

By Evance Chisiano

Mana, April 28, Mana: Chinamwali CCAP congregation in Zomba on Sunday inducted Liny Matemba Mkwinda as Women Guilds chairperson and will be in charge of more than 600 women guild members.

Moderator of Chinamwali CCAP, Rev. James Mingu presided over the induction during a church service and called on Mkwinda to be dedicated in the women ministry to achieve what the Chinamwali Women Guilds also known as Mvano planned to do in her  three years term of office,

“You’re now inducted to serve the Lord by being in charge of the women guild. This is God’s ministry and you are expected to serve the ministry with devotion and dedication. Be a visionary leader and always consult when you are not certain,” the moderator added,

Before the induction Mkwina attended leadership training at Chigodi Women’s Training Centre in Blantyre alongside other chairladies in the Blantyre Synod of the CCAP.

“You should be visionary and be an achiever in whatever you plan and. Let Chinamwali CCAP benefit from your leadership,” Rev Mingu said.

Zomba City Presbytery Women Desk Chairperson, Wezzie Ndawala called on Mkwinda to execute what she learnt at Chigodi Women Training Centre for the benefit of fellow women and entire Chinamwali CCAP congregation.

“Serve the ministry without discrimination.  Accommodate every Mvano member regardless of her age and financial status,” Ndawala who is also in charge of Zomba CCAP Women Guilds added.

In an interview after the induction, Mkwinda said will be dedicated in the ministry and will do according to the will of God.

In her tenure of office she pledged to facilitate the construction of a kitchen at Chinamwali CCAP to facilitate all the church’s catering services.

“I will make sure that Mvano buy a coaster during my tenure of office to ease mobility,” Mkwinda added.

Representative of Zomba City Presbytery, Chingale Presbytery together with a choir from Chingale   and friends and relatives attended Mkwinda’s induction.

Mkwinda has succeeded Jennifer Khanda who served as in charge of Chinamwali CCAP Women’s Guilds from 2016.

By Elia Chibwe


Lilongwe , April 28 Mana: President Dr Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera on Sunday left Malawi for the Republic of Kenya to attend the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) Summit which will be held in Nairobi slated for 28th April 2024.


 In an interview Chakwera hailed World Bank for its consistent support whenever the country goes through challenging times.


He said the World Bank plays a crucial role in advancing Malawi's developmental projects, thus enhancing the country's resilience.


"We are grateful for World Bank and for always being there when we are facing challenges. World Bank is also helping  us make strides in actual development issues that will make Malawi more resilient, and all the development projects for instance irrigation, this  will help this country to produce more and add value," Chakwera said.


The World Bank has donated K100 billion Kwacha to support the country's challenges caused by natural disasters like El Niño. This assistance comes in response to the President's Declaration of Disaster in 23 districts affected by El Niño weather conditions.


President Lazarus Chakwera is expect to address the summit.


President Chakwera's participation follows an invitation extended by President of the Republic of Kenya William Samoei Ruto, in acknowledgment of the World Bank's recent approval of 100 billion Kwacha in support of Malawi's endeavors to achieve food security.


The International Development Association (IDA) is a pivotal arm of the World Bank dedicated to aiding the world's low-income countries. Through grants and low-interest loans, IDA facilitates investments in the future, enhances livelihoods, and fosters the creation of safer, more prosperous communities globally.



The Airplane carrying the Malawi leader departed the Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) at 14:00 hours and the President is expected to return home through the same airport on Monday 29th April 2024 at 17:00 hours.


Sunday, 28 April 2024 13:06

Biwi market in a Clean-Up exercise

by Ousman Manda

Lilongwe, April 28, Mana: Rotaract Club of Lilongwe, in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of Luanar, organised a Market Clean-up Day at Biwi market to address the issue of environmental degradation and promote community engagement in preserving the environment.

Speaking after the clean-up exercise on Saturday, President of Rotaract Club of Lilongwe, Esther Bonyonga reiterated the importance of environmental conservation in addressing the root causes of environmental degradation.

He said the clean-up efforts has not only addressed environmental concerns but also improved the overall cleanliness and appearance of Biwi market, in enhancing its hygiene and aesthetics.

The President also highlighted that the Market Clean-up Day at Biwi market showcased the Rotaract Club of Lilongwe's dedication to environmental stewardship and community service.

In a separate interview, President of the Rotaract club of Luanar, Makhalo Matola commended the market vendors for helping with the clean-up exercise, saying their involvement was key to making it successful.

