STA Kwanjana laid to rest

STA Kwanjana laid to rest

By Beni Bamusi


Thyolo, May 20, Mana: People from different walks of life led by Deputy Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture, Owen Chomanika, on Sunday attended burial of Sub-Traditional Authority (STA) Kwanjana, born James Damiani, who succumbed to stroke on Friday at Thyolo District Hospital where he was receiving medical treatment. 


In his eulogy at Sambankhunda headquarters, Chomanika said government is saddened by the death of STA Kwanjana considering that Thyolo District has lost four Traditional Authority leaders within a short period of time. 


"The STA has been a person of service and his departure has created a gap. His loss is a blow to the government as chiefs are responsible for the development, peace, unity and the enhancement of culture in their areas," said Chomanika.


He urged the bereaved family to unite and choose a person who will take over from the departed chief.


He said the family has a responsibility to the community of bringing up a new leader to the area, district and the country at large.


“Choose a person who will work with other chiefs, government and the council. A person who will look into the needs of the people in this area," he said.

Councilor for Nchima Ward, Hudson Ovila, representing Thyolo Central Constituency Member of Parliament Dr Ben Phiri, said the death of the STA is a heavy blow to the constituency and ward since he was a person where people were getting advice and knowledge.


He asked the Ministry of Local Government, Unity and Culture to continue promoting the welfare of the chiefs citing that some chiefs are corrupt because they do not get enough to look after their everyday lives. 


Thyolo District Council Chairperson, Listen Banda, expressed gratitude to the ministry for its efforts in looking into the welfare of chiefs in the district.


Senior Chief Khwethemule was saddened by the death of the STA saying the chief has served the position for a short period of time since his installation. 


However, Khwethemule was happy that the bereaved family has already chosen someone to take over from the departed chief.


He said this will reduce chieftaincy wrangles which puts national resources at pressure to solve since at times people drag each other to courts. 


Born April 12, 1943, the late James Damiani was installed as STA on November 16, 2019 and he is survived by a wife, 14 children and 51 grandchildren.

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