Limbe Cathedral Parish bid farewell to priest and deacon

Limbe Cathedral Parish bid farewell to priest and deacon Featured

By Pempho Nkhoma

Blantyre, September 23, Mana: Limbe Cathedral Parish in the Blantyre Archdiocese of the Catholic Church on Sunday September 22nd bid farewell to Reverend Father, Mark Gova and Deacon, Yohane Lameck Kholowa who are going to pursue further studies.

Fr Mark Gova is going to do his PhD in Dogmatic Theology while deacon Kholowa is going into his 9th year which is the final year at St Peter’s Major Seminar and is expected to be ordained as a priest next year.

Speaking at the end of the Eucharistic Mass at Limbe Cathedral church, Chairperson for Limbe Parish Council, Mathews Mwadzangati, commended both Fr Gova and deacon Kholowa for their dedication and good relationship with christians.

“We can only be thankful as Limbe Parish for the time that we have had deacon Kholowa; what he has done for these two months was double because he was always present among the youths and in so many ways.

“Father Gova you were always among us. We express our deepest gratitude for your spiritual guidance and you showed us passion and dedication that touched lives of many, especially us parishioners and we are truly blessed to have had you here,” he added.

Mwadzangati therefore wished them well in their studies, saying he is optimistic that the new knowledge that they are going to acquire will help the church.

“We look forward for the day that you will come back to us, we know that the whole Archdiocese of Blantyre will benefit from the new knowledge that you are going to acquire and that will be good service to the whole country,” he added.

In his farewell remarks, Fr Gova expressed gratitude to the Parish Priest and parishioners for being supportive throughout his time at the parish.

“I would like to thank the Parish Priest; he has been very friendly and welcoming, and you all for being good disciples, good friends and family. My time here has been great and i have enjoyed my stay. I will always cherish this time,” he said.

Fr Mark Gova, a lecturer at St Peter’s Major Seminar who stays in Zomba has served Limbe Parish as a visiting priest for four years while deacon Kholowa has been at the parish for two months.

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