"The positive response from the community has really indicated a growing awareness and willingness to contribute to environmental preservation efforts," Matola added.


The market clean-up initiative event was in line with this month's Rotary theme, which is 'Environment Month'.

By Elia Chibwe


Lilongwe April 27 MANA: Malawi Tourism Council has urged people in private sector to use Malawi International Tourism Expo (MITE) as an opportunity in a year for showcasing their products to the local and international buyers.


Speaking during the 5th edition 2024 MITE celebrated under the theme’ ‘Takulandirani" in Lilongwe, Executive Director for Malawi Tourism Council, Memory Momba Kamthunzi said the event gives an opportunity to all private sectors including domestic tourism.


"As a council we would like to encourage you to say this expo is for us the people in private sector. This is the only opportunity that we have in a year, almost every April we are able to showcase the products. Let us make use of this opportunity," Kamthunzi said.


She added that starting from 2023, they have always been promoting domestic tourism.


Kamthunzi further said the objectives of the event have been achieved this year as more operators across the country have showcased their products, offering to the public and buyers.


"This year we have achieved our objectives, all establishments that showcased their products have been able to interact with the buyers that came through, and there was also a special day open for the public. Alot of people came to appreciate the products that different tourism enterprises offer here in Malawi," she said.


In a separate interview, Creative Director for Queen Tenge, Linda Zamaere said the event played a great role in increasing collaboration and brand awareness.


". For business people it is always good to be part of a special event because this enables us to network with other companies and other participants. This has also increased collaboration and brand awareness and a big patronage at our shops,” Zamaere said.


She further appreciated the growth of fashion industry in Malawi, saying for several years people did not see fashion as a career.


Products, marketing and Communications Manager for Sunbird Tourism, Widdey Nsona said it was a great opportunity to network and meet different potential clients.


"Those who missed the event, next year they should definitely come. It is a great opportunity to make new connections and network with buyers and different potential clients," Nsona said.


Malawi International Tourism Expo is held every year in every April. This year it was held from 25th to 27th April with the theme "Takulandirani"

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, April 28, Mana: Business operators around Ntambanyama market in Thyolo district have high hopes that the construction of market structure under Governance to Enabled Service Delivery (GESD) World Bank funded programme will boost their profits as the structure will give capacity for sellers to serve customers with all varieties of goods.

Speaking to Malawi News Agency on Saturday, Chairperson for the market, Wyson Unyolo said the new market structure has been built in a modern way because it has various sections that can accommodate all types of business.

“This market once opened will serve many people for example, communities from Semu, Chimbeta, Njobu and Mpeni villages with varieties of businesses like vegetables among others.” He said.

Unyolo added that currently people are selling their merchandise along the road exposing both vendors and customer to accidents that can happen along the road.

He however pleaded with the district council to fast track the opening of the market for people to start benefiting.

One of the fruit sellers from Traditional Authority (TA) Changata Mary Mokowa hailed the council for constructing the modern market which will provide them with safe space for business.

"Currently, my business does not realize more profits because when weather conditions are harsh, I am forced to leave the place because there is no shed to protect me," said Mokowa.

On his part, Barbershop operator Maxwell Mulinde said he anticipate his daily earnings to rise from K5, 000 to K8, 000.

Village Headman Semu from TA Khwethemule said the new market sets a milestone to wealth creation among people in his community.

"We are very grateful to government for giving us this market and as community leaders, we will ensure that there are strong measures that will protect the structure, “he said.

The newly constructed Ntambanyama market is among the GESD major developments such as school blocks, rehabilitation of irrigation schemes among others that are being done in Thyolo district.

By Fostina Mkandawire


Salima, April 27, Mana: The Higher Education Students Loans and Grants Board (HESLGB) on Friday announced the upward adjustment of upkeep loan allowance for students in public universities from K280,000 to K560,000 effective April 1, 2024.


On March 6 this year, President Lazarus Chakwera, in his capacity as Chancellor for the public universities, directed the Ministers of Education and Finance to review the upkeep loans in light of changes in macroeconomic fundamentals.


Speaking at a press briefing in Salima, spokesperson for the Board of Directors of the HESLGB, Henry Chingaipe, said the application window for students who wish to be considered for the loans starts from May 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024.


"Stakeholders extensively deliberated on the scenarios that were provided to take into consideration before adjusting the upkeep allowance; specifically, we considered an average inflation rate of 30 percent and the last review of upkeep loans which happened in the academic year 2021/22," he said.


