Malawi appreciate UN response to natural disasters

Malawi appreciate UN response to natural disasters Featured

By Arkangel Tembo, New York, USA


New York, September 21, Mana: Minister of information and Digitalization, Moses Kunkuyu says Malawi appreciates United Nations (UN) support when the country was hit by Tropical Cyclone Freddy which affected many livelihoods.


The minister made the remarks in the US after President Chakwera met the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.


He said president Chakwera met the UN Secretary General to acknowledge various UN support to Malawi in time of disaster and other social protection programmes such as the Social Cash Transfer Programme.  


Kunkuyu said the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) provides rare opportunities for President Chakwera to meet and discuss with UN Secretary General, donors and potential investors.


"The president made further appeal to the UN through the Secretary General that there is still need for assistance to go towards people of Malawi. We still have more people that are affected by drought, the dry spells and the Cyclone Freddy and are still nursing the injuries," Kunkuyu added.


He said the President also told the Secretary General that Malawi people that were affected by the drought still need assistance in form of food as Malawi is faced with numerous climate change related challenges.


Kunkuyu emphasized that Chakwera’s trips to the UNGA and other global summits are always in the best interest of the people of Malawi.


"Chakwera travels to represent his people and when he is representing his people, he carries with him problems that his people are facing in Malawi.


"He also touched on effects of climate change. He put it straight that his people need to be bailed out of situations through building climate resilient infrastructures," the minister added. 


While still in USA, President Chakwera also attended and made a presentation on Malawi's digitalization efforts at a Summit for the Future which discussed and reflected the youth and Digitalisation. 


"The president was invited to make a presentation to hear his plans as far as Digitalisation is concerned. He shared his vision to have connectivity that is affordable," Kunkuyu said, adding that Malawi has been recognized among the 20 countries doing well in digital connectivity.


In the meantime, Malawi Communication Regulatory Authority (MACRA) is constructing Information Communication Technology (ICT) laboratories in community day secondary schools across country as part of Universal Service Fund and Connect a School Project.


Apart from attending the 79th session of UNGA, the president will also attend high level meetings to discuss wide range of issues ranging from peace and security to sustainable development.

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