

By George Mponda

Karonga, April 30, Mana: Facility-in-Charge for Mwenilondo Health Centre in Karonga, Ruth Gumbo has hailed construction of a K23 million staff house for creating room for an extra nurse at the facility.

In an interview on Monday, a clinical technician at the facility, located along the M1 Road in Paramount Chief Kyungu's area, she said before the construction of the staff house, she was working day and night shifts.

Gumbo said that, "The health facility has a catchment area of more than 11,000 people but we serve clients from far areas like Mwambuli, Lupembe, Ipyana and travellers using the M1 Road who patronize the facility which made my job tough."

"But now, with the construction of this house, a nurse was assigned to the health centre and and we are working together. Although there is still need for more houses but atleast now I have a colleague who is helping serve alot of clients who come here," she added.

Gumbo appealed to government, non-governmental organisations and philanthropists to keep on supporting the facility in order to meet the growing healthcare needs of the community around it.

Chairperson for Mwenilondo Health Centre Management Commitee (HCMC), Chancy Kayira said due to lack of staff houses, service delivery at the facility was poor as it was exhausting for one clinician to attend to patients during day and night.

“Other staff members lived far from the facility like at Ipyana and Karonga Boma which made them not able to attend to patients, particularly pregnant women and children at night," he said.

According to the Acting Director of Public Works for Karonga District Council, Yamikani Bokosi, the staff house was constructed with about K23 million Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) funds.

Goal 3 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seeks to ensure that signatory countries, including Malawi, achieve good health and wellbeing for its citizens especially access to primary health care at all levels, by 2030.

Monday, 29 April 2024 18:42

Chakwera tasked to Champion IDA in SADC

By Leonard Masauli in Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, April 29, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has been assigned the responsibility of spearheading the Africa International Development Championship for countries in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).

The decision was announced Monday on the sidelines of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) summit held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.

The role entails President Chakwera leading efforts to garner support for IDA across the region.

"The objective is to leverage every available platform to garner backing for IDA21. Africa stands as the continent of the future, presenting a unique opportunity to advance the welfare of women and young people by creating jobs and fostering wealth generation, thereby facilitating genuine development," stated Chakwera.

Reflecting on the outcomes of the summit, the President emphasised its significance, particularly considering World Bank's activities through IDA and its provision of concessional loans.

Chakwera expressed satisfaction with World Bank’s commitment, through IDA, to collaborate with Africa and replenish IDA21.

He indicated that preliminary discussions had already begun to persuade the Bank to prioritise investments in Africa.

World Bank President, Ajay Banga, underscored the necessity for steadfast global support, especially from IDA, as Africa navigates towards a prosperous and progressive future.

"We share a vision for Africa's future—a continent endowed with diversity, culture and potential, notably due to its young population and natural resources. These elements can propel our future forward.

“IDA has been a reliable partner in Africa's developmental journey, and this summit signifies our collective determination to accelerate progress. Achieving this goal will necessitate increased contributions from IDA, the World Bank Group, governments and private sector," remarked Banga.

For decades, IDA has served as a catalyst for economic growth across Africa, facilitating progress through grants and highly concessional loans. These investments have fuelled strategic initiatives aimed at building a skilled and healthy workforce and fostering job creation in industries such as agriculture.

Presently, IDA extends support to 75 nations, with 39 of them located in Africa. Over 70 percent of its resources are directed towards the continent, playing a crucial role in the World Bank Group objective of providing electricity to 250 million Africans by 2030.

The call for replenishment comes amidst a multitude of interconnected challenges, including pandemics, climate change, food insecurity, fragility and conflict yet Africa also holds immense potential, with abundant natural resources, plentiful sunshine, and the world's fastest-growing youth population.

Monday, 29 April 2024 18:25

Chakwera returns from IDA summit

By Sellah Singini


Lilongwe, April 29, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera on Monday evening returned home after successfully attending the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) summit which was held on Monday in Nairobi, Kenya.


