Senior Chief Kameme ordained Pastor

Senior Chief Kameme ordained Pastor Featured

By Aliko Munde


Chitipa, July 13, Mana: Government has saluted faith community and organizations for complementing government’s efforts in promoting moral, physical and spiritual development of people across the country.


The remarks were made Saturday by Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture, Richard Chimwendo Banda at Kameme in Chitipa during the ordination of Senior Chief Kameme as Pastor of Last Church of God and His Christ International.


He said that the ordination of Kameme as a Pastor brings excitement to government as the development builds on his current authority and jurisdiction.


“We are excited because God fearing chiefs carry their services with dignity and serve people with love and for that reason we are grateful as we wish Senior Chief Kameme all the best.


I came to represent and present gifts on behalf of President Dr, Lazarus Chakwera to the Senior Chief cum Pastor best wishes as you are today called to serve people from a spiritual point of view,” Banda said.


He commended the chief for being a hard working traditional leader who fosters development unity and peace amongst his subjects.


Archbishop, James Makwakwa of Last Church of God and His Christ International said the church was pleased to have a senior chief in the church’s leadership.


“This is a demonstration that the word of God is being spread without traditional and cultural affiliations and I advise him to a light guiding people to God’s kingdom,” he said.


Paramount Chief Kyungu of Karonga and Chitipa districts said that he was pleased that one of his Senior Chiefs has been ordained a Pastor thereby extending his shepherd ship’s role to everyone.


“I thank God, for this. This a new day and new dawn for us both traditionally, religiously and politically,” he added.

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