed Mulanje based cooperative for their trip to learn from them the vital skills in the business of cooking oil production.

"Tilipo Cooperative thought it wise to come and learn from us before they start producing their own cooking oil because there are a lot of technical skills that are involved in cooking oil production if you are to benefit from it, among other things they have learned how to operate the machine, taking care of it and how they can meet the best standards for them to be making more profits,” he said.

The trip was made possible by the Mulanje Trade Office.

Besides the oil producing centres, this group visited Mushroom production farmers where among other things they learned how they can produce Mushrooms.

By Golden Kang'oma

Salima, April 18, Mana: Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) through Salima District Council has distributed relief items to 324 affected households in an effort to ease some of the challenges people affected by floods.

The floods are as a result of heavy rains that have affected lakeshore districts, according to an assessment in Salima District, the floods have left 187 households displaced, some houses and water points damaged in the area of Traditional Authorities (TAs) Ndindi and Kuluunda.

Speaking during the distribution in the area of TA Kuluunda, Salima District Council’s Disaster Risk Management Officer, Gloria Chinangwa said that the relief items are to help the affected households move forward with their livelihoods while they are waiting for proper settlement and rebuilding their livelihoods.

She said that, "It is our belief that these items will help out uplifting the livelihoods of the affected people and it is our assurance that we will continue providing all the necessary support to make sure that all the affected people equally recover."

Chinangwa pleaded for different stake holders’ intervention to help the households recover as government alone cannot manage looking at the continued increase of number of households being affected.

"It is my plea to other stakeholders out there that they should come and help in supporting these people as most of them their properties have been damaged and they have nothing to depend on, so their timely interventions will help in making a difference," she said.

Councilor for Maganga, Kuluunda Asiyatu Chakwera hailed Salima District Council for its rapid response in helping the affected people and said that the relief would go a long way alleviating some of the challenges the affected people are currently facing.

"This is a very good gesture as now the lives of the affected households will at least continue moving forward, so it will be very important if some other organizations will come in and help these people out," she said.

Chakwera asked the affected people to move to upland and safe areas as water levels are still rising in the lake and warned against selling of the relief items.

One of the affected, Agness James said the items would greatly help them and added that plans of relocating to upland areas are already in the pipeline as their current location was at risk.

Kawanga Village Disaster Risk Management Committee (VDRMC) Chairperson, Amina James highlighted that they are making sure that all affected households are safe and that they receive the required support.

Thursday, 18 April 2024 12:13

NGO applauded for bridging energy gap

By Mary Makhiringa

Balaka, April 18, Mana: Minister of Energy, Ibrahim Matola Wednesday applauded Energy Access through Social Enterprise (EASE) project for bridging energy gap in the country.

He said this in Balaka during Balaka and Dedza District Energy Officers learning event which attracted various officers from the two councils.

Matola said that, “As government, we appreciate the project and encouraging different stakeholders to work together in order to support every community in the country to access electricity.”

The Minister called upon all actors in energy sector to coordinate and partner describing them as important in the country.

“One African proverb says ‘If you want to go faster go alone, but if you want to go further, move with others, that is the whole essence why partnership is very important,” he added.

An official from University of Strathclyde in Scotland, Danien Frame described EASE Project as crucial and appreciated level of engagement from the government, Ministry of Energy, District Energy officers and Community Energy Malawi for making sure that communities are able to access electricity renewable energy through cook stoves and Solar energy.

“To see the level of engagement from both government and all players including the community is encouraging, as communities have embraced the use of the potable solar products, renewable energy and many more,” he said.

Founder and Country Director for Community Energy Malawi, Edgar Bayani said through the EASE project they have been able to demonstrate the role of renewables in meeting energy needs of the communities.

“Within this angle, we managed to develop a solar energy hub at Njobvuyalema Village in Sub Traditional Authority (STA) Chakanza specifically to power cold storage as well as irrigation farming among the communities,” he pointed out.

According to Njobvuyalema, since the installation of the energy hub, there has been an increase of people accessing clean electricity in both Balaka and Dedza districts and about 12 households, business places and learners are easily accessing the electricity.

The EASE project which is being done in Balaka and Dedza districts started in 2019 with the vision of Affordable and Sustainable Energy for Malawian communities and is being implemented by Community Energy Malawi in partnership with the University of Strathclyde Engineering, Self Help Africa and WASHTED with support from the Scottish Government.

By Paul Madise

Kasungu, April 18, Mana:  Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale commends international collaborations for ensuring the country’s groundnut market thrives on regional, national and international market citing that this would help to generate more revenue.

He was speaking on the second day of Groundnut Tour in the country at Lisandwa Farm in Kasungu one of the Mega farms where groundnut was being cultivated on a 250 hectares’ piece of land.

Kawale has emphasized huge expectation on Malawian farmer’s productivity levels on specific targeted species on the market to rise due to the coming of the hybrid varieties and mechanized agriculture.

He commended Pyxus Agriculture and other collaborative stakeholders for working tirelessly towards sustainable and mechanized Agriculture by 2063.

