USI TAKES OATH as Vice President

USI TAKES OATH as Vice President Featured

By Tabbu Kitta Kauye



Lilongwe, June 21, Mana: The newly sworn in Vice President Dr. Michael Usi, has vowed to work his best to deliver on the bold agenda of the country.


Speaking after he took the oath of office, at Parliament Building in Lilongwe, Usi said serving as vice president comes with personal sacrifices.


"Some people may think that, by virtue of being president, I will enjoy. The truth is, there is no joy in any of this, as it is a sacrifices to personal life and a service to the people


As vice president, I no longer have to think about myself and family, but I have to be like a grandfather who constantly think about the needs of his children and grandchildren, that is a service" said Dr Usi


The Vice President also expressed gratitude to the late vice president, Dr Saulos Chilima for first believing in him and making him his running mate in the 2019 presidential elections.


To keep chilima's legacy and vision alive, the Vice president committed to work to the best of his abilities for the success of the country.


Usi also took time to commend president Lazarus for being a pillar and source of strength when Malawians were mourning the late Chilima.


Usi, succeeds late Vice president Chilima, who died in a plane crash on 10th June 2024.

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