Upon arrival at Kamuzu International Airport (KIA), President Chakwera was welcomed by Vice President, Saulos Chilima; Speaker of Parliament, Catherine Gotani Hara, some cabinet ministers and other government officials.


Speaking to journalists at KIA Chakwera said one of the issues that came out during the summit is that World Bank is ready support African countries with real development that can work towards achieving development goals that can sustain human lives in Africa.


Chakwera left for Kenya on Sunday upon invitation by President of Kenya, William Ruto, in acknowledgement of the World Bank's recent approval of K100 billion in support of support Malawi's endeavors to achieve food security.


IDA is a pivotal arm of the World Bank dedicated to aiding the world's low-income countries.


Through grants and low-interest loans, IDA facilitates investments in the future, enhances livelihoods and fosters the creation of safer, more prosperous communities globally.


By Leonard Masauli in Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, April 29, Mana: President Dr Lazarus Chakwera has appealed to the World Bank for assistance in the reconstruction and advancement of Malawi, emphasizing the importance of flexible International Development Association (IDA) facilities to foster the country's economic vitality and global competitiveness.

Chakwera made the remarks Monday during the IDA summit in Nairobi, Kenya.

He highlighted the significant challenges faced by African nations, including Malawi, due to natural disasters such as cyclones and disease outbreaks like Cholera, which have hampered development and economic progress.

"In our journey towards recovery, the support of the World Bank's IDA has been pivotal. It has served as Malawi's reliable emergency response mechanism addressing the structural imbalances in our economy resulting from the encountered shocks.

"While acknowledging IDA crucial role in emergency relief, our vision extends beyond short term interventions. We seek a partnership that enables sustained economic growth and resilience,” he said.

Chakwera praised World Bank's swift assistance in responding to Malawi's urgent needs, including food security and disaster management initiatives such as the Social Support for Resilient Livelihoods Project.

He cited recent examples of financial support provided by the Bank to address food shortages and repair infrastructure damaged by natural disasters.

"Our aspiration is to leverage IDA's resources and other tailored instruments to implement our national development agenda, particularly the ATM Strategy focusing on key sectors such as Agriculture, Tourism and Mining,” he said.

He said Malawi aims to transition to a prosperous middle-income economy within the next six years while emphasizing sustainable agricultural practices and infrastructural development.

The President expressed gratitude to the World Bank for reinstating General Budget Support to Malawi, acknowledging the institution's recognition of the country's reform efforts.

President of the World Bank Group, Ajay Banga, stressed the Bank’s commitment to work with African countries to ensure they realize their development agenda.

Kenyan President, William Ruto, underscored Africa's commitment to economic transformation and global leadership.

He emphasized the importance of financial cooperation through initiatives such as IDA in achieving developmental objectives.

"The presence of the continent's leaders at this summit reaffirms our collective dedication to leveraging international partnerships, such as the IDA, to drive sustainable development across Africa and beyond," said Ruto.

By Martha Simchimba

Lilongwe, April 29, Mana. People of Lilongwe Rural have expressed excitement over National Registration Bureau (NRB) decision to extend number of days for the National Identity Card outreach and community death registration exercise in Phase 7.

In a press release signed by Principal Secretary for NRB, Mak Sambo, the Bureau has decided to increase the number of days after noting an increase in number of registrants in the final days of the exercise.

"We believe that additional number of days will allow our staff to register the remaining citizens in the Centre’s.

“I also want to inform the general public that registration of citizens in all NRB offices is a continuous process, meaning if the registration outreach has moved to another district, citizens can still access the services at NRB from district offices or at post offices," he said.

He added that registration of national identity document and the application forms are for free.

Sambo said soon there shall be a mop up exercise in all the 28 districts targeting citizens that may have failed to register during the Outreach Registration Exercise.

In a separate interview, Suzen Banda, from Msundwe commended government for adding some days saying this will enable more people to register and have the national identity card.