He added: "Ultimately, they decided on K560,000 as the new upkeep loan, which was derived from the calculation of the current inflation rate compounded over two outward years. This translates to a 60 percent upward adjustment applied to the current loan amount of K350,000."


He said it is worth noting that the K560,000 per student per academic year translates to K280,000 per semester of four months or K70,000 per month within a semester.


On this point, he revealed that World Bank, through a project called Skills for a Vibrant Economy (SAVE) Project, is further supporting students who are studying on the Open Distance e-Learning (ODeL) mode in public universities in selected priority areas.


The priority areas are Education, Health, Agriculture, Energy, Information Communications Technology (ICT), and Industry.


Through the project, in the 2024/2025 loan cycle, HESLGB will consider 288 additional new female ODeL applicants in public universities in the mentioned priority study programmes.


Chingaipe, therefore, said that loans are only provided to students who apply and meet the eligibility criteria. Therefore, both existing and new ODeL beneficiary students must apply to express their interest to be considered for a loan for the 2024/2025 loan cycle.


HESLGB was established in 2015 as one of the reforms for the Ministry of Education in financing higher education. It is mandated to provide loans and award grants to needy and academically outstanding students, pursuing higher education in accredited institutions of higher learning in Malawi.

Saturday, 27 April 2024 20:27

Ministry set for devolution process

By Andrew Mkonda


Lilongwe, April 27, Mana: Ministry of Information and Digitalization says the devolution process that it is undertaking will reduce numerous challenges that the District Information Offices encounter.


Director of Administration in the ministry, Hillary Namainja, made the remarks Saturday at Mponela in Dowa during the official opening of a day-long meeting aimed at validating guidelines for the devolution to the local authorities.


He said district offices are failing to access direct funding from central government and other development partners because they are not part of the devolved sectors at the council.


“As we are all aware, the benefits of devolution are enormous to all sectors. It helps the council to work as a single administrative unit.


“Devolution also improves and enhances service delivery to communities and other stakeholders in the districts,” he said.


Namainja further said through devolution, communities will easily and quickly access information and communication services aimed at promoting participation and development of the local authorities.


He then thanked the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture and National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) for the guidance they have been providing throughout the process.


Malawi Local Government Association (MALGA) Executive Director Hadrod Mkandawire commended government for finally moving to devolve District Information Offices, which he said are very critical in information management and dissemination in local authorities.


“As it is said, better late than never. We hope there won't be any more delays in the process so that the devolution takes place as soon as possible for the benefit of local authorities and the citizenry across the country.


“We believe this move will not only help in the provision of information to the masses, but also assist in promoting transparency and accountability," said Mkandawire.


Balaka District Information Officer (DIO) Mary Makhiringa thanked the ministry for the move, saying DIOs in some councils were not taken as part of the council because they were not devolved.


She said: “At times, we have been using our own resources to gather and transmit stories due to lack of resources.


“And in some councils, DIOs have been meeting some resistance from other devolved sector heads when we ask for their assistance like internet and vehicles to carry our duty.”


Government started devolving some powers to councils in 1998 and currently, 21 ministries, departments and agencies have already been decentralized.


By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, April 27, Mana: Director of Public Works at Salima District Council, Harris Kumwenda, has commended Performance Based Grant (PBG) supported by Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) for enhancing collaboration and accountability among sectors.

In an exclusive interview on Thursday, Kumwenda explained how Salima District Council ensures it qualifies for the Performance-Based Grant after being assessed through Local Authority Performance Assessments (LAPA).

The PBG, funded by the World Bank, incentivizes local authorities to manage resources effectively and deliver responsive services to citizens.

He said through PBG, it has been established that implementing flagship projects should not be compromised by spreading resources to implement small projects that do not have required facilities and amenities, in the long run not producing the desirable impact.

Kumwenda cited an example of the first project that Salima District Council implemented through the first grant that the district received under GESD, which is Mnema Maternity Wing in the area of Senior Chief Makanjira.

"Construction of Mnema maternity required essential facilities such as staff houses, a dispensary, water tank and proper toilets, for it to be certified as a proper health facility that can offer quality services to the community," he said.

The council works collectively with Members of Parliament, Councilors, and chiefs to ensure transparency and community-centric developments.

"It is collective responsibility for us to better serve people; we work as a team, every head of sector has been given a role to play to ensure that we do not backslide and miss out on the incentive that is much needed to develop the district," he said.

