MEC calls for sensitization on pilot voter registration

MEC calls for sensitization on pilot voter registration

By Aliko Munde


Chitipa, September 16, Mana: Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has appealed to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Political parties to sensitize youth and person with disabilities in Chitipa District to participate in pilot voter registration.


Commissioner for Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC), Rev. Phillip Kambulire made the appeal on Monday during stakeholder meetings aimed at sensitizing CSOs, political party and faith leaders on the pilot voter registration, which starts on September 18 to 19, 2024 in the district.


He said that experience has shown that youths and persons with disabilities turn up to the exercise is very low.


“It's our plea to all stakeholders to make sure that youths and persons with disabilities are mobilized and they take part in this exercise because they are also very important. They are the citizens of Malawi and they need to participate in every electoral process and they know their responsibility,” Rev. Kambulire appealed.


Chairperson for Chitipa CSO Network, Patrick Ziba has assured MEC that they would go flat-out and sensitize the masses including the youths and persons with disabilities to participate in the pilot voter registration exercise.


He said that youth play pivotal role in the country hence the need for them to take a leading role in the exercise.


On his part, Sheik Mambo of Chitipa mosque, thanked MEC for considering faith leaders and other electoral stakeholders for the exercise.


“We are going to sensitize our members to participate in the pilot voter registration exercise. We will make sure that we also reach out to persons with disabilities and youths to take part in the exercise,” he said.


MEC has procured 6,500 Elections Management Devices in readiness for the forthcoming general elections which is slated for 26th September, 2025.


Voter registration for 2025 General Elections starts on October 21, 2024 and Chitipa District is one of the districts included in the first phase of the registration.

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