“This is good news; I was worried when I heard that NRB is closing the exercise,” she said.

She called on people to make use of the added days so that they register and have their IDs.

NRB is conducting the national identity card outreach and community death registration exercise in Phase 7 in Lilongwe Rural, Rumphi and Blantyre.

The exercise started on April 15 and will end on May 6, 2024.

By Sheminah Nkhoma

Lilongwe, April 29, Mana: Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET) says the provision of US$57.6 million from the World Bank to the government of Malawi holds immense potential to alleviate the suffering of Malawians severely affected by the ongoing food crisis.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) CISANET Board Chairperson, Herbert Chagona, highlighted that Malawi has faced a lot of challenges as such the support will help the country deal with food shortage.

“As CISANET we advocate for prioritizing the allocation of the majority of these funds directly to provide support to those mostly affected by food crisis. This includes ensuring that the funds are directed towards essential needs such as food aid, agricultural support and infrastructure for resilience building initiatives,” said Chagona.

He said Malawi must move beyond short term solutions and work towards implementing lasting measures to address food insecurity.

He, therefore, pleaded for transparency and accountability as a mechanism that must be established to track disbursement and utilization of the funds so that it reaches the intended beneficiaries.

“While we appreciate World Bank's support, we emphasize the importance of transparency and accountability on utilization of the funds, prioritizing support for those in need and implementing long term solutions to address food insecurity in Malawi.

In a press statement dated April 26, 2024, World Bank will provide US$57.6 million as immediate support for millions of Malawians severely affected by the ongoing food security crisis.

This comes after President Dr Lazarus Chakwera declared state of disaster on March 23, 2024 in 23 districts in the country.

By Clarabella Chipolonga

Chiradzulu, April 29, Mana: Member of Parliament for Chiradzulu East, Joseph Nomale, has handed over money amounting to K10 million, through Constituency Development Fund (CDF), to 27 Village Saving and Loans (VSL) groups from the constituency to help recipients boost their business capital.

Speaking over the weekend at Namalamba Community Day Secondary School in Traditional Authority (TA) Kadewere in the district, Nomale, expressed hope that the funds will transform lives of members of the VSLs to help them recover from shocks.

“People from this area face many challenges due to natural disasters such that they don’t have enough food to feed their families.

“I want these people to do businesses. l am sure that they will be able to buy themselves food and other basic necessities,” said Nomale.

Chiradzulu District Council Community Development Officer, Lovemore Kachala, expressed hope that the loan will assist many vulnerable people in the constituency thereby transforming their lives within a short period of time.

“Groups are expected to get into income generating activities once they get the loan or invest in their existing businesses. They have six months to repay the loans so that others can borrow and this is a revolving fund,” he said.

He said the groups will be trained on how to use the loan properly and will be monitored to see how they are faring.

“We have Village Development Committee, Area Development Committee's, Community Development Assistants, senior chiefs as well as village heads to work together in tracking the loans. It will not be difficult to get them because these groups are registered,” he said.

Chairperson for Kadewere Pastors Fraternal, Rev. Piason Binali, who got a K700, 000 loan, said he will invest in buying and selling of food crops.

“In addition to buying food crops, we will also start rearing chickens for sale to improve household income for sustainable livelihood aside from ministering the Word of God.

“We believe we will also be able to help the needy in our churches and communities. This is why we are celebrating knowing our lives will not be the same," he said.

By Levison Lester

Lilongwe, April 29, Mana: Let It Out (LIO), an organisation that deals with mental health awareness, has asked government to introduce a curriculum that will incorporate mental health awareness messages in schools saying this is the only foundation that can help address such issues among youths in the country.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (MANA) LIO Director, Phyllis Banda, said young people get exposed to different lifestyles at school hence introduction of mental health awareness as a subject will not only lay a great foundation but also help young people learn long-term ways of dealing with mental health issues.