Kumwenda emphasized that the PBG has enhanced the council's skills in planning, investment, budgeting, and procurement processes, which must follow stringent guidelines.

He added: "Spending under PBG has to follow stringent guidelines; these guidelines have taught us that we have to trickle financial discipline to all projects we are implementing, even District Development Fund and Community Development Fund projects."

Ward Councilor for Lipimbi West located in Salima North West, Ephraim Manthepa, said PBG has indeed enhanced service delivery because all affiliations are left aside when identifying projects so that the district should develop impactful projects.

Manthepa was quick to mention that the LAPA brought misconceptions and fears, adding that through rigorous trainings and district engagements, the fears were cleared.

He further said when time to identify the first project to be implemented under GESD came, it was therefore not difficult to understand the modalities for selection.

District Community Development Officer for Salima Samuel Chimwaza hailed gains actualized through GESD and said that community aspirations are being achieved, citing an example of how Village Level Action Plans are also incorporated in planning for the implementation of projects.

Salima District Council was the most improved council in terms of service delivery in the 2021/2022 LAPA results, scoring 82 percent and securing second position among 28 districts.

Currently, the council is implementing several projects, including the construction of Mnema Maternity Clinic, Chagunda Police Station and the upgrading of Salima Community Ground, all funded through GESD.

By Wanangwa Tembo

Kasungu, April 27, Mana: When Tilile Nabanda of Mponda Village in Traditional Authority Kaomba in Kasungu got pregnant in 1976, she did not think about the possibility that she would give birth to a child with some form of disability.

However, when the baby came out to the world, Nabanda noticed that its legs were not in the right shape. 

“No woman expects that to happen to her child. But it is something you do not have control over,” she says.

Nabanda, now in her early 70s, says children, whether born with some disability or not, are precious gifts and must be given the best care a parent can offer.

“Unfortunately for me I did not have anything to offer my child. We were a very poor family such that we couldn’t even send the child to school,” she recollects.

That child, named Monica Kafantandala, needed assistance in form of mobility assistive gear to attend school but the parents couldn’t afford any.

At 48 years old now, Monica is a poor illiterate single mother of two, struggling with the realities of life.

“It was my wish to get educated. Unfortunately, schools were at far distances and I couldn’t walk. At least if there was a wheelchair my story could be different,” Monica says.

Her two children, born in 2000 and 2004, dropped out of school upon reaching standard 7 due to lack of parental support after the father bolted away.

“He told me he was going to Lilongwe to look for piecework and that was it. He never came back.

“So the children have grown up in very difficult conditions. They both just dropped out of school and started doing piece works to support me,” she says.

Monica attributes her family’s impoverishment to the disability which made her fail to get to school.

She is not alone.

District Social Welfare Officer for Kasungu, Ephraim Njikho, says people with disabilities often suffer in silence because they are invisible as they lack exposure.

“In most cases, they are confined to their homes and end up missing out on socioeconomic opportunities.

“When they meet various difficult situations, such as being excluded in socioeconomic activities, they don’t come in the open. They are invisible and suffer in silence,” Njikho observes.

He says there is need to raise community awareness through advocacy and trainings to help them enjoy their rights on equal footing like anyone else.

Esther Luhana, who chairs Kasungu District Disability Forum, says in most families headed by a person with disability, there are high levels of poverty because of lack of education.

“While there may be some systematic exclusion of people with disabilities in some cases, the major cause of poverty is that most of our members did not get proper education because of their conditions.

“Most of them have not received proper support in terms of education hence they are living in miserable conditions,” she says.

According to the 2018-2023 National Disability Mainstreaming Strategy, there are over 1.5 million people with disabilities in the country and about 90 percent of them live in the rural areas surviving on subsistence farming.

International Labour Organisation (ILO) noticed this challenge and hatched the Sparking Disability Inclusive Rural Transformation (Spark) project for promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Broadly, the Spark initiative seeks to ensure that persons with disabilities, particularly women like Monica, and youths, actively participate in, and benefit from, rural development projects tailored to fit the specific profiles of their disabilities, priority needs, constraints and opportunities.


The two-year project seeks to create and promote employment opportunities among people with disabilities in programmes that are funded by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) in Malawi.

It also aims to expose them to opportunities that are there so that they live a quality and independent life through participation in inclusive socioeconomic activities.

