St. Mathews Anglican Church hold youth seminar

St. Mathews Anglican Church hold youth seminar Featured

By Joseph Mtendere Ligowe

Blantyre, September 9, Mana: St Mathews Anglican Church on Saturday held a youth seminar at Canon John Parslow hall in Blantyre under the theme ‘Raising the generation of achievers’.

Speaking with Malawi News Agency (MANA) in an interview, Youth Development Chairperson Gerald Pete said that the seminar was about equipping the youths with tools that would help them to withstand what life will throw at them.

“The youths still have a full life ahead of them. It is important to instill life values and principles in them whilst they are still young so that they do not depart from it when they get older,” said Pete.

He also added that parents always want to see their children doing better in life not necessarily being rich but by making better life choices and being able withstand life’s pressure.

A youth participant at the seminar, Tadala Manda said that the engagement was catchy and interesting.

“This has been a fruitful seminar. It was so involving and we have learnt different skills on how to cope with life challenges, entrepreneurship skills, life choices as well as leadership skills,” she said.

Manda therefore hailed the organizers for the beautiful event saying it has been a massive and much engaging meeting.

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