Ntchisi mourns STA Mndinda

Ntchisi mourns STA Mndinda

By James Mwale

Ntchisi, May 31, Mana: People in the area of Senior Chief Nthondo were full of grief Wednesday at Mndinda headquarters ground as they laid to rest Sub Traditional Authority (STA) Mndinda who succumbed to high blood pressure on May 27,2024.

Present at the ceremony was Director of Chiefs Administration in the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture, Charles Makanga, who described late Mndinda’s passing as a big loss to his community describing him as a leader who stood for unity, justice and oneness among his people.

He said that, “Late Mndinda was one exemplary leader who stood for unity and discipline. Even going through his file, you would not find any indiscipline-related documentation unlike other traditional authorities around.

“It is with great sadness that President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera, through me, mourns with you the people of Senior Chief Nthondo following your great loss.”

Mndinda headquarters is in Ntchisi North-east constituency and present was its legislator, Olipa Chimangeni, who described the late as iconic and a collaborative partner in development.

“My collaboration with late Mndinda on development was well coordinated and it is my prayer that as he rests in God’s peace, his successor will be equally of the same quality or more,” she said.

Born Luka Jolomu on September 10, 1947, late Mndinda served as Group Village Head from September 1990 before his elevation to STA on June 10, 2022.

 Joviasi Mawere has been unveiled as the successor.

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