Government applauds late Nkhulambe's chieftaincy

Government applauds late Nkhulambe's chieftaincy

By Linda Likomwa

Phalombe, August 31, Mana: Deputy Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture Owen Chomanika on Saturday attended burial of Senior Chief Nkhulambe in Phalombe who died on Wednesday night at John Chilembwe Hospital in the district.

Speaking during the funeral ceremony, the Deputy Minister said late Nkhulambe’ s leadership was worthy emulating describing her as “full of humanity “and was known to have left a cleaner record.

The Deputy Minister added that Nkhulambe largely focused on development and uniting her subjects among other good things on record.

“Since she was installed as group village in 1989 until her death, the ministry did not receive any complaints from her subjects and we would like to ask chiefs and all in leadership positions to emulate from her character,” the deputy minister said.

Lhomwe Paramount Chief, Kaduya said Lhomwe chiefs have lost a strong pillar, a person who used to advise other chiefs on governance issues.

Kaduya therefore advised other chiefs to emulate late Nkhulambe’s style of leadership, which she said was exemplary in all aspects.


Speaking earlier, Senior Chief Chimombo of Nsanje described late Nkhulambe as one of the chiefs who had no fear in discharging her duties because she had vast knowledge on leadership beginning as group village head.

“We all need to know that to become a chief we need to have knowledge and wisdom from God. This was the reason she was able to discharge her duties without fear, where people are wrong she was able to say it,” he added.

Born Loney Nachamba, Nkhulambe was born on April 10, 1952 and died at age 72 and became traditional leader as Group Village head Nkhulambe in 1989.

She was elevated to Sub-Traditional Authority Nkhulambe in 2004, in 2009 was elevated to Traditional Authority Nkhulambe and later elevated to a position of Senior Chief in 2019.

In attendance was also Traditional Authority Mambucha from Mozambique and other traditional leaders from Thyolo, Chiradzulu, Mulanje and Nsanje among others.

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