“Our wish is to see mental health awareness to be a subject where pupils can learn basics related to mental health. I would love to see learners attending mental health lessons because I believe building a strong foundation emanates from schools,” Banda said.

As one way of helping government in addressing mental health related issues, LIO is doing both online and offline mental health sessions.

So far, LIO has targeted young people from Dedza, Blantyre and Lilongwe.

“We are planning to expand to other districts like Mzuzu and Chikwawa. We want to target youths in rural areas because it is where majority of population live.

“We are doing our best to provide free counselling sessions both online and offline. This year we are targeting young people in primary and secondary schools because we want to tackle the foundation,” she said.

Synergy Safe Africa (SESA) Programmes Manager, Emmanuel Chitambuli, said besides introducing educational awareness programmes in schools, there is also need to connect young people with business opportunities to overcome difficult situations they face.

He underscored the importance of providing accessible counselling platforms to the youths saying this can help them express their feelings freely.

“SESA focuses on promoting mental health wellness amongst the youth aged 18 and above. We connect them with opportunities through initiatives such as SESA Girl Power Programme which aims to provide youths with access to part-time jobs, vocational skills training and business opportunities,” Chitambuli said.

Ministry of Education Public Relations Officer, Mphatso Nkuonera, said there is need for consultations before making a stand as the Ministry works hand in hand with various stakeholders in dealing with mental health.

LIO has conducted eight sessions in selected districts with over 1,000 people reached.

By Ousman Manda.

Lilongwe, April 29, Mana: Let's Link Up Organisation has arranged auditions for the recruitment of new artists for its upcoming projects as part of its continued commitment to promoting and exposing raw talents in the country.

In an interview on Saturday, Public Relations Officer (PRO) for Link Up Organisation, Vitumbiko Gondwe urged artists such as actors, poets, musicians, visual artists and dancers to utilise this golden opportunity to showcase their talents, which would be helpful for them in the long run.

"This is the chance that you've been waiting for, so don't be reluctant. Send your 30 seconds videos, send your pieces of whatever kind of talents that you do so that you should participate in these auditions," he said.

Gondwe stated that the initiative would help artists enhance their skills and provide them with opportunities for personal and professional growth.

"We believe that giving someone a chance to perform in on a bigger stage gives them confidence to push more in their talents," he mentioned.

An Up and Coming Musician, Moses Maseko said the auditions would help them to enhance their skills and it would provide a platform to them.

He said auditions are not easy and participants need to get ready for it.

The Auditions will end on May 4,2024.

Monday, 29 April 2024 12:51

MZITI donates to flood survivors

By Jacob Nthozi

Nkhata bay, April 29, Mana; Mzuzu Institute of Technology and Innovation (MZITI) Friday donated maize flour worth K1 million to flood survivors in the area of Senior Chief Malanda in Nkhata Bay.

In an interview, Board Chairperson for MZITI, Bishop Joseph Simeza said the donation came following a call that Nkhata Bay District Council made for assistance to 127 households affected by flood in the district.  

"After we heard that a number of households have been affected by floods following continuous heavy rains from April 11, 2024, we thought of extending a hand as an institution working in humanitarian response.

"We know that the flood survivors have many needs, however, for a start, we thought of giving a pack of 10 kilogrammes of maize flour to each of the selected 50 households.

“We are working on how we can help in providing shelter materials that is also in urgent need to rescue those who are hosted in classrooms and prevent continued disruption of learning," he disclosed.

Principal Education Officer, McVinly Kamata thanked MZITI for the support and called on other stakeholders to emulate the gesture.

"We know, the donation cannot reach everyone but this is good for a start and the door is open to all well-wishers who would like to do the same as government alone cannot do everything," he said.

One of the beneficiaries, Akisa Chirwa said the donation would ease some of the challenges her family was facing after losing household items including food stuffs during the floods.

MZITI donated the items with support from Segal Family Foundation.