K 88 million Matope Bridge excites communities

K 88 million Matope Bridge excites communities Featured

By Beatrice Bangula

Blantyre, May 22, Mana: Newly constructed Matope Bridge at Traditional Authority (TA) Somba in Blantyre has brought excitement to many communities in the area and will   improve mobility in accessing health and other essential social services.

Blantyre District Council constructed Matope Bridge at a cost of K88 million with funding from Transforming Agriculture through Diversification and Entrepreneurship (TRADE)

A community member from Chadzunda at Mpemba, Janet Tadala Wednesday hailed the council for the construction of the 22-metre-stretch bridge saying this was a relief to communities, especially women that find challenges to cross over to access antenatal services at a health facility.

“Life was hard for expectant women; some even failed to attend antenatal clinics because of mobility. This was also a challenge when time to give birth came. The bridge has addressed mobility challenges because this is a story of the past,” she said.

A business person, John Thole said selling farm produce at Mpemba Trading Centre was a challenge, adding that the bridge has provided a greater opportunity for business community to cross over to other market places without difficulties as was the case before.

“This is the great opportunity. We are now able to transport our produce to market places without difficulties,” he added.

During a tour of Council officials to Matope Bridge, TA Somba commended the Council for constructing the bridge.

He observed that the bridge had been constructed at a convenient place, saying it was convenient as enables easy mobility of people to public facilities citing health centres, schools and market places to seek medical services and do various businesses

“This bridge connects villages including Mandevu, Chikunje and Bakili. Communities are now crossing on this bridge to go to clinics, markets and schools suffice to mention that many communities attempted to cross the river and most children stood chances of being swept away by running water on their way to and from school,” Somba said.

Blantyre District Council, Director of Public Works, Joseph Bodole said TRADE was a government project under the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture.

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