"Pyxus understands the importance of increased production to generate income at household level as well national," the Minister said.

Managing Director of Pyxus Agriculture in Malawi, Ronald Ngwira said the initiative would enable farmers in the country to access high quality groundnut seed as one way of maximizing agriculture sector.

CEO of Sums Food Industries Limited, Dennis Ngabirano said the tour would enable his company to engage the Ministry officials on how best his company could benefit from country's groundnut industry.

Sums Food Industries Limited is renowned food manufacturing company from Uganda and East Africa.

Wednesday, 17 April 2024 22:18

LWB commissions Area 23 service Centre

By Moses Nyirenda

Lilongwe, April 17, Mana: Lilongwe Water Board (LWB) has commissioned its Area 23 Service Centre in Lilongwe where customers from Area 23 and other areas in Traditional Authority (TA) Tsabango will be able to pay their water bills and access other services.

Speaking after the commissioning of the service Centre on Wednesday, Minister of Water and Sanitation, Abida Mia, was pleased with the work LWB is doing.

“We are very happy that LWB is doing an outstanding job in promoting potable water access in Lilongwe,” Mia said.

She said commissioning of the service Centre complements her ministry’s efforts to ensure that people in the country access services related to potable water.

Senior Chief Chiuzira, who represented TA Tsabango, expressed excitement over the commissioning of the service Centre in his area.

“People from Area 23 and other nearby areas were walking long distances to pay water bills and access other services. We are happy with the commissioning of the service Centre within our area,” he said.

LWB Board Chairperson, Inkosi M’mbelwa IV, said they are eager to make their customers happy.

“What we want is to have customer satisfaction. We want our customers to be happy by making our services closer to the people. That is the only way we will manage to fulfill our mandate of providing safe water to all in the city of Lilongwe,” he said.

LWB also handed over one million litre water tank to Bwaila Hospital and e-madzi kiosk at Biwi Triangle Industrial Site in Lilongwe.

By Emily M’mangisa

Zomba, April 17, Mana: Communities in Zomba have commended World Vision for providing financial support to hunger stricken families in the district.

As part of complimenting government's efforts to ensuring that no person dies of hunger, World Vision is giving out K50,000 to households facing food shortage in Zomba and other districts.

Speaking Wednesday after receiving the cash, Joana Kasawala of Traditional Authority (TA) Nkagula said, as a single mother, the support would enable her buy food for her family.

Kasawala described the assistance as timely in the wake of floods and dry spells.

“I have not harvested much due to dry spells and lack of fertilizer. The assistance will allow me have food. I wI’ll use part of the money to start up small business that would sustain myself,” she said.

Samuel Hawuya of Ntambula Village concurred with Kasawala saying the support will have a great impact on their lives.

Hawuya urged his fellow beneficiaries to use the funds for the intended purpose as a way of appreciating World Vision’s generosity.

Group Village Head Mauluka stressed on the importance of using the assistance with prudence.

Disaster Management Officer for Zomba, Violet Jimu, hailed World Vision for the support which she said would help many families facing food challenges.

Zomba is one of the districts affected by hunger with many families in need food support.





In the 2023/2024 lean season food and cash distribution, World Vision is targeting 39,778 households in Zomba.

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, April 17, Mana: Director General for Smart Africa, Lucina Kone, has called for collective efforts in adopting satellite technologies to address internet connectivity challenges affecting most African countries.

Speaking during the opening meeting of the 13th Smart Africa Council of African Regulators in Lilongwe on Wednesday, Kone said single market connectivity is a big milestone in addressing internet connectivity challenges that have hovered African countries for a numbers of years.

Kone said distribution of cables has made internet connectivity a challenge in most parts of Africa, and as such satellite technology is a great milestone in addressing such anomalies.

"Most African countries are surrounded by internet cables but making these cables move across the continent has been a challenge. We, as Africans, should strive to making sure that these cables should move across the continent so that internet connectivity challenges can be addressed,” Kone said.

Kone has, therefore, urged Council members to be pragmatic in addressing internet connectivity challenges in Africa by enhancing digital collaboration.

Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) Director of Legal Services, Thokozani Chimbe, said resolution projects which Council of African Regulators is undertaking is a great milestone in enhancing digitization.

She said One Africa Network (OAN), which the Council has currently adopted, will help in free data roaming.

Chimbe said exorbitant data charges that Malawians face when accessing internet services can be addressed by utilizing bulky capacity marketplace which Smart Africa is yet to implement.

"Today's meeting is about Council of African Regulators, who are part of Smart Africa, started by the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, some years back to promote harmonization of ICT in Africa. Thus, seeing Africa joining as one in ITC projects.

"The Council would like to see single digital market across Africa. They don't want to see Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda or Nigeria sitting on its own but as one network for Africa bargaining for other things outside Africa which can be bought un bulk,” she said.

Smart Africa Council of African Regulators is expected to hold elections on Thursday where MACRA Director General, Daud Suleman, is vying the post of president.