St. Catherine Gwaza Catholic Church clocks 100 years of service

St. Catherine Gwaza Catholic Church clocks 100 years of service Featured

By Benedicto Maguda

Blantyre, September 20, Mana. St. Catherine Gwaza Catholic Church under St Lucia Chipini Parish in the Diocese of Zomba will celebrate 100 years of service on Sunday September 22 at the church premises in Zomba.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) on Thursday, Parish Priest for St. Lucia Chipini Parish Fr Michael Khomeni, said all preparations are under way and the celebration will start with Eucharist Mass from 8am.

“It is indeed true that the outstation is celebrating 100 years of service. The church has contributed a lot to the development of our parish. Christians shall have retreat on Saturday September 21 for them to prepare for the celebration spiritually and also to thank God for the 100 years. Fr. Chaweza will lead the retreat on the day,” he said.

He added that the church is one of the most successful among 16 outstations that makes St Lucia Chipini Parish.

“As part of its community outreach the church has built numerous affordable housing units for low-income families to rent,” he said.

In a separate interview, Chairperson for the organizing committee, Harry Katuma, said as of now almost everything is set for the celebration as choirs and other groups are ready for the day.

“People should expect beautiful liturgy on the day. In addition, there shall be different food at the end of the Eucharist mass cerebration,” he said.

Katuma called upon church members and well-wishers to contribute towards the celebration.

“We are inviting all well-wishers to join us in celebrating this momentous occasion to make this milestone unforgettable; we kindly request your support and contributions. Your generosity, whether in financial, time or a thoughtful gift, will help us organize a fitting celebration, honoring the church’s rich history and legacy,” said Katuma.

St. Catherine Church, which was established in 1924, is one of the 16 outstation churches that make up St. Lucia Chipini Parish

Some of the churches under the Parish are St. Joseph William, St. Daniel Combon Chingale, and St Robert Kapitapa.

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