National Project Officer for Spark, Vincent Kavala, says at least 300 people with all kinds of impairments have already found opportunities in the IFAD funded projects, specifically Transforming Agriculture through Diversification and Entrepreneurship (TRADE) and Financial Access for Rural Markets, Smallholders and Enterprise (FARMSE).

The TRADE project supports rural communities in the agriculture value chain while the FARMSE programme supports household economic development through promotion of access to financial services.

Kavala says: “We are targeting people with any type of impairment through a rights based approach towards inclusion. We understand that people with disabilities face a number of barriers, including attitudes from communities, extension officers and inaccessible infrastructure which hinder their participation.

“We have made good strides in that we have over 300 beneficiaries included in IFAD funded programmes in Kasungu only, against our target of 428. We are sure by the end of this year we will have reached our target.”

In Kasungu, the project is targeting persons with disabilities in Traditional Authorities Chulu, Chisemphere, Kaluluma and Kaomba. Elsewhere, it is also being implemented in Thyolo, Nkhata Bay and Chitipa.


So far, the project has trained 20 Disability Inclusion Facilitators from each of the target districts to provide professional advice on understanding disability and how to make disability inclusion work.


In turn, the facilitators have helped to build capacity of IFAD programmes and implementing staff on how to include people with disabilities in the various livelihood and agricultural value chain programmes.


In line with the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy, the 2021 ILO Disability Inclusion Policy commits to mainstreaming disability inclusion in its quest to promote decent work for all people including those with disabilities.  


Malawi Council for Disability Affairs (MACODA) District Manager for Kasungu, Wisdom Mseteka, says the Spark project has helped to built capacity of organisations of persons with disabilities to enable them to effectively represent the needs of their membership and offer technical expertise on disability inclusion.

“There are many people with disabilities in the district who live in similar circumstances like Monica’s.

“But we are thankful to ILO through the Spark project for uplifting their lives, giving them the dignity that they deserve just like any other person,” he says.

Mseteka says the Spark project has assisted a lot in terms of mobilisation of persons with disabilities, fighting for their inclusion in various community projects and also empowering them.

“Through awareness conducted by Spark disability inclusion facilitators, most people with disabilities have joined cooperatives and farmers’ clubs, which is helping to uplift their livelihood.

“And again as MACODA, through our partnership with the Spark initiative, we have managed to conduct awareness activities through which we have identified people with disabilities and linked them with service providers, especially those that provide assistive devices,” he says.

According to Mseteka, over 131 people with disabilities identified through the project activities, including Monica, have already been assisted with tricycles and clutches to enable them to participate in development activities and conduct businesses that have improved their livelihoods.

“We want to see total inclusion, making sure that the rights of people with disabilities are respected and recognised at all levels. We do not want them to lag behind.

“People with disabilities must take up positions in their communities and that whoever is carrying out development initiatives in the community must recognise them by ensuring their involvement,” Mseteka says.

Funded to the tune of $230, 000 (about K400 million), the Spark project is implemented together with the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare as the policy holder on disability issues.


Furthermore, ILO is also working with Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi, Ministry of Labour, Malawi Congress of Trade Union, and Employers Consultative Association of Malawi, at both national and district levels.


Saturday, 27 April 2024 14:33

Malawi, US sign defence partnership

By Patricia Kapulula

Lilongwe, April 27, Mana: Malawi, Zambia and the North Carolina National Guard, courtesy of the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program (SPP), have signed the first ever trilateral partnership agreement at a ceremony that took place at Kamuzu Palace in Lilongwe on Saturday.

President Lazarus Chakwera hailed the agreement, saying it will enhance cooperation for the benefit of the people in the two countries.

“Malawi has been working with the United States in a number of areas such as health, infrastructure development, disaster management, governance, diplomacy, peace and security. This partnership is important as it will extend the already existing relationship,” he said.

Minister of Defence Harry Mkandawire said the partnership is not only about defence but goes beyond several sectors like agriculture and health for the benefit of the people.

Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Commander Paul Valentino Phiri said the partnership is an opportunity for MDF to boost capacity building and vital equipment to strengthen defence infrastructure.

“This cooperation will provide an opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in cyber security, as well as search and rescue operation, among others. It will also enhance innovation in the realm of security and defence,” said Mkandawire.

North Carolina National Guard Adjutant General Todd Hunt said the cooperation will go a long way in teaching best practices and techniques in the military.

Since its inception in 1993, SPP has been a cornerstone of US security cooperation efforts around the world.

Malawi and Zambia join over 100 other partners with National Guard Units of all 54 American states and territories.